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    案例简介:相关性 谱系的全球使命是让世界成为狗更美好的地方。这需要推动行动的广告,而不仅仅是 “喜欢” 和 “分享”。因此,我们发起了纯种儿童替代计划 -- 一场养狗运动,鼓励孩子离家的父母去养狗。一个多渠道的运动引导父母到我们的网站,在那里他们可以为他们成年的孩子找到完美的替代品。在我们所有的工作中,一个简单的行动呼吁引发了前所未有的回应,“当你的孩子搬出去,继续前进。收养一只狗。 活动描述 空巢综合症是父母在孩子离家时感到的孤独。但是当这些父母坐在一所安静的房子里哀叹他们的孩子成长的速度时,一只狗坐在一个渴望一个家的收容所里。一个充满爱和友谊的家。我们的想法是把这些被遗弃的狗和孤独的父母联系起来。纯种儿童替代计划以 “空巢老人” 为目标,发起了一场滑稽直白的运动,鼓励他们收养一只狗,并在他们的孩子搬出来时 “继续前进”。所有工作都引导父母访问我们的网站 (替换他们。公司。在那里,他们可以将孩子的特征与被遗弃的狗的特征相匹配,确保找到完美的替代品。为了进一步鼓励收养,我们给父母提供了一个机会,让他们把孩子的旧东西变成他们狗的新东西。床罩变成了狗床,心爱的夹克变成了狗夹克。 执行 “空巢老人” 被认为是 45 岁至 75 岁之间没有孩子的人。他们的可支配收入是任何其他群体中最高的,所以他们经常成为广告商的目标。为了脱颖而出并确保我们的工作得到回应,我们专门向目标市场讲述了他们目前正在经历的微妙生命阶段。不是以一种与所有其他信息融合的方式,而是以一种完全自由和滑稽残酷的方式。我们增加收养的方法是围绕竞选建立不可避免的阴谋。这从名字开始。“纯种儿童替代计划” 受到媒体的怀疑,其残酷的诚实有助于通过赚取和付费渠道传播运动。我们的目标市场被明确定义,我们的活动呼吁行动很简单,“当你的孩子搬出去,继续前进”。收养一只狗。' 战略 “空巢老人” 被认为是 45 岁至 75 岁之间没有孩子的人。他们的可支配收入是任何其他群体中最高的,所以他们经常成为广告商的目标。为了脱颖而出并确保我们的工作得到回应,我们专门向目标市场讲述了他们目前正在经历的微妙生命阶段。不是以一种与所有其他信息融合的方式,而是以一种完全自由和滑稽残酷的方式。我们增加收养的方法是围绕竞选建立不可避免的阴谋。这从名字开始。“纯种儿童替代计划” 受到媒体的怀疑,其残酷的诚实有助于通过赚取和付费渠道传播运动。我们的目标市场被明确定义,我们的活动呼吁行动很简单,“当你的孩子搬出去,继续前进”。收养一只狗。' 概要 Pedigree 的全球使命是让世界成为狗更美好的地方,这样狗也可以继续让我们的生活变得更好。考虑到这一点,谱系要求我们为全国越来越多的被遗弃的狗找到可爱的家园。去年进入奥克兰市收容所的 3338 只狗中,只有 671 只被收养。大多数被放倒的狗既年轻又健康,还有更多年的爱和陪伴。我们的目标是提高对收容所狗困境的认识,同时推动新西兰人通过收养狗来应对。 结果 纯种儿童替代计划受到了全球媒体的关注,主要报道黄金时段的新闻,并引起了大众对收养狗的兴趣。该活动通过动物收容所推动了 824% 的养狗调查,以及 16% 的 Pedigree 销售。对该网站的访问远远超出了预期,迫使我们找到更多的收容所狗来满足需求。在六周内,我们获得了比过去两年总和更多的在线狗收养查询,这有助于使纯种儿童替代计划成为近十年来最成功的收养活动。在一个只有 450万人口的国家,我们在竞选期间获得了超过 1500 万的印象。


    案例简介:Relevancy Pedigree’s global mission is to make the world a better place for dogs. That requires advertising that drives action, not just ‘Likes’ and ‘Shares’. So we launched The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme – a dog adoption campaign that encouraged parents whose kids had left home to get a dog. A multi-channel campaign directed parents to our website where they could find the perfect replacement for their grown up child. Across all our work a simple call to action drove an unprecedented response, ‘When you kids move out, move on. Adopt a dog’. CampaignDescription Empty Nest Syndrome is the loneliness parents feel when their children leave home. But while these parents sit in a quiet house lamenting how quickly their kids grew up, a dog sits in a shelter longing for a home. A home it can fill with love and companionship. Our idea was to connect these abandoned dogs with lonely parents. The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme targeted ‘Empty Nesters’ with a comically blunt campaign encouraging them to adopt a dog and ‘move on’ when their kids moved out. All work directed parents to our website (replacethem.co.nz) where they could match the characteristics of their child with the characteristics of an abandoned dog– ensuring the perfect replacement was found.To further incentivise adoption we offered parents the chance to turn their child’s old stuff into new stuff for their dog. Bedspreads were turned into dog beds, and beloved jackets into dog jackets. Execution ‘Empty Nesters’ are considered to be anyone between the age of 45 and 75, living without children. They have the highest disposable income of any other group, so they’re often targeted by advertisers. To stand out and to ensure our work elicited a response, we spoke specifically to our target market about the delicate life stage they were currently experiencing. Not in a way that would blend in with all the other messages, but in a totally unrestrained and comedically brutal way. Our approach to increase adoptions was to build unavoidable intrigue around the campaign. This started with the name. ‘The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme’ was received with disbelief by media outlets, with its brutal honesty helping to spread the campaign through earned and paid channels. Our target market was clearly defined and our campaign’s call to action was simple, ‘When your kids move out, move on. Adopt a dog.’ Strategy ‘Empty Nesters’ are considered to be anyone between the age of 45 and 75, living without children. They have the highest disposable income of any other group, so they’re often targeted by advertisers. To stand out and to ensure our work elicited a response, we spoke specifically to our target market about the delicate life stage they were currently experiencing. Not in a way that would blend in with all the other messages, but in a totally unrestrained and comedically brutal way. Our approach to increase adoptions was to build unavoidable intrigue around the campaign. This started with the name. ‘The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme’ was received with disbelief by media outlets, with its brutal honesty helping to spread the campaign through earned and paid channels. Our target market was clearly defined and our campaign’s call to action was simple, ‘When your kids move out, move on. Adopt a dog.’ Synopsis Pedigree’s global mission is to make the world a better place for dogs, so that dogs can continue to make our lives better too. With that in mind, Pedigree asked us to find loving homes for the growing number of abandoned dogs throughout the country. Of the 3338 dogs that went into Auckland City shelters last year, only 671 were adopted. The majority of the dogs put down were young and healthy, with many more years of love and companionship to give.Our objective was to raise awareness of the plight of shelter dogs and, at the same time, drive New Zealanders to respond by adopting a dog. Outcome The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme received global media attention, featuring on prime time news and driving mass interest in dog adoption. The campaign drove an 824% lift in dog adoption enquiries through animal shelters as well as a 16% lift in Pedigree’s sales. Visits to the site far exceeded forecasted expectations, forcing us to find more shelter dogs to meet the demand. In six weeks we got more online dog adoption enquiries than in the last two years combined, helping to make The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme the most successful Adoption Drive campaign in almost a decade. In a country of just 4.5 million people, we achieved over 15m impressions during the campaign period.

    The Child Replacement Programme

    案例简介:相关性 谱系的全球使命是让世界成为狗更美好的地方。这需要推动行动的广告,而不仅仅是 “喜欢” 和 “分享”。因此,我们发起了纯种儿童替代计划 -- 一场养狗运动,鼓励孩子离家的父母去养狗。一个多渠道的运动引导父母到我们的网站,在那里他们可以为他们成年的孩子找到完美的替代品。在我们所有的工作中,一个简单的行动呼吁引发了前所未有的回应,“当你的孩子搬出去,继续前进。收养一只狗。 活动描述 空巢综合症是父母在孩子离家时感到的孤独。但是当这些父母坐在一所安静的房子里哀叹他们的孩子成长的速度时,一只狗坐在一个渴望一个家的收容所里。一个充满爱和友谊的家。我们的想法是把这些被遗弃的狗和孤独的父母联系起来。纯种儿童替代计划以 “空巢老人” 为目标,发起了一场滑稽直白的运动,鼓励他们收养一只狗,并在他们的孩子搬出来时 “继续前进”。所有工作都引导父母访问我们的网站 (替换他们。公司。在那里,他们可以将孩子的特征与被遗弃的狗的特征相匹配,确保找到完美的替代品。为了进一步鼓励收养,我们给父母提供了一个机会,让他们把孩子的旧东西变成他们狗的新东西。床罩变成了狗床,心爱的夹克变成了狗夹克。 执行 “空巢老人” 被认为是 45 岁至 75 岁之间没有孩子的人。他们的可支配收入是任何其他群体中最高的,所以他们经常成为广告商的目标。为了脱颖而出并确保我们的工作得到回应,我们专门向目标市场讲述了他们目前正在经历的微妙生命阶段。不是以一种与所有其他信息融合的方式,而是以一种完全自由和滑稽残酷的方式。我们增加收养的方法是围绕竞选建立不可避免的阴谋。这从名字开始。“纯种儿童替代计划” 受到媒体的怀疑,其残酷的诚实有助于通过赚取和付费渠道传播运动。我们的目标市场被明确定义,我们的活动呼吁行动很简单,“当你的孩子搬出去,继续前进”。收养一只狗。' 战略 “空巢老人” 被认为是 45 岁至 75 岁之间没有孩子的人。他们的可支配收入是任何其他群体中最高的,所以他们经常成为广告商的目标。为了脱颖而出并确保我们的工作得到回应,我们专门向目标市场讲述了他们目前正在经历的微妙生命阶段。不是以一种与所有其他信息融合的方式,而是以一种完全自由和滑稽残酷的方式。我们增加收养的方法是围绕竞选建立不可避免的阴谋。这从名字开始。“纯种儿童替代计划” 受到媒体的怀疑,其残酷的诚实有助于通过赚取和付费渠道传播运动。我们的目标市场被明确定义,我们的活动呼吁行动很简单,“当你的孩子搬出去,继续前进”。收养一只狗。' 概要 Pedigree 的全球使命是让世界成为狗更美好的地方,这样狗也可以继续让我们的生活变得更好。考虑到这一点,谱系要求我们为全国越来越多的被遗弃的狗找到可爱的家园。去年进入奥克兰市收容所的 3338 只狗中,只有 671 只被收养。大多数被放倒的狗既年轻又健康,还有更多年的爱和陪伴。我们的目标是提高对收容所狗困境的认识,同时推动新西兰人通过收养狗来应对。 结果 纯种儿童替代计划受到了全球媒体的关注,主要报道黄金时段的新闻,并引起了大众对收养狗的兴趣。该活动通过动物收容所推动了 824% 的养狗调查,以及 16% 的 Pedigree 销售。对该网站的访问远远超出了预期,迫使我们找到更多的收容所狗来满足需求。在六周内,我们获得了比过去两年总和更多的在线狗收养查询,这有助于使纯种儿童替代计划成为近十年来最成功的收养活动。在一个只有 450万人口的国家,我们在竞选期间获得了超过 1500 万的印象。

    The Child Replacement Programme

    案例简介:Relevancy Pedigree’s global mission is to make the world a better place for dogs. That requires advertising that drives action, not just ‘Likes’ and ‘Shares’. So we launched The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme – a dog adoption campaign that encouraged parents whose kids had left home to get a dog. A multi-channel campaign directed parents to our website where they could find the perfect replacement for their grown up child. Across all our work a simple call to action drove an unprecedented response, ‘When you kids move out, move on. Adopt a dog’. CampaignDescription Empty Nest Syndrome is the loneliness parents feel when their children leave home. But while these parents sit in a quiet house lamenting how quickly their kids grew up, a dog sits in a shelter longing for a home. A home it can fill with love and companionship. Our idea was to connect these abandoned dogs with lonely parents. The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme targeted ‘Empty Nesters’ with a comically blunt campaign encouraging them to adopt a dog and ‘move on’ when their kids moved out. All work directed parents to our website (replacethem.co.nz) where they could match the characteristics of their child with the characteristics of an abandoned dog– ensuring the perfect replacement was found.To further incentivise adoption we offered parents the chance to turn their child’s old stuff into new stuff for their dog. Bedspreads were turned into dog beds, and beloved jackets into dog jackets. Execution ‘Empty Nesters’ are considered to be anyone between the age of 45 and 75, living without children. They have the highest disposable income of any other group, so they’re often targeted by advertisers. To stand out and to ensure our work elicited a response, we spoke specifically to our target market about the delicate life stage they were currently experiencing. Not in a way that would blend in with all the other messages, but in a totally unrestrained and comedically brutal way. Our approach to increase adoptions was to build unavoidable intrigue around the campaign. This started with the name. ‘The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme’ was received with disbelief by media outlets, with its brutal honesty helping to spread the campaign through earned and paid channels. Our target market was clearly defined and our campaign’s call to action was simple, ‘When your kids move out, move on. Adopt a dog.’ Strategy ‘Empty Nesters’ are considered to be anyone between the age of 45 and 75, living without children. They have the highest disposable income of any other group, so they’re often targeted by advertisers. To stand out and to ensure our work elicited a response, we spoke specifically to our target market about the delicate life stage they were currently experiencing. Not in a way that would blend in with all the other messages, but in a totally unrestrained and comedically brutal way. Our approach to increase adoptions was to build unavoidable intrigue around the campaign. This started with the name. ‘The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme’ was received with disbelief by media outlets, with its brutal honesty helping to spread the campaign through earned and paid channels. Our target market was clearly defined and our campaign’s call to action was simple, ‘When your kids move out, move on. Adopt a dog.’ Synopsis Pedigree’s global mission is to make the world a better place for dogs, so that dogs can continue to make our lives better too. With that in mind, Pedigree asked us to find loving homes for the growing number of abandoned dogs throughout the country. Of the 3338 dogs that went into Auckland City shelters last year, only 671 were adopted. The majority of the dogs put down were young and healthy, with many more years of love and companionship to give.Our objective was to raise awareness of the plight of shelter dogs and, at the same time, drive New Zealanders to respond by adopting a dog. Outcome The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme received global media attention, featuring on prime time news and driving mass interest in dog adoption. The campaign drove an 824% lift in dog adoption enquiries through animal shelters as well as a 16% lift in Pedigree’s sales. Visits to the site far exceeded forecasted expectations, forcing us to find more shelter dogs to meet the demand. In six weeks we got more online dog adoption enquiries than in the last two years combined, helping to make The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme the most successful Adoption Drive campaign in almost a decade. In a country of just 4.5 million people, we achieved over 15m impressions during the campaign period.



    The Child Replacement Programme





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