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    Social Smoking Campaign短视频,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目 安大略省政府决定,如果他们能让社会吸烟者在上瘾之前戒烟,他们可以节省大量的生命和医疗保健费用。 超过 60% 的社会吸烟者最终成为吸烟者,这是有道理的。 奇怪的是,从来没有反吸烟运动解决这个关键的干预时刻。只有一个问题。 你如何说服某人停止做他们甚至不会承认他们正在做的事情? 毕竟,他们没有吸烟。他们是 “社交” 吸烟。 我们的运动通过幽默的类比来证明用 “社会” 这个词来证明吸烟是多么荒谬,从而剥夺了他们的社会安全地位。 竞选成功 在发起这场运动的两周内,我们赢得了 1.17亿的印象, 200万的 YouTube 浏览量和超过 141,000 次约会。更重要的是 我们让人们聊天,增加关于社交吸烟的对话 超过 8,600%。 这场运动的新方法引起了公众的注意 加拿大和国际出版社。这项工作在广告周、广告时代得到认可 当代最佳创意、世界广告、 Mashable 、时代杂志和赫芬顿 Post。 有线电视新闻网甚至报道称它 “也许是有史以来最好的 PSA”。 其他感兴趣的团体,如加拿大成瘾和精神中心 健康,加入了关于社会吸烟的讨论,自愿将他们的时间和专业知识作为我们社会讨论的贡献者。简而言之,这场运动在很短的时间内建立了令人难以置信的势头。 启动和执行 这场运动本质上是社会化的 -- 所有的交流都流向了我们在 quitthedenial.com 的 Facebook 页面。前往 Facebook 的付费媒体包括电影广告、在线广告、校园海报以及餐馆和酒吧的广告。 鉴于我们年轻的目标,利用社交媒体是这场运动的自然选择。我们需要一个论坛,让他们可以相互交流,因为同龄人对观众来说是如此重要的影响者。 除了我们的社交平台,我们计划在社交吸烟者最有可能发光的地方和时间进行交叉。休闲或 “社交吸烟者” 通常选择在周末和朋友外出时吸烟。通过在电影和酒吧等周末出没的地方出现,我们希望在此刻让这些休闲吸烟者相互交叉,让他们对吸烟三思而行。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The government of Ontario decided they could save tons of lives and health care money if they could get social smokers to quit before they got addicted. Makes sense as over 60% of social smokers eventually become smokers. Strangely, no anti-smoking campaign had ever tackled this key intervention moment. There was just one problem. How do you convince someone to stop doing something they won't admit they're even doing? After all, they weren't smoking. They were "social" smoking. Our campaign took away their social safe place by using humorous analogies to show how ridiculous using the word "social" to justify smoking really was. Campaign Success Within 2 weeks of launching the campaign we earned 117 million impressions, 2 million YouTube views and over 141,000 engagements. More importantly, we got people talking, increasing the conversation around social smoking by more than 8,600%. The campaign's fresh new approach brought it to the attention of the Canadian and International press. The work was recognized in Ad Week, Ad Age's Best Creative of the Day, Ads of the World, Mashable, Time Magazine, and The Huffington Post. CNN even ran a story calling it "Maybe the best PSA ever." Other interested parties, like Canada's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, joined the discussion around social smoking, volunteering their time and expertise as contributors to our social discussion. In short, the campaign built an incredible amount of momentum in a very short period of time. Launched & Execution This campaign was social by nature - All communications drove to our Facebook page at quitthedenial.com. Paid media that drove to Facebook included cinema ads, online advertising, on campus posters and ads in restaurants and bars. Given our youthful target, leveraging social media was a natural choice for this campaign. We needed a forum where they could interact with one another as peers are such an important influencer for this audience. In addition to our social platform we planned to intersect social smokers where and when they were most likely to light up. Casual or "social smokers" typically choose to smoke on weekends when they're out with their friends. By having a presence at weekend haunts like movies and bars, we hoped to intersect these casual smokers in the moment and have them think twice about smoking.

    Social Smoking Campaign

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 安大略省政府决定,如果他们能让社会吸烟者在上瘾之前戒烟,他们可以节省大量的生命和医疗保健费用。 超过 60% 的社会吸烟者最终成为吸烟者,这是有道理的。 奇怪的是,从来没有反吸烟运动解决这个关键的干预时刻。只有一个问题。 你如何说服某人停止做他们甚至不会承认他们正在做的事情? 毕竟,他们没有吸烟。他们是 “社交” 吸烟。 我们的运动通过幽默的类比来证明用 “社会” 这个词来证明吸烟是多么荒谬,从而剥夺了他们的社会安全地位。 竞选成功 在发起这场运动的两周内,我们赢得了 1.17亿的印象, 200万的 YouTube 浏览量和超过 141,000 次约会。更重要的是 我们让人们聊天,增加关于社交吸烟的对话 超过 8,600%。 这场运动的新方法引起了公众的注意 加拿大和国际出版社。这项工作在广告周、广告时代得到认可 当代最佳创意、世界广告、 Mashable 、时代杂志和赫芬顿 Post。 有线电视新闻网甚至报道称它 “也许是有史以来最好的 PSA”。 其他感兴趣的团体,如加拿大成瘾和精神中心 健康,加入了关于社会吸烟的讨论,自愿将他们的时间和专业知识作为我们社会讨论的贡献者。简而言之,这场运动在很短的时间内建立了令人难以置信的势头。 启动和执行 这场运动本质上是社会化的 -- 所有的交流都流向了我们在 quitthedenial.com 的 Facebook 页面。前往 Facebook 的付费媒体包括电影广告、在线广告、校园海报以及餐馆和酒吧的广告。 鉴于我们年轻的目标,利用社交媒体是这场运动的自然选择。我们需要一个论坛,让他们可以相互交流,因为同龄人对观众来说是如此重要的影响者。 除了我们的社交平台,我们计划在社交吸烟者最有可能发光的地方和时间进行交叉。休闲或 “社交吸烟者” 通常选择在周末和朋友外出时吸烟。通过在电影和酒吧等周末出没的地方出现,我们希望在此刻让这些休闲吸烟者相互交叉,让他们对吸烟三思而行。

    Social Smoking Campaign

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The government of Ontario decided they could save tons of lives and health care money if they could get social smokers to quit before they got addicted. Makes sense as over 60% of social smokers eventually become smokers. Strangely, no anti-smoking campaign had ever tackled this key intervention moment. There was just one problem. How do you convince someone to stop doing something they won't admit they're even doing? After all, they weren't smoking. They were "social" smoking. Our campaign took away their social safe place by using humorous analogies to show how ridiculous using the word "social" to justify smoking really was. Campaign Success Within 2 weeks of launching the campaign we earned 117 million impressions, 2 million YouTube views and over 141,000 engagements. More importantly, we got people talking, increasing the conversation around social smoking by more than 8,600%. The campaign's fresh new approach brought it to the attention of the Canadian and International press. The work was recognized in Ad Week, Ad Age's Best Creative of the Day, Ads of the World, Mashable, Time Magazine, and The Huffington Post. CNN even ran a story calling it "Maybe the best PSA ever." Other interested parties, like Canada's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, joined the discussion around social smoking, volunteering their time and expertise as contributors to our social discussion. In short, the campaign built an incredible amount of momentum in a very short period of time. Launched & Execution This campaign was social by nature - All communications drove to our Facebook page at quitthedenial.com. Paid media that drove to Facebook included cinema ads, online advertising, on campus posters and ads in restaurants and bars. Given our youthful target, leveraging social media was a natural choice for this campaign. We needed a forum where they could interact with one another as peers are such an important influencer for this audience. In addition to our social platform we planned to intersect social smokers where and when they were most likely to light up. Casual or "social smokers" typically choose to smoke on weekends when they're out with their friends. By having a presence at weekend haunts like movies and bars, we hoped to intersect these casual smokers in the moment and have them think twice about smoking.



    Social Smoking Campaign






    广告公司: 天联 (加拿大 多伦多) 制作公司: Soft Citizen




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