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    案例简介:最好的人可以成为导师,向服务不足和被监禁的孩子教授艺术。“以我的经验,被关起来的年轻人迫切希望有一个创造性的出路。对于被拘留的孩子来说,很少有这样的程序,所以我创建了一个。有些人对我们的项目持批评态度,我听说过,'哦,你打算怎么做,为这些孩子创建一个夏令营?' 嗯,也许这就是他们需要的。如果他们有机会在他们生命的早些时候参与到这样积极的事情中,也许他们就不会被监禁。“-卡洛斯 # TheBestMenCanBe | |“ 我一直在关注帮派文化,这是我经常接触的东西。我知道为什么孩子们会被帮派生活所吸引。当我与自己的家人经历艰难时期时,有一种友情,一种整个家庭的元素对我很有吸引力。帮派关系实际上是关于年轻人试图找到一个地方,试图拥有一个空间的所有权,试图创造一个属于他们自己的身份。“| |” 当任何破坏者进入圈子时,我们知道那是一个脆弱的空间。我们总是为他们加油打气。当他们进去时,我们会鼓掌。如果别人给了一些负能量,我们会大声鼓掌,这样我们就可以改变这种能量。然后最终那个人也开始鼓掌。我们在这里互相鼓励。我们是这里的一家人。我们的背景或隶属关系或类似的东西都无关紧要。我们在这里互相支持。当我们这样做时,我们每个人都会变得更好。”| |“ 对我来说,处理我的情绪可能会令人恐惧。在我的生活中,有时我会感到沮丧和愤怒。当某些事情被触发时,我必须提醒自己,我必须后退一步,深呼吸,想想我周围的人。并努力解决它。如果我要以身作则,带领年轻人走一走。“。卡洛斯的作品是 # TheBestMenCanBe的另一个例子,受到吉列通过艺术接触高危儿童的能力的启发,吉列正在向他的非营利组织Morpheus Youth Project捐款。我们致力于帮助男人推动重要的变革。加入我们的t TheBestMenCanBe.org # LinkinBio

    案例简介:The best men can be mentors who teach art to underserved and incarcerated kids. “In my experience young people who are locked up are desperate for a creative outlet. Few programs existed like that for kids in detention so I created one. Some people are critical of our project, I've heard things like, ‘Oh, what are you going to do, create a summer camp for these kids?’ Well, maybe that's what they needed. Maybe they wouldn't have been incarcerated if they'd had a chance to be involved in something positive like this earlier on in their lives.” - Carlos #TheBestMenCanBe||“I've been around gang culture, it's something that I've often been exposed to. I know why kids are attracted to gang life. There is a camaraderie, a whole family element that was attractive to me when I was going through rough patches with my own family. Gang affiliation is really about young people trying to find a place to be, trying to have ownership of a space, trying to create an identity that's their own.“||“When any breaker steps into the circle we know that's a vulnerable space. We always cheer them on. We clap when they get in there. If somebody else is giving some negative energy we clap louder so that we can change that energy. Then eventually that person starts clapping too. We're here to encourage each other. We're a family here. It doesn't matter what our backgrounds are or affiliations are or anything like that. We're here to support each other. Each of us are better when we do that.”||“For me, dealing with my emotions can be frightening. In my life sometimes I go right to frustration and anger. I have to remind myself when certain things are triggered that I have to take a step back, to take a breath and to think about those around me. And to work through it. If I’m going to lead young people by example I have to walk the walk.” Carlos’ work is another example of #TheBestMenCanBe, and inspired by his ability to reach at-risk kids through art, Gillette is making a donation to his non-profit, Morpheus Youth Project. We’re committed to helping men drive change that matters. Join us at TheBestMenCanBe.org #LinkinBio

    吉列 - The best men can be mentors who teach art to underserved and incarcerated kids. “In my experience young people who are lock

    案例简介:最好的人可以成为导师,向服务不足和被监禁的孩子教授艺术。“以我的经验,被关起来的年轻人迫切希望有一个创造性的出路。对于被拘留的孩子来说,很少有这样的程序,所以我创建了一个。有些人对我们的项目持批评态度,我听说过,'哦,你打算怎么做,为这些孩子创建一个夏令营?' 嗯,也许这就是他们需要的。如果他们有机会在他们生命的早些时候参与到这样积极的事情中,也许他们就不会被监禁。“-卡洛斯 # TheBestMenCanBe | |“ 我一直在关注帮派文化,这是我经常接触的东西。我知道为什么孩子们会被帮派生活所吸引。当我与自己的家人经历艰难时期时,有一种友情,一种整个家庭的元素对我很有吸引力。帮派关系实际上是关于年轻人试图找到一个地方,试图拥有一个空间的所有权,试图创造一个属于他们自己的身份。“| |” 当任何破坏者进入圈子时,我们知道那是一个脆弱的空间。我们总是为他们加油打气。当他们进去时,我们会鼓掌。如果别人给了一些负能量,我们会大声鼓掌,这样我们就可以改变这种能量。然后最终那个人也开始鼓掌。我们在这里互相鼓励。我们是这里的一家人。我们的背景或隶属关系或类似的东西都无关紧要。我们在这里互相支持。当我们这样做时,我们每个人都会变得更好。”| |“ 对我来说,处理我的情绪可能会令人恐惧。在我的生活中,有时我会感到沮丧和愤怒。当某些事情被触发时,我必须提醒自己,我必须后退一步,深呼吸,想想我周围的人。并努力解决它。如果我要以身作则,带领年轻人走一走。“。卡洛斯的作品是 # TheBestMenCanBe的另一个例子,受到吉列通过艺术接触高危儿童的能力的启发,吉列正在向他的非营利组织Morpheus Youth Project捐款。我们致力于帮助男人推动重要的变革。加入我们的t TheBestMenCanBe.org # LinkinBio

    吉列 - The best men can be mentors who teach art to underserved and incarcerated kids. “In my experience young people who are lock

    案例简介:The best men can be mentors who teach art to underserved and incarcerated kids. “In my experience young people who are locked up are desperate for a creative outlet. Few programs existed like that for kids in detention so I created one. Some people are critical of our project, I've heard things like, ‘Oh, what are you going to do, create a summer camp for these kids?’ Well, maybe that's what they needed. Maybe they wouldn't have been incarcerated if they'd had a chance to be involved in something positive like this earlier on in their lives.” - Carlos #TheBestMenCanBe||“I've been around gang culture, it's something that I've often been exposed to. I know why kids are attracted to gang life. There is a camaraderie, a whole family element that was attractive to me when I was going through rough patches with my own family. Gang affiliation is really about young people trying to find a place to be, trying to have ownership of a space, trying to create an identity that's their own.“||“When any breaker steps into the circle we know that's a vulnerable space. We always cheer them on. We clap when they get in there. If somebody else is giving some negative energy we clap louder so that we can change that energy. Then eventually that person starts clapping too. We're here to encourage each other. We're a family here. It doesn't matter what our backgrounds are or affiliations are or anything like that. We're here to support each other. Each of us are better when we do that.”||“For me, dealing with my emotions can be frightening. In my life sometimes I go right to frustration and anger. I have to remind myself when certain things are triggered that I have to take a step back, to take a breath and to think about those around me. And to work through it. If I’m going to lead young people by example I have to walk the walk.” Carlos’ work is another example of #TheBestMenCanBe, and inspired by his ability to reach at-risk kids through art, Gillette is making a donation to his non-profit, Morpheus Youth Project. We’re committed to helping men drive change that matters. Join us at TheBestMenCanBe.org #LinkinBio


    吉列 - The best men can be mentors who teach art to underserved and incarcerated kids. “In my experience young people who are lock










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