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    Now It Is Our Turn To Walk短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:观众 几乎所有愿意为别人努力的挪威人。 客户简报或目标 这是一场运动,信息的接收者应该做出直接回应,并注册为筹款志愿者。意思是在周日 19 号散步三个小时。10月,挨家挨户为一个世界性的水利工程筹集资金。 执行 我们拜访了坦桑尼亚 12 岁的艾格尼丝。我们陪她每天散步去打水,并拍摄了她的整个旅程。这部电影长达近 3 个小时,发布在 joinjus 网站上。对于每一位新报名的志愿者来说,这部电影以及阿格尼斯的取水之旅都缩短了。目的是让 agnes 步行 1 分钟。这项运动于 10月1日开始,通过给挪威教会成员的电子邮件直接在 blimed 注册。没有 (joinus。没有)。这场运动开始通过在 facebook 上分享传播。19 天后,100,000 人报名参加。然后,我们确保挪威各地的每一个住所都会得到一名志愿者的访问,他为这一重要事业筹集了资金。 结果 仅仅两周后,我们就实现了拥有 100,000 名注册筹款人的目标。“水改变生活” 运动被证明是诺威大学有史以来最好的筹款运动,它筹集了 4000万美元。每个挪威人平均在我们的收藏箱里放 7 美元。在 Norway.1,200万人,超过计划的 200,000,现在将获得清洁水,以前从未在类似的筹款活动上收集到如此多的钱。 概要 挪威教会援助需要 1000,000 人自愿挨家挨户收钱,他们正在世界各地运行许多水利项目。然而,今年的筹资努力是建造更多的水井,为 100万人提供可持续的清洁用水。为了筹集足够的资金,我们不得不动员志愿者参加今年的全国大型筹款活动。我们需要 100,000 挪威人在 10月19日花 3 个小时挨家挨户收钱。竞选的主题是: 现在轮到我们走路了。


    案例简介:Audience Practically all Norwegians who are willing to make an effort for other people. Client Brief Or Objective This is a campaign where the recipient of the message should make a direct response and register as a volunteer for fundraising. Meaning make a three hour walk on sunday 19. October, going from house to house, collecting money for a worldwide water project. Execution We visited 12-year old Agnes in Tanzania. We accompanied her on one of her daily walks to fetch water, and filmed her entire journey. The film was almost 3 hours long and posted on the website joinjus.no. For every new volunteer signing up, the film and therefore Agnes’ journey to fetch water, were made shorter. The aim was for Agnes’ walk to be 1 minute long. The campaign started on October 1 with e-mails to members of the Norwegian church with a message of register themselves directly at blimed.no (joinus.no).The campaign started spreading through sharing on Facebook.19 days later,100,000 people signed up. Then we had ensured that the every single residence throughout Norway would get a visit from a volunteer who raised money for this important cause. Outcome After only 2 weeks we achieved our goal of having 100,000 registered fundraisers. The “Water Changes Lives” campaign proved to be Norways best fundraising campaign ever, and it raised 40 million dollars. Every single Norwegian put an average of 7 dollars into our collection tins. There has never before been collected so much money on a similar found raising campaign in Norway.1,2million people, 200,000 more than planned, will now have access to clean water. Synopsis Norwegian Church Aid were in need of 1.000.000 people who would volunteer to go from house to house to collect money.They are running a number of water projects around the world. However, this year’s fundraising efforts were to build more wells and provide one million people with sustainable access to clean water. To raise enough money, we had to mobilise volunteers to take part in this year’s major nationwide fundraiser. We needed 100,000 Norwegians to spend 3 hours of their time on 19th October, going from door to door, to collect money.The theme of the campaign turned out to be: Now it’s our turn to walk.

    Now It Is Our Turn To Walk

    案例简介:观众 几乎所有愿意为别人努力的挪威人。 客户简报或目标 这是一场运动,信息的接收者应该做出直接回应,并注册为筹款志愿者。意思是在周日 19 号散步三个小时。10月,挨家挨户为一个世界性的水利工程筹集资金。 执行 我们拜访了坦桑尼亚 12 岁的艾格尼丝。我们陪她每天散步去打水,并拍摄了她的整个旅程。这部电影长达近 3 个小时,发布在 joinjus 网站上。对于每一位新报名的志愿者来说,这部电影以及阿格尼斯的取水之旅都缩短了。目的是让 agnes 步行 1 分钟。这项运动于 10月1日开始,通过给挪威教会成员的电子邮件直接在 blimed 注册。没有 (joinus。没有)。这场运动开始通过在 facebook 上分享传播。19 天后,100,000 人报名参加。然后,我们确保挪威各地的每一个住所都会得到一名志愿者的访问,他为这一重要事业筹集了资金。 结果 仅仅两周后,我们就实现了拥有 100,000 名注册筹款人的目标。“水改变生活” 运动被证明是诺威大学有史以来最好的筹款运动,它筹集了 4000万美元。每个挪威人平均在我们的收藏箱里放 7 美元。在 Norway.1,200万人,超过计划的 200,000,现在将获得清洁水,以前从未在类似的筹款活动上收集到如此多的钱。 概要 挪威教会援助需要 1000,000 人自愿挨家挨户收钱,他们正在世界各地运行许多水利项目。然而,今年的筹资努力是建造更多的水井,为 100万人提供可持续的清洁用水。为了筹集足够的资金,我们不得不动员志愿者参加今年的全国大型筹款活动。我们需要 100,000 挪威人在 10月19日花 3 个小时挨家挨户收钱。竞选的主题是: 现在轮到我们走路了。

    Now It Is Our Turn To Walk

    案例简介:Audience Practically all Norwegians who are willing to make an effort for other people. Client Brief Or Objective This is a campaign where the recipient of the message should make a direct response and register as a volunteer for fundraising. Meaning make a three hour walk on sunday 19. October, going from house to house, collecting money for a worldwide water project. Execution We visited 12-year old Agnes in Tanzania. We accompanied her on one of her daily walks to fetch water, and filmed her entire journey. The film was almost 3 hours long and posted on the website joinjus.no. For every new volunteer signing up, the film and therefore Agnes’ journey to fetch water, were made shorter. The aim was for Agnes’ walk to be 1 minute long. The campaign started on October 1 with e-mails to members of the Norwegian church with a message of register themselves directly at blimed.no (joinus.no).The campaign started spreading through sharing on Facebook.19 days later,100,000 people signed up. Then we had ensured that the every single residence throughout Norway would get a visit from a volunteer who raised money for this important cause. Outcome After only 2 weeks we achieved our goal of having 100,000 registered fundraisers. The “Water Changes Lives” campaign proved to be Norways best fundraising campaign ever, and it raised 40 million dollars. Every single Norwegian put an average of 7 dollars into our collection tins. There has never before been collected so much money on a similar found raising campaign in Norway.1,2million people, 200,000 more than planned, will now have access to clean water. Synopsis Norwegian Church Aid were in need of 1.000.000 people who would volunteer to go from house to house to collect money.They are running a number of water projects around the world. However, this year’s fundraising efforts were to build more wells and provide one million people with sustainable access to clean water. To raise enough money, we had to mobilise volunteers to take part in this year’s major nationwide fundraiser. We needed 100,000 Norwegians to spend 3 hours of their time on 19th October, going from door to door, to collect money.The theme of the campaign turned out to be: Now it’s our turn to walk.



    Now It Is Our Turn To Walk






    广告公司: Pol (挪威)




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