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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? “贩卖毒品” 是由哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉的几个非政府组织和基金会组成的联盟开展的一项勇敢和联合的直接反应运动,旨在鼓励人们为那些无法等待外交或政治解决委内瑞拉人道主义危机的人提供志愿服务和捐款。 描述您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 委内瑞拉正在经历一场民主危机。有两个政府,对于临时政府,以国家唯一的民选派系国民议会为代表,得到世界54个国家的支持,这一倡议是合法的。 对于另一个,尼古拉斯 · 马杜罗的政权,它不是。 健康与健康工作必须证明它是如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准的。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 虽然委内瑞拉遭受了复杂的人道主义紧急情况,数千人因此而死亡。有超过600吨的药品、卫生用品和食品来帮助他们。这项工作的唯一使命是安全可靠地向需要帮助的人提供捐款。 背景 情况: 许多人意识到委内瑞拉的人道主义危机,特别是在其邻国哥伦比亚,它近距离地看到了这个问题,并知道这种情况威胁到许多儿童、妇女、老人和患有慢性病的人的生命,因为没有找到医院的药品、食品或医疗用品。 简介: 为了帮助,哥伦比亚的几个非营利组织一直负责向委内瑞拉提供援助。在尼古拉斯 · 马杜罗 (Nicolas Maduro) 政权禁止他们之后,这种急需的援助在边境被堵死,积累了吨的药品和医疗用品,本来可以挽救数千人的生命。 由于边境关闭,看不到外交进展,哥伦比亚黑暗的过去不得不前往救援。 挑战: 在哥伦比亚-委内瑞拉边境,捐款被忽视了。 目标: 帮助非政府组织向委内瑞拉最脆弱的人口提供人道主义援助 描述创造性的想法 (投票30%) 善贩毒是一种利用前毒贩的专业知识的替代服务,从哥伦比亚向委内瑞拉运送药品和保健用品。 这一次,我们利用哥伦比亚通过委内瑞拉边境走私货物的黑暗过去,为志愿者和指导非政府组织创造了直接的想法,创造了旅行物品作为诱饵,可以隐藏人道主义援助,以拯救委内瑞拉人的生命,这些人不能等待国家危机的外交解决。 描述策略 (投票20%) 方法: 该机构与前走私者和前贩运者、基金会和民间社会结成伙伴关系,共同确保药品继续送达最需要的委内瑞拉家庭。 目标受众: 城市和志愿者。“善款贩运” 是一项举措,它通过志愿者提供在哥伦比亚收集的捐款给委内瑞拉的基金会,这些志愿者得到了在过去几十年中通过各种其他毒品越过边境的人的建议; 这次利用他们的经验做好事。 这是一种替代办法,以帮助所有无法等待数月的人,以外交方式解决这场危机,这场危机已经导致数千名儿童、青年、妇女和男子死于慢性病和可治疗的疾病。 呼吁行动: 做不可想象的事情来帮助拯救一个生命。 描述执行 (投票的20%) 实施: 2018年5月,发起了这项倡议,以帮助加拉加斯的一个小型基金会接收在波哥大收集的四箱捐款的方式。 时间表: 随着与委内瑞拉的紧张关系逐渐恶化,这一战略的需要对于: 规模: -设计约80件旅行物品,在带有不易察觉的隔间的手提箱、袋子和衣物中,以避免边境管制扣押药品和医疗用品。 -根据先前用于从哥伦比亚到委内瑞拉走私的相同路线追踪陆路。 -在社交媒体上产生诱饵,例如假新闻,无人机通过捐款越过边境的目击,或来自丛林的视频显示捐款通过。 -致电想要帮助的公民的大量志愿者运动,通过Whatsapp联系基金会和非政府组织,准备将捐款发送到委内瑞拉。 列出结果 (投票30%) 在撰写这篇文章时,已经登记了100% 批货物的抵达,这些超过30吨人道主义援助,价值超过COP $9,000,000,000比索 (3,000,000美元),达到了12个非政府组织的联盟,以 “联合委内瑞拉基金会” 的虚构名称保护的基金会和教堂,创建是为了在委内瑞拉现实中发出声音。 大约180,000种药物交叉这种方式的边界,主要是反转录病毒,胰岛素,抗高血压药物,抗惊厥药,抗生素,抗过敏治疗,以及为生命危险的人群提供医疗用品。 还有很多事情要做; 药品稀缺、治疗费用高昂、医院设备和用品不足,更不用说委内瑞拉全国暂时没有能源和饮用水,日益损害了委内瑞拉人口的尊严和人权。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? "The Good Drug Trafficking" is a courageous and conjunctural direct response campaign by a coalition of several NGOs and foundations in Colombia and Venezuela, to encourage people to volunteer and donate for those who cannot wait for a diplomatic or political solution to the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: Venezuela is experiencing a democratic crisis. There are two governments, for the interim government, represented by the only democratically elected faction of the state, the National Assembly, supported by 54 nations of the world, this initiative is legal. For the other, the Nicolas Maduro's Regime, it is not. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? While Venezuela suffers a complex humanitarian emergency and thousands are dying due this. There are over 600 tons of medicines, health supplies and food to help them. The only mission of this work it’s to deliver donations safe and sound to those in need. Background Situation: Many are aware of the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela, especially in Colombia, its neighboring country, which has seen the problem up close and knows that this situation threatens the lives of many children, women, elderly and people with chronic diseases by not finding medicines, food or medical supplies for hospitals. Brief: To help, several nonprofit organizations in Colombia have been responsible for rising and sending aid to Venezuela. After the prohibition of the regime of Nicolas Maduro against them, this much-needed aid has been dammed at the border, accumulating tons of medicines and medical supplies that could have saved thousands of lives. With borders closed and no diplomatic advances in sight, Colombia's dark past had to come to the rescue. Challenge: Making donations go unnoticed across the Colombia-Venezuela border. Objective: Help NGOs to deliver Humanitarian Aid to the most vulnerable populations in Venezuela Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Good Drug Trafficking is an alternative service that uses the expertise of former Drug dealers, to deliver medicines and health supplies from Colombia to Venezuela. This time we used Colombia’s dark past of smuggling goods through the Venezuelan border for good, creating direct ideas for volunteers and coaching NGOs to create travel items as decoys that can hide Humanitarian Aid, to save the lives of Venezuelans that cannot wait for a diplomatic solution to the country’s crisis. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Approach: The agency, in partnership with former smugglers and former traffickers, foundations and civil society, came together to ensure that medicines continue to reach Venezuelan families in greatest need. Target audience: ONGs and Volunteers. The Good Drug Trafficking is an initiative that gives donations collected in Colombia to foundations in Venezuela, through volunteers who are advised by the same people who have passed all kinds of other drugs across the border in past decades; this time using their experience to do good. It is an alternative to help all people who cannot wait months for a diplomatic solution to a crisis that has already killed thousands of children, youth, women and men with chronic and treatable diseases. Call To Action: Do the unthinkable to help save a live. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Implementation: In May 2018, this initiative was launched as a way to help a small foundation in Caracas receive a shipment of four boxes of donations collected in Bogotá. Timeline: As the tension with Venezuela has been progressively worsening, the needs of this strategy has been necessary for: Scale: - Design about 80 travel items, among suitcases, bags and clothing with imperceptible compartments, to avoid the seizure of medicines and medical supplies by border controls. - Tracing land routes based on the same routes previously used for smuggling from Colombia to Venezuela. - Generate decoys on social media such as fake news, sightings of drones passing donations across the border, or videos from the jungle showing the passage of donations. - Call a large volunteer movement of citizens who want to help, contacting Foundations and NGOs via Whatsapp with donations ready to be sent to Venezuela. List the results (30% of vote) At the time of writing this piece, the arrival of 100% of the shipments has been registered, these are more than 30 tons of Humanitarian Aid valued at more than COP$9,000,000,000 pesos (USD$3,000,000), reaching a coalition of 12 NGOs, foundations and churches protected under the fictitious name of "Foundations United for Venezuela", created to generate a voice over the Venezuelan reality. Approximately 180,000 medicines crossed the border this way, mostly retrovirals, insulins, antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, antiallergic treatments, and medical supplies for the population whose life is at risk. There is still so much to do; the scarcity of medicines, the high cost of treatments, and the deficit of equipment and supplies in hospitals, not to mention the temporary absence of energy and drinking water throughout Venezuela, increasingly compromise the dignity and human rights of Venezuela's population.

    The Good Drug Trafficking

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? “贩卖毒品” 是由哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉的几个非政府组织和基金会组成的联盟开展的一项勇敢和联合的直接反应运动,旨在鼓励人们为那些无法等待外交或政治解决委内瑞拉人道主义危机的人提供志愿服务和捐款。 描述您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 委内瑞拉正在经历一场民主危机。有两个政府,对于临时政府,以国家唯一的民选派系国民议会为代表,得到世界54个国家的支持,这一倡议是合法的。 对于另一个,尼古拉斯 · 马杜罗的政权,它不是。 健康与健康工作必须证明它是如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准的。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 虽然委内瑞拉遭受了复杂的人道主义紧急情况,数千人因此而死亡。有超过600吨的药品、卫生用品和食品来帮助他们。这项工作的唯一使命是安全可靠地向需要帮助的人提供捐款。 背景 情况: 许多人意识到委内瑞拉的人道主义危机,特别是在其邻国哥伦比亚,它近距离地看到了这个问题,并知道这种情况威胁到许多儿童、妇女、老人和患有慢性病的人的生命,因为没有找到医院的药品、食品或医疗用品。 简介: 为了帮助,哥伦比亚的几个非营利组织一直负责向委内瑞拉提供援助。在尼古拉斯 · 马杜罗 (Nicolas Maduro) 政权禁止他们之后,这种急需的援助在边境被堵死,积累了吨的药品和医疗用品,本来可以挽救数千人的生命。 由于边境关闭,看不到外交进展,哥伦比亚黑暗的过去不得不前往救援。 挑战: 在哥伦比亚-委内瑞拉边境,捐款被忽视了。 目标: 帮助非政府组织向委内瑞拉最脆弱的人口提供人道主义援助 描述创造性的想法 (投票30%) 善贩毒是一种利用前毒贩的专业知识的替代服务,从哥伦比亚向委内瑞拉运送药品和保健用品。 这一次,我们利用哥伦比亚通过委内瑞拉边境走私货物的黑暗过去,为志愿者和指导非政府组织创造了直接的想法,创造了旅行物品作为诱饵,可以隐藏人道主义援助,以拯救委内瑞拉人的生命,这些人不能等待国家危机的外交解决。 描述策略 (投票20%) 方法: 该机构与前走私者和前贩运者、基金会和民间社会结成伙伴关系,共同确保药品继续送达最需要的委内瑞拉家庭。 目标受众: 城市和志愿者。“善款贩运” 是一项举措,它通过志愿者提供在哥伦比亚收集的捐款给委内瑞拉的基金会,这些志愿者得到了在过去几十年中通过各种其他毒品越过边境的人的建议; 这次利用他们的经验做好事。 这是一种替代办法,以帮助所有无法等待数月的人,以外交方式解决这场危机,这场危机已经导致数千名儿童、青年、妇女和男子死于慢性病和可治疗的疾病。 呼吁行动: 做不可想象的事情来帮助拯救一个生命。 描述执行 (投票的20%) 实施: 2018年5月,发起了这项倡议,以帮助加拉加斯的一个小型基金会接收在波哥大收集的四箱捐款的方式。 时间表: 随着与委内瑞拉的紧张关系逐渐恶化,这一战略的需要对于: 规模: -设计约80件旅行物品,在带有不易察觉的隔间的手提箱、袋子和衣物中,以避免边境管制扣押药品和医疗用品。 -根据先前用于从哥伦比亚到委内瑞拉走私的相同路线追踪陆路。 -在社交媒体上产生诱饵,例如假新闻,无人机通过捐款越过边境的目击,或来自丛林的视频显示捐款通过。 -致电想要帮助的公民的大量志愿者运动,通过Whatsapp联系基金会和非政府组织,准备将捐款发送到委内瑞拉。 列出结果 (投票30%) 在撰写这篇文章时,已经登记了100% 批货物的抵达,这些超过30吨人道主义援助,价值超过COP $9,000,000,000比索 (3,000,000美元),达到了12个非政府组织的联盟,以 “联合委内瑞拉基金会” 的虚构名称保护的基金会和教堂,创建是为了在委内瑞拉现实中发出声音。 大约180,000种药物交叉这种方式的边界,主要是反转录病毒,胰岛素,抗高血压药物,抗惊厥药,抗生素,抗过敏治疗,以及为生命危险的人群提供医疗用品。 还有很多事情要做; 药品稀缺、治疗费用高昂、医院设备和用品不足,更不用说委内瑞拉全国暂时没有能源和饮用水,日益损害了委内瑞拉人口的尊严和人权。

    The Good Drug Trafficking

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? "The Good Drug Trafficking" is a courageous and conjunctural direct response campaign by a coalition of several NGOs and foundations in Colombia and Venezuela, to encourage people to volunteer and donate for those who cannot wait for a diplomatic or political solution to the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: Venezuela is experiencing a democratic crisis. There are two governments, for the interim government, represented by the only democratically elected faction of the state, the National Assembly, supported by 54 nations of the world, this initiative is legal. For the other, the Nicolas Maduro's Regime, it is not. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? While Venezuela suffers a complex humanitarian emergency and thousands are dying due this. There are over 600 tons of medicines, health supplies and food to help them. The only mission of this work it’s to deliver donations safe and sound to those in need. Background Situation: Many are aware of the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela, especially in Colombia, its neighboring country, which has seen the problem up close and knows that this situation threatens the lives of many children, women, elderly and people with chronic diseases by not finding medicines, food or medical supplies for hospitals. Brief: To help, several nonprofit organizations in Colombia have been responsible for rising and sending aid to Venezuela. After the prohibition of the regime of Nicolas Maduro against them, this much-needed aid has been dammed at the border, accumulating tons of medicines and medical supplies that could have saved thousands of lives. With borders closed and no diplomatic advances in sight, Colombia's dark past had to come to the rescue. Challenge: Making donations go unnoticed across the Colombia-Venezuela border. Objective: Help NGOs to deliver Humanitarian Aid to the most vulnerable populations in Venezuela Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Good Drug Trafficking is an alternative service that uses the expertise of former Drug dealers, to deliver medicines and health supplies from Colombia to Venezuela. This time we used Colombia’s dark past of smuggling goods through the Venezuelan border for good, creating direct ideas for volunteers and coaching NGOs to create travel items as decoys that can hide Humanitarian Aid, to save the lives of Venezuelans that cannot wait for a diplomatic solution to the country’s crisis. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Approach: The agency, in partnership with former smugglers and former traffickers, foundations and civil society, came together to ensure that medicines continue to reach Venezuelan families in greatest need. Target audience: ONGs and Volunteers. The Good Drug Trafficking is an initiative that gives donations collected in Colombia to foundations in Venezuela, through volunteers who are advised by the same people who have passed all kinds of other drugs across the border in past decades; this time using their experience to do good. It is an alternative to help all people who cannot wait months for a diplomatic solution to a crisis that has already killed thousands of children, youth, women and men with chronic and treatable diseases. Call To Action: Do the unthinkable to help save a live. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Implementation: In May 2018, this initiative was launched as a way to help a small foundation in Caracas receive a shipment of four boxes of donations collected in Bogotá. Timeline: As the tension with Venezuela has been progressively worsening, the needs of this strategy has been necessary for: Scale: - Design about 80 travel items, among suitcases, bags and clothing with imperceptible compartments, to avoid the seizure of medicines and medical supplies by border controls. - Tracing land routes based on the same routes previously used for smuggling from Colombia to Venezuela. - Generate decoys on social media such as fake news, sightings of drones passing donations across the border, or videos from the jungle showing the passage of donations. - Call a large volunteer movement of citizens who want to help, contacting Foundations and NGOs via Whatsapp with donations ready to be sent to Venezuela. List the results (30% of vote) At the time of writing this piece, the arrival of 100% of the shipments has been registered, these are more than 30 tons of Humanitarian Aid valued at more than COP$9,000,000,000 pesos (USD$3,000,000), reaching a coalition of 12 NGOs, foundations and churches protected under the fictitious name of "Foundations United for Venezuela", created to generate a voice over the Venezuelan reality. Approximately 180,000 medicines crossed the border this way, mostly retrovirals, insulins, antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, antiallergic treatments, and medical supplies for the population whose life is at risk. There is still so much to do; the scarcity of medicines, the high cost of treatments, and the deficit of equipment and supplies in hospitals, not to mention the temporary absence of energy and drinking water throughout Venezuela, increasingly compromise the dignity and human rights of Venezuela's population.



    The Good Drug Trafficking










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