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    Project Free Period短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 当你想到经期时,没有什么好的东西会浮现在脑海中。尤其是在印度。在这里,女孩在月经开始时辍学。女性在她们的时代被认为是不纯洁的,不允许进入寺庙甚至自己的厨房。正是这一切继续将时期的话题深入到社会的黑暗角落。Stayfree 是一家领先的卫生品牌,致力于改变人们对不同时期的看法和行为。我们相信,让社会对这个话题更舒服的唯一方法是围绕这个禁忌话题不断引发不同的对话。这就是我们在性交易中关注这些女性的原因。对他们来说,时期带来了同样的生物不便,但他们实际上期待着。因为这是这个月唯一一次他们不能被迫工作。 战略 作为一个品牌,Stayfree 代表了女性生活的正常化时期。在这里,我们看到了一个利用时间使商业性工作者的生活正常化的机会。通过对市场经济学的研究,我们缩小了能够为这些妇女未来创造可持续收入的技能。我们与专业培训师和非政府组织 Prerana 合作,将这些技能压缩成 3 天的模块,易于学习。课程还允许他们在每个模块中提高技能。为了能够扩大我们早期研讨会的积极回应,我们后来向世界开放了这一倡议,并邀请志愿者帮助我们培训。这赢得了许多媒体的倡议和对品牌的热爱。这也帮助我们用新的技能更新我们的课程,从而吸引新的学生。 相关性 卫生保护的类别只显示了需要克服的障碍。虽然结合了两个迄今为止笼罩在沉默中的话题,月经和卖淫,项目自由时期将叙事从禁忌转移到赋权。并允许人们不仅参与对话,还参与倡议。 结果 与以前针对这些女性的举措不同,项目自由期没有辍学,每个学生至少完成一个技能模块。我们已经进行了 120 天的培训,8 个经济上可行的职业技能被分成 40 个为期三天的模块。对这些妇女来说,3060 天的时间已经转化为 3060 天的学习时间。通过车间生产的产品和提供的服务,潜在收入高达 30,500 美元 (超过 200万印度卢比)。我们已经建立了一个由 742 名不同技能的志愿者培训师组成的培训师数据库。该倡议得到了领先出版物的报道,并得到了许多名人和影响者的支持。总到达-2000万。 执行 经过 6 个月的密集规划,2018年1月,我们在 Kamathipura 举办了第一个妇女研讨会,这是亚洲第2 大红灯区。我们的课程由 8 个技能组成 -- 蜡烛制作、指甲花设计、信封制作、软玩具制作、刺绣、三明治制作和基本的美容师课程。我们每个月都在做这些。为了帮助扩大我们的培训能力,在国际妇女节,我们发起了一场社交媒体运动来招募志愿者培训师。我们也有一些受欢迎的影响者,比如奥运会奖牌获得者Sindhu 和 Instagram 名人 Priya Malik 谈论这项倡议。为了提高对项目自由期的认识,并向我们的学生介绍新的收入来源,我们在孟买的一个著名购物中心举办了一次学生产品展览。我们将很快与其他品牌合作,创造更多的培训和招聘选择。 活动描述 与大多数女性不同,商业性工作者实际上期待她们的月经。因为这是他们唯一不能被迫工作的时候。引入项目自由期。一项倡议将他们 3 天的学习时间,或者 3 天的不工作时间,变成了 3 天的学习时间。我们与专业培训师和反贩运非政府组织 Prerana 合作,创建了一个独特的课程。它包括可以创造经济生计的技能,并被压缩成 3 天的模块。这样他们就可以利用这段时间在另一项交易中掌握自己的技能。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 没有。 简要解释 观众 项目自由周期帮助性交易中的女性,利用她们的周期日学习新的交易。因为那是他们唯一不能被迫工作的日子。


    案例简介:Synopsis There’s nothing good that comes to mind when you think of periods. Even more so, in India. Here, girls drop out of school at the onset of periods. Women on their period are considered impure and disallowed entry into temples or even their own kitchens. It’s all of this that continues to drag the topic of periods deeper into the dark corners of society. Stayfree, a leading sanitary brand, is committed to changing the perceptions and behaviour around periods. And we believe the only way to make society more comfortable about this topic is to keep sparking different conversations around this taboo subject. And that’s what drew our attention to these women in the sex trade. While periods, for them, came with the same set of biological inconveniences, they actually looked forward to it. Because it was the only time of the month where they couldn’t be forced to work. Strategy As a brand, Stayfree stands for normalising periods in the lives of women. Here, we saw an opportunity to use periods to normalise the lives of commercial sex workers. Through studies of market economics, we narrowed down skills that could generate sustainable incomes for these women in the future. We worked with professional trainers and NGO Prerana to compress these skills into 3-day modules that were easy to learn. The curriculum also allowed them to advance their skill with every module. To be able to scale up the positive response from our early workshops, we later opened this initiative out to the world and invited volunteers to help us train. This earned a lot of media for the initiative and a lot of love for the brand. This also helped us refresh our curriculum with new skills, thereby attracting new students. Relevancy The category of sanitary protection has only shown periods as an obstacle to be overcome. While combining two topics hitherto shrouded in silence, menstruation & prostitution, Project Free Period shifts the narrative from taboo to empowerment. And allows people to participate in not just the conversation, but in the initiative as well. Outcome Unlike previous initiatives for these women, Project Free Period has seen no dropouts, with every student finishing at least one skill module. We've conducted 120 days of training, with 8 economically viable vocational skills broken up into 40, three-day modules. 3060 days of periods have been converted into 3060 days of learning for these women. The potential income generated, through products made and services taught during the workshops, amount to a whopping USD 30,500 (over 2 million Indian rupees). We've built a trainer database of 742 volunteer trainers with varied skills. The initiative has been covered by leading publications and supported by many celebrities and influencers. Total reach - 20 million. Execution After 6 months of intensive planning, in January 2018, we held our first workshop for women in Kamathipura, Asia’s 2nd largest red-light area. Our curriculum was made up of 8 skills – candle making, henna design, envelope making, soft-toy making, embroidery, sandwich making and a basic beautician course. We ran these around the month, every month. To help scale up our ability to train, on International Women’s Day, we put out a social media campaign to recruit volunteer trainers. We also got popular influencers like Olympic medalist, P.V. Sindhu and Instagram celebrity Priya Malik to talk about the initiative. To build more awareness about Project Free Period, and also introduce our students to a new source of income, we held an exhibition of products made by our students at a prominent mall in Mumbai. We shall soon be collaborating with other brands to create more training and recruitment options. CampaignDescription Unlike most women, commercial sex workers actually look forward to their periods. Because it’s the only time they cannot be forced to work. Introducing Project Free Period. An initiative that turned their 3 days of periods, or 3 days of no work, into 3 days of learning. We partnered with professional trainers and Prerana, an anti-trafficking NGO, to create a unique curriculum. It comprises of skills that can create economic sustenance, and are compressed into 3-day modules. So that they can use their period days to skill themselves in another trade. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes None. BriefExplanation Audience Project Free Period helps women in the sex trade, learn a new trade by using their period days. Since those are the only days when they cannot be forced to work.

    Project Free Period

    案例简介:概要 当你想到经期时,没有什么好的东西会浮现在脑海中。尤其是在印度。在这里,女孩在月经开始时辍学。女性在她们的时代被认为是不纯洁的,不允许进入寺庙甚至自己的厨房。正是这一切继续将时期的话题深入到社会的黑暗角落。Stayfree 是一家领先的卫生品牌,致力于改变人们对不同时期的看法和行为。我们相信,让社会对这个话题更舒服的唯一方法是围绕这个禁忌话题不断引发不同的对话。这就是我们在性交易中关注这些女性的原因。对他们来说,时期带来了同样的生物不便,但他们实际上期待着。因为这是这个月唯一一次他们不能被迫工作。 战略 作为一个品牌,Stayfree 代表了女性生活的正常化时期。在这里,我们看到了一个利用时间使商业性工作者的生活正常化的机会。通过对市场经济学的研究,我们缩小了能够为这些妇女未来创造可持续收入的技能。我们与专业培训师和非政府组织 Prerana 合作,将这些技能压缩成 3 天的模块,易于学习。课程还允许他们在每个模块中提高技能。为了能够扩大我们早期研讨会的积极回应,我们后来向世界开放了这一倡议,并邀请志愿者帮助我们培训。这赢得了许多媒体的倡议和对品牌的热爱。这也帮助我们用新的技能更新我们的课程,从而吸引新的学生。 相关性 卫生保护的类别只显示了需要克服的障碍。虽然结合了两个迄今为止笼罩在沉默中的话题,月经和卖淫,项目自由时期将叙事从禁忌转移到赋权。并允许人们不仅参与对话,还参与倡议。 结果 与以前针对这些女性的举措不同,项目自由期没有辍学,每个学生至少完成一个技能模块。我们已经进行了 120 天的培训,8 个经济上可行的职业技能被分成 40 个为期三天的模块。对这些妇女来说,3060 天的时间已经转化为 3060 天的学习时间。通过车间生产的产品和提供的服务,潜在收入高达 30,500 美元 (超过 200万印度卢比)。我们已经建立了一个由 742 名不同技能的志愿者培训师组成的培训师数据库。该倡议得到了领先出版物的报道,并得到了许多名人和影响者的支持。总到达-2000万。 执行 经过 6 个月的密集规划,2018年1月,我们在 Kamathipura 举办了第一个妇女研讨会,这是亚洲第2 大红灯区。我们的课程由 8 个技能组成 -- 蜡烛制作、指甲花设计、信封制作、软玩具制作、刺绣、三明治制作和基本的美容师课程。我们每个月都在做这些。为了帮助扩大我们的培训能力,在国际妇女节,我们发起了一场社交媒体运动来招募志愿者培训师。我们也有一些受欢迎的影响者,比如奥运会奖牌获得者Sindhu 和 Instagram 名人 Priya Malik 谈论这项倡议。为了提高对项目自由期的认识,并向我们的学生介绍新的收入来源,我们在孟买的一个著名购物中心举办了一次学生产品展览。我们将很快与其他品牌合作,创造更多的培训和招聘选择。 活动描述 与大多数女性不同,商业性工作者实际上期待她们的月经。因为这是他们唯一不能被迫工作的时候。引入项目自由期。一项倡议将他们 3 天的学习时间,或者 3 天的不工作时间,变成了 3 天的学习时间。我们与专业培训师和反贩运非政府组织 Prerana 合作,创建了一个独特的课程。它包括可以创造经济生计的技能,并被压缩成 3 天的模块。这样他们就可以利用这段时间在另一项交易中掌握自己的技能。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 没有。 简要解释 观众 项目自由周期帮助性交易中的女性,利用她们的周期日学习新的交易。因为那是他们唯一不能被迫工作的日子。

    Project Free Period

    案例简介:Synopsis There’s nothing good that comes to mind when you think of periods. Even more so, in India. Here, girls drop out of school at the onset of periods. Women on their period are considered impure and disallowed entry into temples or even their own kitchens. It’s all of this that continues to drag the topic of periods deeper into the dark corners of society. Stayfree, a leading sanitary brand, is committed to changing the perceptions and behaviour around periods. And we believe the only way to make society more comfortable about this topic is to keep sparking different conversations around this taboo subject. And that’s what drew our attention to these women in the sex trade. While periods, for them, came with the same set of biological inconveniences, they actually looked forward to it. Because it was the only time of the month where they couldn’t be forced to work. Strategy As a brand, Stayfree stands for normalising periods in the lives of women. Here, we saw an opportunity to use periods to normalise the lives of commercial sex workers. Through studies of market economics, we narrowed down skills that could generate sustainable incomes for these women in the future. We worked with professional trainers and NGO Prerana to compress these skills into 3-day modules that were easy to learn. The curriculum also allowed them to advance their skill with every module. To be able to scale up the positive response from our early workshops, we later opened this initiative out to the world and invited volunteers to help us train. This earned a lot of media for the initiative and a lot of love for the brand. This also helped us refresh our curriculum with new skills, thereby attracting new students. Relevancy The category of sanitary protection has only shown periods as an obstacle to be overcome. While combining two topics hitherto shrouded in silence, menstruation & prostitution, Project Free Period shifts the narrative from taboo to empowerment. And allows people to participate in not just the conversation, but in the initiative as well. Outcome Unlike previous initiatives for these women, Project Free Period has seen no dropouts, with every student finishing at least one skill module. We've conducted 120 days of training, with 8 economically viable vocational skills broken up into 40, three-day modules. 3060 days of periods have been converted into 3060 days of learning for these women. The potential income generated, through products made and services taught during the workshops, amount to a whopping USD 30,500 (over 2 million Indian rupees). We've built a trainer database of 742 volunteer trainers with varied skills. The initiative has been covered by leading publications and supported by many celebrities and influencers. Total reach - 20 million. Execution After 6 months of intensive planning, in January 2018, we held our first workshop for women in Kamathipura, Asia’s 2nd largest red-light area. Our curriculum was made up of 8 skills – candle making, henna design, envelope making, soft-toy making, embroidery, sandwich making and a basic beautician course. We ran these around the month, every month. To help scale up our ability to train, on International Women’s Day, we put out a social media campaign to recruit volunteer trainers. We also got popular influencers like Olympic medalist, P.V. Sindhu and Instagram celebrity Priya Malik to talk about the initiative. To build more awareness about Project Free Period, and also introduce our students to a new source of income, we held an exhibition of products made by our students at a prominent mall in Mumbai. We shall soon be collaborating with other brands to create more training and recruitment options. CampaignDescription Unlike most women, commercial sex workers actually look forward to their periods. Because it’s the only time they cannot be forced to work. Introducing Project Free Period. An initiative that turned their 3 days of periods, or 3 days of no work, into 3 days of learning. We partnered with professional trainers and Prerana, an anti-trafficking NGO, to create a unique curriculum. It comprises of skills that can create economic sustenance, and are compressed into 3-day modules. So that they can use their period days to skill themselves in another trade. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes None. BriefExplanation Audience Project Free Period helps women in the sex trade, learn a new trade by using their period days. Since those are the only days when they cannot be forced to work.



    Project Free Period


    广告公司: 恒美 (印度 孟买)




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