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    The Enter Sandbox VR Experience短视频广告营销案例



    进入沙箱 VR 体验

    案例简介:概要 奥迪以其 Vorsprunch d ü rch Technik 口号为标志,被认为是汽车行业最具创新性的品牌之一。然而,在挪威,奥迪的领先地位受到了宝马、奔驰和沃尔沃等品牌的挑战。为了表明奥迪的技术优势不仅在他们的汽车上,而且在品牌的 DNA 上,奥迪希望它的新运动能够反映他们对技术的承诺。对于奥迪 Q5 的推出, 简报是给奥迪经销商一些真正酷和创新的东西,以一种超越经销商的方式通过社交和公关来激发人们对奥迪的兴奋。 战略 为了实现奥迪的雄心,使技术创新成为通信本身的一部分,这个想法出现了,将传统的试驾产品演示与虚拟现实提供的新的令人兴奋的可能性结合起来。这种体验本身是基于一个强大的怀旧前提,这个前提解开了我们所有人内心的孩子:如果你能驾驶一辆汽车在你小时候制造的沙子轨道上行驶,那岂不是很棒? 为了让整个国家都感到兴奋,我们必须实现两件事: 1) 安装必须是可移动的,这样它就可以在挪威四处旅行 2)体验本身必须以视频的形式共享,这样更多的人可以分享兴奋。 执行 输入沙箱被设计成带有可运输的 400 公斤沙箱的旅行店内安装,参与者可以从中创建自己的试驾环境。使用 Kinect 摄像头和 HTC Vive 灯塔跟踪系统,基于 200,000 个测量点,以 3D 方式扫描物理沙箱。为了捕捉沙箱的细节,沙箱被 Kinect 相机捕捉的红外光轰击,以测量相对于相机的高度差异。然后,这种高度-深度扫描被渲染成沙箱的 3D 模型,用户可以在奥迪 q5 的虚拟现实中探索,包括参与者可以在沙箱周围移动的工具和玩具, 我们创造了 3D 复制品,将取代虚拟现实体验中的现实玩具。最后,当参与者揭开沙箱的地板时,这个空的空间被虚拟现实体验中的水池所取代。 活动描述 我们创建了一个店内安装,让人们在虚拟现实中在自制的沙子轨道上试驾新奥迪 Q5。我们邀请人们进入一个专门建造的沙箱,通过移动沙子形成车道、跳跃和泥池来创造自己的驾驶环境。物理沙箱使用深度感应相机变成了一个虚拟操场,将人们的创作渲染成 3D 环境。然后,人们可以用 Oculus Rift 耳机驾驶奥迪 Q5 驾驶模拟器,在实时虚拟现实体验中驾驶自己的沙箱。驾驶体验旨在模拟现实生活中的驾驶,包括奥迪 Q5 方向盘和实际汽车 (发动机) 声音的反馈。该活动的主要驱动力是一分钟的 TVC 和两分钟的视频制作,在视频制作中,引入了概念和技术,将人们推向奥迪经销商并分享经验。 结果 进入沙箱本身成为 “奥迪挪威有史以来最成功的运动” (奥迪挪威的汤米 · 詹森)。在挪威和全球市场,Enter Sandbox 也获得了大量媒体报道,其中包括 Wired 、 TopGear 、 PSFK 、 FastCompany 和 Deutsche Welle。德意志韦尔在 Facebook 上分享了这项活动。仅这个视频就在一个月内积累了超过 400万的浏览量和 50.000 股独特的股票。进入沙盘以 87 分赢得了 2017年3月份的 FWA。

    进入沙箱 VR 体验

    案例简介:Synopsis Championed by its Vorsprunch dürch Technik slogan, Audi is known as one of the car industry’s most innovative brands. In Norway, however, Audi’s leading position was challenged by brands such as BMW, Mercedes and Volvo.To show that Audi’s technological edge is not just in their cars but in the brand’s DNA, Audi wanted its new campaign to reflect their commitment to technology. For the introduction of the Audi Q5, the brief was to give Audi dealers something truly cool and innovative that would spark people’s excitement for Audi in a way that would reach far beyond the dealership through social and PR. Strategy To actualize Audi’s ambition of making technological innovation part and parcel of the communication itself, the idea emerged to combine the traditional product demonstration of a test drive with the new and exciting possibilities offered by VR.The experience itself is based on a powerful nostalgic premise that unlocks the inner-child in all of us: Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could drive a car around the sand tracks you used to make as a kid?To make this into an experience the whole country could get excited about, we had to achieve two things: 1) the installation had to be transportable so it could travel around Norway 2) and the experience itself had to be shareable in the form of a video so that more people could share in the excitement. Execution Enter Sandbox was designed as a traveling in-store installation with a transportable 400-kilo sandbox from which participants can create their own test-drive environment.The physical sandbox is scanned in 3D based on 200,000 measure points, using a Kinect camera and a HTC Vive Lighthouse tracking system.To capture the sandbox at such detail, the sandbox is bombarded with bursts of infrared light that are captured by the Kinect camera to measure the height differences relative to the camera. This height-depth-scan is then rendered into a 3D model of the sandbox, which users can explore in VR in an Audi Q5.To include the tools and toys participants could move around the sandbox, we created 3D replicas that would replace the real-life toys inside the VR experience. Finally, when participants uncovered the floor of the sandbox, this empty space was replaced by a pool of water in the VR experience. CampaignDescription We created an in-store installation that lets people test-drive the new Audi Q5 in VR on a self-made track made out of sand.We invited people to enter a purpose-built sandbox to create their own driving environment by moving sand to form lanes, jumps and mud pools. The physical sandbox is turned into a virtual playground using a depth-sensing camera that renders peoples’ creation into a 3D environment.People could then step an Audi Q5 driving simulator with an Oculus Rift headset to drive around their own sandbox in a real-time VR experience. The driving experience is designed to simulate a real-life drive, complete with feedback from the Audi Q5 steering wheel and the actual car (engine) sounds.The key drivers for the campaign are a one-minute TVC and two-minute making-of video in which the concept and technology are introduced to drive people to Audi dealers and share the experience. Outcome Enter Sandbox itself became “the most successful campaign from Audi Norway ever” (Tommy Jensen of Audi Norway).Enter Sandbox also got massive media coverage in Norway and in the global market, with features by Wired, TopGear, PSFK, FastCompany and Deutsche Welle.Deutsche Welle shared the campaign on Facebook. This video alone amassed over 4 million views and 50.000 unique shares in a month.Enter Sandbox won FWA of the Month in March 2017 with 87 points.

    The Enter Sandbox VR Experience

    案例简介:概要 奥迪以其 Vorsprunch d ü rch Technik 口号为标志,被认为是汽车行业最具创新性的品牌之一。然而,在挪威,奥迪的领先地位受到了宝马、奔驰和沃尔沃等品牌的挑战。为了表明奥迪的技术优势不仅在他们的汽车上,而且在品牌的 DNA 上,奥迪希望它的新运动能够反映他们对技术的承诺。对于奥迪 Q5 的推出, 简报是给奥迪经销商一些真正酷和创新的东西,以一种超越经销商的方式通过社交和公关来激发人们对奥迪的兴奋。 战略 为了实现奥迪的雄心,使技术创新成为通信本身的一部分,这个想法出现了,将传统的试驾产品演示与虚拟现实提供的新的令人兴奋的可能性结合起来。这种体验本身是基于一个强大的怀旧前提,这个前提解开了我们所有人内心的孩子:如果你能驾驶一辆汽车在你小时候制造的沙子轨道上行驶,那岂不是很棒? 为了让整个国家都感到兴奋,我们必须实现两件事: 1) 安装必须是可移动的,这样它就可以在挪威四处旅行 2)体验本身必须以视频的形式共享,这样更多的人可以分享兴奋。 执行 输入沙箱被设计成带有可运输的 400 公斤沙箱的旅行店内安装,参与者可以从中创建自己的试驾环境。使用 Kinect 摄像头和 HTC Vive 灯塔跟踪系统,基于 200,000 个测量点,以 3D 方式扫描物理沙箱。为了捕捉沙箱的细节,沙箱被 Kinect 相机捕捉的红外光轰击,以测量相对于相机的高度差异。然后,这种高度-深度扫描被渲染成沙箱的 3D 模型,用户可以在奥迪 q5 的虚拟现实中探索,包括参与者可以在沙箱周围移动的工具和玩具, 我们创造了 3D 复制品,将取代虚拟现实体验中的现实玩具。最后,当参与者揭开沙箱的地板时,这个空的空间被虚拟现实体验中的水池所取代。 活动描述 我们创建了一个店内安装,让人们在虚拟现实中在自制的沙子轨道上试驾新奥迪 Q5。我们邀请人们进入一个专门建造的沙箱,通过移动沙子形成车道、跳跃和泥池来创造自己的驾驶环境。物理沙箱使用深度感应相机变成了一个虚拟操场,将人们的创作渲染成 3D 环境。然后,人们可以用 Oculus Rift 耳机驾驶奥迪 Q5 驾驶模拟器,在实时虚拟现实体验中驾驶自己的沙箱。驾驶体验旨在模拟现实生活中的驾驶,包括奥迪 Q5 方向盘和实际汽车 (发动机) 声音的反馈。该活动的主要驱动力是一分钟的 TVC 和两分钟的视频制作,在视频制作中,引入了概念和技术,将人们推向奥迪经销商并分享经验。 结果 进入沙箱本身成为 “奥迪挪威有史以来最成功的运动” (奥迪挪威的汤米 · 詹森)。在挪威和全球市场,Enter Sandbox 也获得了大量媒体报道,其中包括 Wired 、 TopGear 、 PSFK 、 FastCompany 和 Deutsche Welle。德意志韦尔在 Facebook 上分享了这项活动。仅这个视频就在一个月内积累了超过 400万的浏览量和 50.000 股独特的股票。进入沙盘以 87 分赢得了 2017年3月份的 FWA。

    The Enter Sandbox VR Experience

    案例简介:Synopsis Championed by its Vorsprunch dürch Technik slogan, Audi is known as one of the car industry’s most innovative brands. In Norway, however, Audi’s leading position was challenged by brands such as BMW, Mercedes and Volvo.To show that Audi’s technological edge is not just in their cars but in the brand’s DNA, Audi wanted its new campaign to reflect their commitment to technology. For the introduction of the Audi Q5, the brief was to give Audi dealers something truly cool and innovative that would spark people’s excitement for Audi in a way that would reach far beyond the dealership through social and PR. Strategy To actualize Audi’s ambition of making technological innovation part and parcel of the communication itself, the idea emerged to combine the traditional product demonstration of a test drive with the new and exciting possibilities offered by VR.The experience itself is based on a powerful nostalgic premise that unlocks the inner-child in all of us: Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could drive a car around the sand tracks you used to make as a kid?To make this into an experience the whole country could get excited about, we had to achieve two things: 1) the installation had to be transportable so it could travel around Norway 2) and the experience itself had to be shareable in the form of a video so that more people could share in the excitement. Execution Enter Sandbox was designed as a traveling in-store installation with a transportable 400-kilo sandbox from which participants can create their own test-drive environment.The physical sandbox is scanned in 3D based on 200,000 measure points, using a Kinect camera and a HTC Vive Lighthouse tracking system.To capture the sandbox at such detail, the sandbox is bombarded with bursts of infrared light that are captured by the Kinect camera to measure the height differences relative to the camera. This height-depth-scan is then rendered into a 3D model of the sandbox, which users can explore in VR in an Audi Q5.To include the tools and toys participants could move around the sandbox, we created 3D replicas that would replace the real-life toys inside the VR experience. Finally, when participants uncovered the floor of the sandbox, this empty space was replaced by a pool of water in the VR experience. CampaignDescription We created an in-store installation that lets people test-drive the new Audi Q5 in VR on a self-made track made out of sand.We invited people to enter a purpose-built sandbox to create their own driving environment by moving sand to form lanes, jumps and mud pools. The physical sandbox is turned into a virtual playground using a depth-sensing camera that renders peoples’ creation into a 3D environment.People could then step an Audi Q5 driving simulator with an Oculus Rift headset to drive around their own sandbox in a real-time VR experience. The driving experience is designed to simulate a real-life drive, complete with feedback from the Audi Q5 steering wheel and the actual car (engine) sounds.The key drivers for the campaign are a one-minute TVC and two-minute making-of video in which the concept and technology are introduced to drive people to Audi dealers and share the experience. Outcome Enter Sandbox itself became “the most successful campaign from Audi Norway ever” (Tommy Jensen of Audi Norway).Enter Sandbox also got massive media coverage in Norway and in the global market, with features by Wired, TopGear, PSFK, FastCompany and Deutsche Welle.Deutsche Welle shared the campaign on Facebook. This video alone amassed over 4 million views and 50.000 unique shares in a month.Enter Sandbox won FWA of the Month in March 2017 with 87 points.

    进入沙箱 VR 体验


    The Enter Sandbox VR Experience


    广告公司: POL (挪威 奥斯陆) 制作公司: MediaMonks




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