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    Upay Virtual Banknotes短视频广告营销案例



    Upay 虚拟钞票

    案例简介:执行 技术的美丽在于隐藏复杂性,将轻松和乐趣带到前面。如果不是这样,技术的祝福可能不会以预期的方式实现和接受。在孟加拉国,纸币只有 9 种面额,而在 Upay 上,人们可以产生任何可能数量的虚拟纸币,无论大小。至于设计,孟加拉国的钞票有一个共同的设计模式。Obverses 有国家之父的形象,国家烈士纪念碑的花卉图案和水印,而 reverses 有纪念碑或历史场所的形象。我们从原始笔记中获得灵感,只是用改变的花卉图案、历史雕塑的素描图像来重新想象和定制虚拟笔记, 捕捉我们的故事和自由象征的标志性绘画; 即使是最保守的现金使用者也会觉得熟悉。Upay 和联合商业银行的标志被用作虚拟票据的发行人。不熟悉但重要的组成部分,即 QR 码也保留在虚拟笔记上,因为它们是交易的标识符。所有这些都在后端,每次生成虚拟钞票进行交易时,都会在 Upay 上看到一个独特的虚拟钞票。设计笔记和编写应用程序中新添加的代码的整个工作花了将近七个月的时间。生成笔记的整个过程也上传到了一个微型网站上。 活动描述 银行业是为富人和有钱人服务的 -- 这是一种普遍的看法,它让 66% 的孟加拉国人口置身于正规银行体系的保护伞之外。移动金融服务 (MFS) 是为了确保金融包容性,但大多数人仍然依赖老式的实物现金,让自己面临盗窃的风险。联合商业银行的移动钱包服务 Upay 希望解决这个问题。我们发现采用 MFS 的最大障碍更多的是精神性质。孟加拉人如此习惯于实物金钱,以至于他们不能放弃这种习惯。所以,问题是如何用非实物数字货币取代实物货币。Upay 应用程序的当前界面在进行交易时生成 QR 码。我们重新设计了这个界面,用孟加拉现金用户更熟悉的东西 -- 钞票取代了不熟悉的二维码。因此,创意理念是 “虚拟钞票”。

    Upay 虚拟钞票

    案例简介:Execution The beauty of technology lies in hiding the complexity behind and bringing the ease and fun to the front. If not so, the blessing of technology may not be realized and accepted in the expected way. In Bangladesh, banknotes exist in only 9 denominations, whereas on Upay one can generate virtual note of any possible amount, tiny or big. As for the design, the banknotes in Bangladesh have a common design pattern. The obverses have the image of father of the nation, floral pattern and watermark of the National Martyrs’ Memorial, while the reverses have images of either monuments or historical places. We took inspiration from the original notes, only to reimagine and custom design the virtual notes with the touch of altered floral pattern, the sketched images of the historic sculptures, the iconic paintings that captures our stories and the symbols of our freedom; to look and feel familiar to even the most conservative users of cash. The logos of Upay and United Commercial Bank were used as the issuer of the virtual notes. The unfamiliar yet essential component i.e. the QR code was also kept on the virtual notes, as they were the identifier for the transaction. With all these in the back-end, each time one generates a virtual banknote to make a transaction, one sees a unique virtual note on Upay. The entire effort of designing the notes and coding the new additions in the app took nearly seven months. The entire process of generating the note has also been uploaded on a microsite. CampaignDescription Banking is for the rich and moneyed – a common perception that has kept 66% of Bangladeshi population outside the umbrella of formal banking system. Mobile financial services (MFS) came in an effort to ensure financial inclusion, but most people still rely on old-fashioned physical cash money, exposing selves to the risk of theft. Upay, a mobile wallet service from United Commercial Bank, wanted this solved. We found that the biggest barrier for adopting MFS was more of a mental nature. Bangladeshis were so accustomed to physical money that they couldn’t let go of the habit. So, the question was how to replace the physical money with non-physical digital money. The current interface of Upay app generates QR codes while making transactions. We redesigned this interface and replaced the unfamiliar QR codes with something Bangladeshi cash users are more familiar with - banknotes. Therefore, the creative idea was “Virtual Banknotes”.

    Upay Virtual Banknotes

    案例简介:执行 技术的美丽在于隐藏复杂性,将轻松和乐趣带到前面。如果不是这样,技术的祝福可能不会以预期的方式实现和接受。在孟加拉国,纸币只有 9 种面额,而在 Upay 上,人们可以产生任何可能数量的虚拟纸币,无论大小。至于设计,孟加拉国的钞票有一个共同的设计模式。Obverses 有国家之父的形象,国家烈士纪念碑的花卉图案和水印,而 reverses 有纪念碑或历史场所的形象。我们从原始笔记中获得灵感,只是用改变的花卉图案、历史雕塑的素描图像来重新想象和定制虚拟笔记, 捕捉我们的故事和自由象征的标志性绘画; 即使是最保守的现金使用者也会觉得熟悉。Upay 和联合商业银行的标志被用作虚拟票据的发行人。不熟悉但重要的组成部分,即 QR 码也保留在虚拟笔记上,因为它们是交易的标识符。所有这些都在后端,每次生成虚拟钞票进行交易时,都会在 Upay 上看到一个独特的虚拟钞票。设计笔记和编写应用程序中新添加的代码的整个工作花了将近七个月的时间。生成笔记的整个过程也上传到了一个微型网站上。 活动描述 银行业是为富人和有钱人服务的 -- 这是一种普遍的看法,它让 66% 的孟加拉国人口置身于正规银行体系的保护伞之外。移动金融服务 (MFS) 是为了确保金融包容性,但大多数人仍然依赖老式的实物现金,让自己面临盗窃的风险。联合商业银行的移动钱包服务 Upay 希望解决这个问题。我们发现采用 MFS 的最大障碍更多的是精神性质。孟加拉人如此习惯于实物金钱,以至于他们不能放弃这种习惯。所以,问题是如何用非实物数字货币取代实物货币。Upay 应用程序的当前界面在进行交易时生成 QR 码。我们重新设计了这个界面,用孟加拉现金用户更熟悉的东西 -- 钞票取代了不熟悉的二维码。因此,创意理念是 “虚拟钞票”。

    Upay Virtual Banknotes

    案例简介:Execution The beauty of technology lies in hiding the complexity behind and bringing the ease and fun to the front. If not so, the blessing of technology may not be realized and accepted in the expected way. In Bangladesh, banknotes exist in only 9 denominations, whereas on Upay one can generate virtual note of any possible amount, tiny or big. As for the design, the banknotes in Bangladesh have a common design pattern. The obverses have the image of father of the nation, floral pattern and watermark of the National Martyrs’ Memorial, while the reverses have images of either monuments or historical places. We took inspiration from the original notes, only to reimagine and custom design the virtual notes with the touch of altered floral pattern, the sketched images of the historic sculptures, the iconic paintings that captures our stories and the symbols of our freedom; to look and feel familiar to even the most conservative users of cash. The logos of Upay and United Commercial Bank were used as the issuer of the virtual notes. The unfamiliar yet essential component i.e. the QR code was also kept on the virtual notes, as they were the identifier for the transaction. With all these in the back-end, each time one generates a virtual banknote to make a transaction, one sees a unique virtual note on Upay. The entire effort of designing the notes and coding the new additions in the app took nearly seven months. The entire process of generating the note has also been uploaded on a microsite. CampaignDescription Banking is for the rich and moneyed – a common perception that has kept 66% of Bangladeshi population outside the umbrella of formal banking system. Mobile financial services (MFS) came in an effort to ensure financial inclusion, but most people still rely on old-fashioned physical cash money, exposing selves to the risk of theft. Upay, a mobile wallet service from United Commercial Bank, wanted this solved. We found that the biggest barrier for adopting MFS was more of a mental nature. Bangladeshis were so accustomed to physical money that they couldn’t let go of the habit. So, the question was how to replace the physical money with non-physical digital money. The current interface of Upay app generates QR codes while making transactions. We redesigned this interface and replaced the unfamiliar QR codes with something Bangladeshi cash users are more familiar with - banknotes. Therefore, the creative idea was “Virtual Banknotes”.

    Upay 虚拟钞票


    Upay Virtual Banknotes










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