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    Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 Skittles 想在假期增加他们的最高意识 -- 传统糖果接管的时候。他们需要一个不仅能与传统节日糖果竞争,而且能打破所有节日广告混乱的想法。 相关性 吃喝玩乐假日当铺让粉丝们以前所未有的方式体验彩虹。我们创建了一个引人入胜、值得谈论的活动,粉丝们可以与品牌互动,并通过我们的网站展示他们对多伦多当地或全国彩色糖果的热爱。 结果 在很短的时间内,凭借少量的媒体预算,该活动赢得了惊人的 10000万免费媒体印象,包括来自加拿大前 5 大广播公司的报道。这个噱头的消息影响深远,世界各地的人们纷纷要求将商店带到他们的城市。莉莉的视频浏览量超过 270,000,高于她 vlog 上帖子的平均浏览量。竞选结束后,在吉米 · 法伦的一次露面中,她大声喊了一声,数百万人看到了这一点。在商店开业的 5 天里,成千上万的顾客用超过 300万件不想要的商品进行交易,这使得它成为箭牌有史以来最大的抽样活动。3,300 多件物品被收集并捐赠给加拿大最大的慈善机构之一。凭借超过 10000万的印象、 51,798 的网站访问量和 2,720 的当铺访客,我们分别超过了 203% 、 420% 和 120% 的竞选目标。 战略 Skittles 是一个古怪的品牌,通过扭曲普通人来娱乐大众。在这种情况下: 在典型的北美典当行上,货币被玩弄。将这种扭曲与对不想要的节日礼物的扎根洞察相结合,让我们能够与 T13-17 交谈,但在全国范围内与所有加拿大人都有联系。在当地,我们用印刷、社交和视频来瞄准我们的演示,让他们进入商店,在全国范围内,我们运行社交 (包括像 YouTube 巨星 iisuperwomanii 这样的影响者) 和视频来驱动我们的微型网站,这给了全国各地的用户一个机会来评估他们的节日礼物并获得优惠券。 执行 节礼日 2015,在多伦多市区最繁忙的街道之一,一家空出来的店面里开了一家吃喝玩乐的假日当铺。在 5 天的时间里,成千上万的顾客带来了他们不想用他们所做的东西来交换的礼物和节日物品 -- 总共超过 52,000 袋玩意儿。开业前两周,我们使用媒体、在线视频、社交 (包括影响者) 内容、平面广告、店面本身的野生张贴和外部标志,以提高对活当铺的认识。当商店开业时,我们能够将媒体活动的元素带入生活。游客们兴奋地发现 “交易撮合者戴尔”,宣传视频中的明星,正在谈判交易。YouTube 超级明星莉莉 · 辛格 (Lilly Singh) 为了宣传这家商店,发表了一篇关于 “我去吃喝玩乐天堂的时间” 的文章,并与粉丝见面。 活动描述 我们发现,近 75% 的加拿大人对一份糟糕的节日礼物感到失望。所以,我们开了吃喝玩乐假日当铺 -- 多伦多市中心的一家实体弹出式商店 -- 顾客可以用这些蹩脚的礼物来换取他们真正喜欢的东西 -- 吃喝玩乐!


    案例简介:Synopsis Skittles wanted to increase their top-of-mind awareness during the holidays – a time when traditional candy takes over. They needed an idea that would not only compete against traditional holiday candy, but one that would cut through the clutter of all holiday advertising. Relevancy The Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop allowed fans to Experience the Rainbow in a way they never could before. We created an engaging and talk-worthy campaign where fans could interact with the brand and demonstrate their unabashed love for the colourful candy locally in Toronto or nationally through our website. Outcome In just a short period of time, and with a small media budget, the campaign earned a staggering 100 MILLION free media impressions, including coverage from Canada’s top 5 broadcasters. News of the stunt was far-reaching and requests poured in from people around the world to bring the shop to their city.Lilly’s video had over 270,000 views, above average for posts on her vlog. And in an appearance on Jimmy Fallon after the campaign she gave a shout out to Skittles that was seen by millions.During the 5 days the shop was open, thousands of customers traded unwanted items for over 3 million Skittles, making it Wrigley’s largest-ever sampling event. 3,300+ items were collected and donated to one of Canada’s largest charities.With over 100 million impressions, 51,798 website visits and 2,720 visitors to the pawn shop, we exceeded our campaign goals by 203%, 420% and 120% respectively. Strategy Skittles is a quirky brand that entertains the masses by twisting the ordinary. In this case: a twist on the classic North American pawn shop where the currency was Skittles. Combining this twist with a grounded insight in unwanted holiday gifts allowed us to speak to T13-17 but relate nationally to all Canadians.Locally we targeted our demo with print, social & video to drive them into the store and nationally we ran social (including influencers like YouTube superstar iisuperwomanii) & video to drive to our microsite, which gave users across the country a chance to appraise their holiday gifts and receive a coupon. Execution The Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop opened in a vacated storefront on one of the busiest streets in downtown Toronto on Boxing Day 2015. For 5 days, thousands of customers brought in gifts and holiday items they didn’t want to trade for what they did – a grand total of over 52,000 bags of Skittles. Two weeks prior to opening, we used press kits to media, online video, social (including influencer) content, print ads, wild postings and exterior signage on the storefront itself to drive awareness of the live pawn shop. When the shop opened, we were able to bring elements of the media campaign to life. Visitors were thrilled to find “Dale the Dealmaker,” the star of the promo video, on hand negotiating deals. And YouTube superstar, Lilly Singh, who vlogged about “The Time I went to Skittles Heaven” to promote the shop, made an appearance to meet with fans. Campaign Description We discovered that nearly 75% of Canadians had been disappointed by a bad holiday gift. So, we opened the Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop – a physical pop-up shop in downtown Toronto – where customers could trade those crappy gifts for something they could truly enjoy – Skittles!

    Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop

    案例简介:概要 Skittles 想在假期增加他们的最高意识 -- 传统糖果接管的时候。他们需要一个不仅能与传统节日糖果竞争,而且能打破所有节日广告混乱的想法。 相关性 吃喝玩乐假日当铺让粉丝们以前所未有的方式体验彩虹。我们创建了一个引人入胜、值得谈论的活动,粉丝们可以与品牌互动,并通过我们的网站展示他们对多伦多当地或全国彩色糖果的热爱。 结果 在很短的时间内,凭借少量的媒体预算,该活动赢得了惊人的 10000万免费媒体印象,包括来自加拿大前 5 大广播公司的报道。这个噱头的消息影响深远,世界各地的人们纷纷要求将商店带到他们的城市。莉莉的视频浏览量超过 270,000,高于她 vlog 上帖子的平均浏览量。竞选结束后,在吉米 · 法伦的一次露面中,她大声喊了一声,数百万人看到了这一点。在商店开业的 5 天里,成千上万的顾客用超过 300万件不想要的商品进行交易,这使得它成为箭牌有史以来最大的抽样活动。3,300 多件物品被收集并捐赠给加拿大最大的慈善机构之一。凭借超过 10000万的印象、 51,798 的网站访问量和 2,720 的当铺访客,我们分别超过了 203% 、 420% 和 120% 的竞选目标。 战略 Skittles 是一个古怪的品牌,通过扭曲普通人来娱乐大众。在这种情况下: 在典型的北美典当行上,货币被玩弄。将这种扭曲与对不想要的节日礼物的扎根洞察相结合,让我们能够与 T13-17 交谈,但在全国范围内与所有加拿大人都有联系。在当地,我们用印刷、社交和视频来瞄准我们的演示,让他们进入商店,在全国范围内,我们运行社交 (包括像 YouTube 巨星 iisuperwomanii 这样的影响者) 和视频来驱动我们的微型网站,这给了全国各地的用户一个机会来评估他们的节日礼物并获得优惠券。 执行 节礼日 2015,在多伦多市区最繁忙的街道之一,一家空出来的店面里开了一家吃喝玩乐的假日当铺。在 5 天的时间里,成千上万的顾客带来了他们不想用他们所做的东西来交换的礼物和节日物品 -- 总共超过 52,000 袋玩意儿。开业前两周,我们使用媒体、在线视频、社交 (包括影响者) 内容、平面广告、店面本身的野生张贴和外部标志,以提高对活当铺的认识。当商店开业时,我们能够将媒体活动的元素带入生活。游客们兴奋地发现 “交易撮合者戴尔”,宣传视频中的明星,正在谈判交易。YouTube 超级明星莉莉 · 辛格 (Lilly Singh) 为了宣传这家商店,发表了一篇关于 “我去吃喝玩乐天堂的时间” 的文章,并与粉丝见面。 活动描述 我们发现,近 75% 的加拿大人对一份糟糕的节日礼物感到失望。所以,我们开了吃喝玩乐假日当铺 -- 多伦多市中心的一家实体弹出式商店 -- 顾客可以用这些蹩脚的礼物来换取他们真正喜欢的东西 -- 吃喝玩乐!

    Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop

    案例简介:Synopsis Skittles wanted to increase their top-of-mind awareness during the holidays – a time when traditional candy takes over. They needed an idea that would not only compete against traditional holiday candy, but one that would cut through the clutter of all holiday advertising. Relevancy The Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop allowed fans to Experience the Rainbow in a way they never could before. We created an engaging and talk-worthy campaign where fans could interact with the brand and demonstrate their unabashed love for the colourful candy locally in Toronto or nationally through our website. Outcome In just a short period of time, and with a small media budget, the campaign earned a staggering 100 MILLION free media impressions, including coverage from Canada’s top 5 broadcasters. News of the stunt was far-reaching and requests poured in from people around the world to bring the shop to their city.Lilly’s video had over 270,000 views, above average for posts on her vlog. And in an appearance on Jimmy Fallon after the campaign she gave a shout out to Skittles that was seen by millions.During the 5 days the shop was open, thousands of customers traded unwanted items for over 3 million Skittles, making it Wrigley’s largest-ever sampling event. 3,300+ items were collected and donated to one of Canada’s largest charities.With over 100 million impressions, 51,798 website visits and 2,720 visitors to the pawn shop, we exceeded our campaign goals by 203%, 420% and 120% respectively. Strategy Skittles is a quirky brand that entertains the masses by twisting the ordinary. In this case: a twist on the classic North American pawn shop where the currency was Skittles. Combining this twist with a grounded insight in unwanted holiday gifts allowed us to speak to T13-17 but relate nationally to all Canadians.Locally we targeted our demo with print, social & video to drive them into the store and nationally we ran social (including influencers like YouTube superstar iisuperwomanii) & video to drive to our microsite, which gave users across the country a chance to appraise their holiday gifts and receive a coupon. Execution The Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop opened in a vacated storefront on one of the busiest streets in downtown Toronto on Boxing Day 2015. For 5 days, thousands of customers brought in gifts and holiday items they didn’t want to trade for what they did – a grand total of over 52,000 bags of Skittles. Two weeks prior to opening, we used press kits to media, online video, social (including influencer) content, print ads, wild postings and exterior signage on the storefront itself to drive awareness of the live pawn shop. When the shop opened, we were able to bring elements of the media campaign to life. Visitors were thrilled to find “Dale the Dealmaker,” the star of the promo video, on hand negotiating deals. And YouTube superstar, Lilly Singh, who vlogged about “The Time I went to Skittles Heaven” to promote the shop, made an appearance to meet with fans. Campaign Description We discovered that nearly 75% of Canadians had been disappointed by a bad holiday gift. So, we opened the Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop – a physical pop-up shop in downtown Toronto – where customers could trade those crappy gifts for something they could truly enjoy – Skittles!



    Skittles Holiday Pawn Shop










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