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    案例简介:最好的男人可以成为与在学校和生活中遇到困难的孩子建立深厚联系的辅导员。| | “我年轻时被监禁。在那段时间里,我开始思考我想如何支持他人。除了我造成的伤害之外,我不会挽回我的任何错误,因为这就是为什么我能够对人保持耐心。我的经历就是为什么我能够看着一个年轻人,看到他正在经历什么,并能够提供不同的东西。“-伊森 # TheBestMenCanBe | |“ 八九年前,和我一起工作的一个孩子告诉我他没有拥抱,他不能告诉我他最后一次被拥抱是什么时候。我意识到,在许多年轻人的生活中,没有真正的被爱的感觉。从那时起,我试图拥抱与我一起工作的每个年轻人,并向他们致以爱心。在允许和理解的情况下,拥抱和我一起工作的年轻人是我日常工作的一部分。“| |” 我觉得对男人,甚至黑人来说,能够联系起来同样重要。能够说话。能够有感觉。我认为,当我20岁出头开始谈论自己的感受,并开始与自己联系时,我也能够确定其他人的需求。”| |“ 我服务的学生是我经历过的最好的事情之一。我服务的学生有韧性,有爱心和才华横溢。我服务的学生是来自巨大背景的年轻人,他们正在寻找自己。我服务的学生是变革者。他们有个性。我服务的学生相信社会正义,他们也相信正义。所以,他们真的热衷于让积极的事情发生在世界上,就像打断消极的事情一样。我服务的学生将为我们服务。他们将帮助世界变得更美好。我服务的学生很重要。”| | 伊森 (Ethan) 是 # TheBestMenCanBe的一个例子,受到他对学生的同情态度的启发,吉列 (Gillette) 向开放学校捐款。我们致力于帮助男人推动重要的变革。加入我们的t TheBestMenCanBe.org # LinkinBio

    案例简介:The best men can be counselors that form deep bonds with kids who are having a hard time in school and in life. || “I spent time as a young man incarcerated. During that time I started to think about how I wanted to support others. Outside of the harm I caused, I wouldn't take back any of my mistakes because they're why I'm able to be patient with people. My experiences are why I'm able to look at a young man, see what he's going through and be able to offer something different.” — Ethan #TheBestMenCanBe || “Eight or nine years ago one of the kids I worked with told me he hadn't had a hug, he couldn't tell me the last time he was hugged. I realized that a real feeling of being loved was absent in so many young men’s lives. Ever since then, I try to hug every young man I work with and greet them with love. With permission and understanding, hugging the young people I work with is part of my day to day.“ || “I feel it's equally important for men, and even black men, to be able to connect. To be able to talk. To be able to have feelings. I think when I started talking about my own feelings, in my early 20s and started connecting with who I was, I was able to identify the needs of other people as well.” || “The students that I serve are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. The students that I serve are resilient, caring and brilliant. The students that I serve are young people who come from huge backgrounds that are finding themselves. The students that I serve are change makers. They have character. The students that I serve believe in social justice and they believe in justice as well. So, they're really passionate about making positive things happen in the world as much as interrupting negative things. The students that I serve are going to serve us. They're going to help make the world better. The students that I serve are important.” || Ethan is one example of #TheBestMenCanBe, and inspired by his compassionate approach with his students, Gillette is making a donation to Open School. We’re committed to helping men drive change that matters. Join us at TheBestMenCanBe.org #LinkinBio

    吉列 - The best men can be counselors that form deep bonds with kids who are having a hard time in school and in life. || “I spent

    案例简介:最好的男人可以成为与在学校和生活中遇到困难的孩子建立深厚联系的辅导员。| | “我年轻时被监禁。在那段时间里,我开始思考我想如何支持他人。除了我造成的伤害之外,我不会挽回我的任何错误,因为这就是为什么我能够对人保持耐心。我的经历就是为什么我能够看着一个年轻人,看到他正在经历什么,并能够提供不同的东西。“-伊森 # TheBestMenCanBe | |“ 八九年前,和我一起工作的一个孩子告诉我他没有拥抱,他不能告诉我他最后一次被拥抱是什么时候。我意识到,在许多年轻人的生活中,没有真正的被爱的感觉。从那时起,我试图拥抱与我一起工作的每个年轻人,并向他们致以爱心。在允许和理解的情况下,拥抱和我一起工作的年轻人是我日常工作的一部分。“| |” 我觉得对男人,甚至黑人来说,能够联系起来同样重要。能够说话。能够有感觉。我认为,当我20岁出头开始谈论自己的感受,并开始与自己联系时,我也能够确定其他人的需求。”| |“ 我服务的学生是我经历过的最好的事情之一。我服务的学生有韧性,有爱心和才华横溢。我服务的学生是来自巨大背景的年轻人,他们正在寻找自己。我服务的学生是变革者。他们有个性。我服务的学生相信社会正义,他们也相信正义。所以,他们真的热衷于让积极的事情发生在世界上,就像打断消极的事情一样。我服务的学生将为我们服务。他们将帮助世界变得更美好。我服务的学生很重要。”| | 伊森 (Ethan) 是 # TheBestMenCanBe的一个例子,受到他对学生的同情态度的启发,吉列 (Gillette) 向开放学校捐款。我们致力于帮助男人推动重要的变革。加入我们的t TheBestMenCanBe.org # LinkinBio

    吉列 - The best men can be counselors that form deep bonds with kids who are having a hard time in school and in life. || “I spent

    案例简介:The best men can be counselors that form deep bonds with kids who are having a hard time in school and in life. || “I spent time as a young man incarcerated. During that time I started to think about how I wanted to support others. Outside of the harm I caused, I wouldn't take back any of my mistakes because they're why I'm able to be patient with people. My experiences are why I'm able to look at a young man, see what he's going through and be able to offer something different.” — Ethan #TheBestMenCanBe || “Eight or nine years ago one of the kids I worked with told me he hadn't had a hug, he couldn't tell me the last time he was hugged. I realized that a real feeling of being loved was absent in so many young men’s lives. Ever since then, I try to hug every young man I work with and greet them with love. With permission and understanding, hugging the young people I work with is part of my day to day.“ || “I feel it's equally important for men, and even black men, to be able to connect. To be able to talk. To be able to have feelings. I think when I started talking about my own feelings, in my early 20s and started connecting with who I was, I was able to identify the needs of other people as well.” || “The students that I serve are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. The students that I serve are resilient, caring and brilliant. The students that I serve are young people who come from huge backgrounds that are finding themselves. The students that I serve are change makers. They have character. The students that I serve believe in social justice and they believe in justice as well. So, they're really passionate about making positive things happen in the world as much as interrupting negative things. The students that I serve are going to serve us. They're going to help make the world better. The students that I serve are important.” || Ethan is one example of #TheBestMenCanBe, and inspired by his compassionate approach with his students, Gillette is making a donation to Open School. We’re committed to helping men drive change that matters. Join us at TheBestMenCanBe.org #LinkinBio


    吉列 - The best men can be counselors that form deep bonds with kids who are having a hard time in school and in life. || “I spent










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