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    案例简介:概要 耐克跑步有着悠久的历史,它以世界级的创新和灵感推动这项运动和行业向前发展。随着Nike Epic React的推出,这款令人难以置信的柔软,弹性,轻便且持久的跑鞋将使任何穿上它的人都想跑步。我们的任务是创建一个试用活动,为跑步者带来史诗般的React难忘的体验,并产生可共享的内容,以吸引更多的人尝试。 战略 今天的消费者总是在寻找更多的乐趣和独特的体验。传统的零售产品试用体验远非有趣或吸引人,并且通常以一种相当干燥,无趣的方式传达产品收益。这不是人们会期待的。我们需要做的就是将不性感的尝试变成一种令人兴奋的体验,人们实际上想尝试并且不想错过它。 相关性 “反应场” 在零售店进行现代化的产品试验。它花费了广告和产品教育,并将其转变为一种有趣的游戏体验,导致几乎一半的参与者购买了鞋子。“该品牌对沉浸式技术的使用强化了技术对于寻求创新方式来促进实体销售的零售商的重要性。”-华盛顿邮报。 结果 在3周内,成千上万的消费者在位于中国的4家商店 (北京,上海,成都和广州) 体验了Reactland。这种体验成功地转换了48% 的消费者购买鞋子,并在社交媒体上引起了巨大的轰动,成千上万的人分享了他们的定制视频。尽管这是中国的本地经历,但这个故事还是由《华盛顿邮报》,《创造力》,格言以及全球80家媒体报道的。Reactland通过模糊游戏和制鞋之间的界限,大胆地重新构想了零售。它创造了一种将娱乐和社交共享完美结合的产品展示和教育的新方法。并且已经被耐克德国和台湾改编。 执行 体验安装在中国的四家商店和一个弹出式位置,运行了一个月。成功之后,它被买回商店,推出了新的颜色,耐克台湾和柏林安装了这款游戏。购物者会在踏上跑步机之前试穿鞋子,拍照并创建头像。使用手动控制器进行跳跃,目的是尽可能地沿着充满鞋子隐喻的土地走得更远。他们走得越远,排行榜就越高。离开体验后,购物者将从游戏中获得随机的个人10秒剪辑。 运动描述 为了推出新的Nike React跑鞋,我们入侵了店内试用,并连接了跑步游戏。“Reactland” 是一种沉浸式体验,安装在中国各地的商店中,购物者会在跑步机上跑步,成为游戏的英雄。玩家在穿越代表鞋子属性 (柔软,轻便和有弹性) 的梦幻般的土地时,被扫描并转换为他们控制的化身。玩家将通过自己在 “反应场” 中奔跑的10秒视频来结束体验,以在社交媒体上分享。


    案例简介:Synopsis Nike running has a long history of pushing the sport and the industry forward with world-class innovations and inspiration. That continues with the launch of Nike Epic React, the incredibly soft, springy, light and long-lasting running shoe that will make whoever puts on it wanna go for a run. Our task is to create a trialing event that will give runners an unforgettable experience with the Epic React and generate shareable content to lure more people to try it on. Strategy Today’s consumers are always looking for more fun and unique experiences. Traditional product trialling experience in retail is far from being fun or engaging, and often communicates product benefits in a rather dry, uninteresting fashion. It’s just not something people will look forward to. All we needed to do was to turn the unsexy trialling into an exciting experience that people actually wanted to try and didn’t want to miss it. Relevancy ‘Reactland’ modernised product trialling in retail stores. It took advertising and product education and turned it into a fun gaming experience that led to almost half the participants buying the shoes. “The brand’s use of immersive technology reinforces the importance of technology for retailers looking for innovative ways to boost brick-and-mortar sales.” - Washington Post. Outcome Within 3 weeks, thousands of consumers experienced Reactland in 4 stores located in China - Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou. The experience has successfully converted 48% of consumers to purchase the shoes and created huge buzz on social media with thousands of people sharing their customized video. Even though it was a local experience in China the story was picked up by Washington Post, Creativity, Adage along with 80 media press globally. Reactland boldly reimagined retail by blurring the line between gaming and shoe trialing. It created a new way to do product showcase and education that perfectly combined entertainment and social sharing. And is already being adapted by Nike Germany and Taiwan. Execution The experience was installed in four stores and one pop-up location in China and ran for one month. Following the success, it was bought back into stores for the launch of the new colours and Nike Taiwan and Berlin installed the game. Shoppers would try on the shoes, have their photo taken and create an avatar before stepping onto the treadmill. Using a hand controller to jump, there aim was to get as far as they could along the land full of metaphors for the shoes. The further they got, the higher up the leaderboard they went. Once leaving the experience shoppers would receive a randomised personal 10second clip from the game. CampaignDescription For the launch of the new Nike React running shoes, we hacked in-store trialling and wired up a game played by running. ‘Reactland’ is an immersive experience installed in stores around China where shoppers would run on a treadmill and become the heroes of a game. Players were scanned and transformed into an avatar they controlled as they ran through a fantastical land that represented the attributes of the shoe (soft, light and bouncy). Players would leave the experience with a 10 second video of themselves running through ‘Reactland’ to share on social media.


    案例简介:概要 耐克跑步有着悠久的历史,它以世界级的创新和灵感推动这项运动和行业向前发展。随着Nike Epic React的推出,这款令人难以置信的柔软,弹性,轻便且持久的跑鞋将使任何穿上它的人都想跑步。我们的任务是创建一个试用活动,为跑步者带来史诗般的React难忘的体验,并产生可共享的内容,以吸引更多的人尝试。 战略 今天的消费者总是在寻找更多的乐趣和独特的体验。传统的零售产品试用体验远非有趣或吸引人,并且通常以一种相当干燥,无趣的方式传达产品收益。这不是人们会期待的。我们需要做的就是将不性感的尝试变成一种令人兴奋的体验,人们实际上想尝试并且不想错过它。 相关性 “反应场” 在零售店进行现代化的产品试验。它花费了广告和产品教育,并将其转变为一种有趣的游戏体验,导致几乎一半的参与者购买了鞋子。“该品牌对沉浸式技术的使用强化了技术对于寻求创新方式来促进实体销售的零售商的重要性。”-华盛顿邮报。 结果 在3周内,成千上万的消费者在位于中国的4家商店 (北京,上海,成都和广州) 体验了Reactland。这种体验成功地转换了48% 的消费者购买鞋子,并在社交媒体上引起了巨大的轰动,成千上万的人分享了他们的定制视频。尽管这是中国的本地经历,但这个故事还是由《华盛顿邮报》,《创造力》,格言以及全球80家媒体报道的。Reactland通过模糊游戏和制鞋之间的界限,大胆地重新构想了零售。它创造了一种将娱乐和社交共享完美结合的产品展示和教育的新方法。并且已经被耐克德国和台湾改编。 执行 体验安装在中国的四家商店和一个弹出式位置,运行了一个月。成功之后,它被买回商店,推出了新的颜色,耐克台湾和柏林安装了这款游戏。购物者会在踏上跑步机之前试穿鞋子,拍照并创建头像。使用手动控制器进行跳跃,目的是尽可能地沿着充满鞋子隐喻的土地走得更远。他们走得越远,排行榜就越高。离开体验后,购物者将从游戏中获得随机的个人10秒剪辑。 运动描述 为了推出新的Nike React跑鞋,我们入侵了店内试用,并连接了跑步游戏。“Reactland” 是一种沉浸式体验,安装在中国各地的商店中,购物者会在跑步机上跑步,成为游戏的英雄。玩家在穿越代表鞋子属性 (柔软,轻便和有弹性) 的梦幻般的土地时,被扫描并转换为他们控制的化身。玩家将通过自己在 “反应场” 中奔跑的10秒视频来结束体验,以在社交媒体上分享。


    案例简介:Synopsis Nike running has a long history of pushing the sport and the industry forward with world-class innovations and inspiration. That continues with the launch of Nike Epic React, the incredibly soft, springy, light and long-lasting running shoe that will make whoever puts on it wanna go for a run. Our task is to create a trialing event that will give runners an unforgettable experience with the Epic React and generate shareable content to lure more people to try it on. Strategy Today’s consumers are always looking for more fun and unique experiences. Traditional product trialling experience in retail is far from being fun or engaging, and often communicates product benefits in a rather dry, uninteresting fashion. It’s just not something people will look forward to. All we needed to do was to turn the unsexy trialling into an exciting experience that people actually wanted to try and didn’t want to miss it. Relevancy ‘Reactland’ modernised product trialling in retail stores. It took advertising and product education and turned it into a fun gaming experience that led to almost half the participants buying the shoes. “The brand’s use of immersive technology reinforces the importance of technology for retailers looking for innovative ways to boost brick-and-mortar sales.” - Washington Post. Outcome Within 3 weeks, thousands of consumers experienced Reactland in 4 stores located in China - Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou. The experience has successfully converted 48% of consumers to purchase the shoes and created huge buzz on social media with thousands of people sharing their customized video. Even though it was a local experience in China the story was picked up by Washington Post, Creativity, Adage along with 80 media press globally. Reactland boldly reimagined retail by blurring the line between gaming and shoe trialing. It created a new way to do product showcase and education that perfectly combined entertainment and social sharing. And is already being adapted by Nike Germany and Taiwan. Execution The experience was installed in four stores and one pop-up location in China and ran for one month. Following the success, it was bought back into stores for the launch of the new colours and Nike Taiwan and Berlin installed the game. Shoppers would try on the shoes, have their photo taken and create an avatar before stepping onto the treadmill. Using a hand controller to jump, there aim was to get as far as they could along the land full of metaphors for the shoes. The further they got, the higher up the leaderboard they went. Once leaving the experience shoppers would receive a randomised personal 10second clip from the game. CampaignDescription For the launch of the new Nike React running shoes, we hacked in-store trialling and wired up a game played by running. ‘Reactland’ is an immersive experience installed in stores around China where shoppers would run on a treadmill and become the heroes of a game. Players were scanned and transformed into an avatar they controlled as they ran through a fantastical land that represented the attributes of the shoe (soft, light and bouncy). Players would leave the experience with a 10 second video of themselves running through ‘Reactland’ to share on social media.









    广告公司: 韦柯 (中国 上海) 制作公司: AQUAL , UNIT9




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