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    案例简介:执行 我们是怎么做到的? 首先,我们创建了一个数据库,将成千上万的关键词与表情符号相匹配。我们把它连接到一个语音到文本的 API,写了一个专有的搜索算法,SpeakEmoji 诞生了。我们推出了一部在线电影 SpeakEmoji,其中一个 “酷爸爸” 角色鼓励失去联系的父母在假期里使用 SpeakEmoji 与他们的智能手机僵尸青少年重新连接。这被植入到社交渠道和主流媒体和科技媒体的公关中,促使用户访问 speakemoji.com 并下载该应用。 活动描述 正好赶上圣诞节,SapientNitro 给了它的客户和世界一份礼物 -- 代际交流的礼物。介绍 SpeakEmoji-世界上第一个语音到表情翻译。可作为 iOS 和 Android 应用程序使用,也可通过谷歌的 Chrome 浏览器在网络上使用,SpeakEmoji 让你只需对着智能手机说话,就可以创建完全由表情符号组成的信息。自定义共享功能允许您在 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Messenger 等社交网络以及短信和电子邮件上共享您的表情符号短语。每个表情符号都有一个链接,供收件人将其翻译回文本,定制键盘可以让安卓用户直接在任何消息应用程序中使用表情符号。 概要 目标: SpeakEmoji 是一个自我宣传项目,在圣诞节 2015 之前送给我们的客户和世界。我们的目标是让我们的客户以一种展示我们技术创意的方式娱乐我们,并被工业媒体和媒体接受。情境: 在 2015,我们的语言发生了一些奇怪的事情。文字受到表情符号的攻击。表情符号正在接管世界 -- 《牛津英语词典》甚至选择了 “带着喜悦的泪水的脸” 表情符号作为他们今年的 2015 个 “单词”。简短/问题: 虽然媒体充斥着表情符号,但房间里有一只大象。表情符号让 15 岁以上的人完全困惑。老一辈被排除在年轻一代之外,他们在所有的在线和移动对话中使用表情符号。需要进行干预,以阻止表情符号的崛起破坏我们的沟通能力。 战略 SpeakEmoji 是一个自我宣传的项目,在圣诞节 2015 之前送给我们的客户和世界。我们的目标是让我们的客户以一种展示我们技术创意的方式娱乐我们,并被工业媒体和媒体接受。在线发布电影与客户和媒体分享 -- 详情见下文。 结果 在最初的两周里,SpeakEmoji 以每天超过 10,000 次的下载量达到顶峰,达到 131 个国家。它获得了 2300万个社交媒体印象,总共覆盖 3.5亿人。 mashable 和 Digital Spy 都将其作为最好的新移动应用之一。到平安夜,SpeakEmoji 已经进入美国前 20 大社交网络应用,超越了价值数十亿美元的领英。但是 SpeakEmoji 最自豪的遗产将是帮助我们所有人 -- 即使是最不酷和最中年的人 -- 用我们新的通用语言交流。


    案例简介:Execution How did we do it?First, we created a database matching thousands of key words to emojis.We connected that to a voice-to-text API, wrote a proprietary search algorithm, and SpeakEmoji was born. We launched SpeakEmoji with an online film in which a ‘Cool Dad’ character encouraged out-of-touch parents to use SpeakEmoji to reconnect with their smartphone-zombie teenagers over the holiday.This was seeded into social channels and PR’d to both the mainstream and tech media, driving users to visit speakemoji.com and to download the app. Campaign Description Just in time for Christmas, SapientNitro gave a gift to its clients, and the world – the gift of cross-generational communication.Introducing SpeakEmoji – the world’s very first voice-to-emoji translator.Available as an iOS and Android app, as well as on the web via Google’s Chrome browser, SpeakEmoji lets you create messages comprised entirely of emojis by simply speaking into your smartphone.Custom sharing functionality lets you share your emoji phrase on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Messenger, as well as SMS and email.Every emoji message has a link for recipients to translate it back into text, and a custom keyboard lets Android users speak emoji directly into any messaging app. Synopsis OBJECTIVE:SpeakEmoji was a self-promotional project, gifted to our clients-and the world-just before Christmas 2015. The objective was to entertain our clients in a way that would demonstrate our technical creative and be picked up by industry press and the media. SITUATION:In 2015, something strange was happening to our language. The written word was under attack by the emoji. Emojis were taking over the world – the Oxford English Dictionary even chose the ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ emoji as their 2015 ‘word’ of the year.BRIEF/PROBLEM:Whilst the media were awash with emojis, there was an elephant in the room. Emojis left people over the age of fifteen completely confused.The older generation was becoming excluded from the younger generation, who were using emojis in all their online and mobile conversations. An intervention was needed to stop the rise of the emoji fracturing our ability to communicate. Strategy SpeakEmoji was a self-promotional project, gifted to our clients-and the world-just before Christmas 2015. The objective was to entertain our clients in a way that would demonstrate our technical creative and be picked up by industry press and the media. The online launch film was shared with clients and the press - see below for details. Outcome In its first two weeks, SpeakEmoji peaked at over 10,000 downloads a day, reaching 131 countries.It achieved 23 million social media impressions, and a total reach of 350 million people.Mashable and Digital Spy both featured it as one of the best new mobile apps.By Christmas Eve, SpeakEmoji had broken into the top 20 social networking apps in the US, leapfrogging multi-billion dollar LinkedIn.But SpeakEmoji’s proudest legacy will be in helping all of us – even the uncoolest and most middle-aged – communicate in our new universal language.


    案例简介:执行 我们是怎么做到的? 首先,我们创建了一个数据库,将成千上万的关键词与表情符号相匹配。我们把它连接到一个语音到文本的 API,写了一个专有的搜索算法,SpeakEmoji 诞生了。我们推出了一部在线电影 SpeakEmoji,其中一个 “酷爸爸” 角色鼓励失去联系的父母在假期里使用 SpeakEmoji 与他们的智能手机僵尸青少年重新连接。这被植入到社交渠道和主流媒体和科技媒体的公关中,促使用户访问 speakemoji.com 并下载该应用。 活动描述 正好赶上圣诞节,SapientNitro 给了它的客户和世界一份礼物 -- 代际交流的礼物。介绍 SpeakEmoji-世界上第一个语音到表情翻译。可作为 iOS 和 Android 应用程序使用,也可通过谷歌的 Chrome 浏览器在网络上使用,SpeakEmoji 让你只需对着智能手机说话,就可以创建完全由表情符号组成的信息。自定义共享功能允许您在 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Messenger 等社交网络以及短信和电子邮件上共享您的表情符号短语。每个表情符号都有一个链接,供收件人将其翻译回文本,定制键盘可以让安卓用户直接在任何消息应用程序中使用表情符号。 概要 目标: SpeakEmoji 是一个自我宣传项目,在圣诞节 2015 之前送给我们的客户和世界。我们的目标是让我们的客户以一种展示我们技术创意的方式娱乐我们,并被工业媒体和媒体接受。情境: 在 2015,我们的语言发生了一些奇怪的事情。文字受到表情符号的攻击。表情符号正在接管世界 -- 《牛津英语词典》甚至选择了 “带着喜悦的泪水的脸” 表情符号作为他们今年的 2015 个 “单词”。简短/问题: 虽然媒体充斥着表情符号,但房间里有一只大象。表情符号让 15 岁以上的人完全困惑。老一辈被排除在年轻一代之外,他们在所有的在线和移动对话中使用表情符号。需要进行干预,以阻止表情符号的崛起破坏我们的沟通能力。 战略 SpeakEmoji 是一个自我宣传的项目,在圣诞节 2015 之前送给我们的客户和世界。我们的目标是让我们的客户以一种展示我们技术创意的方式娱乐我们,并被工业媒体和媒体接受。在线发布电影与客户和媒体分享 -- 详情见下文。 结果 在最初的两周里,SpeakEmoji 以每天超过 10,000 次的下载量达到顶峰,达到 131 个国家。它获得了 2300万个社交媒体印象,总共覆盖 3.5亿人。 mashable 和 Digital Spy 都将其作为最好的新移动应用之一。到平安夜,SpeakEmoji 已经进入美国前 20 大社交网络应用,超越了价值数十亿美元的领英。但是 SpeakEmoji 最自豪的遗产将是帮助我们所有人 -- 即使是最不酷和最中年的人 -- 用我们新的通用语言交流。


    案例简介:Execution How did we do it?First, we created a database matching thousands of key words to emojis.We connected that to a voice-to-text API, wrote a proprietary search algorithm, and SpeakEmoji was born. We launched SpeakEmoji with an online film in which a ‘Cool Dad’ character encouraged out-of-touch parents to use SpeakEmoji to reconnect with their smartphone-zombie teenagers over the holiday.This was seeded into social channels and PR’d to both the mainstream and tech media, driving users to visit speakemoji.com and to download the app. Campaign Description Just in time for Christmas, SapientNitro gave a gift to its clients, and the world – the gift of cross-generational communication.Introducing SpeakEmoji – the world’s very first voice-to-emoji translator.Available as an iOS and Android app, as well as on the web via Google’s Chrome browser, SpeakEmoji lets you create messages comprised entirely of emojis by simply speaking into your smartphone.Custom sharing functionality lets you share your emoji phrase on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Messenger, as well as SMS and email.Every emoji message has a link for recipients to translate it back into text, and a custom keyboard lets Android users speak emoji directly into any messaging app. Synopsis OBJECTIVE:SpeakEmoji was a self-promotional project, gifted to our clients-and the world-just before Christmas 2015. The objective was to entertain our clients in a way that would demonstrate our technical creative and be picked up by industry press and the media. SITUATION:In 2015, something strange was happening to our language. The written word was under attack by the emoji. Emojis were taking over the world – the Oxford English Dictionary even chose the ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ emoji as their 2015 ‘word’ of the year.BRIEF/PROBLEM:Whilst the media were awash with emojis, there was an elephant in the room. Emojis left people over the age of fifteen completely confused.The older generation was becoming excluded from the younger generation, who were using emojis in all their online and mobile conversations. An intervention was needed to stop the rise of the emoji fracturing our ability to communicate. Strategy SpeakEmoji was a self-promotional project, gifted to our clients-and the world-just before Christmas 2015. The objective was to entertain our clients in a way that would demonstrate our technical creative and be picked up by industry press and the media. The online launch film was shared with clients and the press - see below for details. Outcome In its first two weeks, SpeakEmoji peaked at over 10,000 downloads a day, reaching 131 countries.It achieved 23 million social media impressions, and a total reach of 350 million people.Mashable and Digital Spy both featured it as one of the best new mobile apps.By Christmas Eve, SpeakEmoji had broken into the top 20 social networking apps in the US, leapfrogging multi-billion dollar LinkedIn.But SpeakEmoji’s proudest legacy will be in helping all of us – even the uncoolest and most middle-aged – communicate in our new universal language.













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