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    案例简介:在西班牙,炸鸡不是文化的一部分,这对肯德基来说不是好消息。人们想到汉堡、比萨饼或亚洲食物,但从来不想到炸鸡。因此,在像 QSR 这样具有竞争力并且预算比竞争对手少得多的类别中,肯德基在西班牙的主要目标之一是通过连接成为文化的一部分,特别是,和年轻的观众在一起。然而,与这种类型的观众联系并不容易。年轻人拒绝传统广告,对试图进入他们文化舞台的品牌完全持怀疑态度。这对肯德基和 QSR 类别的所有品牌来说都是一个巨大的挑战,因为年轻消费者更有可能选择这种食物。我们怎样才能接触到如此重要的观众,以至于他们不想被接触到?我们的目标是超越简单地接触观众,我们需要以他们的方式建立相关性。我们需要在他们自己的地盘上联系和娱乐他们。如果我们想和我们的观众联系,我们知道 Twitter 是他们大部分对话产生的地方之一。所以在听了、听了之后,我们发现了一些精彩的东西。我们发现年轻人有机地使用了 “我邀请你去肯德基” 这句话。但他们不是指炸鸡,他们给邀请自己去肯德基的首字母缩略词赋予了其他含义: 互相认识,互相操,一起暨或者知道我的门,在我的床上操我,再见。是的,你知道,当你年轻的时候,荷尔蒙统治。所以,我们决定通过创建肯德基宫殿套房来满足你的需求,而不是逃跑 (通常是在性和食物结合的时候)。西班牙最具标志性的豪华酒店之一的房间,我们给那些邀请自己去肯德基的人一个体验亲密之夜的机会。肯德基对他们意味着什么。简而言之,我们不只是回应一次谈话,我们通过创造现实生活中的体验,让品牌和观众之间有更深的联系,给年轻人他们想要的东西。接触年轻人并向他们介绍文化的一个重要因素是让他们思考,“肯德基是像我这样的人的品牌。很酷。"要做到这一点,我们的声音必须熟悉,并在有趣和相关的话题和对话中与观众联系。我们的观众产生对话的最终场所是推特。但是我们必须明白,在社交媒体上,尤其是推特,这是一个人们相互联系的环境,作为一个品牌,如果你想进入,你必须征得同意。我们很清楚,要联系,而不是说话,我们要做的第一件事就是倾听,知道如何倾听,花时间,等待合适的时机。所以我们等待,等待,等待.当我们发现人们在亲密的约会中使用首字母缩略词肯德基来邀请彼此时,我们看到了一个在他们的地盘上与观众有机联系的机会。所以我们决定做出回应,但是,以正确的方式,知道实现 “快速回应的简单性” 的前提有多难。但我们不只是回应对话,我们通过将简单的推文变成独特的品牌体验,将对话带入现实生活。我们做的第一件事是在马德里宫殿酒店旁边共同创建肯德基套房。带有肯德基风格所有细节的套房。我们用红色和白色的色调装饰了套房,我们挂了上校的照片。此外,我们专门为这种场合设计了各种肯德基便利设施: 浴袍、垫子、床单、肥皂、蜡烛、拖鞋,当然还有肯德基避孕套。为了使体验完整,我们还设计了一个菜单,其中有两种独家优惠可供选择,可以通过我们自己的客房服务免费订购。一旦肯德基宫殿套房准备好了。我们采取了行动。我们意识到我们将进入一个由人们有机创造的对话。所以我们决定一点一点地进入其中。我们开始回应那些影响最大的推文,欣赏他们的想法,告诉他们我们已经听到了,他们应该关注以产生好奇心和期待。在发布日,我们在社交网络上发布了一段视频和几段视频,展示了我们创建的房间,解释了参与的动态,以便在套房中度过一个夜晚。人们开始参与,这个想法开始在网络和媒体中扩展,在我们的目标中获得了一些最有影响力的 @ TheGrefg (3.1 粉丝), @ PostureEspanol (233 个粉丝) @ Cabronazi (6.5 个粉丝) 开始邀请他们想要的人去肯德基。所以我们不仅仅是一个回应对话的品牌,而是给了我们共同创造一个观众可以加入的文化时刻的机会,希望如此,在 KFCPalace 套房住两晚,尽情享受吧。肯德基宫在社交媒体 (530万) 上实现了肯德基有史以来最好的触手可及Eraction rate 增加 + 326%,该品牌在 Twitter 上的平均提及量为 + 211%,标签 # teinvitoakfc 为 TT。所有这些都实现了 480,000 欧元的公关价值。我们有几个人在马德里宫套房享用肯德基。一些他们从未想过会做的事。


    案例简介:In Spain, fried chicken is not part of the culture, and this, for KFC, is not good news. People think of burgers, pizza or Asian food but never fried chicken. So, in a category as competitive as QSR and on a much smaller budget than its competitors, one of KFC's main goals in Spain is to become a part of the culture by connecting, especially, with the younger audience. However, connecting with this type of audience is not easy. Young people reject traditional advertising and are totally skeptical of brands that try to enter their cultural arena. This is a big challenge for KFC and all brands in the QSR category because younger consumers are more likely to come to this type of food. How can we reach an audience so important that they don't want to be reached? Our goal was to go beyond simply reaching the audience, we needed to build relevance in their way. We needed to connect and entertain them on their own turf. If we wanted to connect with our audience, we knew that Twitter is one of the places where most of their conversations are generated. So after listening, listening and listening we found something wonderful. We discovered that young people, organically, were using the expression "I invite you to KFC. But they weren't referring to fried chicken, they were giving other meanings to the acronym for inviting themselves to KFC: Know each other, Fuck each other and Cum together or Know my door, Fuck me in my bed Ciao. Yeah, you know, when you're young, hormones rule. So, instead of running away, (usually when sex and food are combined) we decided to meet your needs by creating the KFC Palace Suite. A room at one of Spain's most iconic luxury hotels, and we gave those who invited themselves to KFC the opportunity to experience a night of intimacy. Whatever KFC means to them. In short, we didn't just respond to a conversation, we gave the young people what they were looking for by creating a real-life experience to make a deeper connection between the brand and the audience. An important factor in reaching young people and introducing them to the culture is getting them to think, "KFC is a brand for people like me. It's cool." To do this, our voice must be familiar and connect with the audience in topics and conversations that are interesting and relevant to them. And the ultimate place for our audience to generate conversation is Twitter. But we had to understand that in Social Media, and especially Twitter, it's an environment where people connect with each other, and as a brand, if you want to get in, you have to ask permission. We were clear that to connect, instead of talking, the first thing we had to do was to listen and know how to listen, spend time, and wait for the right moment. So we waited, waited, waited... When we discovered that people were using the acronym KFC to invite each other on intimate dates we saw an opportunity to connect organically with the audience on their turf. So we decided to respond, but well, in the right way, knowing how difficult it is to achieve the premise of "the simplicity of responding quickly. But we didn't just respond to the conversation, we took the conversation to real life by turning a simple tweet into a unique brand experience. The first thing we did was to co-create the KFC Suite next to the Palace Hotel in Madrid. A suite with all the details in the style of KFC. We decorated the suite with red and white tones, buckets and we hung pictures of the colonel. In addition, we designed all kinds of KFC amenities exclusively for the occasion: bathrobes, cushions, sheets, soap, candles, slippers and, of course, KFC condoms. And to make the experience complete, we also designed a menu with a selection of exclusive offers for two that could be ordered, free of charge, through our own room service. Once the KFC Palace Suite was ready. We took action. We were aware that we were going to enter into a conversation that was organically created by people. So we decided to enter into it little by little. We started responding to those tweets that had the most impact by appreciating their ideas and telling them that we'd heard them and that they should be watching to generate curiosity and anticipation. For the launch day we launched a video and several pieces in social networks showing the room we had created explaining the dynamics of participation to get a night in the Suite. People began to participate and the idea began to expand in the networks and media, getting some of the most influential among our target as @TheGrefg (3.1 MM followers), @PostureEspanol (233 K followers) @Cabronazi (6.5 MM followers) began to invite to KFC those they wanted. So we weren't just a brand responding to a conversation, but gave the opportunity to co-create a cultural moment that the audience could join and, hopefully, enjoy to the fullest by spending two nights in the KFCPalace suite. KFC Palace achieved the best ever reach for KFC on social media (5.3 million), the average Twitter interaction rate increased +326%, the average volume of mentions of the brand on Twitter alone was +211% and the hashtag #teinvitoakfc was TT. All this achieved a PR value of 480,000 euros. We got several people to enjoy KFC in the Palace de Madrid suite. Something they would never have thought they could do.

    KFC Palace

    案例简介:在西班牙,炸鸡不是文化的一部分,这对肯德基来说不是好消息。人们想到汉堡、比萨饼或亚洲食物,但从来不想到炸鸡。因此,在像 QSR 这样具有竞争力并且预算比竞争对手少得多的类别中,肯德基在西班牙的主要目标之一是通过连接成为文化的一部分,特别是,和年轻的观众在一起。然而,与这种类型的观众联系并不容易。年轻人拒绝传统广告,对试图进入他们文化舞台的品牌完全持怀疑态度。这对肯德基和 QSR 类别的所有品牌来说都是一个巨大的挑战,因为年轻消费者更有可能选择这种食物。我们怎样才能接触到如此重要的观众,以至于他们不想被接触到?我们的目标是超越简单地接触观众,我们需要以他们的方式建立相关性。我们需要在他们自己的地盘上联系和娱乐他们。如果我们想和我们的观众联系,我们知道 Twitter 是他们大部分对话产生的地方之一。所以在听了、听了之后,我们发现了一些精彩的东西。我们发现年轻人有机地使用了 “我邀请你去肯德基” 这句话。但他们不是指炸鸡,他们给邀请自己去肯德基的首字母缩略词赋予了其他含义: 互相认识,互相操,一起暨或者知道我的门,在我的床上操我,再见。是的,你知道,当你年轻的时候,荷尔蒙统治。所以,我们决定通过创建肯德基宫殿套房来满足你的需求,而不是逃跑 (通常是在性和食物结合的时候)。西班牙最具标志性的豪华酒店之一的房间,我们给那些邀请自己去肯德基的人一个体验亲密之夜的机会。肯德基对他们意味着什么。简而言之,我们不只是回应一次谈话,我们通过创造现实生活中的体验,让品牌和观众之间有更深的联系,给年轻人他们想要的东西。接触年轻人并向他们介绍文化的一个重要因素是让他们思考,“肯德基是像我这样的人的品牌。很酷。"要做到这一点,我们的声音必须熟悉,并在有趣和相关的话题和对话中与观众联系。我们的观众产生对话的最终场所是推特。但是我们必须明白,在社交媒体上,尤其是推特,这是一个人们相互联系的环境,作为一个品牌,如果你想进入,你必须征得同意。我们很清楚,要联系,而不是说话,我们要做的第一件事就是倾听,知道如何倾听,花时间,等待合适的时机。所以我们等待,等待,等待.当我们发现人们在亲密的约会中使用首字母缩略词肯德基来邀请彼此时,我们看到了一个在他们的地盘上与观众有机联系的机会。所以我们决定做出回应,但是,以正确的方式,知道实现 “快速回应的简单性” 的前提有多难。但我们不只是回应对话,我们通过将简单的推文变成独特的品牌体验,将对话带入现实生活。我们做的第一件事是在马德里宫殿酒店旁边共同创建肯德基套房。带有肯德基风格所有细节的套房。我们用红色和白色的色调装饰了套房,我们挂了上校的照片。此外,我们专门为这种场合设计了各种肯德基便利设施: 浴袍、垫子、床单、肥皂、蜡烛、拖鞋,当然还有肯德基避孕套。为了使体验完整,我们还设计了一个菜单,其中有两种独家优惠可供选择,可以通过我们自己的客房服务免费订购。一旦肯德基宫殿套房准备好了。我们采取了行动。我们意识到我们将进入一个由人们有机创造的对话。所以我们决定一点一点地进入其中。我们开始回应那些影响最大的推文,欣赏他们的想法,告诉他们我们已经听到了,他们应该关注以产生好奇心和期待。在发布日,我们在社交网络上发布了一段视频和几段视频,展示了我们创建的房间,解释了参与的动态,以便在套房中度过一个夜晚。人们开始参与,这个想法开始在网络和媒体中扩展,在我们的目标中获得了一些最有影响力的 @ TheGrefg (3.1 粉丝), @ PostureEspanol (233 个粉丝) @ Cabronazi (6.5 个粉丝) 开始邀请他们想要的人去肯德基。所以我们不仅仅是一个回应对话的品牌,而是给了我们共同创造一个观众可以加入的文化时刻的机会,希望如此,在 KFCPalace 套房住两晚,尽情享受吧。肯德基宫在社交媒体 (530万) 上实现了肯德基有史以来最好的触手可及Eraction rate 增加 + 326%,该品牌在 Twitter 上的平均提及量为 + 211%,标签 # teinvitoakfc 为 TT。所有这些都实现了 480,000 欧元的公关价值。我们有几个人在马德里宫套房享用肯德基。一些他们从未想过会做的事。

    KFC Palace

    案例简介:In Spain, fried chicken is not part of the culture, and this, for KFC, is not good news. People think of burgers, pizza or Asian food but never fried chicken. So, in a category as competitive as QSR and on a much smaller budget than its competitors, one of KFC's main goals in Spain is to become a part of the culture by connecting, especially, with the younger audience. However, connecting with this type of audience is not easy. Young people reject traditional advertising and are totally skeptical of brands that try to enter their cultural arena. This is a big challenge for KFC and all brands in the QSR category because younger consumers are more likely to come to this type of food. How can we reach an audience so important that they don't want to be reached? Our goal was to go beyond simply reaching the audience, we needed to build relevance in their way. We needed to connect and entertain them on their own turf. If we wanted to connect with our audience, we knew that Twitter is one of the places where most of their conversations are generated. So after listening, listening and listening we found something wonderful. We discovered that young people, organically, were using the expression "I invite you to KFC. But they weren't referring to fried chicken, they were giving other meanings to the acronym for inviting themselves to KFC: Know each other, Fuck each other and Cum together or Know my door, Fuck me in my bed Ciao. Yeah, you know, when you're young, hormones rule. So, instead of running away, (usually when sex and food are combined) we decided to meet your needs by creating the KFC Palace Suite. A room at one of Spain's most iconic luxury hotels, and we gave those who invited themselves to KFC the opportunity to experience a night of intimacy. Whatever KFC means to them. In short, we didn't just respond to a conversation, we gave the young people what they were looking for by creating a real-life experience to make a deeper connection between the brand and the audience. An important factor in reaching young people and introducing them to the culture is getting them to think, "KFC is a brand for people like me. It's cool." To do this, our voice must be familiar and connect with the audience in topics and conversations that are interesting and relevant to them. And the ultimate place for our audience to generate conversation is Twitter. But we had to understand that in Social Media, and especially Twitter, it's an environment where people connect with each other, and as a brand, if you want to get in, you have to ask permission. We were clear that to connect, instead of talking, the first thing we had to do was to listen and know how to listen, spend time, and wait for the right moment. So we waited, waited, waited... When we discovered that people were using the acronym KFC to invite each other on intimate dates we saw an opportunity to connect organically with the audience on their turf. So we decided to respond, but well, in the right way, knowing how difficult it is to achieve the premise of "the simplicity of responding quickly. But we didn't just respond to the conversation, we took the conversation to real life by turning a simple tweet into a unique brand experience. The first thing we did was to co-create the KFC Suite next to the Palace Hotel in Madrid. A suite with all the details in the style of KFC. We decorated the suite with red and white tones, buckets and we hung pictures of the colonel. In addition, we designed all kinds of KFC amenities exclusively for the occasion: bathrobes, cushions, sheets, soap, candles, slippers and, of course, KFC condoms. And to make the experience complete, we also designed a menu with a selection of exclusive offers for two that could be ordered, free of charge, through our own room service. Once the KFC Palace Suite was ready. We took action. We were aware that we were going to enter into a conversation that was organically created by people. So we decided to enter into it little by little. We started responding to those tweets that had the most impact by appreciating their ideas and telling them that we'd heard them and that they should be watching to generate curiosity and anticipation. For the launch day we launched a video and several pieces in social networks showing the room we had created explaining the dynamics of participation to get a night in the Suite. People began to participate and the idea began to expand in the networks and media, getting some of the most influential among our target as @TheGrefg (3.1 MM followers), @PostureEspanol (233 K followers) @Cabronazi (6.5 MM followers) began to invite to KFC those they wanted. So we weren't just a brand responding to a conversation, but gave the opportunity to co-create a cultural moment that the audience could join and, hopefully, enjoy to the fullest by spending two nights in the KFCPalace suite. KFC Palace achieved the best ever reach for KFC on social media (5.3 million), the average Twitter interaction rate increased +326%, the average volume of mentions of the brand on Twitter alone was +211% and the hashtag #teinvitoakfc was TT. All this achieved a PR value of 480,000 euros. We got several people to enjoy KFC in the Palace de Madrid suite. Something they would never have thought they could do.



    KFC Palace






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