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    Edible Six Pack Rings短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 我们与佛罗里达州的一个小型精酿啤酒品牌咸水啤酒厂一起,决定着手解决这个问题,并为整个啤酒行业发表声明。我们构思、设计、原型和制造可食用的六包戒指。六包包装设计,用材料制成,而不是杀死动物是可食用的。通过使用啤酒酿造过程的副产品,如大麦和小麦,这种包装超越了回收,努力实现零浪费。可食用的六个包装环是啤酒行业有史以来第一个 100% 可生物降解、可堆肥和可食用的包装。我们知道,这只是开始, 我们正在与墨西哥年轻工程师的小型初创公司一起申请专利的材料有可能影响 CPG 和食品饮料行业。结果拯救了成千上万的海洋生物。 相关性 我们构思、设计、原型和制造可食用的六包戒指。六包包装设计,而不是杀死动物,喂养它们。我们在一些当地活动中推出了第一批可食用的六包戒指。从盐水啤酒厂、啤酒花园、酒吧和附近的购物点开始。这些活动让我们能够亲自与消费者接触,并让他们有另一个理由选择我们的环保选择,而不是其他品牌。这样,消费者就能亲身体验到我们的新设计和对环境有害的塑料环一样强大。 执行 可食用的六包戒指是由酿造过程中的小麦和大麦残留物制成的,这种设计不仅减少了浪费,还重复使用了它。该材料 100% 可生物降解和堆肥,最重要的是对动物无害。我们需要确保产品能够忍受六包的典型处理,这就是为什么我们要进行几次强度、水和阻力测试,验证第一批产品, 与它的塑料敌人不相上下。 战略 盐水啤酒厂成立于佛罗里达州,迎合冲浪者、渔民和环保意识。他们的目标之一是帮助维护海洋。这就是为什么我们决定与他们合作,做一些有可能彻底改变啤酒罐包装行业的事情..我们在他们的啤酒厂、啤酒花园、酒吧和各种购买点推出了可食用的六包戒指。这让我们能够与消费者接触,让他们有机会选择我们的生态友好选项,而不是其他品牌。比较和学习这 100% 生物降解和安全的动物和海洋选择的第一手资料。人们喜欢它!许多人同意为如此大的影响多付一点钱。 结果 通过第一批可食用的六包戒指的推出,我们增加了: 消费者认为当你购买盐水啤酒时,你支持海洋保护计划。消费者愿意为盐水啤酒支付高价。最重要的是,我们实现了我们的愿景,帮助一家小型啤酒厂实质性、真实地引导啤酒和其他包装密集型行业走向更环保、更可持续的发展直接对我们的星球和相关野生动物产生积极影响的商业实践。可食用的六个包装戒指是一个真正的证明,对于今天的品牌来说,要成功,它不再是最好的世界。而是,通过足够勇敢地采取真正的立场来为世界做最好的事情。 概要 美国人在 2015年喝了 63亿加仑啤酒。随着工艺啤酒厂继续增长,其中 50% 的销量越来越多地以罐出售,并选择罐头而不是瓶子。啤酒罐与塑料六个包装的戒指结合在一起。多年来首选的包装设计解决方案。它重量轻,耐磨损,易于携带,为啤酒行业提供了多年的解决方案。然而,大多数这些塑料六件套环最终进入我们的海洋,对野生动物构成严重威胁,因为潜在的纠缠甚至更糟, 动物吃塑料,当消化系统堵塞时死于饥饿。据绿色和平组织称,今天 80% 的海龟和 70% 的海鸟正在摄入塑料。这意味着每年有 1,000,000 只海鸟、 100,000 只海洋哺乳动物和海龟死亡。啤酒罐和塑料似乎不会消失。除非设计至少去掉一个。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Together with Saltwater Brewery, a small craft beer brand in Florida, we decided to tackle the issue head on and make a statement for the whole beer industry to follow. We ideated, designed, prototyped and manufactured Edible Six Pack Rings. A six-pack packaging design made with materials that instead of killing animals are edible. By using byproducts of the beer brewing process such as barley and wheat, this packaging goes beyond recycling and strives to achieve zero waste. The Edible Six Pack Rings are the first ever 100% biodegradable, compostable and edible packaging implemented in the beer industry. We know, this is only the beginning, the material we are in the process of patenting together with a small startup of young engineers in Mexico has the potential to impact the CPG and Food and Beverage Industries. Saving hundreds of thousands of marine lives as a result. Relevancy We ideated, designed, prototyped and manufactured Edible Six Pack Rings. A six-pack packaging design that instead of killing animals, feeds them. We launched the first batch of these edible six-pack rings at a number of local events. Starting with the Saltwater Brewery, beer gardens, bars, and nearby points of purchase. The events allowed us to engage personally with consumers and give them yet another reason to choose our eco friendly option against other brands. This way, consumers were able to experience first hand that our new design was just as strong as the environmentally harmful plastic ring option. Execution The Edible six-pack rings are made out of the wheat and barley remnants from the brewing process, this design not only reduces waste, but re-uses it. The material is 100% biodegradable and compostable, and most importantly non harmful to animals. We needed to make sure the product was able to endure the typical handling of a six pack, and that’s why underwent several strength, water and resistance tests, verifying that this first batch of product, was up to par with its plastic enemy. Strategy Saltwater Brewery was founded in florida and caters to surfers, fishermen and the environmentally conscious. One of their goals is to help maintain the ocean. That’s why we decided to partner with them and do something that could potentially revolutionize the beer can packaging industry.. We launched the Edible Six-pack rings in their brewery, beer gardens, bars, and all kinds of point of purchase. It allowed us to engage with consumers giving them a chance to choose our eco friendly option against other brands. Comparing and learning first hand about this 100% biodegradable and safe for the animals and the ocean options. People loved it! Many agreed to pay a little extra for such a big impact. Outcome Through the launch of the first batch of Edible Six Pack Rings we increased:The perception in consumers minds that when you buy a Saltwater Beer you support Ocean Conservancy Initiatives. Willingness from consumers to pay a premium price for Saltwater Beer.Most important we fulfilled our vision to help a small brewery to substantially and truthfully guide the Beer and other packaging intensive industries to a more environmentally & sustainable business practice that directly has a positive influence in our planet and associated wildlife.Edible Six Pack Rings are a true testament that for brands to be successful today, it is no longer about being the best IN the world. But rather, being the best FOR the world by being courageous enough to take a real stance. Synopsis Americans drank 6.3 billion gallons of beer in 2015. Fifty percent of that volume is increasingly sold in cans as craft breweries continue to grow and choose can over bottle. Beer cans come together with plastic six-pack rings. The preferred packaging design solution for years. It is lightweight, resistant, easy to carry and provided the beer industry with a solution for years. However, most of these plastic six-pack rings end up in our oceans and pose a serious threat to wildlife for the potential entanglement and even worse, animals eat the plastic and die of hunger as their digestive systems get clogged. According to GreenPeace, 80% of Sea Turtles and 70% of Seabirds are ingesting plastic today. This translates to 1,000,000 seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles dying each year.It seems beer cans and plastic won’t go away. Unless design gets rid of at least one.

    Edible Six Pack Rings

    案例简介:活动描述 我们与佛罗里达州的一个小型精酿啤酒品牌咸水啤酒厂一起,决定着手解决这个问题,并为整个啤酒行业发表声明。我们构思、设计、原型和制造可食用的六包戒指。六包包装设计,用材料制成,而不是杀死动物是可食用的。通过使用啤酒酿造过程的副产品,如大麦和小麦,这种包装超越了回收,努力实现零浪费。可食用的六个包装环是啤酒行业有史以来第一个 100% 可生物降解、可堆肥和可食用的包装。我们知道,这只是开始, 我们正在与墨西哥年轻工程师的小型初创公司一起申请专利的材料有可能影响 CPG 和食品饮料行业。结果拯救了成千上万的海洋生物。 相关性 我们构思、设计、原型和制造可食用的六包戒指。六包包装设计,而不是杀死动物,喂养它们。我们在一些当地活动中推出了第一批可食用的六包戒指。从盐水啤酒厂、啤酒花园、酒吧和附近的购物点开始。这些活动让我们能够亲自与消费者接触,并让他们有另一个理由选择我们的环保选择,而不是其他品牌。这样,消费者就能亲身体验到我们的新设计和对环境有害的塑料环一样强大。 执行 可食用的六包戒指是由酿造过程中的小麦和大麦残留物制成的,这种设计不仅减少了浪费,还重复使用了它。该材料 100% 可生物降解和堆肥,最重要的是对动物无害。我们需要确保产品能够忍受六包的典型处理,这就是为什么我们要进行几次强度、水和阻力测试,验证第一批产品, 与它的塑料敌人不相上下。 战略 盐水啤酒厂成立于佛罗里达州,迎合冲浪者、渔民和环保意识。他们的目标之一是帮助维护海洋。这就是为什么我们决定与他们合作,做一些有可能彻底改变啤酒罐包装行业的事情..我们在他们的啤酒厂、啤酒花园、酒吧和各种购买点推出了可食用的六包戒指。这让我们能够与消费者接触,让他们有机会选择我们的生态友好选项,而不是其他品牌。比较和学习这 100% 生物降解和安全的动物和海洋选择的第一手资料。人们喜欢它!许多人同意为如此大的影响多付一点钱。 结果 通过第一批可食用的六包戒指的推出,我们增加了: 消费者认为当你购买盐水啤酒时,你支持海洋保护计划。消费者愿意为盐水啤酒支付高价。最重要的是,我们实现了我们的愿景,帮助一家小型啤酒厂实质性、真实地引导啤酒和其他包装密集型行业走向更环保、更可持续的发展直接对我们的星球和相关野生动物产生积极影响的商业实践。可食用的六个包装戒指是一个真正的证明,对于今天的品牌来说,要成功,它不再是最好的世界。而是,通过足够勇敢地采取真正的立场来为世界做最好的事情。 概要 美国人在 2015年喝了 63亿加仑啤酒。随着工艺啤酒厂继续增长,其中 50% 的销量越来越多地以罐出售,并选择罐头而不是瓶子。啤酒罐与塑料六个包装的戒指结合在一起。多年来首选的包装设计解决方案。它重量轻,耐磨损,易于携带,为啤酒行业提供了多年的解决方案。然而,大多数这些塑料六件套环最终进入我们的海洋,对野生动物构成严重威胁,因为潜在的纠缠甚至更糟, 动物吃塑料,当消化系统堵塞时死于饥饿。据绿色和平组织称,今天 80% 的海龟和 70% 的海鸟正在摄入塑料。这意味着每年有 1,000,000 只海鸟、 100,000 只海洋哺乳动物和海龟死亡。啤酒罐和塑料似乎不会消失。除非设计至少去掉一个。

    Edible Six Pack Rings

    案例简介:Campaign Description Together with Saltwater Brewery, a small craft beer brand in Florida, we decided to tackle the issue head on and make a statement for the whole beer industry to follow. We ideated, designed, prototyped and manufactured Edible Six Pack Rings. A six-pack packaging design made with materials that instead of killing animals are edible. By using byproducts of the beer brewing process such as barley and wheat, this packaging goes beyond recycling and strives to achieve zero waste. The Edible Six Pack Rings are the first ever 100% biodegradable, compostable and edible packaging implemented in the beer industry. We know, this is only the beginning, the material we are in the process of patenting together with a small startup of young engineers in Mexico has the potential to impact the CPG and Food and Beverage Industries. Saving hundreds of thousands of marine lives as a result. Relevancy We ideated, designed, prototyped and manufactured Edible Six Pack Rings. A six-pack packaging design that instead of killing animals, feeds them. We launched the first batch of these edible six-pack rings at a number of local events. Starting with the Saltwater Brewery, beer gardens, bars, and nearby points of purchase. The events allowed us to engage personally with consumers and give them yet another reason to choose our eco friendly option against other brands. This way, consumers were able to experience first hand that our new design was just as strong as the environmentally harmful plastic ring option. Execution The Edible six-pack rings are made out of the wheat and barley remnants from the brewing process, this design not only reduces waste, but re-uses it. The material is 100% biodegradable and compostable, and most importantly non harmful to animals. We needed to make sure the product was able to endure the typical handling of a six pack, and that’s why underwent several strength, water and resistance tests, verifying that this first batch of product, was up to par with its plastic enemy. Strategy Saltwater Brewery was founded in florida and caters to surfers, fishermen and the environmentally conscious. One of their goals is to help maintain the ocean. That’s why we decided to partner with them and do something that could potentially revolutionize the beer can packaging industry.. We launched the Edible Six-pack rings in their brewery, beer gardens, bars, and all kinds of point of purchase. It allowed us to engage with consumers giving them a chance to choose our eco friendly option against other brands. Comparing and learning first hand about this 100% biodegradable and safe for the animals and the ocean options. People loved it! Many agreed to pay a little extra for such a big impact. Outcome Through the launch of the first batch of Edible Six Pack Rings we increased:The perception in consumers minds that when you buy a Saltwater Beer you support Ocean Conservancy Initiatives. Willingness from consumers to pay a premium price for Saltwater Beer.Most important we fulfilled our vision to help a small brewery to substantially and truthfully guide the Beer and other packaging intensive industries to a more environmentally & sustainable business practice that directly has a positive influence in our planet and associated wildlife.Edible Six Pack Rings are a true testament that for brands to be successful today, it is no longer about being the best IN the world. But rather, being the best FOR the world by being courageous enough to take a real stance. Synopsis Americans drank 6.3 billion gallons of beer in 2015. Fifty percent of that volume is increasingly sold in cans as craft breweries continue to grow and choose can over bottle. Beer cans come together with plastic six-pack rings. The preferred packaging design solution for years. It is lightweight, resistant, easy to carry and provided the beer industry with a solution for years. However, most of these plastic six-pack rings end up in our oceans and pose a serious threat to wildlife for the potential entanglement and even worse, animals eat the plastic and die of hunger as their digestive systems get clogged. According to GreenPeace, 80% of Sea Turtles and 70% of Seabirds are ingesting plastic today. This translates to 1,000,000 seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles dying each year.It seems beer cans and plastic won’t go away. Unless design gets rid of at least one.



    Edible Six Pack Rings










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