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    SEX Guardian短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 为了重新推出 DUO 避孕套, 我们实施了一项基于我们的应用程序和它将有机生成的口碑的活动 (每个下载它的用户都需要将该应用程序与其他用户的智能手机同步,以激活性监护人) 感谢我们在谷歌、 Facebook 和 Youtube 上的广告。我们的时间表始于: 1。Youtube 视频: 该品牌推出了一系列 preroll 数字视频,介绍了 DUO 避孕套的新形象,并邀请他们下载应用程序。性卫士: 我们在 Google Play 和 appstore.3 中提供了这个应用程序。流行音乐: 在全国各地的商店里,两人避孕套的交流收到了下载《性守护者》的邀请。会议: DUO 避孕套进入大学校园,不是为了演讲,而是为了展示它的创造力。规模: 全国范围。 相关性 从前戏、色情短信、约会到之后叫出租车。手机已经成为新一代性生活的重要组成部分。我们把这种媒体变成了一种保护工具,可以避免年轻人被抓到为爱保护自己的地方。 战略 目标受众,主要是年轻人,基本上是他们手机上的家属,所以我们的媒体规划是基于社交网络和最相关的移动网站来传播我们的信息。我们的方法是明确的: 成为我们客户的共犯,一个保护他们的朋友,这样他们就可以随时随地做爱而不会被抓住。 WOM: 每个下载该应用程序的用户都需要将该应用程序与其他用户的智能手机 (他们的夫妇) 同步,以激活性监护人。 活动描述 基于 “我们想做爱,但我们没有地方做爱” 的洞察力, 我们邀请年轻人使用我们的避孕套系列,并在没有被抓住的情况下随时随地尝试我们的新产品,DUO 避孕套现在将为爱保护他们的地方。这个,通过使用与前戏、色情短信、约会和放在床旁边的最后一件物品相同的设备。 结果 商业结果: 与 2015年同期相比,-DUO 避孕套销售增加了 23%。 -与 2015年全年相比,全国各地药店的销售额增加了 26% 以上。 -我们的网站有超过 114.000 个独特的访问者,这是该品牌的记录。结果/意识:-超过 24.000 个警报触发,达到,用一种品牌的避孕套让成千上万的年轻夫妇免于被抓住。 -在 App Store 和 Google Play 下载超过 55.000 次,超过 4,3 分。 -基于搜索行为,品牌兴趣增加了 200%,显示速度非常快响应率。 -Sex Guardian 每月有超过 23.000 活跃用户-我们的 Kamasutra 有超过 81.220 个查询,前提是每日用户互动时间为 1h34m, 有了这些数据,我们很确定人们比以往任何时候都更喜欢和思考我们的产品。 概要 经过 10 年的营销沉默和重要的市场份额的丧失,多避孕套更新了其形象,开发了新的包装,并创造了一系列新的产品,如多 G 振动环, 龙卷风激情和热感觉避孕套。随着这次发布,DUO Condoms 想成为一个具有挑战性、数字化和挑衅性的品牌, 这是为了提高品牌意识,实现营销目标,例如在药店和便利店将其销售额提高到去年同期的 15%。


    案例简介:Execution For the Re-Launch of DUO Condoms, we implemented a campaign based on our app and the WOM it would generate both organically (Every user that downloaded it needed to sync the app with other user's smartphone to activate Sex Guardian) and thanks to our ads in Google, Facebook and Youtube.Our timeline started with:1. Youtube Videos: The brand launched a series of preroll digital videos introducing DUO Condom's new image with an invitation to download the app.2. Sex Guardian: We made the app available in Google Play and Appstore.3. POP: In stores all over the country the DUO Condom's communication had an invitation to download Sex Guardian.4. Conferences: DUO Condoms went to university campuses, not to lecture but to show its creativity.Scale: Nationwide. Relevancy From foreplay, sexting, and dating to calling the cab after. Mobile phones have become a crucial part of the new generation's sexual life.We turn this media in a protection tool that save young adults from getting caught protecting their places for love. Strategy Target audience, mostly young adults, are basically dependents on their mobile phone dependents, so our Media planning was based on Social Networks and the most relevant mobile site to spread our message.Our approach was clear: To become an accomplice for our customers, a pal who protects them so they can have sex whenever and wherever they want without getting caught.WOM: Every user that downloaded it need to sync the app with other user's smartphone (their couple) to activate Sex Guardian. CampaignDescription Based on the insight "We want to have sex, but we don't have any place for it“, we invited young adults to use our range of condoms and try our new products whenever and wherever they could without getting caught, DUO Condoms will now protect their places for love.This, by using the very same device used to foreplay, sexting, dating, and the last item to put next to the bed. Outcome Business Results:- DUO Condoms sales have increased 23% compared with the same period in 2015.- Over 26% sales increased compared with the whole year 2015 in drugstores all over the nation.- Our website had over 114.000 unique visitors, a record for the brand.Outcomes / Awareness:- Over 24.000 alarms triggered, reaching, engaging thousands of young couples with a brand of condoms that just saved them from getting caught.- Over 55.000 downloads in App Store and Google Play, and a score of over 4,3.- Brand interest increased 200% based on search behavior demonstrating a very fast response rate.-Sex Guardian has more than 23.000 monthly active users- Our Kamasutra has over 81.220 queries, providing that the daily user interaction time is 1h34m, with this data we are pretty sure people is enjoying and thinking in our products more than ever. Synopsis After 10 years of marketing silence and an important market-share lost, DUO Condoms renewed its image, developed new packagings and created a new range of products such as the DUO G-Vibration Ring, Tornado Passion and Hot Sensation Condoms. With this launch, DUO Condoms wanted to become a challenging, digital and provocative brand, this in order to rise brand awareness and to accomplish marketing objectives such as boost it sales to a 15% against the same period last year in drugstores and convenience stores.

    SEX Guardian

    案例简介:执行 为了重新推出 DUO 避孕套, 我们实施了一项基于我们的应用程序和它将有机生成的口碑的活动 (每个下载它的用户都需要将该应用程序与其他用户的智能手机同步,以激活性监护人) 感谢我们在谷歌、 Facebook 和 Youtube 上的广告。我们的时间表始于: 1。Youtube 视频: 该品牌推出了一系列 preroll 数字视频,介绍了 DUO 避孕套的新形象,并邀请他们下载应用程序。性卫士: 我们在 Google Play 和 appstore.3 中提供了这个应用程序。流行音乐: 在全国各地的商店里,两人避孕套的交流收到了下载《性守护者》的邀请。会议: DUO 避孕套进入大学校园,不是为了演讲,而是为了展示它的创造力。规模: 全国范围。 相关性 从前戏、色情短信、约会到之后叫出租车。手机已经成为新一代性生活的重要组成部分。我们把这种媒体变成了一种保护工具,可以避免年轻人被抓到为爱保护自己的地方。 战略 目标受众,主要是年轻人,基本上是他们手机上的家属,所以我们的媒体规划是基于社交网络和最相关的移动网站来传播我们的信息。我们的方法是明确的: 成为我们客户的共犯,一个保护他们的朋友,这样他们就可以随时随地做爱而不会被抓住。 WOM: 每个下载该应用程序的用户都需要将该应用程序与其他用户的智能手机 (他们的夫妇) 同步,以激活性监护人。 活动描述 基于 “我们想做爱,但我们没有地方做爱” 的洞察力, 我们邀请年轻人使用我们的避孕套系列,并在没有被抓住的情况下随时随地尝试我们的新产品,DUO 避孕套现在将为爱保护他们的地方。这个,通过使用与前戏、色情短信、约会和放在床旁边的最后一件物品相同的设备。 结果 商业结果: 与 2015年同期相比,-DUO 避孕套销售增加了 23%。 -与 2015年全年相比,全国各地药店的销售额增加了 26% 以上。 -我们的网站有超过 114.000 个独特的访问者,这是该品牌的记录。结果/意识:-超过 24.000 个警报触发,达到,用一种品牌的避孕套让成千上万的年轻夫妇免于被抓住。 -在 App Store 和 Google Play 下载超过 55.000 次,超过 4,3 分。 -基于搜索行为,品牌兴趣增加了 200%,显示速度非常快响应率。 -Sex Guardian 每月有超过 23.000 活跃用户-我们的 Kamasutra 有超过 81.220 个查询,前提是每日用户互动时间为 1h34m, 有了这些数据,我们很确定人们比以往任何时候都更喜欢和思考我们的产品。 概要 经过 10 年的营销沉默和重要的市场份额的丧失,多避孕套更新了其形象,开发了新的包装,并创造了一系列新的产品,如多 G 振动环, 龙卷风激情和热感觉避孕套。随着这次发布,DUO Condoms 想成为一个具有挑战性、数字化和挑衅性的品牌, 这是为了提高品牌意识,实现营销目标,例如在药店和便利店将其销售额提高到去年同期的 15%。

    SEX Guardian

    案例简介:Execution For the Re-Launch of DUO Condoms, we implemented a campaign based on our app and the WOM it would generate both organically (Every user that downloaded it needed to sync the app with other user's smartphone to activate Sex Guardian) and thanks to our ads in Google, Facebook and Youtube.Our timeline started with:1. Youtube Videos: The brand launched a series of preroll digital videos introducing DUO Condom's new image with an invitation to download the app.2. Sex Guardian: We made the app available in Google Play and Appstore.3. POP: In stores all over the country the DUO Condom's communication had an invitation to download Sex Guardian.4. Conferences: DUO Condoms went to university campuses, not to lecture but to show its creativity.Scale: Nationwide. Relevancy From foreplay, sexting, and dating to calling the cab after. Mobile phones have become a crucial part of the new generation's sexual life.We turn this media in a protection tool that save young adults from getting caught protecting their places for love. Strategy Target audience, mostly young adults, are basically dependents on their mobile phone dependents, so our Media planning was based on Social Networks and the most relevant mobile site to spread our message.Our approach was clear: To become an accomplice for our customers, a pal who protects them so they can have sex whenever and wherever they want without getting caught.WOM: Every user that downloaded it need to sync the app with other user's smartphone (their couple) to activate Sex Guardian. CampaignDescription Based on the insight "We want to have sex, but we don't have any place for it“, we invited young adults to use our range of condoms and try our new products whenever and wherever they could without getting caught, DUO Condoms will now protect their places for love.This, by using the very same device used to foreplay, sexting, dating, and the last item to put next to the bed. Outcome Business Results:- DUO Condoms sales have increased 23% compared with the same period in 2015.- Over 26% sales increased compared with the whole year 2015 in drugstores all over the nation.- Our website had over 114.000 unique visitors, a record for the brand.Outcomes / Awareness:- Over 24.000 alarms triggered, reaching, engaging thousands of young couples with a brand of condoms that just saved them from getting caught.- Over 55.000 downloads in App Store and Google Play, and a score of over 4,3.- Brand interest increased 200% based on search behavior demonstrating a very fast response rate.-Sex Guardian has more than 23.000 monthly active users- Our Kamasutra has over 81.220 queries, providing that the daily user interaction time is 1h34m, with this data we are pretty sure people is enjoying and thinking in our products more than ever. Synopsis After 10 years of marketing silence and an important market-share lost, DUO Condoms renewed its image, developed new packagings and created a new range of products such as the DUO G-Vibration Ring, Tornado Passion and Hot Sensation Condoms. With this launch, DUO Condoms wanted to become a challenging, digital and provocative brand, this in order to rise brand awareness and to accomplish marketing objectives such as boost it sales to a 15% against the same period last year in drugstores and convenience stores.



    SEX Guardian










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