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    The Berlin Wall Of Sound - The Most Unbearable Radio Ad短视频,音频广告营销案例



    声音的柏林墙 -- 最难以忍受的广播广告

    案例简介:简要解释 钛 活动描述 在柏林墙倒塌 25 周年之际,SoundCloud 制作了一个视听纪念碑,因为它的总部位于柏林墙的旧址上。没有墙的倒塌,音云就不会存在。目的是让年轻的后墙一代 SoundCloud 体验柏林墙几十年的悲惨事件。随着电子舞蹈音乐般的标题《声音的柏林墙》,音轨是一个特洛伊木马,给观众带来了意想不到的体验: 不是电子音乐,而是柏林墙的声学重建。核心想法是一条音轨,其声波形式完全反映了前柏林墙的形状。体验的 7:32 分钟长度等于声音穿越 155千米柏林墙所需的时间。前东德政治家的原创宣传和谎言以及巡逻边防人员的原创声音都嵌入了超低频,让你感受到真正屏障的不适。 有效性 发射后仅四天,就有 100,000 多人体验了声音的柏林墙,受到 1,000 多人的喜爱,并被转发了 400 次。世界各地的记者、有影响力的音乐家和新闻频道都提到和引用了《声音的柏林墙》。这个想法达到了目标: 一个针对年轻一代的不受欢迎的话题 -- 几十年前的受害者和悲剧事件 -- 在流行文化媒体上流行起来。音乐频道发布了它,并播放了声音文件,甚至 dj 也在混音中使用了这首歌。它被发布在 400 多个博客中,并被德国领先的周报《时代周刊》列为纪念 25 周年的两个显著事件之一。甚至德国联邦公民教育局也提到了这一点。 实施 声音的柏林墙在一周内成为 SoundCloud 的全球登陆页面,并永久嵌入 SoundCloud 的账户和标题。 相关性 目标观众主要是 15 至 25 岁的几代人,他们从未参与过柏林墙的历史性和悲剧性事件。他们对这些 “老故事” 并不真正感兴趣。SoundCloud 的大多数用户都是这个年龄组的。这就是为什么 SoundCloud 决定使用自己的平台和功能来讲述柏林墙,让他们以体验音乐的方式体验历史。SoundCloud 的典型特征是你可以看到音乐的声波形式。这个想法的核心是创建柏林墙的声学重建,声波形式完全反映了原始柏林墙的形状。通过为墙上的所有受害者创建 100 多个简介和 ip地址,我们能够用视听轨道的时间表标记受害者的肖像和死亡情况。让声音的柏林墙成为在线视听纪念体验。 活动描述 SoundCloud 利用自己的渠道为这一不寻常的纪念碑服务,以接触年轻一代,这对于 SoundCloud 来说是典型的。这一代人并不真正记得柏林墙的悲惨事件。在电视上你很难得到这个目标群体。 有效性 在柏林墙倒塌 25 周年之际,SoundCloud 推出了声音柏林墙 -- 柏林墙的声学重建。SoundCloud 决定在其平台上创建这个视听纪念碑,因为它的总部就位于柏林墙的原址上。没有墙的倒塌,音云就不会存在。我们用声音重建了柏林墙。SoundCloud 的典型特征是你可以看到音乐的声波形式。核心想法是一条音轨,其声波形式完全反映了前柏林墙的形状。音轨是 7:32 分钟长,这是声音在原始柏林墙 155 公里处传播所需的确切时间。用轨道的时间表标记的不是 SoundCloud -- 典型的用户评论,而是墙的受害者以及他们死亡的情况、时间和地点。《声音的柏林墙》是 SoundCloud 为期一周的全球登陆页面。 实施 声音的柏林墙是一种身临其境的音频体验。听它是不容易的,很难忍受。用 30 年前的苏联合成器产生的超低频产生了一种不适的感觉。观众真的感受到了柏林墙的屏障及其悲惨事件。此外,你可以在嵌入的地图上看到柏林周围的墙与音轨平行的动画。 结果 《声音的柏林墙》推出仅四天后,就有 100,000 多人体验过,1,000 多人喜欢,并出现在 400 多个博客中。世界各地顶级媒体、有影响力的音乐家和新闻频道的记者都提到并引用了《声音的柏林墙》。这个想法达到了目标: 一个不受欢迎的话题通过流行音乐变得流行起来文化媒体。这些评论和推文显示了对 SoundCloud 的看法的变化: 从单一的音乐平台转向除了音乐之外的音频体验社交平台。音乐频道发布了它,甚至 dj 也在混音中使用了这首歌。它被德国领先的周报《时代周报》列为纪念 25 周年的两件大事之一。甚至德国联邦公民教育局也提到了这一点。 相关性 音频平台 SoundCloud 使用自己的功能和工具为柏林墙的受害者创建了一个视听纪念碑。超过 7 分钟的长时间体验,由德国民主共和国政治家的原始宣传、边境警卫的声音 -- 嵌入在声音和频率中,让你不仅记得事件, 但感觉他们。 执行 这个想法的核心是一个音轨,其声波形式描绘了墙的确切形状。7:32 分钟的长度等于声音穿越 155千米柏林墙所需的时间。音频包括原始的东德政治家宣传和边防警卫的声音,嵌入在超低频中,以创造一种不适的感觉,面朝墙壁。一个 30 年前的苏联合成器被用来制作声音。标有轨道的是柏林墙所有受害者的肖像。这一体验成为了 SoundCloud 为期一周的全球登陆页面。 结果 在发射后的四天内,100,000 多人经历了要求苛刻的 7:32 分钟长的柏林墙,受到了 1,000 多人的喜欢,并被转发了 400 次。世界各地的记者和有影响力的音乐家都提到了这一经历。这个想法达到了目标 -- 后墙时代。一个不受欢迎的话题通过流行文化媒体变得流行起来。音乐频道发布了它,dj 在混音中使用了这首歌。但德国公民教育联邦局也列出了它。 战略 世界领先的电子音乐社交音频平台 SoundCloud 想记住柏林墙倒塌 25 周年, 因为 SoundCloud 的总部位于柏林墙的旧址。目的是让年轻的后墙一代 SoundCloud 体验柏林墙几十年的悲惨事件。以声音的柏林墙命名,音轨是一个特洛伊木马,给观众一个意想不到的体验: 不是电子音乐,而是柏林墙的声学重建。SoundCloud 的典型特征是你可以看到音乐的声波形式。我们用这个作为我们的核心想法,用声波创建一条音轨,完全反映柏林墙的形状。此外,我们还为 107 名柏林墙受害者标记了声音柏林墙的时间表。

    声音的柏林墙 -- 最难以忍受的广播广告

    案例简介:Brief Explanation Titanium Campaign Description For the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, SoundCloud made an audio-visual memorial, because its headquarter is located on the former site of the Berlin Wall. Without the fall of the Wall SoundCloud wouldn’t exist. Objective was to give the young post-Wall generation of SoundCloud an experience of the tragic events during the decades of the Berlin Wall. With the electronic dance music-like title Berlin Wall of Sound the audio track was a Trojan horse surprising the audience with an unexpected experience: not electronic music but an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall. Core idea was an audio track with a sound wave form exactly mirroring the shape of the former Berlin Wall. The 7:32 minutes length of the experience equals the time sound needs to travel the 155 km Berlin Wall. Original propaganda and lies of former GDR politicians and original voices of border guards on patrol are embedded in ultra-low frequencies to make you feel the discomfort of a real barrier. Effectiveness Only four days after its launch the Berlin Wall of Sound was experienced by more than 100,000 people, liked by over 1,000 and reposted 400 times. The Berlin Wall of Sound was mentioned and cited by journalists, influential musicians and news channels around the world. The idea was hitting the target: a for young generations unpopular topic – the victims and tragic events of a time decades ago – became popular in pop culture media. Music channels posted it and aired the sound file it, even DJs used the track in remixes. It was posted in more than 400 blogs and listed by Germanys leading weekly newspaper Die Zeit as one of two remarkable events marking the 25th anniversary. Even the Federal Bureau for Civic Education Germany mentioned it. Implementation The Berlin Wall of Sound became the global landing page of SoundCloud for one week and is permanently embedded as account and title on SoundCloud. Relevancy The target audiences are mainly 15 to 25 years old generations, who have never been involved in the historic and tragic events of the Berlin Wall. They are not really interested in these “old stories”. Most users of SoundCloud are of this age group. That’s why SoundCloud decided to use its own platform and features to tell about the Berlin Wall and let them experience history the way they are used to experience music. Typical for SoundCloud is that you see the sound wave form of the music. Core of the idea was to create an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall with a sound wave form exactly mirroring the shape of the original Berlin Wall. By creating more than 100 profiles and IP addresses for all the victims of the Wall we were able to tag the victims’ portraits and circumstances of their deaths with the timeline of the audio-visual track. Making The Berlin Wall of Sound a audio-visual online memorial experience. Campaign Description SoundCloud used its own channel for this unusual memorial to reach out for a young generation, which is typical for SoundCloud. A generation, which doesn’t really remember the tragic events of the Berlin Wall. On TV you hardly get this target group. Effectiveness For the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, SoundCloud launched The Berlin Wall of Sound – an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall. SoundCloud decided to create this audio-visual memorial on its platform, because its headquarter is located right on the former site of the Berlin Wall. Without the fall of the Wall SoundCloud wouldn’t exist. We recreated the Berlin Wall with sound. Typical for SoundCloud is that you see the sound wave form of the music. Core idea was an audio track with a sound wave form exactly mirroring the shape of the former Berlin Wall. The sound track is 7:32 minutes long, which is the exact time sound needs to travel the 155 kilometers of the original Berlin Wall. Tagged with the timeline of the track are not the SoundCloud-typical user comments but the victims of the Wall and the circumstances, time and place of their death. The Berlin Wall of Sound was the global landing page of SoundCloud for one week. Implementation The Berlin Wall of Sound is an immersive audio experience. Listening to it is not easy and hard to stand. Ultra-low frequencies generated with an original 30 years old Soviet synthesizer create a feeling of discomfort. The audience literally feels the barrier of the Berlin Wall and its tragic events. In addition you could see an animation of the Wall surrounding Berlin parallel to the audio track on an embedded map. Outcome Only four days after its launch the Berlin Wall of Sound was experienced by more than 100,000 people, liked by over 1,000 and appeared in over 400 blogs. The Berlin Wall of Sound was mentioned and cited by journalists of top-level media, influential musicians and news channels around the world. The idea was hitting the target: An unpopular topic became popular through pop culture media. The comments and tweets showed a change in the perception of SoundCloud: A shift from a solely music platform to a social platform about audio experiences also beyond music. Music channels posted it and even DJs used the track in remixes. It was listed by Germanys leading weekly newspaper Die Zeit as one of two remarkable events marking the 25th anniversary. Even the Federal Bureau for Civic Education Germany mentioned it. Relevancy The audio platform SoundCloud used its own features and tools to create an audio-visual memorial for the victims of the Berlin Wall. A more than 7 minutes long experience, made of original propaganda of German Democratic Republic politicians, voices of border guards – embedded in sounds and frequencies, that made you not just remember the events, but feeling them. Execution Core of the idea is an audio track with a sound wave form depicting the exact shape of the Wall. The 7:32 minutes length equals the time sound needs to travel the 155 km Berlin Wall. The audio includes original GDR politician propaganda and border guard voices, embedded in ultra-low frequencies to create a feeling of discomfort and facing a wall. A 30 years old Soviet synthesizer was used to create the sounds. Tagged with the track were portraits of all victims of the Berlin Wall. The experience became the global landing page of SoundCloud for one week. Outcome Within four days after its launch the demanding 7:32 minutes long Berlin Wall of Sound was experienced by more than 100,000 people, liked by over 1,000 and reposted 400 times. Journalists and influential musicians around the world mentioned the experience. The idea reached its target – post-wall generations. An unpopular topic became popular through a pop culture media. Music channels posted it, DJs used the track in remixes. But also the Federal Bureau for Civic Education Germany listed it. Strategy SoundCloud, the world’s leading social audio platform for electronic music, wanted to remember the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, because the headquarter of SoundCloud is located on the former site of the Berlin Wall. Objective was to give the young post-Wall generation of SoundCloud an experience of the tragic events during the decades of the Berlin Wall. With the name Berlin Wall of Sound the audio track was a Trojan horse giving the audience an unexpected experience: not electronic music but an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall. Typical for SoundCloud is that you see the sound wave form of the music. This we used for our core idea to create an audio track with a sound wave exactly mirroring the shape of the Berlin Wall. In addition we tagged the timeline of the Berlin Wall of Sound with the 107 victims of the Berlin Wall.

    The Berlin Wall Of Sound - The Most Unbearable Radio Ad

    案例简介:简要解释 钛 活动描述 在柏林墙倒塌 25 周年之际,SoundCloud 制作了一个视听纪念碑,因为它的总部位于柏林墙的旧址上。没有墙的倒塌,音云就不会存在。目的是让年轻的后墙一代 SoundCloud 体验柏林墙几十年的悲惨事件。随着电子舞蹈音乐般的标题《声音的柏林墙》,音轨是一个特洛伊木马,给观众带来了意想不到的体验: 不是电子音乐,而是柏林墙的声学重建。核心想法是一条音轨,其声波形式完全反映了前柏林墙的形状。体验的 7:32 分钟长度等于声音穿越 155千米柏林墙所需的时间。前东德政治家的原创宣传和谎言以及巡逻边防人员的原创声音都嵌入了超低频,让你感受到真正屏障的不适。 有效性 发射后仅四天,就有 100,000 多人体验了声音的柏林墙,受到 1,000 多人的喜爱,并被转发了 400 次。世界各地的记者、有影响力的音乐家和新闻频道都提到和引用了《声音的柏林墙》。这个想法达到了目标: 一个针对年轻一代的不受欢迎的话题 -- 几十年前的受害者和悲剧事件 -- 在流行文化媒体上流行起来。音乐频道发布了它,并播放了声音文件,甚至 dj 也在混音中使用了这首歌。它被发布在 400 多个博客中,并被德国领先的周报《时代周刊》列为纪念 25 周年的两个显著事件之一。甚至德国联邦公民教育局也提到了这一点。 实施 声音的柏林墙在一周内成为 SoundCloud 的全球登陆页面,并永久嵌入 SoundCloud 的账户和标题。 相关性 目标观众主要是 15 至 25 岁的几代人,他们从未参与过柏林墙的历史性和悲剧性事件。他们对这些 “老故事” 并不真正感兴趣。SoundCloud 的大多数用户都是这个年龄组的。这就是为什么 SoundCloud 决定使用自己的平台和功能来讲述柏林墙,让他们以体验音乐的方式体验历史。SoundCloud 的典型特征是你可以看到音乐的声波形式。这个想法的核心是创建柏林墙的声学重建,声波形式完全反映了原始柏林墙的形状。通过为墙上的所有受害者创建 100 多个简介和 ip地址,我们能够用视听轨道的时间表标记受害者的肖像和死亡情况。让声音的柏林墙成为在线视听纪念体验。 活动描述 SoundCloud 利用自己的渠道为这一不寻常的纪念碑服务,以接触年轻一代,这对于 SoundCloud 来说是典型的。这一代人并不真正记得柏林墙的悲惨事件。在电视上你很难得到这个目标群体。 有效性 在柏林墙倒塌 25 周年之际,SoundCloud 推出了声音柏林墙 -- 柏林墙的声学重建。SoundCloud 决定在其平台上创建这个视听纪念碑,因为它的总部就位于柏林墙的原址上。没有墙的倒塌,音云就不会存在。我们用声音重建了柏林墙。SoundCloud 的典型特征是你可以看到音乐的声波形式。核心想法是一条音轨,其声波形式完全反映了前柏林墙的形状。音轨是 7:32 分钟长,这是声音在原始柏林墙 155 公里处传播所需的确切时间。用轨道的时间表标记的不是 SoundCloud -- 典型的用户评论,而是墙的受害者以及他们死亡的情况、时间和地点。《声音的柏林墙》是 SoundCloud 为期一周的全球登陆页面。 实施 声音的柏林墙是一种身临其境的音频体验。听它是不容易的,很难忍受。用 30 年前的苏联合成器产生的超低频产生了一种不适的感觉。观众真的感受到了柏林墙的屏障及其悲惨事件。此外,你可以在嵌入的地图上看到柏林周围的墙与音轨平行的动画。 结果 《声音的柏林墙》推出仅四天后,就有 100,000 多人体验过,1,000 多人喜欢,并出现在 400 多个博客中。世界各地顶级媒体、有影响力的音乐家和新闻频道的记者都提到并引用了《声音的柏林墙》。这个想法达到了目标: 一个不受欢迎的话题通过流行音乐变得流行起来文化媒体。这些评论和推文显示了对 SoundCloud 的看法的变化: 从单一的音乐平台转向除了音乐之外的音频体验社交平台。音乐频道发布了它,甚至 dj 也在混音中使用了这首歌。它被德国领先的周报《时代周报》列为纪念 25 周年的两件大事之一。甚至德国联邦公民教育局也提到了这一点。 相关性 音频平台 SoundCloud 使用自己的功能和工具为柏林墙的受害者创建了一个视听纪念碑。超过 7 分钟的长时间体验,由德国民主共和国政治家的原始宣传、边境警卫的声音 -- 嵌入在声音和频率中,让你不仅记得事件, 但感觉他们。 执行 这个想法的核心是一个音轨,其声波形式描绘了墙的确切形状。7:32 分钟的长度等于声音穿越 155千米柏林墙所需的时间。音频包括原始的东德政治家宣传和边防警卫的声音,嵌入在超低频中,以创造一种不适的感觉,面朝墙壁。一个 30 年前的苏联合成器被用来制作声音。标有轨道的是柏林墙所有受害者的肖像。这一体验成为了 SoundCloud 为期一周的全球登陆页面。 结果 在发射后的四天内,100,000 多人经历了要求苛刻的 7:32 分钟长的柏林墙,受到了 1,000 多人的喜欢,并被转发了 400 次。世界各地的记者和有影响力的音乐家都提到了这一经历。这个想法达到了目标 -- 后墙时代。一个不受欢迎的话题通过流行文化媒体变得流行起来。音乐频道发布了它,dj 在混音中使用了这首歌。但德国公民教育联邦局也列出了它。 战略 世界领先的电子音乐社交音频平台 SoundCloud 想记住柏林墙倒塌 25 周年, 因为 SoundCloud 的总部位于柏林墙的旧址。目的是让年轻的后墙一代 SoundCloud 体验柏林墙几十年的悲惨事件。以声音的柏林墙命名,音轨是一个特洛伊木马,给观众一个意想不到的体验: 不是电子音乐,而是柏林墙的声学重建。SoundCloud 的典型特征是你可以看到音乐的声波形式。我们用这个作为我们的核心想法,用声波创建一条音轨,完全反映柏林墙的形状。此外,我们还为 107 名柏林墙受害者标记了声音柏林墙的时间表。

    The Berlin Wall Of Sound - The Most Unbearable Radio Ad

    案例简介:Brief Explanation Titanium Campaign Description For the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, SoundCloud made an audio-visual memorial, because its headquarter is located on the former site of the Berlin Wall. Without the fall of the Wall SoundCloud wouldn’t exist. Objective was to give the young post-Wall generation of SoundCloud an experience of the tragic events during the decades of the Berlin Wall. With the electronic dance music-like title Berlin Wall of Sound the audio track was a Trojan horse surprising the audience with an unexpected experience: not electronic music but an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall. Core idea was an audio track with a sound wave form exactly mirroring the shape of the former Berlin Wall. The 7:32 minutes length of the experience equals the time sound needs to travel the 155 km Berlin Wall. Original propaganda and lies of former GDR politicians and original voices of border guards on patrol are embedded in ultra-low frequencies to make you feel the discomfort of a real barrier. Effectiveness Only four days after its launch the Berlin Wall of Sound was experienced by more than 100,000 people, liked by over 1,000 and reposted 400 times. The Berlin Wall of Sound was mentioned and cited by journalists, influential musicians and news channels around the world. The idea was hitting the target: a for young generations unpopular topic – the victims and tragic events of a time decades ago – became popular in pop culture media. Music channels posted it and aired the sound file it, even DJs used the track in remixes. It was posted in more than 400 blogs and listed by Germanys leading weekly newspaper Die Zeit as one of two remarkable events marking the 25th anniversary. Even the Federal Bureau for Civic Education Germany mentioned it. Implementation The Berlin Wall of Sound became the global landing page of SoundCloud for one week and is permanently embedded as account and title on SoundCloud. Relevancy The target audiences are mainly 15 to 25 years old generations, who have never been involved in the historic and tragic events of the Berlin Wall. They are not really interested in these “old stories”. Most users of SoundCloud are of this age group. That’s why SoundCloud decided to use its own platform and features to tell about the Berlin Wall and let them experience history the way they are used to experience music. Typical for SoundCloud is that you see the sound wave form of the music. Core of the idea was to create an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall with a sound wave form exactly mirroring the shape of the original Berlin Wall. By creating more than 100 profiles and IP addresses for all the victims of the Wall we were able to tag the victims’ portraits and circumstances of their deaths with the timeline of the audio-visual track. Making The Berlin Wall of Sound a audio-visual online memorial experience. Campaign Description SoundCloud used its own channel for this unusual memorial to reach out for a young generation, which is typical for SoundCloud. A generation, which doesn’t really remember the tragic events of the Berlin Wall. On TV you hardly get this target group. Effectiveness For the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, SoundCloud launched The Berlin Wall of Sound – an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall. SoundCloud decided to create this audio-visual memorial on its platform, because its headquarter is located right on the former site of the Berlin Wall. Without the fall of the Wall SoundCloud wouldn’t exist. We recreated the Berlin Wall with sound. Typical for SoundCloud is that you see the sound wave form of the music. Core idea was an audio track with a sound wave form exactly mirroring the shape of the former Berlin Wall. The sound track is 7:32 minutes long, which is the exact time sound needs to travel the 155 kilometers of the original Berlin Wall. Tagged with the timeline of the track are not the SoundCloud-typical user comments but the victims of the Wall and the circumstances, time and place of their death. The Berlin Wall of Sound was the global landing page of SoundCloud for one week. Implementation The Berlin Wall of Sound is an immersive audio experience. Listening to it is not easy and hard to stand. Ultra-low frequencies generated with an original 30 years old Soviet synthesizer create a feeling of discomfort. The audience literally feels the barrier of the Berlin Wall and its tragic events. In addition you could see an animation of the Wall surrounding Berlin parallel to the audio track on an embedded map. Outcome Only four days after its launch the Berlin Wall of Sound was experienced by more than 100,000 people, liked by over 1,000 and appeared in over 400 blogs. The Berlin Wall of Sound was mentioned and cited by journalists of top-level media, influential musicians and news channels around the world. The idea was hitting the target: An unpopular topic became popular through pop culture media. The comments and tweets showed a change in the perception of SoundCloud: A shift from a solely music platform to a social platform about audio experiences also beyond music. Music channels posted it and even DJs used the track in remixes. It was listed by Germanys leading weekly newspaper Die Zeit as one of two remarkable events marking the 25th anniversary. Even the Federal Bureau for Civic Education Germany mentioned it. Relevancy The audio platform SoundCloud used its own features and tools to create an audio-visual memorial for the victims of the Berlin Wall. A more than 7 minutes long experience, made of original propaganda of German Democratic Republic politicians, voices of border guards – embedded in sounds and frequencies, that made you not just remember the events, but feeling them. Execution Core of the idea is an audio track with a sound wave form depicting the exact shape of the Wall. The 7:32 minutes length equals the time sound needs to travel the 155 km Berlin Wall. The audio includes original GDR politician propaganda and border guard voices, embedded in ultra-low frequencies to create a feeling of discomfort and facing a wall. A 30 years old Soviet synthesizer was used to create the sounds. Tagged with the track were portraits of all victims of the Berlin Wall. The experience became the global landing page of SoundCloud for one week. Outcome Within four days after its launch the demanding 7:32 minutes long Berlin Wall of Sound was experienced by more than 100,000 people, liked by over 1,000 and reposted 400 times. Journalists and influential musicians around the world mentioned the experience. The idea reached its target – post-wall generations. An unpopular topic became popular through a pop culture media. Music channels posted it, DJs used the track in remixes. But also the Federal Bureau for Civic Education Germany listed it. Strategy SoundCloud, the world’s leading social audio platform for electronic music, wanted to remember the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, because the headquarter of SoundCloud is located on the former site of the Berlin Wall. Objective was to give the young post-Wall generation of SoundCloud an experience of the tragic events during the decades of the Berlin Wall. With the name Berlin Wall of Sound the audio track was a Trojan horse giving the audience an unexpected experience: not electronic music but an acoustical reconstruction of the Berlin Wall. Typical for SoundCloud is that you see the sound wave form of the music. This we used for our core idea to create an audio track with a sound wave exactly mirroring the shape of the Berlin Wall. In addition we tagged the timeline of the Berlin Wall of Sound with the 107 victims of the Berlin Wall.

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