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    Bigtime Liposuction海报/平面广告营销案例



    Bigtime 吸脂

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish (介绍:) 你好,世界上最好的德国银行 Sparkasse 宣布了一个非常重要的消息。不是。当然。因为有时候你想要很糟糕的东西。你的直觉说: 不。你的大脑说: 当然。不是!Arrgh,不…… 相反: 直觉说…… 啊。..你的直觉和大脑都说了些类似的话。..市中心的阁楼。不是。一片土地。不是。呃… 口香糖?不是。说: 二手?不是!当然!不是。我就这么做!不。我当然需要它!不是。会的。不是。要伟大。不是。当然会。不是。当然。不是。当然。不..当然。不是。等等,谁说什么?大脑还是内脏?Aaaaaa.买一本好书。不是。这是大脑说的,对吗?不是。当然!因为你的直觉都不会读!你的直觉宁愿说…… 也许…… “大抽脂!“ 没有。当然!不是。当然!我就这么做!不是。当然,内脏说。不是。大脑说?不是。哈… 这不是重点!不是吗?不,关键是有时候,很难说: 我会做…… 或者… 不。不是。Arggg.决策变得容易。不是。当然!找到适合你自己的储蓄银行的贷款,德国的上市银行。Soundlogo。Funkspot "现代冰箱“ (介绍 errr :) “第二点就是.不知道。但是事情是这样的:…… 一、二、三…… 或四: 我真正想要的是…… 去太空的电梯。不。一张抬起的脸。不。一个游戏的桥梁。不。现代冰箱.和我说的是那些谁知道再没有牛奶,这令一些自己的互联网!不。但为什么.不。只是因为它可以!不。当然可以!不。当然可以!不。I'll just do it!不。好我需要它!不。将它。不。太好了。不。肯定会。不。确定。不。确定。不。确定。不。确定。不。Arggg...但... 但至少我想这个合唱团再次.一个半调高!不。确定。不。Suuuuure!好吧。合唱、降低半音高 :) 是的,听起来真棒!不。现在这是一个不同的故事!不。好吧,这不应该是一个故事!不是吗?不,这是一首歌!不。当然,这是一首歌曲,甚至有一个消息!不。当然,听: 决定变得容易。不。当然可以!找到适合你自己的储蓄银行的贷款,德国的上市银行。Soundlogo。 EntrySummary 储蓄银行是德国大众银行。但是大多数人都没把储蓄银行时,考虑到他们想借出贷款。这是正确的。不与诱人的条件,而是通过了解客户。 简要解释 无线电运动,以了解,你也不能肯定,如果你能负担得起的贷款的大量采购。风趣的广播站列举了许多有关贷款和拒绝的理由对他们的不确定的。但最终,所有的决定导致储蓄银行。

    Bigtime 吸脂

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish (Intro:) „Hello, here comes Sparkasse, the best German bank in the universe, with a very important announcement. NOT. Sure. Because sometimes you want something really bad. And your gut says: NOT. And your brain says: sure. NOT! Arrgh, no… the… the other way round: The gut says… ahh ... Well your gut and your brain both say something like ... A loft downtown. NOT. A piece of land. NOT. Err… a chewing gum? NOT. Say: second hand? NOT! Sure! Not. I´ll just do it! NOT. Sure I need it! NOT. Would it. NOT. Be great. NOT. Sure it would. NOT. Sure. Not. Sure. NOT.. Sure. NOT. Wait, who says what? the brain or the gut? Aaaaaa... Buy a good book. NOT. Now that was the brain saying that, right? NOT. Sure! because your gut can’t even read! Your gut would rather say something like… maybe … “Bigtime liposuction!” NOT.Sure! NOT. Sure! I´ll just do it! NOT. Sure, says the gut. NOT. Says the brain? NOT. Hah… That is NOT the point!!! NOT? No, the point is just that sometimes, it’s difficult to say: I´ll just do it … or… not. NOT. Arggg... Decisions made easy. NOT. Sure! Find the loan that´s right for you at Sparkasse, Germany´s Public bank. Soundlogo. Funkspot „Modern fridge“ (Intro:) „The next spot is called … errr …Not sure. But it goes something like this: … One, two, three… or four: What I really would like to have is… A lift to space. NOT. A lifted face. NOT. A game of bridge. NOT. A modern fridge… … and I’m talking about one of those who know when there is no milk in it anymore and it orders some by itself from the internet! NOT. But why… NOT. Just because it can!!! NOT. Sure! NOT. Sure! NOT. I´ll just do it! NOT. Sure I need it! NOT. Would it. NOT. Be great. NOT. Sure it would. NOT. Sure. NOT. Sure. NOT. Sure. NOT. Sure. NOT. Arggg... But... but at least I want this chorus once again … a semi-tone higher! NOT. Sure. NOT. Suuuuure! Ok. (Chorus, a semitone higher:) Yes, that sounds awesome! NOT. Now it’s a different story! NOT. Well, it’s not supposed to be a story! NOT? No, it’s a song! NOT. Sure, it’s a song that even has a message! NOT. Sure, listen: Decisions made easy. NOT. Sure! Find the loan that´s right for you at Sparkasse, Germany´s Public bank. Soundlogo. EntrySummary Sparkasse is Germany’s Public Bank. But most people don’t take Sparkasse into consideration when they want to take out a loan. This needs to change. Not with tempting conditions, but rather through a deep understanding of the customers. BriefExplanation A radio campaign, based on the insight that you can’t be sure if you can afford a loan for large purchases or not. The humerous radio spots lists numerous relevant reasons for taking out a loan – and rejects them with its not-sure wit. But in the end, all decisions lead to Sparkasse.

    Bigtime Liposuction

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish (介绍:) 你好,世界上最好的德国银行 Sparkasse 宣布了一个非常重要的消息。不是。当然。因为有时候你想要很糟糕的东西。你的直觉说: 不。你的大脑说: 当然。不是!Arrgh,不…… 相反: 直觉说…… 啊。..你的直觉和大脑都说了些类似的话。..市中心的阁楼。不是。一片土地。不是。呃… 口香糖?不是。说: 二手?不是!当然!不是。我就这么做!不。我当然需要它!不是。会的。不是。要伟大。不是。当然会。不是。当然。不是。当然。不..当然。不是。等等,谁说什么?大脑还是内脏?Aaaaaa.买一本好书。不是。这是大脑说的,对吗?不是。当然!因为你的直觉都不会读!你的直觉宁愿说…… 也许…… “大抽脂!“ 没有。当然!不是。当然!我就这么做!不是。当然,内脏说。不是。大脑说?不是。哈… 这不是重点!不是吗?不,关键是有时候,很难说: 我会做…… 或者… 不。不是。Arggg.决策变得容易。不是。当然!找到适合你自己的储蓄银行的贷款,德国的上市银行。Soundlogo。Funkspot "现代冰箱“ (介绍 errr :) “第二点就是.不知道。但是事情是这样的:…… 一、二、三…… 或四: 我真正想要的是…… 去太空的电梯。不。一张抬起的脸。不。一个游戏的桥梁。不。现代冰箱.和我说的是那些谁知道再没有牛奶,这令一些自己的互联网!不。但为什么.不。只是因为它可以!不。当然可以!不。当然可以!不。I'll just do it!不。好我需要它!不。将它。不。太好了。不。肯定会。不。确定。不。确定。不。确定。不。确定。不。Arggg...但... 但至少我想这个合唱团再次.一个半调高!不。确定。不。Suuuuure!好吧。合唱、降低半音高 :) 是的,听起来真棒!不。现在这是一个不同的故事!不。好吧,这不应该是一个故事!不是吗?不,这是一首歌!不。当然,这是一首歌曲,甚至有一个消息!不。当然,听: 决定变得容易。不。当然可以!找到适合你自己的储蓄银行的贷款,德国的上市银行。Soundlogo。 EntrySummary 储蓄银行是德国大众银行。但是大多数人都没把储蓄银行时,考虑到他们想借出贷款。这是正确的。不与诱人的条件,而是通过了解客户。 简要解释 无线电运动,以了解,你也不能肯定,如果你能负担得起的贷款的大量采购。风趣的广播站列举了许多有关贷款和拒绝的理由对他们的不确定的。但最终,所有的决定导致储蓄银行。

    Bigtime Liposuction

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish (Intro:) „Hello, here comes Sparkasse, the best German bank in the universe, with a very important announcement. NOT. Sure. Because sometimes you want something really bad. And your gut says: NOT. And your brain says: sure. NOT! Arrgh, no… the… the other way round: The gut says… ahh ... Well your gut and your brain both say something like ... A loft downtown. NOT. A piece of land. NOT. Err… a chewing gum? NOT. Say: second hand? NOT! Sure! Not. I´ll just do it! NOT. Sure I need it! NOT. Would it. NOT. Be great. NOT. Sure it would. NOT. Sure. Not. Sure. NOT.. Sure. NOT. Wait, who says what? the brain or the gut? Aaaaaa... Buy a good book. NOT. Now that was the brain saying that, right? NOT. Sure! because your gut can’t even read! Your gut would rather say something like… maybe … “Bigtime liposuction!” NOT.Sure! NOT. Sure! I´ll just do it! NOT. Sure, says the gut. NOT. Says the brain? NOT. Hah… That is NOT the point!!! NOT? No, the point is just that sometimes, it’s difficult to say: I´ll just do it … or… not. NOT. Arggg... Decisions made easy. NOT. Sure! Find the loan that´s right for you at Sparkasse, Germany´s Public bank. Soundlogo. Funkspot „Modern fridge“ (Intro:) „The next spot is called … errr …Not sure. But it goes something like this: … One, two, three… or four: What I really would like to have is… A lift to space. NOT. A lifted face. NOT. A game of bridge. NOT. A modern fridge… … and I’m talking about one of those who know when there is no milk in it anymore and it orders some by itself from the internet! NOT. But why… NOT. Just because it can!!! NOT. Sure! NOT. Sure! NOT. I´ll just do it! NOT. Sure I need it! NOT. Would it. NOT. Be great. NOT. Sure it would. NOT. Sure. NOT. Sure. NOT. Sure. NOT. Sure. NOT. Arggg... But... but at least I want this chorus once again … a semi-tone higher! NOT. Sure. NOT. Suuuuure! Ok. (Chorus, a semitone higher:) Yes, that sounds awesome! NOT. Now it’s a different story! NOT. Well, it’s not supposed to be a story! NOT? No, it’s a song! NOT. Sure, it’s a song that even has a message! NOT. Sure, listen: Decisions made easy. NOT. Sure! Find the loan that´s right for you at Sparkasse, Germany´s Public bank. Soundlogo. EntrySummary Sparkasse is Germany’s Public Bank. But most people don’t take Sparkasse into consideration when they want to take out a loan. This needs to change. Not with tempting conditions, but rather through a deep understanding of the customers. BriefExplanation A radio campaign, based on the insight that you can’t be sure if you can afford a loan for large purchases or not. The humerous radio spots lists numerous relevant reasons for taking out a loan – and rejects them with its not-sure wit. But in the end, all decisions lead to Sparkasse.

    Bigtime 吸脂


    Bigtime Liposuction










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