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    邓迪: 传说中的儿子回家了

    案例简介:概要 近年来,来自美国的地区外旅游增长了 11%,然而澳大利亚在美国旅游业中的份额却停滞不前,只有 1.3%。因为虽然世界喜欢澳大利亚假日的想法 (我们在欲望方面排名世界第三),但 “距离暴政” 意味着我们很难将这种欲望转化为探视。 由于欧洲和加勒比地区离美国如此之近,澳大利亚旅游局的传统活动宣传我们的葡萄酒和海滩,并没有为飞机上额外的 10 个小时提出足够令人信服的理由。除此之外,我们在一个每年花费超过 5.6B 美元的行业的支出超过了这个事实,我们只是需要做一些不同的事情。 我们的任务是明确的和至关重要的: 我们需要打破澳大利亚的旅游海洋的相同的方式,使我们 a) 最高的头脑,B) 不同和 C) 驱使我们今天打算预订。 战略 虽然澳大利亚旅游业在历史上将投资分散在一年四季,但为了突破,我们需要拥有一个时刻 -- 超级碗 -- 来吸引我们的观众: 美国高价值旅行者。 现有的标语 “没有什么像澳大利亚” 是为了区分澳大利亚,但是之前的活动只是简单地展示了旅游业 -- 海岸线和葡萄园的通用扫射。 但是让澳大利亚与众不同的不仅仅是它的自然本性: 它是它的人民的本性。澳大利亚人以随意的热情和不敬的幽默感而闻名。没有人比 1986 年《鳄鱼邓迪》中的保罗 · 霍根更能体现这一点。这部电影本质上是一场伪装的旅游运动。这场运动让澳大利亚 (和澳大利亚人) 对 1980年代的美国感到如此受欢迎,以至于澳大利亚享受了其历史上最大的旅游业增长。 那么,我们能否以一种不只是说 “没有什么比澳大利亚更好的了” 的方式重新创造这些条件,而是证明了这一点? 相关性 2018年最受期待和谈论的电影之一实际上是澳大利亚精心策划的旅游活动。 在 1月的两周时间里,澳大利亚旅游局让世界相信,一部新的鳄鱼邓迪电影即将上映。在特许经营重新启动的幌子下,这场运动公然展示了澳大利亚所能提供的最好的东西,然后在世界最大的舞台 -- 超级碗 -- 上揭露了真相。 这场前所未有的运动超越了旅游业,登上了好莱坞和流行文化对话的顶峰。这也引发了一场将重启变成现实的全球运动。 结果 从各个方面来看,这是澳大利亚历史上最成功的旅游活动。 我们的活动阶段推动了赛前最有机的公关和参与 (Amobee),因此邓迪成为了最受欢迎的超级碗活动的第一名 (AdAge/Visible Measures)。 头脑的顶端 邓迪获得了 14,310 次公关提及,媒体影响力为 7.7B,相当于 84.4 美元的广告价值 (Meltwater)。我们的挑逗者报道了有史以来在娱乐类 Facebook 研究中最高的广告召回率。 不同 78% 的美国游客认为邓迪将澳大利亚作为度假目的地,帮助驾驶 50% 的电梯到达目的地。 驾驶意图 66% 的暴露的美国消费者更有可能访问,预订意向增加了 83% (活动跟踪)。Australia.com 报告了令人震惊的 20% 的有机铅转化率 (对 2% 的历史) 和 24% 的付费铅转化率 (对 6% 的历史),产生了超过 250,000 的铅。 执行 我们开发了三个阶段来创造媒体狂热,而实际上没有制作电影: 我挑逗 为了在超级碗之前推动公关,我们在一个月后推出了邓迪,就像任何工作室一样: 网站、社交手柄、 IMDB 页面、公关、数字和户外活动。我们通过我们的天才社交网站发布了四个挑逗者,每个都旨在引起比上一个更多的怀疑。 II.揭示 我们的: 60 超级碗 TVC 向 100 观众透露了我们的参与。最初的典型电影预告片慢慢瓦解,成为突出澳大利亚令人眼花缭乱的地方、食物和葡萄酒的公然借口。 III.邀请 当 TVC 播出时,竞选活动从 “电影” 转向 “旅游”,引导人们通过一个专门的竞选市场去澳大利亚。重要的是,我们的 “戏弄” 阶段不仅仅是为了喜剧: 每个预告都建立了我们的观众池,我们重新定位了 “为什么是澳大利亚?”?“我们同时制作的内容,由麦克布赖德主演。 活动描述 在 1986 年,鳄鱼邓迪将美国人介绍到下面的土地上。这部标志性的电影将澳大利亚放在了地图上,也是好莱坞仅有的几部 1980 经典电影之一。直到现在。 1月的 2018年,标志性的澳大利亚特许经营权带着邓迪回来了: 一个传奇人物的儿子回家了。这部电影以好友喜剧的形式出现,由美国丹尼 · 麦克布赖德饰演米克 · 邓迪失散多年的儿子布莱恩 · 邓迪,澳大利亚克里斯 · 海姆斯沃斯饰演他的搭档小沃利全澳大利亚的配角令人印象深刻好莱坞重量级人物的召唤,包括休 · 杰克曼、玛格特 · 罗比、拉塞尔 · 克罗、鲁比 · 罗斯、利亚姆 · 海姆斯沃斯和伊斯拉 · 费舍尔。 预告电影和促销活动鼓励粉丝们在超级碗七世期间观看 “官方电影预告片”。然而,在世界最大的舞台上,这场运动的真相被揭露出来: 这都是澳大利亚精心制作的旅游广告。

    邓迪: 传说中的儿子回家了

    案例简介:Synopsis Out-of-region travel from the US has grown by 11% in recent years, and yet Australia’s share of US tourism has been stagnant at only 1.3%. Because while the world loves the idea of an Australian holiday (we rank third in the world in desire), the “tyranny of distance” means we struggle to convert that desire to visitation. With Europe and the Caribbean so close to the US, Tourism Australia’s traditional campaigns promoting our wine and beaches weren’t presenting a compelling enough argument for the extra 10 hours on a plane. Add to that the fact we’re outspent in an industry that spends over $5.6B a year, we simply needed to do something different. Our tasks were clear and vital: we needed to break Australia out of the tourism sea of sameness in a way that made us A) top-of-mind, B) different and C) drove US intent to book today. Strategy While Tourism Australia historically spreads investment across the year, to break through we needed to own a single moment—the Super Bowl—to be noticed by our audience: American high-value travelers. The existing tagline, “There’s Nothing Like Australia,” was designed to differentiate Australia, but prior campaigns simply showed tourism-generic sweeping shots of coastlines and vineyards. But what makes Australia special isn’t just its physical nature: it’s the nature of its people. Aussies are known for their casual warmth and irreverent sense of humor. No one embodied this better than Paul Hogan in 1986’s Crocodile Dundee. This film was, in essence, a tourism campaign in disguise. A campaign that made Australia (and Australians) feel so desirable to 1980s America, that Australia enjoyed the biggest tourism upswing in its history. So could we recreate these conditions in a way that didn’t just say “There’s Nothing Like Australia,” but proved it? Relevancy One of the most highly anticipated and talked about movies of 2018 was actually an elaborate tourism campaign for Australia. Over two weeks in January, Tourism Australia convinced the world that a new Crocodile Dundee film was on the horizon. Under the guise of a franchise reboot, the campaign blatantly showed the best Australia had to offer, before revealing the truth on the world’s biggest stage: The Super Bowl. This unprecedented campaign transcended the tourism category and rose to the top of Hollywood and pop-culture conversations. It has also sparked a worldwide movement to turn the reboot into a reality. Outcome By every metric, this is the most successful tourism campaign in Australia’s history. Our campaign phasing drove the most pregame organic PR and engagement (Amobee), and as a result Dundee became the #1 Most-Viewed Super Bowl Campaign (AdAge/Visible Measures). Top-of-mind Dundee generated 14,310 PR mentions with a media reach of 7.7B and an equivalent advertising value of $84.4M (Meltwater). Our teasers reported the highest Ad Recall of any Facebook study EVER in the Entertainment category. Different 78% of American travelers felt Dundee differentiated Australia as a vacation destination, helping to drive a 50% lift in destination desirability (Campaign Tracking). Driving Intent 66% of exposed American consumers were more likely to visit, with an 83% increase in intent to book (Campaign Tracking). Australia.com reported an astounding 20% organic lead conversion rate (vs. 2% historical) and 24% paid lead conversion rate (vs. 6% historical), generating over 250,000 leads. Execution We developed three phases to create a media frenzy, without actually making a film: I. TEASE To drive PR before the Super Bowl, we launched Dundee a month out, the way any studio would: a website, social handles, an IMDB page, PR, digital and OOH. We released four teasers through our talents’ social, each designed to arouse more suspicion than the last. II. REVEAL Our :60 Super Bowl TVC revealed our involvement to 100M+ viewers. What began as a typical movie trailer slowly unraveled, becoming a flagrant excuse to highlight Australia’s dazzling locations, food and wine. III. INVITE When the TVC aired, the campaign flipped from “film” to “tourism,” directing people to Australia.com to explore itineraries via a dedicated campaign marketplace. Importantly, our “Tease” phase wasn’t just for comedy: each teaser built our audience pool that we retargeted with “Why Australia?” content we produced simultaneously, featuring McBride. Campaign Description In 1986, Crocodile Dundee introduced Americans to the land down under. The iconic film put Australia on the map and is one of only a few 1980s classics not to have been rebooted in Hollywood. Until now. In January of 2018, the iconic Australian franchise returned with Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home. Presented as a buddy comedy, the movie features American Danny McBride as Brian Dundee, the long-lost son of Mick Dundee, and Australian Chris Hemsworth as his sidekick, Wally Jr. The all-Australian supporting cast has an impressive roll call of Hollywood heavyweights, including Hugh Jackman, Margot Robbie, Russell Crowe, Ruby Rose, Liam Hemsworth and Isla Fisher. Teaser films and a promotional campaign encouraged fans to see the “official movie trailer” during Super Bowl VII. However, on the world’s biggest stage, the truth of the campaign was revealed: it was all an elaborate tourism ad for Australia.

    Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home

    案例简介:概要 近年来,来自美国的地区外旅游增长了 11%,然而澳大利亚在美国旅游业中的份额却停滞不前,只有 1.3%。因为虽然世界喜欢澳大利亚假日的想法 (我们在欲望方面排名世界第三),但 “距离暴政” 意味着我们很难将这种欲望转化为探视。 由于欧洲和加勒比地区离美国如此之近,澳大利亚旅游局的传统活动宣传我们的葡萄酒和海滩,并没有为飞机上额外的 10 个小时提出足够令人信服的理由。除此之外,我们在一个每年花费超过 5.6B 美元的行业的支出超过了这个事实,我们只是需要做一些不同的事情。 我们的任务是明确的和至关重要的: 我们需要打破澳大利亚的旅游海洋的相同的方式,使我们 a) 最高的头脑,B) 不同和 C) 驱使我们今天打算预订。 战略 虽然澳大利亚旅游业在历史上将投资分散在一年四季,但为了突破,我们需要拥有一个时刻 -- 超级碗 -- 来吸引我们的观众: 美国高价值旅行者。 现有的标语 “没有什么像澳大利亚” 是为了区分澳大利亚,但是之前的活动只是简单地展示了旅游业 -- 海岸线和葡萄园的通用扫射。 但是让澳大利亚与众不同的不仅仅是它的自然本性: 它是它的人民的本性。澳大利亚人以随意的热情和不敬的幽默感而闻名。没有人比 1986 年《鳄鱼邓迪》中的保罗 · 霍根更能体现这一点。这部电影本质上是一场伪装的旅游运动。这场运动让澳大利亚 (和澳大利亚人) 对 1980年代的美国感到如此受欢迎,以至于澳大利亚享受了其历史上最大的旅游业增长。 那么,我们能否以一种不只是说 “没有什么比澳大利亚更好的了” 的方式重新创造这些条件,而是证明了这一点? 相关性 2018年最受期待和谈论的电影之一实际上是澳大利亚精心策划的旅游活动。 在 1月的两周时间里,澳大利亚旅游局让世界相信,一部新的鳄鱼邓迪电影即将上映。在特许经营重新启动的幌子下,这场运动公然展示了澳大利亚所能提供的最好的东西,然后在世界最大的舞台 -- 超级碗 -- 上揭露了真相。 这场前所未有的运动超越了旅游业,登上了好莱坞和流行文化对话的顶峰。这也引发了一场将重启变成现实的全球运动。 结果 从各个方面来看,这是澳大利亚历史上最成功的旅游活动。 我们的活动阶段推动了赛前最有机的公关和参与 (Amobee),因此邓迪成为了最受欢迎的超级碗活动的第一名 (AdAge/Visible Measures)。 头脑的顶端 邓迪获得了 14,310 次公关提及,媒体影响力为 7.7B,相当于 84.4 美元的广告价值 (Meltwater)。我们的挑逗者报道了有史以来在娱乐类 Facebook 研究中最高的广告召回率。 不同 78% 的美国游客认为邓迪将澳大利亚作为度假目的地,帮助驾驶 50% 的电梯到达目的地。 驾驶意图 66% 的暴露的美国消费者更有可能访问,预订意向增加了 83% (活动跟踪)。Australia.com 报告了令人震惊的 20% 的有机铅转化率 (对 2% 的历史) 和 24% 的付费铅转化率 (对 6% 的历史),产生了超过 250,000 的铅。 执行 我们开发了三个阶段来创造媒体狂热,而实际上没有制作电影: 我挑逗 为了在超级碗之前推动公关,我们在一个月后推出了邓迪,就像任何工作室一样: 网站、社交手柄、 IMDB 页面、公关、数字和户外活动。我们通过我们的天才社交网站发布了四个挑逗者,每个都旨在引起比上一个更多的怀疑。 II.揭示 我们的: 60 超级碗 TVC 向 100 观众透露了我们的参与。最初的典型电影预告片慢慢瓦解,成为突出澳大利亚令人眼花缭乱的地方、食物和葡萄酒的公然借口。 III.邀请 当 TVC 播出时,竞选活动从 “电影” 转向 “旅游”,引导人们通过一个专门的竞选市场去澳大利亚。重要的是,我们的 “戏弄” 阶段不仅仅是为了喜剧: 每个预告都建立了我们的观众池,我们重新定位了 “为什么是澳大利亚?”?“我们同时制作的内容,由麦克布赖德主演。 活动描述 在 1986 年,鳄鱼邓迪将美国人介绍到下面的土地上。这部标志性的电影将澳大利亚放在了地图上,也是好莱坞仅有的几部 1980 经典电影之一。直到现在。 1月的 2018年,标志性的澳大利亚特许经营权带着邓迪回来了: 一个传奇人物的儿子回家了。这部电影以好友喜剧的形式出现,由美国丹尼 · 麦克布赖德饰演米克 · 邓迪失散多年的儿子布莱恩 · 邓迪,澳大利亚克里斯 · 海姆斯沃斯饰演他的搭档小沃利全澳大利亚的配角令人印象深刻好莱坞重量级人物的召唤,包括休 · 杰克曼、玛格特 · 罗比、拉塞尔 · 克罗、鲁比 · 罗斯、利亚姆 · 海姆斯沃斯和伊斯拉 · 费舍尔。 预告电影和促销活动鼓励粉丝们在超级碗七世期间观看 “官方电影预告片”。然而,在世界最大的舞台上,这场运动的真相被揭露出来: 这都是澳大利亚精心制作的旅游广告。

    Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home

    案例简介:Synopsis Out-of-region travel from the US has grown by 11% in recent years, and yet Australia’s share of US tourism has been stagnant at only 1.3%. Because while the world loves the idea of an Australian holiday (we rank third in the world in desire), the “tyranny of distance” means we struggle to convert that desire to visitation. With Europe and the Caribbean so close to the US, Tourism Australia’s traditional campaigns promoting our wine and beaches weren’t presenting a compelling enough argument for the extra 10 hours on a plane. Add to that the fact we’re outspent in an industry that spends over $5.6B a year, we simply needed to do something different. Our tasks were clear and vital: we needed to break Australia out of the tourism sea of sameness in a way that made us A) top-of-mind, B) different and C) drove US intent to book today. Strategy While Tourism Australia historically spreads investment across the year, to break through we needed to own a single moment—the Super Bowl—to be noticed by our audience: American high-value travelers. The existing tagline, “There’s Nothing Like Australia,” was designed to differentiate Australia, but prior campaigns simply showed tourism-generic sweeping shots of coastlines and vineyards. But what makes Australia special isn’t just its physical nature: it’s the nature of its people. Aussies are known for their casual warmth and irreverent sense of humor. No one embodied this better than Paul Hogan in 1986’s Crocodile Dundee. This film was, in essence, a tourism campaign in disguise. A campaign that made Australia (and Australians) feel so desirable to 1980s America, that Australia enjoyed the biggest tourism upswing in its history. So could we recreate these conditions in a way that didn’t just say “There’s Nothing Like Australia,” but proved it? Relevancy One of the most highly anticipated and talked about movies of 2018 was actually an elaborate tourism campaign for Australia. Over two weeks in January, Tourism Australia convinced the world that a new Crocodile Dundee film was on the horizon. Under the guise of a franchise reboot, the campaign blatantly showed the best Australia had to offer, before revealing the truth on the world’s biggest stage: The Super Bowl. This unprecedented campaign transcended the tourism category and rose to the top of Hollywood and pop-culture conversations. It has also sparked a worldwide movement to turn the reboot into a reality. Outcome By every metric, this is the most successful tourism campaign in Australia’s history. Our campaign phasing drove the most pregame organic PR and engagement (Amobee), and as a result Dundee became the #1 Most-Viewed Super Bowl Campaign (AdAge/Visible Measures). Top-of-mind Dundee generated 14,310 PR mentions with a media reach of 7.7B and an equivalent advertising value of $84.4M (Meltwater). Our teasers reported the highest Ad Recall of any Facebook study EVER in the Entertainment category. Different 78% of American travelers felt Dundee differentiated Australia as a vacation destination, helping to drive a 50% lift in destination desirability (Campaign Tracking). Driving Intent 66% of exposed American consumers were more likely to visit, with an 83% increase in intent to book (Campaign Tracking). Australia.com reported an astounding 20% organic lead conversion rate (vs. 2% historical) and 24% paid lead conversion rate (vs. 6% historical), generating over 250,000 leads. Execution We developed three phases to create a media frenzy, without actually making a film: I. TEASE To drive PR before the Super Bowl, we launched Dundee a month out, the way any studio would: a website, social handles, an IMDB page, PR, digital and OOH. We released four teasers through our talents’ social, each designed to arouse more suspicion than the last. II. REVEAL Our :60 Super Bowl TVC revealed our involvement to 100M+ viewers. What began as a typical movie trailer slowly unraveled, becoming a flagrant excuse to highlight Australia’s dazzling locations, food and wine. III. INVITE When the TVC aired, the campaign flipped from “film” to “tourism,” directing people to Australia.com to explore itineraries via a dedicated campaign marketplace. Importantly, our “Tease” phase wasn’t just for comedy: each teaser built our audience pool that we retargeted with “Why Australia?” content we produced simultaneously, featuring McBride. Campaign Description In 1986, Crocodile Dundee introduced Americans to the land down under. The iconic film put Australia on the map and is one of only a few 1980s classics not to have been rebooted in Hollywood. Until now. In January of 2018, the iconic Australian franchise returned with Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home. Presented as a buddy comedy, the movie features American Danny McBride as Brian Dundee, the long-lost son of Mick Dundee, and Australian Chris Hemsworth as his sidekick, Wally Jr. The all-Australian supporting cast has an impressive roll call of Hollywood heavyweights, including Hugh Jackman, Margot Robbie, Russell Crowe, Ruby Rose, Liam Hemsworth and Isla Fisher. Teaser films and a promotional campaign encouraged fans to see the “official movie trailer” during Super Bowl VII. However, on the world’s biggest stage, the truth of the campaign was revealed: it was all an elaborate tourism ad for Australia.

    邓迪: 传说中的儿子回家了


    Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home





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