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    案例简介:背景 关于孟加拉国的矛盾在于,它已成为世界上增长最快的经济体之一,其一半的成年人仍被财政排斥。缺乏足够的资金,高昂的金融交易成本以及银行缺乏提供多元化服务的奉献精神,被认为是扩大金融包容性的主要障碍。因此,它们仍然是银行徒劳的长尾。 在孟加拉国,农业是最大的就业部门,大多数没有银行存款的人口是农民,他们生活在农村地区。因此,3600万农民是依靠土地生活的金融流浪者,他们没有能力获得信贷、储蓄和保障他们的未来。 孟加拉国最大的银行之一联合商业银行 (UCB) 决定改变对财务状况不佳的银行的看法,并使银行设施变得平易近人。 描述创意 没有银行账户的农民没有足够的现金去银行,但他们种植的新鲜农产品往往产量超过所需。但是,当涉及单个家庭时,多余的产品更多,但在批发市场上出售却微不足道。因此,这些通常以中间商受益最大的一次性价格出售。因此,我们考虑解决这两个问题,即通过一个想法-农业银行,农民缺乏资金,超额农产品价格不公平。 农业银行是世界上第一个将新鲜水果和蔬菜转变为银行账户的企业。它允许农民开立小额储蓄账户以换取他们的产品。该计划旨在使农民能够建立信用记录,积累储蓄,并最终有资格获得贷款等其他福利。 描述策略 目的是改变3600万没有银行存款的农民的生活。当被问到时,他们说银行离他们的住所很远,他们没有足够的现金来利用银行服务。然而,他们剩余的是新鲜农产品。由于他们没有有利的解决方案,这些多余的产品要么被浪费,要么以低价出售给中间商,中间商从中受益,而不是农民。因此,战略是发展一个生态系统,通过这个系统,农民没有足够的现金的问题将得到解决,他们也将获得公平的价格为他们的多余的产品。 农业银行是两方平台,将货币存入银行账户是新鲜农产品,而不是典型的现金。为了将新鲜农产品转化为货币,与最大的零售连锁店Shwapno合作,Shwapno已经从这些边缘种植者那里采购新鲜农产品。 描述执行情况 UCB在农村没有分支机构。但是他们在一些村庄拥有UCash (移动金融服务品牌) 代理点和UCB代理银行网点。因此,我们的想法是在可用的UCash点或UCB代理银行点以及没有可用的移动货车中建立UCB和Shwapno的联合品牌点。在这一点上,新鲜农产品由UCB收集,等量的钱存入农民的账户。农民会收到短信通知,并可以在存款簿中记录。那时也可以退出帐户。价格将根据批发市场的价格每天早上确定。每天Shwapno的货车都会把新鲜农产品带到最近的Shwapno出口。发射前几周,在实施区域粘贴了扩音器公告和海报。 列出结果 农业银行是解决农民获得银行服务并为其多余产品获得公平价格的问题的第一种解决方案。因此,它在孟加拉国的农民和普通民众中引起了极大的兴奋。在推出后的几周内,开设了750个新帐户,并收集了58吨新鲜农产品。关于这一概念减少贫困的潜力,社交媒体上已经开始进行积极的对话。该计划产生了40个媒体印象,迄今媒体支出为零,获得了150万美元的报道。尽管该项目最初是在一个地区的五个地点启动的,但又有115个村庄表现出了兴趣,并要求UCB和Shwapno也在其村庄开始农业银行业务。


    案例简介:Background The paradox about Bangladesh is that it has become one of the fastest growing economies in the world with half of its adults remaining financially excluded. Lack of sufficient fund, high cost of financial transaction and lack of banks’ dedication to offer diversified services are seen to be the major roadblocks for greater financial inclusion. Hence, they remain as the futile long-tail for the banks. In Bangladesh, agriculture is the largest employment sector and most of the un-banked population are farmers by profession, living in the rural areas. So, the 36 million farmers are the financial outcasts who are living off the land, and without the ability to access credit, save, and secure their future. United Commercial Bank (UCB), one of the biggest banks in Bangladesh, decided to bring a change in their outlook about the financially excluded ones and make the banking facilities approachable and accessible for them. Describe the creative idea The unbanked farmers don’t have enough cash to go to banks, but they grow fresh produce which are often yielded more than needed. However, the excess produce is more when it comes to individual families but insignificant to sell in the wholesale market. Therefore, those are generally sold at throwaway prices where the middlemen get benefited the most. So, we thought of solving both the issues i.e. lack of funds for the farmers and getting unfair prices for the excess produce, through one idea – AgroBanking. AgroBanking is the world’s first gumption to transform fresh fruits and vegetables into bank accounts. It allows farmers to open micro savings accounts in exchange for their produce. The initiative is designed to enable farmers to build credit histories, amass savings and eventually become eligible for other benefits like loans. Describe the strategy The intent was to transform the lives of 36 million un-banked farmers. When asked, they said banks are far away from their residences and they don’t have enough cash to avail banking services. However, what they have as surplus is the fresh produce. As they don’t have favorable solutions available, these excess produce either get wasted or sold to middlemen at low prices where the middlemen get benefited, not the farmers. So, the strategy was to develop an Eco-system through which the farmers’ problem of not having enough cash will be solved and they will also receive fair price for their excess produce. AgroBanking is that two-party platform where the currency to deposit into bank accounts is the fresh produce, not the typical hard cash. To convert the fresh produce into money, Shwapno, the largest retail chain was collaborated with, who already sources fresh produce from such marginal growers. Describe the execution UCB doesn’t have full-branches in rural. But they have UCash (mobile financial service brand) agent points and UCB Agent Banking outlets in some of the villages. So, the idea was to set up co-branded points of UCB and Shwapno, at the UCash points or UCB Agent Banking points where available and in mobile vans where none of these are available. In that point, the fresh produce were collected by UCB and the equivalent amount of money was deposited into the farmer’s account. The farmer would get an SMS-notification and can keep record in the deposit book. One could also withdraw from account at that point. The price would be fixed every morning based on the rate in the wholesale market. Everyday Shwapno’s van would take the fresh produce to the nearest Shwapno outlet/s. A few weeks prior to the launch, megaphone announcements and posters were pasted in the implementing areas. List the results AgroBanking is the first-of-its-kind solution that solves the farmers’ problem of accessing banking services and getting fair price for their excess produce. Hence it created massive excitement among the farmers and general people of Bangladesh. Within weeks of its launch, 750 new accounts were opened and 58 tons of fresh produce were collected. Positive conversation has started happening on social media about the potential of this concept to reduce poverty. The initiative generated 40+ media impressions, garnering coverage worth of US$ 1.5 million with zero media spending till date. Though the project was initially launched in five points in one district, 115 more villages are showing interest and requesting UCB and Shwapno to start AgroBanking at their villages as well.

    UCB AgroBanking Project

    案例简介:背景 关于孟加拉国的矛盾在于,它已成为世界上增长最快的经济体之一,其一半的成年人仍被财政排斥。缺乏足够的资金,高昂的金融交易成本以及银行缺乏提供多元化服务的奉献精神,被认为是扩大金融包容性的主要障碍。因此,它们仍然是银行徒劳的长尾。 在孟加拉国,农业是最大的就业部门,大多数没有银行存款的人口是农民,他们生活在农村地区。因此,3600万农民是依靠土地生活的金融流浪者,他们没有能力获得信贷、储蓄和保障他们的未来。 孟加拉国最大的银行之一联合商业银行 (UCB) 决定改变对财务状况不佳的银行的看法,并使银行设施变得平易近人。 描述创意 没有银行账户的农民没有足够的现金去银行,但他们种植的新鲜农产品往往产量超过所需。但是,当涉及单个家庭时,多余的产品更多,但在批发市场上出售却微不足道。因此,这些通常以中间商受益最大的一次性价格出售。因此,我们考虑解决这两个问题,即通过一个想法-农业银行,农民缺乏资金,超额农产品价格不公平。 农业银行是世界上第一个将新鲜水果和蔬菜转变为银行账户的企业。它允许农民开立小额储蓄账户以换取他们的产品。该计划旨在使农民能够建立信用记录,积累储蓄,并最终有资格获得贷款等其他福利。 描述策略 目的是改变3600万没有银行存款的农民的生活。当被问到时,他们说银行离他们的住所很远,他们没有足够的现金来利用银行服务。然而,他们剩余的是新鲜农产品。由于他们没有有利的解决方案,这些多余的产品要么被浪费,要么以低价出售给中间商,中间商从中受益,而不是农民。因此,战略是发展一个生态系统,通过这个系统,农民没有足够的现金的问题将得到解决,他们也将获得公平的价格为他们的多余的产品。 农业银行是两方平台,将货币存入银行账户是新鲜农产品,而不是典型的现金。为了将新鲜农产品转化为货币,与最大的零售连锁店Shwapno合作,Shwapno已经从这些边缘种植者那里采购新鲜农产品。 描述执行情况 UCB在农村没有分支机构。但是他们在一些村庄拥有UCash (移动金融服务品牌) 代理点和UCB代理银行网点。因此,我们的想法是在可用的UCash点或UCB代理银行点以及没有可用的移动货车中建立UCB和Shwapno的联合品牌点。在这一点上,新鲜农产品由UCB收集,等量的钱存入农民的账户。农民会收到短信通知,并可以在存款簿中记录。那时也可以退出帐户。价格将根据批发市场的价格每天早上确定。每天Shwapno的货车都会把新鲜农产品带到最近的Shwapno出口。发射前几周,在实施区域粘贴了扩音器公告和海报。 列出结果 农业银行是解决农民获得银行服务并为其多余产品获得公平价格的问题的第一种解决方案。因此,它在孟加拉国的农民和普通民众中引起了极大的兴奋。在推出后的几周内,开设了750个新帐户,并收集了58吨新鲜农产品。关于这一概念减少贫困的潜力,社交媒体上已经开始进行积极的对话。该计划产生了40个媒体印象,迄今媒体支出为零,获得了150万美元的报道。尽管该项目最初是在一个地区的五个地点启动的,但又有115个村庄表现出了兴趣,并要求UCB和Shwapno也在其村庄开始农业银行业务。

    UCB AgroBanking Project

    案例简介:Background The paradox about Bangladesh is that it has become one of the fastest growing economies in the world with half of its adults remaining financially excluded. Lack of sufficient fund, high cost of financial transaction and lack of banks’ dedication to offer diversified services are seen to be the major roadblocks for greater financial inclusion. Hence, they remain as the futile long-tail for the banks. In Bangladesh, agriculture is the largest employment sector and most of the un-banked population are farmers by profession, living in the rural areas. So, the 36 million farmers are the financial outcasts who are living off the land, and without the ability to access credit, save, and secure their future. United Commercial Bank (UCB), one of the biggest banks in Bangladesh, decided to bring a change in their outlook about the financially excluded ones and make the banking facilities approachable and accessible for them. Describe the creative idea The unbanked farmers don’t have enough cash to go to banks, but they grow fresh produce which are often yielded more than needed. However, the excess produce is more when it comes to individual families but insignificant to sell in the wholesale market. Therefore, those are generally sold at throwaway prices where the middlemen get benefited the most. So, we thought of solving both the issues i.e. lack of funds for the farmers and getting unfair prices for the excess produce, through one idea – AgroBanking. AgroBanking is the world’s first gumption to transform fresh fruits and vegetables into bank accounts. It allows farmers to open micro savings accounts in exchange for their produce. The initiative is designed to enable farmers to build credit histories, amass savings and eventually become eligible for other benefits like loans. Describe the strategy The intent was to transform the lives of 36 million un-banked farmers. When asked, they said banks are far away from their residences and they don’t have enough cash to avail banking services. However, what they have as surplus is the fresh produce. As they don’t have favorable solutions available, these excess produce either get wasted or sold to middlemen at low prices where the middlemen get benefited, not the farmers. So, the strategy was to develop an Eco-system through which the farmers’ problem of not having enough cash will be solved and they will also receive fair price for their excess produce. AgroBanking is that two-party platform where the currency to deposit into bank accounts is the fresh produce, not the typical hard cash. To convert the fresh produce into money, Shwapno, the largest retail chain was collaborated with, who already sources fresh produce from such marginal growers. Describe the execution UCB doesn’t have full-branches in rural. But they have UCash (mobile financial service brand) agent points and UCB Agent Banking outlets in some of the villages. So, the idea was to set up co-branded points of UCB and Shwapno, at the UCash points or UCB Agent Banking points where available and in mobile vans where none of these are available. In that point, the fresh produce were collected by UCB and the equivalent amount of money was deposited into the farmer’s account. The farmer would get an SMS-notification and can keep record in the deposit book. One could also withdraw from account at that point. The price would be fixed every morning based on the rate in the wholesale market. Everyday Shwapno’s van would take the fresh produce to the nearest Shwapno outlet/s. A few weeks prior to the launch, megaphone announcements and posters were pasted in the implementing areas. List the results AgroBanking is the first-of-its-kind solution that solves the farmers’ problem of accessing banking services and getting fair price for their excess produce. Hence it created massive excitement among the farmers and general people of Bangladesh. Within weeks of its launch, 750 new accounts were opened and 58 tons of fresh produce were collected. Positive conversation has started happening on social media about the potential of this concept to reduce poverty. The initiative generated 40+ media impressions, garnering coverage worth of US$ 1.5 million with zero media spending till date. Though the project was initially launched in five points in one district, 115 more villages are showing interest and requesting UCB and Shwapno to start AgroBanking at their villages as well.



    UCB AgroBanking Project










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