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    Ski the world短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 任务是创建一个全球意识运动,以突出其传奇的全轮驱动 quattro 的好处。奥迪 quattro 给你最大的牵引力和驾驶乐趣在每一个表面。因此,目的是以一种新的有趣的方式将这种洞察力带入生活。并通过包括地方方面来让整个世界变得有形。 战略 奥迪一直与运动,尤其是冬季运动有着紧密的联系。我们的目标观众是对社交媒体有亲和力的有趣的体育迷。所有的观点都是有机的 -- 这要归功于视频的有趣特性和奥迪作为一个品牌的微妙作用。我们的媒体规划涉及奥迪和 Candide Thovex 在脸谱网、 Instagram 、 YouTube 和推特的自有渠道,以接触年轻的目标群体。 结果 “滑雪世界” 上线后不久,它就达到了数百万次点击。直到今天,仅在 Facebook 上,它就被浏览了 6000万多次。它获得了 115.000 多条评论,被分享了 838.000 多次,获得了 700.000 多个喜欢。在 YouTube 上,它达到了 290 万的浏览量,超过 2.500 条评论和推特上近 1.4亿的印象。最棒的是: 所有的互动都是有机的。Instagram 的浏览量超过 420.000,这部电影引发了关于电影、品牌和明星的热烈讨论。全球近 50 个奥迪市场使用了这部电影,并使其真正走向全球。因此,为当地市场发起了一场全球运动。 执行 奥迪的目标是以一种全新而迷人的方式展示他们的 quattro 技术。不辜负全球的要求 “所有的条件都是完美的条件”。凭借传奇电影和沟通片段,酒吧被设置得很高。所以他们与自由式滑雪传奇人物 Candide Thovex 合作。发达的滑雪板在每一个表面工作。环游世界: 14 个月,30 个地点,10 个国家。所有这些都被放入电影中,并在社交媒体上传播。 活动描述 奥迪 quattro 的驾驶体验如此精确和敏锐,可以比作滑雪板上的雕刻。但是由于 quattro 不仅限于雪 -- 为什么要在滑雪板上雕刻呢?与传奇的滑雪者 Candide Thovex 一起,滑雪的极限比雪更进一步。专门设计的滑雪板被生产出来,我们去了 10 个国家的 30 个地方。因为众所周知: 所有的条件都是完美的。


    案例简介:Synopsis The task was to create a global awareness campaign to highlight the benefits of its legendary all-wheel drive quattro. Audi quattro gives you maximum traction and driving fun on every surface. Thereby the aim was to bring this insight to life in a new and entertaining way. And to make it tangible for the whole world by including local aspects. Strategy Audi has always had a strong connection to sports and especially winter sports. Our target audience were fun sport fans with an affinity for social media. All views were organic – thanks to the fun character of the video and the subtle role of Audi as a brand. Our media planning involved the owned channels of Audi and Candide Thovex across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter to reach the young target group. Outcome Shortly after "Ski the World" went live, it reached millions of clicks. Until today it has been viewed over 60 million times on Facebook alone. It reached over 115.000 comments, was shared more than 838.000 times and achieved more than 700.000 likes. On YouTube it reached 2,9 million views, over 2.500 comments and almost 140 million impressions on Twitter. And the best thing about it: All interactions were organic. Instagram views reached over 420.000 and the film lead to a lively discussion about the film, the brand and the star. Almost 50 Audi markets world wide used the film and made it truly global. Hence, a global campaign for local markets was created. Execution Audi's aim was to stage their quattro technology in a completely new and fascinating way. And live up to the global claim "All conditions are perfect conditions". With legendary films and pieces of communication, the bar was set high. So they collaborated with freestyle ski legend Candide Thovex. Developed skis that work on every surface. And went around the world: 14 months, 30 locations, 10 countries. All this was put into a film and spread on social media. CampaignDescription The driving experience of an Audi quattro is so precise and sharp, it can be compared to carving on skis. But as quattro is not limited to snow – why should carving on skis be? Together with legendary skier Candide Thovex the limits of skiing were pushed further than snow. Specially-designed skis were produced and we went to 30 locations in 10 countries. Because as everyone knows: all conditions are perfect conditions.

    Ski the world

    案例简介:概要 任务是创建一个全球意识运动,以突出其传奇的全轮驱动 quattro 的好处。奥迪 quattro 给你最大的牵引力和驾驶乐趣在每一个表面。因此,目的是以一种新的有趣的方式将这种洞察力带入生活。并通过包括地方方面来让整个世界变得有形。 战略 奥迪一直与运动,尤其是冬季运动有着紧密的联系。我们的目标观众是对社交媒体有亲和力的有趣的体育迷。所有的观点都是有机的 -- 这要归功于视频的有趣特性和奥迪作为一个品牌的微妙作用。我们的媒体规划涉及奥迪和 Candide Thovex 在脸谱网、 Instagram 、 YouTube 和推特的自有渠道,以接触年轻的目标群体。 结果 “滑雪世界” 上线后不久,它就达到了数百万次点击。直到今天,仅在 Facebook 上,它就被浏览了 6000万多次。它获得了 115.000 多条评论,被分享了 838.000 多次,获得了 700.000 多个喜欢。在 YouTube 上,它达到了 290 万的浏览量,超过 2.500 条评论和推特上近 1.4亿的印象。最棒的是: 所有的互动都是有机的。Instagram 的浏览量超过 420.000,这部电影引发了关于电影、品牌和明星的热烈讨论。全球近 50 个奥迪市场使用了这部电影,并使其真正走向全球。因此,为当地市场发起了一场全球运动。 执行 奥迪的目标是以一种全新而迷人的方式展示他们的 quattro 技术。不辜负全球的要求 “所有的条件都是完美的条件”。凭借传奇电影和沟通片段,酒吧被设置得很高。所以他们与自由式滑雪传奇人物 Candide Thovex 合作。发达的滑雪板在每一个表面工作。环游世界: 14 个月,30 个地点,10 个国家。所有这些都被放入电影中,并在社交媒体上传播。 活动描述 奥迪 quattro 的驾驶体验如此精确和敏锐,可以比作滑雪板上的雕刻。但是由于 quattro 不仅限于雪 -- 为什么要在滑雪板上雕刻呢?与传奇的滑雪者 Candide Thovex 一起,滑雪的极限比雪更进一步。专门设计的滑雪板被生产出来,我们去了 10 个国家的 30 个地方。因为众所周知: 所有的条件都是完美的。

    Ski the world

    案例简介:Synopsis The task was to create a global awareness campaign to highlight the benefits of its legendary all-wheel drive quattro. Audi quattro gives you maximum traction and driving fun on every surface. Thereby the aim was to bring this insight to life in a new and entertaining way. And to make it tangible for the whole world by including local aspects. Strategy Audi has always had a strong connection to sports and especially winter sports. Our target audience were fun sport fans with an affinity for social media. All views were organic – thanks to the fun character of the video and the subtle role of Audi as a brand. Our media planning involved the owned channels of Audi and Candide Thovex across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter to reach the young target group. Outcome Shortly after "Ski the World" went live, it reached millions of clicks. Until today it has been viewed over 60 million times on Facebook alone. It reached over 115.000 comments, was shared more than 838.000 times and achieved more than 700.000 likes. On YouTube it reached 2,9 million views, over 2.500 comments and almost 140 million impressions on Twitter. And the best thing about it: All interactions were organic. Instagram views reached over 420.000 and the film lead to a lively discussion about the film, the brand and the star. Almost 50 Audi markets world wide used the film and made it truly global. Hence, a global campaign for local markets was created. Execution Audi's aim was to stage their quattro technology in a completely new and fascinating way. And live up to the global claim "All conditions are perfect conditions". With legendary films and pieces of communication, the bar was set high. So they collaborated with freestyle ski legend Candide Thovex. Developed skis that work on every surface. And went around the world: 14 months, 30 locations, 10 countries. All this was put into a film and spread on social media. CampaignDescription The driving experience of an Audi quattro is so precise and sharp, it can be compared to carving on skis. But as quattro is not limited to snow – why should carving on skis be? Together with legendary skier Candide Thovex the limits of skiing were pushed further than snow. Specially-designed skis were produced and we went to 30 locations in 10 countries. Because as everyone knows: all conditions are perfect conditions.



    Ski the world






    广告公司: thjnk (德国 汉堡) 制作公司: The Plane




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