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    Breaking Ballet短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 Joburg Ballet 知道,为了卖出更多的门票,它需要吸引更年轻、更多样化的观众。尽管该公司已经将更多当代的、受非洲启发的作品纳入了他们的曲目中,但大多数千禧一代仍然认为芭蕾是一种过时的、老式的舞蹈形式。Joburg Ballet 与我们联系,帮助改变这种看法,并鼓励年轻的南非人将芭蕾视为一种可行的娱乐形式。因此,我们需要证明芭蕾可以讲述任何事情,它可以是当代的和相关的,它当然不是无聊的过去的遗迹。 战略 南非千禧一代没有来看芭蕾舞。这意味着我们必须带芭蕾舞给他们。Joburg Ballet 有一个非常小的年度营销预算,所以从一开始我们就需要一个策略来实现最大的共享能力和赢得媒体。我们的观众每天都受到内容的轰炸。这孕育了一种即时满足的文化。通过跟踪 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram 的趋势,我们能够确定与我们的目标受众最相关的触发器 -- 南非黑人千禧一代,然后用相关的故事快速做出反应。在拍摄电影时,我们跟踪了故事是如何演变的,这影响了我们如何标记它们和我们使用的微影响者。 相关性 打破芭蕾舞系列的在线电影完全是由网上最大的热门故事影响和塑造的。通过跟踪全球和南非所有流行社交媒体平台上的触发器,我们能够用一部相关的、高度具体的短片来回应,而对话仍然是热门话题。从本质上说,这一系列以 8 部短片形式出现的芭蕾舞剧 100% 是由社交媒体上挖掘的实时数据形成的 结果 通过将高度相关的故事直接反馈到趋势对话中,这项运动获得了很大的成功。芭蕾和 Joburg 芭蕾尤其是在他们做梦也没想到的地方被谈论。重要的数据包括: 赢得媒体 560% 媒体印象的 2400万投资回报率 91% 参与率 39% 社交媒体追随者门票销售的增长达到历史新高 媒体战略 通常情况下,芭蕾舞的制作需要几个月的构思、编排和排练。对于参与这一系列芭蕾舞剧的所有各方来说,从舞者到观众,最激动人心的事情是不知道接下来会发生什么故事。这项运动 100% 是由社交媒体挖掘的实时数据形成的。这在艺术上被重新解释为一个全新的芭蕾。这些数据也塑造了短片,在情绪、位置、摄影和艺术方向方面。 活动描述 Breaking Ballet 是一个持续的系列,由网上最大的故事启发。这些电影采取短片的形式,直接植入社交媒体上的热门话题。整个过程 -- 从识别扳机,向舞者简报,到制作电影并将其植入对话 -- 需要 3 到 5 天的时间。这确保了电影上映时故事仍然高度相关。


    案例简介:Synopsis Joburg Ballet knows that in order to sell more tickets, it needs to appeal to a younger, more diverse audience. Despite the fact that the company has incorporated more contemporary, African-inspired works into their repertoire, most millennials still think of ballet as a stale, old-fashioned dance form. Joburg Ballet approached us to help change this perception and encourage young South Africans to consider ballet as a viable form of entertainment. We thus needed to demonstrate that ballet can tell stories about anything, that it can be contemporary and relevant, and that it is certainly no boring relic of the past. Strategy South African millennials weren’t coming to the ballet. This meant we’d have to take ballet to them. Joburg Ballet has a very small annual marketing budget, so from the outset we needed a strategy that would result in maximum share-ability and earned media. Our audience is bombarded by content on a daily basis. This has bred a culture of instant gratification. By tracking trends across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we were able to identify triggers most relevant to our intended audience – black South African millennials, and then respond quickly with relevant stories. When it came to seeding the films, we tracked how the stories had evolved, which influenced how we tagged them and the micro-influencers that we used. Relevancy The Breaking Ballet series of online films is influenced and shaped entirely by the biggest trending stories online. By tracking triggers across all the popular social media platforms, globally and in South Africa, we were able to respond with a relevant, highly specific short film, whilst the conversation was still trending. Essentially, this series of ballets in the form of 8 short films is 100% shaped by real-time data mined on social media Outcome By feeding highly relevant stories straight back into trending conversations, the campaign has earned a lot of success. Ballet and Joburg Ballet in particular are being spoken about in places they never dreamed of. Important stats include: 560% ROI in earned media 24 million media impressions 91% engagement rate 39% increase in social media followers Ticket sales are at an all-time high and climbing show on show MediaStrategy Ordinarily a ballet production involves many months of conceptualisation, choreography and rehearsals. The most exciting thing for all parties involved in this series of ballets, from the dancers to the audience, has been not knowing what story is coming next. The campaign is 100% shaped by real-time data mined from social media. This is then artistically reinterpreted as a brand new ballet. This data also shapes the short film, in terms of the mood, location, cinematography and art direction. CampaignDescription Breaking Ballet is an ongoing series of bite-size ballets inspired by the biggest stories online. These take the form of short films, which are seeded straight back into trending conversations on social media. The entire process – from identifying the trigger, to briefing the dancers, to producing the film and seeding it back into the conversation – takes 3 to 5 days. This ensures that the stories are still highly relevant when the films are launched.

    Breaking Ballet

    案例简介:概要 Joburg Ballet 知道,为了卖出更多的门票,它需要吸引更年轻、更多样化的观众。尽管该公司已经将更多当代的、受非洲启发的作品纳入了他们的曲目中,但大多数千禧一代仍然认为芭蕾是一种过时的、老式的舞蹈形式。Joburg Ballet 与我们联系,帮助改变这种看法,并鼓励年轻的南非人将芭蕾视为一种可行的娱乐形式。因此,我们需要证明芭蕾可以讲述任何事情,它可以是当代的和相关的,它当然不是无聊的过去的遗迹。 战略 南非千禧一代没有来看芭蕾舞。这意味着我们必须带芭蕾舞给他们。Joburg Ballet 有一个非常小的年度营销预算,所以从一开始我们就需要一个策略来实现最大的共享能力和赢得媒体。我们的观众每天都受到内容的轰炸。这孕育了一种即时满足的文化。通过跟踪 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram 的趋势,我们能够确定与我们的目标受众最相关的触发器 -- 南非黑人千禧一代,然后用相关的故事快速做出反应。在拍摄电影时,我们跟踪了故事是如何演变的,这影响了我们如何标记它们和我们使用的微影响者。 相关性 打破芭蕾舞系列的在线电影完全是由网上最大的热门故事影响和塑造的。通过跟踪全球和南非所有流行社交媒体平台上的触发器,我们能够用一部相关的、高度具体的短片来回应,而对话仍然是热门话题。从本质上说,这一系列以 8 部短片形式出现的芭蕾舞剧 100% 是由社交媒体上挖掘的实时数据形成的 结果 通过将高度相关的故事直接反馈到趋势对话中,这项运动获得了很大的成功。芭蕾和 Joburg 芭蕾尤其是在他们做梦也没想到的地方被谈论。重要的数据包括: 赢得媒体 560% 媒体印象的 2400万投资回报率 91% 参与率 39% 社交媒体追随者门票销售的增长达到历史新高 媒体战略 通常情况下,芭蕾舞的制作需要几个月的构思、编排和排练。对于参与这一系列芭蕾舞剧的所有各方来说,从舞者到观众,最激动人心的事情是不知道接下来会发生什么故事。这项运动 100% 是由社交媒体挖掘的实时数据形成的。这在艺术上被重新解释为一个全新的芭蕾。这些数据也塑造了短片,在情绪、位置、摄影和艺术方向方面。 活动描述 Breaking Ballet 是一个持续的系列,由网上最大的故事启发。这些电影采取短片的形式,直接植入社交媒体上的热门话题。整个过程 -- 从识别扳机,向舞者简报,到制作电影并将其植入对话 -- 需要 3 到 5 天的时间。这确保了电影上映时故事仍然高度相关。

    Breaking Ballet

    案例简介:Synopsis Joburg Ballet knows that in order to sell more tickets, it needs to appeal to a younger, more diverse audience. Despite the fact that the company has incorporated more contemporary, African-inspired works into their repertoire, most millennials still think of ballet as a stale, old-fashioned dance form. Joburg Ballet approached us to help change this perception and encourage young South Africans to consider ballet as a viable form of entertainment. We thus needed to demonstrate that ballet can tell stories about anything, that it can be contemporary and relevant, and that it is certainly no boring relic of the past. Strategy South African millennials weren’t coming to the ballet. This meant we’d have to take ballet to them. Joburg Ballet has a very small annual marketing budget, so from the outset we needed a strategy that would result in maximum share-ability and earned media. Our audience is bombarded by content on a daily basis. This has bred a culture of instant gratification. By tracking trends across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we were able to identify triggers most relevant to our intended audience – black South African millennials, and then respond quickly with relevant stories. When it came to seeding the films, we tracked how the stories had evolved, which influenced how we tagged them and the micro-influencers that we used. Relevancy The Breaking Ballet series of online films is influenced and shaped entirely by the biggest trending stories online. By tracking triggers across all the popular social media platforms, globally and in South Africa, we were able to respond with a relevant, highly specific short film, whilst the conversation was still trending. Essentially, this series of ballets in the form of 8 short films is 100% shaped by real-time data mined on social media Outcome By feeding highly relevant stories straight back into trending conversations, the campaign has earned a lot of success. Ballet and Joburg Ballet in particular are being spoken about in places they never dreamed of. Important stats include: 560% ROI in earned media 24 million media impressions 91% engagement rate 39% increase in social media followers Ticket sales are at an all-time high and climbing show on show MediaStrategy Ordinarily a ballet production involves many months of conceptualisation, choreography and rehearsals. The most exciting thing for all parties involved in this series of ballets, from the dancers to the audience, has been not knowing what story is coming next. The campaign is 100% shaped by real-time data mined from social media. This is then artistically reinterpreted as a brand new ballet. This data also shapes the short film, in terms of the mood, location, cinematography and art direction. CampaignDescription Breaking Ballet is an ongoing series of bite-size ballets inspired by the biggest stories online. These take the form of short films, which are seeded straight back into trending conversations on social media. The entire process – from identifying the trigger, to briefing the dancers, to producing the film and seeding it back into the conversation – takes 3 to 5 days. This ensures that the stories are still highly relevant when the films are launched.



    Breaking Ballet










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