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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 这个故事讲述的是在世界杯期间成为该国最渴望的对象之一的直接邮件。通过购买士力架,人们可以获得包括巧克力 (产品) 和哥伦比亚官方球衣的包装,哥伦比亚是一支假球队,在世界杯期间给士力架带来了极大的相关性,而无需成为哥伦比亚在世界杯上的官方赞助商。 背景 情况: 士力架正在寻找通过重新激活本地沟通并与消费者建立联系来增加销售的方法。该品牌确定必须激活与消费者,数字,销售点和包裹服务的所有联系点,以产生与产品2018年相关的影响。 • 简介: 该品牌不是最接近哥伦比亚公众的品牌,并希望在俄罗斯世界杯足球赛2018期间具有相关性。所有这些都没有成为国家队的官方赞助商。 目标: 在这段时间里,通过传播全球概念的交流来声名狼藉,利用人类成为饥饿受害者时所遭受的困惑: 饥饿时不是你。 描述创意 (投票30%) 当世界各地的人们谈论哥伦比亚时,我们利用了最著名的困惑之一: 他们说哥伦比亚而不是哥伦比亚。从这个意义上说,在品牌的幽默基调下,我们创建了哥伦比亚,这是官方的混乱足球队,这是一支假球队,每次国家队登上舞台时都会窃取谈话内容。 描述策略 (投票20%) 士力架有一个强大的全球概念 “饿的时候不是你”,这在当地从未执行过。在针对本地消费者的商业日历中发现,世界杯是一个很好的机会,可以调整这一概念,使品牌更接近目标 (18至35岁的人群)。 该活动包括礼物,专为季节设计的包装以及具有不同格式的一致数字通信。但该品牌不能忽视它意味着植入数字号召性用语的机会,这立即导致了冲动的购买: “那些对足球感到困惑的人,已经有一支球队” 买了4个士力架,穿上你的哥伦比亚t恤,官方的混乱团队” 描述执行 (投票20%) 在世界杯之前的赛季和世界杯期间 (5月/2018年7月),官方的混乱足球队是为了利用哥伦比亚和哥伦比亚的反复出现的错误,并在体育派对期间产生反复出现的误解的内容,以及鼓励购买产品以获得衬衫。 体育界的有影响力的人被激活了,例如威廉·维纳斯科 (William Vinasco) (该国最有影响力的足球解说员),他是第一个收到球队困惑的球衣并谈论竞选活动的人,与广播电台结盟以传播交流,我们还促进了电子商务中巧克力棒的购买,生成了实时内容 (Instagram帐户和Facebook自己的品牌和影响者),甚至在大众媒体 (如报纸 (EL TIEMPO)) 中,也大大增加了消费者对品牌的参与度,并实现了 列出结果 (投票30%) 士力架®通过这项活动,在哥伦比亚市场上取得了独特的参与,并成为最受欢迎的巧克力品牌,以相关的方式在当地市场上利用其全球概念。 该品牌是哥伦比亚最有影响力的品牌之一,无需成为体育赛事的官方赞助商。 各种渠道的销售额大幅增长。 我们在哥伦比亚达到了士力架的历史水平。 + 世界杯期间的77,000互动 (ER 28.2%) 球迷的历史记录 (49,600 / + 13% 仅在一个月) 过去两年第一学期的历史平均销售额较高 (来源: MARS售罄/1月-7月2017日与2018) 现代渠道销售10% 的增加与。同期2017 (+ 21% 成功) 两个月内售出180万个士力架 请告诉我们激发您竞选活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 当世界各地的人们谈论哥伦比亚时,我们利用了最著名的困惑之一: 他们说哥伦比亚而不是哥伦比亚。从这个意义上说,在品牌的幽默基调下,我们创建了哥伦比亚,这是官方的混乱足球队,这是一支假球队,每次国家队登上舞台时都会窃取谈话内容。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? This story is about a direct mail that became one of the most desired objects of the country during the World Cup. With the purchase of Snickers, people could access to a package that included chocolate (product) and the official shirt of COLUMBIA, a fake team that gave Snickers great relevance during the World Cup, without being an official sponsor of COLOMBIA in the World Cup. Background Situation: Snickers was looking for ways to increase sales by reactivating their local communication and connecting with their consumers. The brand identified that it had to activate all points of contact with its consumer, digital, point of sale, and parcel service, to generate an impact that would give relevance to its product in 2018. • Brief: the brand was not the closest to the Colombian public and wanted to be relevant during the football world cup Russia 2018. All this without being an Official Sponsor of the National Team. Objectives: to have notoriety during this time through a communication that transmitted the global concept, leveraged in the confusions that the human being suffers when being a victim of hunger: ITS NOT YOU WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) We took advantage of one of the most famous confusion when people around the world talk about Colombia: They say COLUMBIA instead of COLOMBIA. In this sense and under the humorous tone of the brand, we created COLUMBIA, THE OFFICIAL SOCCER TEAM OF CONFUSION, a fake team that served to steal the conversation every time the national team took center stage. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Snickers has a powerful global concept "It's not you when you're hungry" that had never been executed locally. It was identified in the commercial calendar for local consumers that the World Cup was a great opportunity to adapt the concept to bring the brand closer to the target (people between 18 and 35 years old). The campaign included gifting, packaging specially designed for the season, and consistent digital communication with different formats. But the brand could not ignore the opportunity it meant to plant a digital call to action that immediately led to an impulsive purchase: "THOSE WHO LIVE CONFUSED WITH FOOTBALL, ALREADY HAVE A TEAM" BUY 4 SNICKERS AND WEAR YOUR COLUMBIA T-SHIRT, THE OFFICIAL TEAM OF CONFUSION" Describe the execution (20% of vote) During the season prior to the World Cup and during the World Cup (May / July 2018) THE OFFICIAL SOCCER TEAM OF CONFUSION was created to take advantage of the recurring error with Colombia and Columbia, and generate content on recurring misunderstandings during the sports party, as well as encouraging the purchase of the product to obtain the shirt. Influencers of the sports world were activated, such as William Vinasco (the most influential soccer narrator in the country), who was the first to receive the team's shirt of confusion and talk about the campaign, alliances were made with radio stations to spread the communication, we also promoted purchases of the chocolate bars in the e-commerce, real-time content was generated (Instagram accounts and Facebook own of the brand and of influencers), even in mass media as newspapers ( EL TIEMPO), increasing significantly the engagement of consumers with the brand and achieving List the results (30% of vote) SNICKERS® WITH THIS CAMPAIGN ACHIEVED A UNIQUE ENGAGEMENT IN THE COLOMBIAN MARKET AND WAS ON OF THE FAVOURITE CHOCOLATE BRANDS CAPITALIZING ITS GLOBAL CONCEPT IN A RELEVANT MANNER IN THE LOCAL MARKET. THE BRAND WAS ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL BRANDS IN COLOMBIA WITHOUT THE NEED TO BE OFFICIAL SPONSORS OD THE SPORTS EVENT. SALES INCREASED CONSIDERABLY IN THE VARIOUS CHANNELS. WE ACHIEVE HISTORICAL LEVELS OF SNICKERS ENGAGEMENT IN COLOMBIA. + 77,000 INTERACTIONS DURING THE WORLD CUP (ER 28.2%) HISTORICAL RECORD IN FANS (49,600 / + 13% IN ONLY ONE MONTH) HIGHER HISTORICAL AVERAGE IN SALES IN THE FIRST SEMESTER OF THE LAST TWO YEARS (SOURCE: MARS SELL OUT / JAN-JUL 2017 VS. 2018) INCREASE OF 10% IN SALES IN THE MODERN CHANNEL VS. SAME PERIOD 2017 (+ 21% IN SUCCESS) + 180K SNICKERS SOLD IN TWO MONTHS Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign We took advantage of one of the most famous confusion when people around the world talk about Colombia: They say COLUMBIA instead of COLOMBIA. In this sense and under the humorous tone of the brand, we created COLUMBIA, THE OFFICIAL SOCCER TEAM OF CONFUSION, a fake team that served to steal the conversation every time the national team took center stage.

    Columbia. The Official Soccer Team of Confusion.

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 这个故事讲述的是在世界杯期间成为该国最渴望的对象之一的直接邮件。通过购买士力架,人们可以获得包括巧克力 (产品) 和哥伦比亚官方球衣的包装,哥伦比亚是一支假球队,在世界杯期间给士力架带来了极大的相关性,而无需成为哥伦比亚在世界杯上的官方赞助商。 背景 情况: 士力架正在寻找通过重新激活本地沟通并与消费者建立联系来增加销售的方法。该品牌确定必须激活与消费者,数字,销售点和包裹服务的所有联系点,以产生与产品2018年相关的影响。 • 简介: 该品牌不是最接近哥伦比亚公众的品牌,并希望在俄罗斯世界杯足球赛2018期间具有相关性。所有这些都没有成为国家队的官方赞助商。 目标: 在这段时间里,通过传播全球概念的交流来声名狼藉,利用人类成为饥饿受害者时所遭受的困惑: 饥饿时不是你。 描述创意 (投票30%) 当世界各地的人们谈论哥伦比亚时,我们利用了最著名的困惑之一: 他们说哥伦比亚而不是哥伦比亚。从这个意义上说,在品牌的幽默基调下,我们创建了哥伦比亚,这是官方的混乱足球队,这是一支假球队,每次国家队登上舞台时都会窃取谈话内容。 描述策略 (投票20%) 士力架有一个强大的全球概念 “饿的时候不是你”,这在当地从未执行过。在针对本地消费者的商业日历中发现,世界杯是一个很好的机会,可以调整这一概念,使品牌更接近目标 (18至35岁的人群)。 该活动包括礼物,专为季节设计的包装以及具有不同格式的一致数字通信。但该品牌不能忽视它意味着植入数字号召性用语的机会,这立即导致了冲动的购买: “那些对足球感到困惑的人,已经有一支球队” 买了4个士力架,穿上你的哥伦比亚t恤,官方的混乱团队” 描述执行 (投票20%) 在世界杯之前的赛季和世界杯期间 (5月/2018年7月),官方的混乱足球队是为了利用哥伦比亚和哥伦比亚的反复出现的错误,并在体育派对期间产生反复出现的误解的内容,以及鼓励购买产品以获得衬衫。 体育界的有影响力的人被激活了,例如威廉·维纳斯科 (William Vinasco) (该国最有影响力的足球解说员),他是第一个收到球队困惑的球衣并谈论竞选活动的人,与广播电台结盟以传播交流,我们还促进了电子商务中巧克力棒的购买,生成了实时内容 (Instagram帐户和Facebook自己的品牌和影响者),甚至在大众媒体 (如报纸 (EL TIEMPO)) 中,也大大增加了消费者对品牌的参与度,并实现了 列出结果 (投票30%) 士力架®通过这项活动,在哥伦比亚市场上取得了独特的参与,并成为最受欢迎的巧克力品牌,以相关的方式在当地市场上利用其全球概念。 该品牌是哥伦比亚最有影响力的品牌之一,无需成为体育赛事的官方赞助商。 各种渠道的销售额大幅增长。 我们在哥伦比亚达到了士力架的历史水平。 + 世界杯期间的77,000互动 (ER 28.2%) 球迷的历史记录 (49,600 / + 13% 仅在一个月) 过去两年第一学期的历史平均销售额较高 (来源: MARS售罄/1月-7月2017日与2018) 现代渠道销售10% 的增加与。同期2017 (+ 21% 成功) 两个月内售出180万个士力架 请告诉我们激发您竞选活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 当世界各地的人们谈论哥伦比亚时,我们利用了最著名的困惑之一: 他们说哥伦比亚而不是哥伦比亚。从这个意义上说,在品牌的幽默基调下,我们创建了哥伦比亚,这是官方的混乱足球队,这是一支假球队,每次国家队登上舞台时都会窃取谈话内容。

    Columbia. The Official Soccer Team of Confusion.

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? This story is about a direct mail that became one of the most desired objects of the country during the World Cup. With the purchase of Snickers, people could access to a package that included chocolate (product) and the official shirt of COLUMBIA, a fake team that gave Snickers great relevance during the World Cup, without being an official sponsor of COLOMBIA in the World Cup. Background Situation: Snickers was looking for ways to increase sales by reactivating their local communication and connecting with their consumers. The brand identified that it had to activate all points of contact with its consumer, digital, point of sale, and parcel service, to generate an impact that would give relevance to its product in 2018. • Brief: the brand was not the closest to the Colombian public and wanted to be relevant during the football world cup Russia 2018. All this without being an Official Sponsor of the National Team. Objectives: to have notoriety during this time through a communication that transmitted the global concept, leveraged in the confusions that the human being suffers when being a victim of hunger: ITS NOT YOU WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) We took advantage of one of the most famous confusion when people around the world talk about Colombia: They say COLUMBIA instead of COLOMBIA. In this sense and under the humorous tone of the brand, we created COLUMBIA, THE OFFICIAL SOCCER TEAM OF CONFUSION, a fake team that served to steal the conversation every time the national team took center stage. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Snickers has a powerful global concept "It's not you when you're hungry" that had never been executed locally. It was identified in the commercial calendar for local consumers that the World Cup was a great opportunity to adapt the concept to bring the brand closer to the target (people between 18 and 35 years old). The campaign included gifting, packaging specially designed for the season, and consistent digital communication with different formats. But the brand could not ignore the opportunity it meant to plant a digital call to action that immediately led to an impulsive purchase: "THOSE WHO LIVE CONFUSED WITH FOOTBALL, ALREADY HAVE A TEAM" BUY 4 SNICKERS AND WEAR YOUR COLUMBIA T-SHIRT, THE OFFICIAL TEAM OF CONFUSION" Describe the execution (20% of vote) During the season prior to the World Cup and during the World Cup (May / July 2018) THE OFFICIAL SOCCER TEAM OF CONFUSION was created to take advantage of the recurring error with Colombia and Columbia, and generate content on recurring misunderstandings during the sports party, as well as encouraging the purchase of the product to obtain the shirt. Influencers of the sports world were activated, such as William Vinasco (the most influential soccer narrator in the country), who was the first to receive the team's shirt of confusion and talk about the campaign, alliances were made with radio stations to spread the communication, we also promoted purchases of the chocolate bars in the e-commerce, real-time content was generated (Instagram accounts and Facebook own of the brand and of influencers), even in mass media as newspapers ( EL TIEMPO), increasing significantly the engagement of consumers with the brand and achieving List the results (30% of vote) SNICKERS® WITH THIS CAMPAIGN ACHIEVED A UNIQUE ENGAGEMENT IN THE COLOMBIAN MARKET AND WAS ON OF THE FAVOURITE CHOCOLATE BRANDS CAPITALIZING ITS GLOBAL CONCEPT IN A RELEVANT MANNER IN THE LOCAL MARKET. THE BRAND WAS ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL BRANDS IN COLOMBIA WITHOUT THE NEED TO BE OFFICIAL SPONSORS OD THE SPORTS EVENT. SALES INCREASED CONSIDERABLY IN THE VARIOUS CHANNELS. WE ACHIEVE HISTORICAL LEVELS OF SNICKERS ENGAGEMENT IN COLOMBIA. + 77,000 INTERACTIONS DURING THE WORLD CUP (ER 28.2%) HISTORICAL RECORD IN FANS (49,600 / + 13% IN ONLY ONE MONTH) HIGHER HISTORICAL AVERAGE IN SALES IN THE FIRST SEMESTER OF THE LAST TWO YEARS (SOURCE: MARS SELL OUT / JAN-JUL 2017 VS. 2018) INCREASE OF 10% IN SALES IN THE MODERN CHANNEL VS. SAME PERIOD 2017 (+ 21% IN SUCCESS) + 180K SNICKERS SOLD IN TWO MONTHS Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign We took advantage of one of the most famous confusion when people around the world talk about Colombia: They say COLUMBIA instead of COLOMBIA. In this sense and under the humorous tone of the brand, we created COLUMBIA, THE OFFICIAL SOCCER TEAM OF CONFUSION, a fake team that served to steal the conversation every time the national team took center stage.



    Columbia. The Official Soccer Team of Confusion.










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