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    Facebook Photobomb短视频广告营销案例



    Facebook Photobomb

    案例简介:结果 在零媒体预算的情况下,我们能够收养超过一半的宠物,为更多无家可归的动物腾出空间。我们还大大提高了在线意识和参与度,包括 DARG Facebook 页面参与度增加了 243%,DARG Facebook 页面浏览量增加了 53.8%。我们还创造了平均每日印象 65% 的增长和平均每日参与用户 321% 的增长。 相关性 我们使用 “照片标签”,一个标准的 Facebook 功能,创建一个创新的,免费的,高效的媒体渠道。Facebook 允许人们把他们的生活放在网上,因此通过简单地操纵 Facebook 的标准功能,我们也能够把我们需要收养的动物直接带入人们的生活。Facebook 帮助我们轻松获取目标受众的照片,并允许我们将 “照片床” 图像发布回目标个人资料,使他们在社交网络中的每个人都能看到这些图像。 执行 我们为这些动物创建了 Facebook 档案,然后将它们编辑成我们在目标的 Facebook 档案中找到的照片。这些照片被贴上标签,并分享了一条传达动物独特个性的信息,描述了它是如何轻松愉快地融入人的生活。然后,“photobombede” 用户将收到通知,表明他们已经在照片中被标记。当他们查看通知时,他们会看到一张熟悉的自己的照片,但伴随着一只他们从未见过的狗。这将促使他们跟随帖子到狗的个人资料,了解更多关于这种动物的信息,以及它是如何出现在他们的照片中的。大多数用户分享了这些帖子,他们社交网络中的许多人也积极参与。随着越来越多的照片被发布,宠物的社交网络有机地增长,我们能够瞄准更多的人。 战略 Facebook 是这次活动的完美社交平台,因为它提供了对人们照片库的访问,并允许轻松标记和共享。此外,我们可以为动物自己创建档案,使我们能够给它们注入个性。我们的目标是拥有大量社会追随者的人,因为他们将是扩大运动和扩大其影响的最佳人选。帖子上的副本是为特定用户量身定制的,以便在情感和娱乐层面上吸引他们。除了让这些特定的动物被收养,我们的目标也是提高对 DARG 作为一个组织的认识和支持,以推动长期考虑。 概要 达格是开普敦的一个家庭动物救援避难所。它们容量过大,需要为 15 只动物找到家园,以便为新的动物腾出空间。由于达格是一个非营利组织,我们需要找到一种廉价的方法来尽快收养这 15 只宠物。我们决定通过向人们展示这些美丽的生物是多么容易融入每个人的生活来做到这一点。 活动描述 我们用照片给人们拍照,我们希望他们收养这些狗。我们将动物数字化编辑成人们的 Facebook 照片,将照片上传到 Facebook,并在编辑后的照片中给毫无戒心的人贴上标签。有趣的拷贝伴随着帖子,给人们一种动物个性的感觉,并创造一种情感联系。这些帖子旨在最大限度地提高共享能力和病毒传播潜力,因此人们将被迫有机地传播运动。

    Facebook Photobomb

    案例简介:Outcome With zero media budget we were able to get over half of the pets adopted, making space for more homeless animals.We also greatly increased online awareness and engagement including a 243% increase in DARG Facebook page engagement, and a 53.8% increase in DARG Facebook page views. We also generated a 65% increase in average daily impressions and a 321% increase in average daily engaged users. Relevancy We used “photo tagging”, a standard Facebook feature, to create an innovative, free, and highly effective media channel. Facebook allows people to put their lives online, and therefore with a simple manipulation of Facebook’s standard features we were able to put the animals we needed to get adopted directly into people’s lives too. Facebook helped us to easily source photos of our target audience, and allowed us to post ‘photobombed’ images back to the targets’ profile, making them visible to everyone in their social network. Execution We created Facebook profiles for the animals, then edited them into photos that we found on our targets’ Facebook profiles. The photos were tagged and shared with a message conveying the animal’s unique personality, describing how easily and happily it could fit into that person’s life.‘Photobombed’ users would then receive a notification that they had been tagged in a photo. As they checked the notification, they would see a familiar photo of themselves, but accompanied by a dog they had never met. This would then prompt them to follow the post to the dog’s profile to learn more about this animal and how it ended up in their photo.Most of the users shared the posts and many in their social network also engaged positively. As more Photobombs were posted, the pet’s social network grew organically and we were able to target more people. Strategy Facebook was the perfect social platform for this campaign as it provides access to people’s photo libraries and allows for easy tagging and sharing. Additionally, we could create profiles for the animals themselves, enabling us to infuse them with personality.We targeted people with large social followings, as they would be the best people to amplify the campaign and broaden its reach. The copy on the post was tailored to the specific user in order to engage them on an emotional and entertaining level. We also targeted local celebrities and influencers.Beyond getting these specific animals adopted, our objective was also to raise awareness and support for DARG as an organisation in order to drive long-term consideration. Synopsis DARG is a domestic animal rescue shelter in Cape Town. They were over-capacity and needed to find homes for 15 animals in order to make space for new ones.As DARG is a non-profit organisation, we needed to find an inexpensive way to get these 15 pets adopted as quickly as possible. We decided to do this by showing people how easily these beautiful creatures could fit into everyone’s lives. Campaign Description We ‘photobombed’ people with pictures of the dogs that we wanted them to adopt. We digitally edited the animals into people’s Facebook photos, re-uploaded the photobombs to Facebook, and tagged the unsuspecting person in the edited photo.Amusing copy accompanied the post to give people a sense of the animal’s personality and create an emotional connection. These posts were designed to maximise share-ability and viral potential so people would be compelled to spread the campaign organically.

    Facebook Photobomb

    案例简介:结果 在零媒体预算的情况下,我们能够收养超过一半的宠物,为更多无家可归的动物腾出空间。我们还大大提高了在线意识和参与度,包括 DARG Facebook 页面参与度增加了 243%,DARG Facebook 页面浏览量增加了 53.8%。我们还创造了平均每日印象 65% 的增长和平均每日参与用户 321% 的增长。 相关性 我们使用 “照片标签”,一个标准的 Facebook 功能,创建一个创新的,免费的,高效的媒体渠道。Facebook 允许人们把他们的生活放在网上,因此通过简单地操纵 Facebook 的标准功能,我们也能够把我们需要收养的动物直接带入人们的生活。Facebook 帮助我们轻松获取目标受众的照片,并允许我们将 “照片床” 图像发布回目标个人资料,使他们在社交网络中的每个人都能看到这些图像。 执行 我们为这些动物创建了 Facebook 档案,然后将它们编辑成我们在目标的 Facebook 档案中找到的照片。这些照片被贴上标签,并分享了一条传达动物独特个性的信息,描述了它是如何轻松愉快地融入人的生活。然后,“photobombede” 用户将收到通知,表明他们已经在照片中被标记。当他们查看通知时,他们会看到一张熟悉的自己的照片,但伴随着一只他们从未见过的狗。这将促使他们跟随帖子到狗的个人资料,了解更多关于这种动物的信息,以及它是如何出现在他们的照片中的。大多数用户分享了这些帖子,他们社交网络中的许多人也积极参与。随着越来越多的照片被发布,宠物的社交网络有机地增长,我们能够瞄准更多的人。 战略 Facebook 是这次活动的完美社交平台,因为它提供了对人们照片库的访问,并允许轻松标记和共享。此外,我们可以为动物自己创建档案,使我们能够给它们注入个性。我们的目标是拥有大量社会追随者的人,因为他们将是扩大运动和扩大其影响的最佳人选。帖子上的副本是为特定用户量身定制的,以便在情感和娱乐层面上吸引他们。除了让这些特定的动物被收养,我们的目标也是提高对 DARG 作为一个组织的认识和支持,以推动长期考虑。 概要 达格是开普敦的一个家庭动物救援避难所。它们容量过大,需要为 15 只动物找到家园,以便为新的动物腾出空间。由于达格是一个非营利组织,我们需要找到一种廉价的方法来尽快收养这 15 只宠物。我们决定通过向人们展示这些美丽的生物是多么容易融入每个人的生活来做到这一点。 活动描述 我们用照片给人们拍照,我们希望他们收养这些狗。我们将动物数字化编辑成人们的 Facebook 照片,将照片上传到 Facebook,并在编辑后的照片中给毫无戒心的人贴上标签。有趣的拷贝伴随着帖子,给人们一种动物个性的感觉,并创造一种情感联系。这些帖子旨在最大限度地提高共享能力和病毒传播潜力,因此人们将被迫有机地传播运动。

    Facebook Photobomb

    案例简介:Outcome With zero media budget we were able to get over half of the pets adopted, making space for more homeless animals.We also greatly increased online awareness and engagement including a 243% increase in DARG Facebook page engagement, and a 53.8% increase in DARG Facebook page views. We also generated a 65% increase in average daily impressions and a 321% increase in average daily engaged users. Relevancy We used “photo tagging”, a standard Facebook feature, to create an innovative, free, and highly effective media channel. Facebook allows people to put their lives online, and therefore with a simple manipulation of Facebook’s standard features we were able to put the animals we needed to get adopted directly into people’s lives too. Facebook helped us to easily source photos of our target audience, and allowed us to post ‘photobombed’ images back to the targets’ profile, making them visible to everyone in their social network. Execution We created Facebook profiles for the animals, then edited them into photos that we found on our targets’ Facebook profiles. The photos were tagged and shared with a message conveying the animal’s unique personality, describing how easily and happily it could fit into that person’s life.‘Photobombed’ users would then receive a notification that they had been tagged in a photo. As they checked the notification, they would see a familiar photo of themselves, but accompanied by a dog they had never met. This would then prompt them to follow the post to the dog’s profile to learn more about this animal and how it ended up in their photo.Most of the users shared the posts and many in their social network also engaged positively. As more Photobombs were posted, the pet’s social network grew organically and we were able to target more people. Strategy Facebook was the perfect social platform for this campaign as it provides access to people’s photo libraries and allows for easy tagging and sharing. Additionally, we could create profiles for the animals themselves, enabling us to infuse them with personality.We targeted people with large social followings, as they would be the best people to amplify the campaign and broaden its reach. The copy on the post was tailored to the specific user in order to engage them on an emotional and entertaining level. We also targeted local celebrities and influencers.Beyond getting these specific animals adopted, our objective was also to raise awareness and support for DARG as an organisation in order to drive long-term consideration. Synopsis DARG is a domestic animal rescue shelter in Cape Town. They were over-capacity and needed to find homes for 15 animals in order to make space for new ones.As DARG is a non-profit organisation, we needed to find an inexpensive way to get these 15 pets adopted as quickly as possible. We decided to do this by showing people how easily these beautiful creatures could fit into everyone’s lives. Campaign Description We ‘photobombed’ people with pictures of the dogs that we wanted them to adopt. We digitally edited the animals into people’s Facebook photos, re-uploaded the photobombs to Facebook, and tagged the unsuspecting person in the edited photo.Amusing copy accompanied the post to give people a sense of the animal’s personality and create an emotional connection. These posts were designed to maximise share-ability and viral potential so people would be compelled to spread the campaign organically.

    Facebook Photobomb


    Facebook Photobomb






    广告公司: VML (南非 开普敦)




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