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    Magic Hour Pop-up Shops短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 升起和落下的太阳创造了大自然最令人惊叹的展示。但是对我们大多数人来说,我们忙碌的现代生活意味着我们永远不会赶上这一刻。这是那些真正热爱户外的人最好的秘密 -- 他们知道这段神奇的时光是值得珍惜的。所以我们把这个小时命名为神奇小时,并在世界上最令人惊叹的地方建立虚拟弹出式商店。他们只在日出和日落时开放,以确保只有最敬业的探险家才会拜访他们; 那些愿意在黎明时分或一天结束时起床的人。由于他们的努力,他们不仅在一个特别选择的风景优美的地方获得了美丽的景色,而且还从巅峰表演中获得了自由。信息很简单。出去看看一天中最美丽的时光。抓住神奇的时刻。 结果 所有的商店 -- 除了勃朗峰顶端的那家 -- 都卖光了。使用我们的品牌标签拍摄了超过 28 个小时的魔法和 1,758 个远景。魔术小时的概念现在被所有巅峰表演的体育赞助商和影响者所使用,作为向他们的追随者发出的体验户外运动力量的号召。最后,也许最重要的是,这场运动被超过 100 家在线媒体公司和博客报道,没有一盎司付费媒体 -- 这使得它成为有史以来最经济成功的品牌宣传活动。 执行 我们在世界上最美丽、最偏远的地方开设了数字弹出式商店。商店只在神奇的时间营业 -- 日出和日落 -- 当时的地点看起来最令人惊叹。户外运动最专注的爱好者可以通过手机进入商店,并从新系列中获得免费样品。如果他们不能旅行,我们会通过商店把交通带到新开放的电子商务网站。该活动网站在所有设备上无缝运行,从一开始就展示了对峰值性能品牌引以为豪的细节的关注。在我们的社交活动中,我们要求我们的粉丝使用 # CatchMagicHour 分享他们的神奇时光。通过利用 Instagram 用户的已知行为 -- 在日出或日落时拍摄美丽的风景 -- 我们巧妙地将我们的活动与整体感觉联系起来,促进我们的影响力和品牌故事。 概要 Peak Performance 成立于瑞典北部山区,是一个以冒险精神为核心的服装品牌。每一件作品都旨在帮助你充分利用户外活动。考虑到这一点,我们面临着以一种新的、令人兴奋的方式推出他们的 SS15 系列的挑战。首先,我们必须通过数字活动建立一个引人注目的品牌故事。我们衡量成功的关键是实体商店的脚步,以及将流量推向性能最佳的电子商务网站。 战略 在一个充斥着丰富激励口号的拥挤市场中,我们非常清楚,我们需要让潜在消费者过上高性能品牌的巅峰,而不是被随意告知是什么。因此,这项运动的本质是围绕户外爱好者的兴趣而构建的。通过让少数人能够接触到这项活动,它让许多人了解了最佳表现的价值观和优点 -- 所有这些都是有限的预算。我们选择了基于全球和当地公关的商店位置。美丽的地方在那个地区的媒体上表现得很好,而布兰克山顶端的一家商店是一个全世界都可以支持的故事。最后,用户界面和用户体验必须在每台设备上干净整洁地引导用户浏览网站和虚拟商店。这种对细节的关注在每个峰值性能产品的设计和护理中得到呼应。 相关性 我们的高峰表现活动取决于消费者体验神奇时刻的变革性。所以我们把虚拟商店放在偏远而美丽的地方,只有最专注的户外爱好者才能踏上旅程。为了放置商店并创建无缝的活动,它需要完全生活在移动设备上。地理标记和虚拟商店本身可能并不新鲜,但是当编织成一个品牌故事时,整体效果才是真正强大的。对于如此有限的预算,我们在本地和全球公关渠道取得了巨大成功。


    案例简介:Campaign Description The rising and setting sun creates nature's most stunning display. But for most of us, our busy modern lives means we never catch this moment. It is the best kept secret of those who truly love the outdoors - who know this magical time is something to be treasured. So we named this hour the Magic Hour, and set up virtual pop-up stores at the most stunning locations across the world. They only opened at sunrise and sunset, to ensure only the most dedicated explorers paid them a visit; those willing to get up at the crack of dawn or at the end of the day. For their efforts, not only were they rewarded with a beautiful vista at a specially chosen scenic location, but also free gear from Peak Performance. The message was simple. Get out there and see the most beautiful time of day. Catch Magic Hour. Outcome All the stores - except the one on the tip of Mt Blanc - sold out. Over 28 hours of magic and 1,758 vistas were captured using our branded hashtag. The concept of magic hour is now used by all of Peak Performance’s sport sponsors and influencers, as a rallying cry to their followers to experience the power of the great outdoors. Finally, and maybe most importantly, the campaign was covered by over 100 online media houses and blogs without an ounce of paid media - making it the most economically successful branding campaign ever for Peak Performance. Execution We opened digital pop-up stores in the most beautiful and remote locations across the world. The stores were only open during Magic Hour - sunrise and sunset - when the locations looked the most stunning. The most dedicated lovers of the great outdoors could access the stores on their mobile and get free samples from the new collection. If they couldn’t make the trip, we drove traffic via the stores to the newly opened e-commerce site. The campaign site worked seamlessly across all devices, displaying from the get-go the attention to detail that the Peak Performance brand prides itself on. In our social activation, we asked our fans to share their Magic Hour vistas using #CatchMagicHour. By leveraging a known behaviour of Instagram users - taking beautiful pictures of scenery at sunrise or sunset - we smartly linked our campaign to an overall feeling, furthering our reach and brand story. Synopsis Founded in the northern mountains of Sweden, Peak Performance is a clothing brand with the spirit of adventure at it's heart. Every piece is designed to help inspire you make the most of the great outdoors. With this in mind, we were challenged to launch their SS15 collection in a new and exciting way. First and foremost, we had to establish a compelling brand story via a digital campaign. Key to our metrics of success was footfall to brick and mortar stores and driving traffic to the Peak Performance e-commerce site. Strategy In a crowded market with plentiful motivational slogans, we were very aware we needed to get potential consumers to live the Peak Performance brand, rather than arbitrarily be told what it was. So the very essence of the campaign was constructed around the interests of outdoor enthusiasts. By making the campaign only accessible to the few, it educated the many on the values and virtues of Peak Performance - all with limited budget.We chose store locations based on global and local PR. Beautiful local areas played well in the press of that area, whilst a store on the tip of Mt Blanc was a story the whole world could get behind. Finally, the UI and UX had to cleanly and neatly navigate users around the site and virtual store, on every device. This attention to detail is echoed in the design and care taken on each Peak Performance product. Relevancy Our campaign for Peak Performance hinges on consumers experiencing the transformative nature of Magic Hour in the flesh. So we placed virtual stores in remote and beautiful locations, with only the most dedicated outdoor enthusiasts making the journey. To place the stores and create a seamless campaign, it needed to live fully on mobile. Geo-tagging and virtual stores may be nothing new within themselves, but when woven into a brand story, the overall effect is truly powerful. And for such a limited budget, we achieved huge success in local and global PR channels.

    Magic Hour Pop-up Shops

    案例简介:活动描述 升起和落下的太阳创造了大自然最令人惊叹的展示。但是对我们大多数人来说,我们忙碌的现代生活意味着我们永远不会赶上这一刻。这是那些真正热爱户外的人最好的秘密 -- 他们知道这段神奇的时光是值得珍惜的。所以我们把这个小时命名为神奇小时,并在世界上最令人惊叹的地方建立虚拟弹出式商店。他们只在日出和日落时开放,以确保只有最敬业的探险家才会拜访他们; 那些愿意在黎明时分或一天结束时起床的人。由于他们的努力,他们不仅在一个特别选择的风景优美的地方获得了美丽的景色,而且还从巅峰表演中获得了自由。信息很简单。出去看看一天中最美丽的时光。抓住神奇的时刻。 结果 所有的商店 -- 除了勃朗峰顶端的那家 -- 都卖光了。使用我们的品牌标签拍摄了超过 28 个小时的魔法和 1,758 个远景。魔术小时的概念现在被所有巅峰表演的体育赞助商和影响者所使用,作为向他们的追随者发出的体验户外运动力量的号召。最后,也许最重要的是,这场运动被超过 100 家在线媒体公司和博客报道,没有一盎司付费媒体 -- 这使得它成为有史以来最经济成功的品牌宣传活动。 执行 我们在世界上最美丽、最偏远的地方开设了数字弹出式商店。商店只在神奇的时间营业 -- 日出和日落 -- 当时的地点看起来最令人惊叹。户外运动最专注的爱好者可以通过手机进入商店,并从新系列中获得免费样品。如果他们不能旅行,我们会通过商店把交通带到新开放的电子商务网站。该活动网站在所有设备上无缝运行,从一开始就展示了对峰值性能品牌引以为豪的细节的关注。在我们的社交活动中,我们要求我们的粉丝使用 # CatchMagicHour 分享他们的神奇时光。通过利用 Instagram 用户的已知行为 -- 在日出或日落时拍摄美丽的风景 -- 我们巧妙地将我们的活动与整体感觉联系起来,促进我们的影响力和品牌故事。 概要 Peak Performance 成立于瑞典北部山区,是一个以冒险精神为核心的服装品牌。每一件作品都旨在帮助你充分利用户外活动。考虑到这一点,我们面临着以一种新的、令人兴奋的方式推出他们的 SS15 系列的挑战。首先,我们必须通过数字活动建立一个引人注目的品牌故事。我们衡量成功的关键是实体商店的脚步,以及将流量推向性能最佳的电子商务网站。 战略 在一个充斥着丰富激励口号的拥挤市场中,我们非常清楚,我们需要让潜在消费者过上高性能品牌的巅峰,而不是被随意告知是什么。因此,这项运动的本质是围绕户外爱好者的兴趣而构建的。通过让少数人能够接触到这项活动,它让许多人了解了最佳表现的价值观和优点 -- 所有这些都是有限的预算。我们选择了基于全球和当地公关的商店位置。美丽的地方在那个地区的媒体上表现得很好,而布兰克山顶端的一家商店是一个全世界都可以支持的故事。最后,用户界面和用户体验必须在每台设备上干净整洁地引导用户浏览网站和虚拟商店。这种对细节的关注在每个峰值性能产品的设计和护理中得到呼应。 相关性 我们的高峰表现活动取决于消费者体验神奇时刻的变革性。所以我们把虚拟商店放在偏远而美丽的地方,只有最专注的户外爱好者才能踏上旅程。为了放置商店并创建无缝的活动,它需要完全生活在移动设备上。地理标记和虚拟商店本身可能并不新鲜,但是当编织成一个品牌故事时,整体效果才是真正强大的。对于如此有限的预算,我们在本地和全球公关渠道取得了巨大成功。

    Magic Hour Pop-up Shops

    案例简介:Campaign Description The rising and setting sun creates nature's most stunning display. But for most of us, our busy modern lives means we never catch this moment. It is the best kept secret of those who truly love the outdoors - who know this magical time is something to be treasured. So we named this hour the Magic Hour, and set up virtual pop-up stores at the most stunning locations across the world. They only opened at sunrise and sunset, to ensure only the most dedicated explorers paid them a visit; those willing to get up at the crack of dawn or at the end of the day. For their efforts, not only were they rewarded with a beautiful vista at a specially chosen scenic location, but also free gear from Peak Performance. The message was simple. Get out there and see the most beautiful time of day. Catch Magic Hour. Outcome All the stores - except the one on the tip of Mt Blanc - sold out. Over 28 hours of magic and 1,758 vistas were captured using our branded hashtag. The concept of magic hour is now used by all of Peak Performance’s sport sponsors and influencers, as a rallying cry to their followers to experience the power of the great outdoors. Finally, and maybe most importantly, the campaign was covered by over 100 online media houses and blogs without an ounce of paid media - making it the most economically successful branding campaign ever for Peak Performance. Execution We opened digital pop-up stores in the most beautiful and remote locations across the world. The stores were only open during Magic Hour - sunrise and sunset - when the locations looked the most stunning. The most dedicated lovers of the great outdoors could access the stores on their mobile and get free samples from the new collection. If they couldn’t make the trip, we drove traffic via the stores to the newly opened e-commerce site. The campaign site worked seamlessly across all devices, displaying from the get-go the attention to detail that the Peak Performance brand prides itself on. In our social activation, we asked our fans to share their Magic Hour vistas using #CatchMagicHour. By leveraging a known behaviour of Instagram users - taking beautiful pictures of scenery at sunrise or sunset - we smartly linked our campaign to an overall feeling, furthering our reach and brand story. Synopsis Founded in the northern mountains of Sweden, Peak Performance is a clothing brand with the spirit of adventure at it's heart. Every piece is designed to help inspire you make the most of the great outdoors. With this in mind, we were challenged to launch their SS15 collection in a new and exciting way. First and foremost, we had to establish a compelling brand story via a digital campaign. Key to our metrics of success was footfall to brick and mortar stores and driving traffic to the Peak Performance e-commerce site. Strategy In a crowded market with plentiful motivational slogans, we were very aware we needed to get potential consumers to live the Peak Performance brand, rather than arbitrarily be told what it was. So the very essence of the campaign was constructed around the interests of outdoor enthusiasts. By making the campaign only accessible to the few, it educated the many on the values and virtues of Peak Performance - all with limited budget.We chose store locations based on global and local PR. Beautiful local areas played well in the press of that area, whilst a store on the tip of Mt Blanc was a story the whole world could get behind. Finally, the UI and UX had to cleanly and neatly navigate users around the site and virtual store, on every device. This attention to detail is echoed in the design and care taken on each Peak Performance product. Relevancy Our campaign for Peak Performance hinges on consumers experiencing the transformative nature of Magic Hour in the flesh. So we placed virtual stores in remote and beautiful locations, with only the most dedicated outdoor enthusiasts making the journey. To place the stores and create a seamless campaign, it needed to live fully on mobile. Geo-tagging and virtual stores may be nothing new within themselves, but when woven into a brand story, the overall effect is truly powerful. And for such a limited budget, we achieved huge success in local and global PR channels.



    Magic Hour Pop-up Shops










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