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    Stop Montagned Or短视频,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:世界自然基金会法国发起运动 法国足球运动员易卜拉欣 · 西塞 影响威胁法国亚马逊的金矿项目的公众舆论 世界自然基金会法国说 “停止” “蒙塔格”,一个工业金矿项目计划在法国亚马逊地区建设。一项新的运动将提醒和动员公众对该项目的意见,该项目目前是圭亚那公共辩论的主题。世界自然基金会法国和我们是社会机构选择了年轻的法国足球运动员易卜拉欣 · 西塞发起 # StopMontagnedOr 运动。 Montagne d 'or 将成为法属圭亚那的第一个工业矿山,也是迄今为止法国最大的金矿。除了提高森林砍伐、野生动物破坏和能源消耗爆炸等生态灾难的可能性,该项目在经济上是有缺陷的,浪费了纳税人的钱。 提高对威胁法国亚马逊的金矿项目的认识 为了提高对威胁圭亚那的工业金矿项目的认识和动员公众舆论,我们社会机构为世界自然基金会法国发起了 # StopMontagnedOr 运动。 综合数字运动推出了一部生动的灾难电影.在足球场上。为什么? 因为为了提取黄金,开发商计划使用 57,000 吨炸药,46,500 吨氰化物,1.95亿升燃料,并砍伐 1,513 公顷土地, 相当于大约 2,161 个足球场。 这部电影以一种独特的方式突出了这些异常的维度。这部运动电影以体育设备制造商又一次促销的风格拍摄,介绍了冉冉升起的法国足球运动员易卜拉欣 · 西塞,他似乎专注于健身挑战, 晚上开始在足球场上跑步。他穿过了第一个领域,然后是两个,然后是三个…… 随着他冲刺的进行,西塞在他穿过的领域中面临着各种各样的因素: 有一场洪水, 然后是采矿设备形式的障碍物和倒下的树木。他坚持自己的路线,冒着所有的障碍,包括炸药和奔跑中的野生动物,最后在一个大坑旁边倒在地上,完全上气不接下气,筋疲力尽。 Montagne d 'or 矿山项目威胁法国亚马逊 多达 2161 个足球场的森林砍伐区 一起行动吧!# StopMontagnedOr 这项运动将在社交网络上活跃起来,总是使用易卜拉欣 · 西塞的声音,他在自己的 Instagram 账户上发起了这项运动。世界自然基金会法国和足球运动员将呼吁他们各自的社区和整个公众通过 stopmontagnedor.com 平台上的标签 # StopMontagnedOr 在全球动员起来,号召共和国的法国总统, 伊曼纽尔 · 马克龙! “Montagne d 'or 可以清理一大片相当于 2,161 个足球场的区域。为了提高法国和全球公众对这个采矿项目的广泛认识,我们与我们的社会机构一起发起了 # StopMontagnedOr 运动。它包含了一个简单易懂的形象,让所有人都对永远不会实现的程序性环境灾难和经济利益发出警告。圭亚那目前正在进行一场决定性的比赛,我们需要动员所有人将这个项目从比赛中剔除!" Jacques-Olivier Barthes,世界自然基金会法国通信主管


    案例简介:WWF FRANCE LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN FRONTED BY FRENCH FOOTBALLER IBRAHIM CISSÉ To influence public opinion of gold mine project that threatens French Amazonia WWF France is saying “STOP” to “Montagne d'Or”, an industrial gold mine project planned for construction in the French Amazonia. A new campaign will alert and mobilize public opinion on the project, which is currently the subject of public debate in Guyana. WWF France and We Are Social agency chose Ibrahim Cissé, the young French football player, to launch the #StopMontagnedOr campaign. Montagne d'Or is set to become the first industrial mine in French Guyana and, by far, the largest gold mine in France. In addition to raising the prospect of ecological disaster in the shape of deforestation, destruction of wildlife, and an explosion of energy consumption, the project is economically flawed and a waste of taxpayer money. Raising awareness of the gold mine project that threatens French Amazonia In order to raise awareness and mobilize public opinion against the industrial gold mine project that threatens Guyana, the agency We Are Social has created the #StopMontagnedOr campaign for WWF France. The integrated digital campaign launches with a disaster film that comes alive ... on a football field. Why? Because to extract the gold, the developer plans to use 57,000 tons of explosives, 46,500 tons of cyanide, 195 million litres of fuel, and deforest 1,513 hectares of land, the equivalent to about 2,161 football fields. The film highlights these abnormal dimensions in an original way. Shot in the style of yet another promotion for a sports equipment manufacturer, the campaign film introduces rising French footballer Ibrahim Cissé, who seems to be focused on a fitness challenge, and starts running on a football pitch at night. He crosses a first field, then two, then three… As his sprint progresses, Cissé confronts various elements in the fields that he traverses: there’s a flood, then obstructions in the form of mining equipment, and falling trees. He keeps on his course, braving all obstacles, including explosives and wild animals on the run, before finally collapsing on the ground beside a large crater, completely out of breath and exhausted. The mine project Montagne d’or threatens the French Amazonia A deforested area as large as 2161 football fields Together, let’s act! #StopMontagnedOr The campaign will come alive on social networks, always using the voice of Ibrahim Cissé who launched the campaign on his Instagram account. WWF France and the footballer will call on their respective communities and the public as a whole to mobilize globally via the hashtag #StopMontagnedOr on the stopmontagnedor.com platform to call out the French President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron! "Montagne d’Or could clear a large area the equivalent of 2,161 football fields. It is to raise the awareness among the French and global public of the vast dimensions of this mining project that we have created the #StopMontagnedOr campaign with the agency We Are Social. It contains a simple and understandable image for all to warn about a programmed environmental disaster and economic benefits that will never materialise. A decisive match is currently being played in Guyana, we need the mobilization of all to take this project out of the game!" Jacques-Olivier Barthes, Head of Communications WWF France

    Stop Montagned Or

    案例简介:世界自然基金会法国发起运动 法国足球运动员易卜拉欣 · 西塞 影响威胁法国亚马逊的金矿项目的公众舆论 世界自然基金会法国说 “停止” “蒙塔格”,一个工业金矿项目计划在法国亚马逊地区建设。一项新的运动将提醒和动员公众对该项目的意见,该项目目前是圭亚那公共辩论的主题。世界自然基金会法国和我们是社会机构选择了年轻的法国足球运动员易卜拉欣 · 西塞发起 # StopMontagnedOr 运动。 Montagne d 'or 将成为法属圭亚那的第一个工业矿山,也是迄今为止法国最大的金矿。除了提高森林砍伐、野生动物破坏和能源消耗爆炸等生态灾难的可能性,该项目在经济上是有缺陷的,浪费了纳税人的钱。 提高对威胁法国亚马逊的金矿项目的认识 为了提高对威胁圭亚那的工业金矿项目的认识和动员公众舆论,我们社会机构为世界自然基金会法国发起了 # StopMontagnedOr 运动。 综合数字运动推出了一部生动的灾难电影.在足球场上。为什么? 因为为了提取黄金,开发商计划使用 57,000 吨炸药,46,500 吨氰化物,1.95亿升燃料,并砍伐 1,513 公顷土地, 相当于大约 2,161 个足球场。 这部电影以一种独特的方式突出了这些异常的维度。这部运动电影以体育设备制造商又一次促销的风格拍摄,介绍了冉冉升起的法国足球运动员易卜拉欣 · 西塞,他似乎专注于健身挑战, 晚上开始在足球场上跑步。他穿过了第一个领域,然后是两个,然后是三个…… 随着他冲刺的进行,西塞在他穿过的领域中面临着各种各样的因素: 有一场洪水, 然后是采矿设备形式的障碍物和倒下的树木。他坚持自己的路线,冒着所有的障碍,包括炸药和奔跑中的野生动物,最后在一个大坑旁边倒在地上,完全上气不接下气,筋疲力尽。 Montagne d 'or 矿山项目威胁法国亚马逊 多达 2161 个足球场的森林砍伐区 一起行动吧!# StopMontagnedOr 这项运动将在社交网络上活跃起来,总是使用易卜拉欣 · 西塞的声音,他在自己的 Instagram 账户上发起了这项运动。世界自然基金会法国和足球运动员将呼吁他们各自的社区和整个公众通过 stopmontagnedor.com 平台上的标签 # StopMontagnedOr 在全球动员起来,号召共和国的法国总统, 伊曼纽尔 · 马克龙! “Montagne d 'or 可以清理一大片相当于 2,161 个足球场的区域。为了提高法国和全球公众对这个采矿项目的广泛认识,我们与我们的社会机构一起发起了 # StopMontagnedOr 运动。它包含了一个简单易懂的形象,让所有人都对永远不会实现的程序性环境灾难和经济利益发出警告。圭亚那目前正在进行一场决定性的比赛,我们需要动员所有人将这个项目从比赛中剔除!" Jacques-Olivier Barthes,世界自然基金会法国通信主管

    Stop Montagned Or

    案例简介:WWF FRANCE LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN FRONTED BY FRENCH FOOTBALLER IBRAHIM CISSÉ To influence public opinion of gold mine project that threatens French Amazonia WWF France is saying “STOP” to “Montagne d'Or”, an industrial gold mine project planned for construction in the French Amazonia. A new campaign will alert and mobilize public opinion on the project, which is currently the subject of public debate in Guyana. WWF France and We Are Social agency chose Ibrahim Cissé, the young French football player, to launch the #StopMontagnedOr campaign. Montagne d'Or is set to become the first industrial mine in French Guyana and, by far, the largest gold mine in France. In addition to raising the prospect of ecological disaster in the shape of deforestation, destruction of wildlife, and an explosion of energy consumption, the project is economically flawed and a waste of taxpayer money. Raising awareness of the gold mine project that threatens French Amazonia In order to raise awareness and mobilize public opinion against the industrial gold mine project that threatens Guyana, the agency We Are Social has created the #StopMontagnedOr campaign for WWF France. The integrated digital campaign launches with a disaster film that comes alive ... on a football field. Why? Because to extract the gold, the developer plans to use 57,000 tons of explosives, 46,500 tons of cyanide, 195 million litres of fuel, and deforest 1,513 hectares of land, the equivalent to about 2,161 football fields. The film highlights these abnormal dimensions in an original way. Shot in the style of yet another promotion for a sports equipment manufacturer, the campaign film introduces rising French footballer Ibrahim Cissé, who seems to be focused on a fitness challenge, and starts running on a football pitch at night. He crosses a first field, then two, then three… As his sprint progresses, Cissé confronts various elements in the fields that he traverses: there’s a flood, then obstructions in the form of mining equipment, and falling trees. He keeps on his course, braving all obstacles, including explosives and wild animals on the run, before finally collapsing on the ground beside a large crater, completely out of breath and exhausted. The mine project Montagne d’or threatens the French Amazonia A deforested area as large as 2161 football fields Together, let’s act! #StopMontagnedOr The campaign will come alive on social networks, always using the voice of Ibrahim Cissé who launched the campaign on his Instagram account. WWF France and the footballer will call on their respective communities and the public as a whole to mobilize globally via the hashtag #StopMontagnedOr on the stopmontagnedor.com platform to call out the French President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron! "Montagne d’Or could clear a large area the equivalent of 2,161 football fields. It is to raise the awareness among the French and global public of the vast dimensions of this mining project that we have created the #StopMontagnedOr campaign with the agency We Are Social. It contains a simple and understandable image for all to warn about a programmed environmental disaster and economic benefits that will never materialise. A decisive match is currently being played in Guyana, we need the mobilization of all to take this project out of the game!" Jacques-Olivier Barthes, Head of Communications WWF France



    Stop Montagned Or






    广告公司: We Are Social (法国) 制作公司: Frenzy




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