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    Alexa Lifeline短视频广告营销案例



    Alexa 生命线

    案例简介:家庭虐待的现实是,许多妇女仍处于暴力关系中。这是由于许多因素,如自尊下降、爱、孩子、恐惧和经济依赖。我们还知道 70% 的女性永远不会联系警察在不断升级的情况下,通常没有办法打电话给家人的朋友寻求帮助,而不会进一步激怒施虐者。; 我们的简报是在局势升级时,给女性一种求助的方式。; 我们有两个目标;-它不能进一步愤怒施虐者。; -它必须是完全秘密的 -- 施虐者不会怀疑的东西,如果被发现,也不会放弃它的功能。; 策略; 我们发现女性经常打开电视或播放大声的音乐来隐藏邻居或孩子不断升级的争吵或虐待的声音。这使得打开音乐成为女性触发短信求助的一种可信而自然的方式。; 我们使用亚马逊 Alexa,因为它目前在美国数百万个家庭中,比任何其他语音激活助理增长更快。这使得它成为尽可能多的女性可以使用生命线的完美方式,因为它可以立即安装。; 使用语音助手也意味着女性可以在不离开房间或触摸电话的情况下激活生命线,可以激怒施虐者的东西。; 将第三方引入破坏性关系可以而且确实有助于受害者考虑获得其他健康服务,并获得离开的勇气。; 结果; 我们在亚特兰大测试了生命线,看看女性的反应,以及我们如何进一步开发它,使它尽可能有效,该系统已经在全国范围内部署。; 自从生命线在 3 月份启动以来,我们已经发送了 17 条短信寻求帮助。不幸的是,即使这一小部分也反映了家庭虐待的普遍程度,因为每一个信息都是在绝望、潜在致命的情况下寻求帮助的呼声。; 就媒体反应和目标定位的有效性而言,我们已经实现了我们的目标 -- 没有影响者的股份,新闻和社交媒体的零报道。; 保持生命线的秘密,只有我们的目标受众知道。; 执行; 女性直接从亚马逊技能商店下载了我们的通用音乐播放器。它不被称为生命线,也不在这里命名,以确保它保持秘密。这种技能看起来像任何其他音乐播放器,没有显示出它的救生功能。; 民进党通过社会团体向受害者安全传播生命线。; 我们利用公司合作伙伴在女性浴室内张贴海报,更衣室和大学宿舍指向信息丰富的 Snapchat 视频,这些视频在观看后消失了。; 所有的通信都将用户推向一个未列出的网站,这个网站看起来像表面上的任何其他网站。这份拷贝讲述了一个不同的故事 -- 它描述了技能是如何工作的,允许用户注册短信服务,并定制他们的信息。; 每一步都经过仔细考虑,以确保我们给女性一个无法被发现的工具,并按照承诺工作。; 活动描述; 我们创造了 Alexa 生命线 -- 一个让女性通过简单地打开音乐来发短信寻求帮助的机会。; 我们选择了美国排名第一的语音激活助理亚马逊的 Alexa,并创建了一个通用的音乐播放器,里面隐藏着生命线的功能。激活后,一首歌播放,一个秘密的自定义文本被发送给指定的朋友。; 这给了女性谨慎的方式,通过简单地播放大声的音乐来接触外部世界。; 然后,他们的朋友可以通过文本以任何方式做出决定或传达。; 我们还通过没有留下痕迹的通信教育女性生命线,我们知道受家庭暴力影响的妇女将是孤独的。; 简要介绍预计的结果; 家庭虐待在美国是一个多产的问题。随着关于美国橄榄球联盟球员、白宫助手和名人的故事引起了全国的关注,它开始获得更多的媒体关注。; 不幸的是,这些故事只触及表面。全国妇女每 9 秒钟就会被殴打一次,虐待将影响 4 名妇女中的 1 名。它在每个社区、文化和州都很普遍。; 许多评论员认为妇女应该简单地离开这种情况,而不理解家庭虐待的复杂性质。这些妇女经常因为虐待而自信心降低,可能有他们不想涉及的孩子,害怕让情况变得更糟,除了街头无处可去,或者许多其他问题。; 生命线是向前迈出的一大步,让被困在暴力关系中的女性有一种逃避潜在致命局面的方式。事实是,每天有 3 名妇女被男友、丈夫或前男友暴力杀害。生命线意味着他们可以在最需要的时候打电话给朋友,中断暴力,有可能挽救他们的生命。

    Alexa 生命线

    案例简介:Synopsis;The reality of domestic abuse is that many women stay in violent relationships. This is due to many factors such as reduced self-esteem, love, children, fear and being financially dependent. We also know 70% of these women will never contact the police, and usually have no way to use a phone to call a friend of family member for help during an escalating situation without further angering the abuser.;Our brief was to give women a way to call for help during an escalating situation.;We had two objectives;- It couldn’t further anger the abuser.;- It had to be completely secret – something the abuser wouldn’t suspect and if found, wouldn’t give away its functionality.;Strategy;We found that women often turn up the TV or play loud music to hide the sounds of an escalating argument or abuse from neighbours or children. This made turning on music a believable and natural way for women to trigger a text message for help.;We used Amazon Alexa as it’s currently within millions of homes across the United States and growing faster than any other voice activated assistant. This made it the perfect way to make Lifeline available to as many women as possible, as it can be instantly installed.;Using a voice assistant also meant women could activate Lifeline without leaving the room or touching the phone, something that can anger the abuser.;The introduction of a third party to a destructive relationship can and does help a victim consider reaching for other wellness services, and gain the courage to leave.;Outcome;We tested Lifeline in Atlanta to see how women responded, and how we could further develop it to make it as effective as possible and the system has since been deployed nationwide.;Since Lifeline’s launch in March we’ve sent 17 texts for help. Unfortunately, even this small number reflects just how prevalent domestic abuse is, as every message is a cry for help in a desperate, potentially deadly situation.;In terms of media response and effectiveness of targeting, we’ve achieved exactly what we aimed for – no shares by influencers and zero coverage in the news and social media.;Keeping Lifeline a secret that’s only know by our target audience.;Execution;Women downloaded our generic music player directly from the Amazon Skill store. It was not called Lifeline, and is not named here to ensure it remains secret. This skill seems like any other music player, with no indication of its lifesaving functionality.;PADV safely spread the word about Lifeline to victims through social groups.;We used corporate partners to place posters within women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and college dorms that directed to informative Snapchat videos which disappeared after viewing.;All communications pushed users to an unlisted website that appeared like any other site on the surface. The copy told a different story – it described how the skill works, and allows users to sign up for the texting service, and to customise their message.;Every step was carefully considered to ensure we gave women a tool that couldn’t be discovered, and worked as promised.;Campaign Description;We created The Alexa Lifeline – a chance for women to text for help by simply turning on music.;We took the United States number one voice activated assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, and created a generic music player with Lifeline’s functionality hidden inside. When activated, a song plays, and a secret custom text is sent to a designated friend.;This gave women discreet way to contact the outside world by simply playing loud music.;Their friend can then respond in whatever way had been decided or communicated through the text.;We also educated women about Lifeline through communications that left no trace, and where we knew women affected by domestic violence would be alone.;Brief With Projected Outcomes;Domestic abuse is a prolific problem across the United States. It’s starting to gain greater media attention, with stories about NFL players, white house aides and celebrities being brought to the attention of the country.;Unfortunately, these stories only scratch the surface. Women are being beaten every 9 seconds across the country, and abuse will affect 1 in 4 women in their lifetime. It is prevalent in every community, culture and state.;Many commentators think women should simply leave the situation without understanding the complex nature of domestic abuse. These women often have reduced self-confidence due to the abuse, may have children they don’t want to involve, are afraid of making the situation worse, have nowhere to go but the streets, or many other issues.;Lifeline is a huge step forward in giving women trapped in a violent relationship a way to escape a potentially deadly situation. The fact is that 3 women are murdered every day through violence by their boyfriend, husband or ex. Lifeline means they can call out to a friend when they’re most in need, to interrupt the violence and potentially save their life.

    Alexa Lifeline

    案例简介:家庭虐待的现实是,许多妇女仍处于暴力关系中。这是由于许多因素,如自尊下降、爱、孩子、恐惧和经济依赖。我们还知道 70% 的女性永远不会联系警察在不断升级的情况下,通常没有办法打电话给家人的朋友寻求帮助,而不会进一步激怒施虐者。; 我们的简报是在局势升级时,给女性一种求助的方式。; 我们有两个目标;-它不能进一步愤怒施虐者。; -它必须是完全秘密的 -- 施虐者不会怀疑的东西,如果被发现,也不会放弃它的功能。; 策略; 我们发现女性经常打开电视或播放大声的音乐来隐藏邻居或孩子不断升级的争吵或虐待的声音。这使得打开音乐成为女性触发短信求助的一种可信而自然的方式。; 我们使用亚马逊 Alexa,因为它目前在美国数百万个家庭中,比任何其他语音激活助理增长更快。这使得它成为尽可能多的女性可以使用生命线的完美方式,因为它可以立即安装。; 使用语音助手也意味着女性可以在不离开房间或触摸电话的情况下激活生命线,可以激怒施虐者的东西。; 将第三方引入破坏性关系可以而且确实有助于受害者考虑获得其他健康服务,并获得离开的勇气。; 结果; 我们在亚特兰大测试了生命线,看看女性的反应,以及我们如何进一步开发它,使它尽可能有效,该系统已经在全国范围内部署。; 自从生命线在 3 月份启动以来,我们已经发送了 17 条短信寻求帮助。不幸的是,即使这一小部分也反映了家庭虐待的普遍程度,因为每一个信息都是在绝望、潜在致命的情况下寻求帮助的呼声。; 就媒体反应和目标定位的有效性而言,我们已经实现了我们的目标 -- 没有影响者的股份,新闻和社交媒体的零报道。; 保持生命线的秘密,只有我们的目标受众知道。; 执行; 女性直接从亚马逊技能商店下载了我们的通用音乐播放器。它不被称为生命线,也不在这里命名,以确保它保持秘密。这种技能看起来像任何其他音乐播放器,没有显示出它的救生功能。; 民进党通过社会团体向受害者安全传播生命线。; 我们利用公司合作伙伴在女性浴室内张贴海报,更衣室和大学宿舍指向信息丰富的 Snapchat 视频,这些视频在观看后消失了。; 所有的通信都将用户推向一个未列出的网站,这个网站看起来像表面上的任何其他网站。这份拷贝讲述了一个不同的故事 -- 它描述了技能是如何工作的,允许用户注册短信服务,并定制他们的信息。; 每一步都经过仔细考虑,以确保我们给女性一个无法被发现的工具,并按照承诺工作。; 活动描述; 我们创造了 Alexa 生命线 -- 一个让女性通过简单地打开音乐来发短信寻求帮助的机会。; 我们选择了美国排名第一的语音激活助理亚马逊的 Alexa,并创建了一个通用的音乐播放器,里面隐藏着生命线的功能。激活后,一首歌播放,一个秘密的自定义文本被发送给指定的朋友。; 这给了女性谨慎的方式,通过简单地播放大声的音乐来接触外部世界。; 然后,他们的朋友可以通过文本以任何方式做出决定或传达。; 我们还通过没有留下痕迹的通信教育女性生命线,我们知道受家庭暴力影响的妇女将是孤独的。; 简要介绍预计的结果; 家庭虐待在美国是一个多产的问题。随着关于美国橄榄球联盟球员、白宫助手和名人的故事引起了全国的关注,它开始获得更多的媒体关注。; 不幸的是,这些故事只触及表面。全国妇女每 9 秒钟就会被殴打一次,虐待将影响 4 名妇女中的 1 名。它在每个社区、文化和州都很普遍。; 许多评论员认为妇女应该简单地离开这种情况,而不理解家庭虐待的复杂性质。这些妇女经常因为虐待而自信心降低,可能有他们不想涉及的孩子,害怕让情况变得更糟,除了街头无处可去,或者许多其他问题。; 生命线是向前迈出的一大步,让被困在暴力关系中的女性有一种逃避潜在致命局面的方式。事实是,每天有 3 名妇女被男友、丈夫或前男友暴力杀害。生命线意味着他们可以在最需要的时候打电话给朋友,中断暴力,有可能挽救他们的生命。

    Alexa Lifeline

    案例简介:Synopsis;The reality of domestic abuse is that many women stay in violent relationships. This is due to many factors such as reduced self-esteem, love, children, fear and being financially dependent. We also know 70% of these women will never contact the police, and usually have no way to use a phone to call a friend of family member for help during an escalating situation without further angering the abuser.;Our brief was to give women a way to call for help during an escalating situation.;We had two objectives;- It couldn’t further anger the abuser.;- It had to be completely secret – something the abuser wouldn’t suspect and if found, wouldn’t give away its functionality.;Strategy;We found that women often turn up the TV or play loud music to hide the sounds of an escalating argument or abuse from neighbours or children. This made turning on music a believable and natural way for women to trigger a text message for help.;We used Amazon Alexa as it’s currently within millions of homes across the United States and growing faster than any other voice activated assistant. This made it the perfect way to make Lifeline available to as many women as possible, as it can be instantly installed.;Using a voice assistant also meant women could activate Lifeline without leaving the room or touching the phone, something that can anger the abuser.;The introduction of a third party to a destructive relationship can and does help a victim consider reaching for other wellness services, and gain the courage to leave.;Outcome;We tested Lifeline in Atlanta to see how women responded, and how we could further develop it to make it as effective as possible and the system has since been deployed nationwide.;Since Lifeline’s launch in March we’ve sent 17 texts for help. Unfortunately, even this small number reflects just how prevalent domestic abuse is, as every message is a cry for help in a desperate, potentially deadly situation.;In terms of media response and effectiveness of targeting, we’ve achieved exactly what we aimed for – no shares by influencers and zero coverage in the news and social media.;Keeping Lifeline a secret that’s only know by our target audience.;Execution;Women downloaded our generic music player directly from the Amazon Skill store. It was not called Lifeline, and is not named here to ensure it remains secret. This skill seems like any other music player, with no indication of its lifesaving functionality.;PADV safely spread the word about Lifeline to victims through social groups.;We used corporate partners to place posters within women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and college dorms that directed to informative Snapchat videos which disappeared after viewing.;All communications pushed users to an unlisted website that appeared like any other site on the surface. The copy told a different story – it described how the skill works, and allows users to sign up for the texting service, and to customise their message.;Every step was carefully considered to ensure we gave women a tool that couldn’t be discovered, and worked as promised.;Campaign Description;We created The Alexa Lifeline – a chance for women to text for help by simply turning on music.;We took the United States number one voice activated assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, and created a generic music player with Lifeline’s functionality hidden inside. When activated, a song plays, and a secret custom text is sent to a designated friend.;This gave women discreet way to contact the outside world by simply playing loud music.;Their friend can then respond in whatever way had been decided or communicated through the text.;We also educated women about Lifeline through communications that left no trace, and where we knew women affected by domestic violence would be alone.;Brief With Projected Outcomes;Domestic abuse is a prolific problem across the United States. It’s starting to gain greater media attention, with stories about NFL players, white house aides and celebrities being brought to the attention of the country.;Unfortunately, these stories only scratch the surface. Women are being beaten every 9 seconds across the country, and abuse will affect 1 in 4 women in their lifetime. It is prevalent in every community, culture and state.;Many commentators think women should simply leave the situation without understanding the complex nature of domestic abuse. These women often have reduced self-confidence due to the abuse, may have children they don’t want to involve, are afraid of making the situation worse, have nowhere to go but the streets, or many other issues.;Lifeline is a huge step forward in giving women trapped in a violent relationship a way to escape a potentially deadly situation. The fact is that 3 women are murdered every day through violence by their boyfriend, husband or ex. Lifeline means they can call out to a friend when they’re most in need, to interrupt the violence and potentially save their life.

    Alexa 生命线


    Alexa Lifeline










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