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    Humanaut Brand Roast微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:2020广告年龄A-List广告代理商Humanaut以为客户创建幽默的广告系列而闻名,这些广告系列讽刺了诸如公共服务公告之类的经典广告风格的严肃语气。它的最新位置直接吸引了品牌,其中创始人/首席创意总监David Littlejohn使用这种模仿方法宣布了该机构的最新服务产品: brand roasts。 利特尔约翰指出: “一个真正的品牌是一个不会把自己看得太重的品牌。”当他开始向品牌经理恳求时,他接着讲述了Humanaut是如何将诚实提升到一个全新的水平的。“曾经为名人保留的喜剧烤肉现在可以为你的品牌买到。” 但这不是开玩笑的 -- 这是一项真正的服务,旨在为那些寻求残酷诚实的消费者洞察力的品牌和喜剧演员提供双赢的服务,这些喜剧演员因新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行而现场场馆关闭而遭受巨大痛苦。Humanaut正在与一系列纽约市站立漫画合作,这些漫画将无情地烘烤每个品牌。然后,该机构将制作一个最好的素材的嘶嘶视频,与客户分享,并将喜剧演员生病的烧伤和侮辱转化为可行的营销见解。费用是15,000美元。 “这些天,似乎没有什么我们都可以笑的,” 这段视频提醒品牌经理,因为它是为了颈项。“也许你的品牌是我们都能笑的。” 该计划在10月14日上启动,有10个插槽可供任何想保留时间以听取其营销策略和公众形象私下嘲笑和羞辱的品牌使用,以使其更强大且不受欺凌。烤肉不会公开。它们将以私人视频的形式交付给客户。但是Humanaut将鼓励品牌让其发布批准的削减。更多信息可以在Humanaut的网站上找到。 利特尔约翰说: “在一个充满BS的世界里,诚实是一个品牌突破的有力途径。”“没有多少品牌有胃口去那里,但那些几乎总是赢的品牌,我们有业绩证明这一点。” 受纽约市COVID关闭影响的上西区喜剧俱乐部Stand Up NY的参谋长乔恩·波罗密欧 (Jon Borromeo) 评论说: “Stand Up NY接待了许多参加这些品牌烧烤的漫画。我们很高兴看到这给了他们和其他漫画一个平台和一份薪水。“ Humanaut在纪录片 “Super Size Me 2” 中烤了快餐业,要求美国 “拯救兄弟” 以呼吁有机燃料,并告知人们甜叶菊是Splenda的 “最甜蜜的东西” 中的植物®甜叶菊。 该程序由广告界的资深人士,BuzzFeed的前CCO杰夫·格林斯潘 (Jeff Greenspan) 管理。四年前,杰夫从市场营销转向专注于成为一名单口喜剧演员。当纽约的喜剧场面被搁置时,杰夫从布鲁克林搬到查塔努加市中心的博德酒店,在他们的大厅里进行每两周 (社交距离) 的表演。他正在为Brand Roast计划以及他的Chattanooga节目招募其他NYC漫画。 杰夫开玩笑说: “我在BuzzFeed、Facebook和几十家广告公司工作。我的整个生活都是靠谎言创造的。现在我正在站起来,试图说实话,但我一毛钱也赚不到。“。更严肃地说,他继续说:“ 我很兴奋,在这些艰难时期,Roasts品牌会给才华横溢的漫画带来急需的机会和经济增长。”


    案例简介:2020 Ad Age A-List advertising agency Humanaut is known for creating humorous campaigns for clients that lampoon the serious tone of classic ad tropes such as public-service announcements. Its latest spot is a direct appeal to brands in which Founder/Chief Creative Director David Littlejohn uses this parody approach to announce the agency’s latest service offering: brand roasts. “An authentic brand is one that doesn’t take itself too seriously,” Littlejohn notes. As he begins his plea to brand managers, he then tells how Humanaut is bringing honesty to a whole new level. “The comedy roast once reserved for celebrities is now available for your brand.” But it is no joke—it’s an actual service designed as a win-win for brands seeking brutally honest consumer insights and comedians who are suffering greatly as live venues have closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Humanaut is working with a pool of NYC standup comics who will mercilessly roast each brand. The agency will then create a sizzle video of the best material to share with the client and turn the comedians’ sick burns and insults into actionable marketing insights. The cost is $15,000. “These days, it doesn’t seem there’s very much we can all laugh about,” the video reminds brand managers, as it goes for the jugular. “Maybe your brand is something we can all laugh about.” The program launched on Oct. 14 with 10 slots available for any brand that would like to reserve time to hear their marketing strategy and public image privately mocked and humiliated in an effort to make them stronger and bully-proof. The roasts will not be public. They will be delivered to the client in the form of a private video. But Humanaut will encourage brands to let it post an approved cut. More information can be found on Humanaut’s website. “In a world full of BS, honesty is a powerful way for a brand to break through,” Littlejohn said. “Not many brands have the stomach to go there, but the ones that do almost always win, and we have the track record to prove it.” Jon Borromeo, Chief of Staff of Stand Up NY, an Upper West Side comedy club impacted by NYC’s COVID closures commented “Stand Up NY has played host to many of the comics taking part in these Brand Roasts. We’re happy to see this is giving them and other comics a platform and a paycheck.” Humanaut has roasted the fast-food industry in the documentary “Super Size Me 2,” asked America to “Save the Bros” in appeals for Organic Fuel, and informed people that stevia is a plant in “The Sweetest Thing You Could Grow” for Splenda® Stevia. The program is being managed by Jeff Greenspan, a veteran of the ad world and former CCO of BuzzFeed. Four years ago, Jeff pivoted from marketing to focus on becoming a standup comedian. When the NYC comedy scene was put on hold, Jeff moved from Brooklyn to The Bode hotel in downtown Chattanooga to run a bi-weekly (socially distanced) show in their lobby. He's recruiting other NYC comics for the Brand Roast program, as well as his Chattanooga shows. Jeff joked, “I worked at BuzzFeed, Facebook, and dozens of ad agencies. My entire living was made off of lies. Now I’m doing standup and trying to tell the truth, and I can’t make a dime.” On a more serious note, he continued “I’m excited the Brand Roasts will give talented comics a much needed opportunity and financial boost during these tough times.”

    Humanaut Brand Roast

    案例简介:2020广告年龄A-List广告代理商Humanaut以为客户创建幽默的广告系列而闻名,这些广告系列讽刺了诸如公共服务公告之类的经典广告风格的严肃语气。它的最新位置直接吸引了品牌,其中创始人/首席创意总监David Littlejohn使用这种模仿方法宣布了该机构的最新服务产品: brand roasts。 利特尔约翰指出: “一个真正的品牌是一个不会把自己看得太重的品牌。”当他开始向品牌经理恳求时,他接着讲述了Humanaut是如何将诚实提升到一个全新的水平的。“曾经为名人保留的喜剧烤肉现在可以为你的品牌买到。” 但这不是开玩笑的 -- 这是一项真正的服务,旨在为那些寻求残酷诚实的消费者洞察力的品牌和喜剧演员提供双赢的服务,这些喜剧演员因新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行而现场场馆关闭而遭受巨大痛苦。Humanaut正在与一系列纽约市站立漫画合作,这些漫画将无情地烘烤每个品牌。然后,该机构将制作一个最好的素材的嘶嘶视频,与客户分享,并将喜剧演员生病的烧伤和侮辱转化为可行的营销见解。费用是15,000美元。 “这些天,似乎没有什么我们都可以笑的,” 这段视频提醒品牌经理,因为它是为了颈项。“也许你的品牌是我们都能笑的。” 该计划在10月14日上启动,有10个插槽可供任何想保留时间以听取其营销策略和公众形象私下嘲笑和羞辱的品牌使用,以使其更强大且不受欺凌。烤肉不会公开。它们将以私人视频的形式交付给客户。但是Humanaut将鼓励品牌让其发布批准的削减。更多信息可以在Humanaut的网站上找到。 利特尔约翰说: “在一个充满BS的世界里,诚实是一个品牌突破的有力途径。”“没有多少品牌有胃口去那里,但那些几乎总是赢的品牌,我们有业绩证明这一点。” 受纽约市COVID关闭影响的上西区喜剧俱乐部Stand Up NY的参谋长乔恩·波罗密欧 (Jon Borromeo) 评论说: “Stand Up NY接待了许多参加这些品牌烧烤的漫画。我们很高兴看到这给了他们和其他漫画一个平台和一份薪水。“ Humanaut在纪录片 “Super Size Me 2” 中烤了快餐业,要求美国 “拯救兄弟” 以呼吁有机燃料,并告知人们甜叶菊是Splenda的 “最甜蜜的东西” 中的植物®甜叶菊。 该程序由广告界的资深人士,BuzzFeed的前CCO杰夫·格林斯潘 (Jeff Greenspan) 管理。四年前,杰夫从市场营销转向专注于成为一名单口喜剧演员。当纽约的喜剧场面被搁置时,杰夫从布鲁克林搬到查塔努加市中心的博德酒店,在他们的大厅里进行每两周 (社交距离) 的表演。他正在为Brand Roast计划以及他的Chattanooga节目招募其他NYC漫画。 杰夫开玩笑说: “我在BuzzFeed、Facebook和几十家广告公司工作。我的整个生活都是靠谎言创造的。现在我正在站起来,试图说实话,但我一毛钱也赚不到。“。更严肃地说,他继续说:“ 我很兴奋,在这些艰难时期,Roasts品牌会给才华横溢的漫画带来急需的机会和经济增长。”

    Humanaut Brand Roast

    案例简介:2020 Ad Age A-List advertising agency Humanaut is known for creating humorous campaigns for clients that lampoon the serious tone of classic ad tropes such as public-service announcements. Its latest spot is a direct appeal to brands in which Founder/Chief Creative Director David Littlejohn uses this parody approach to announce the agency’s latest service offering: brand roasts. “An authentic brand is one that doesn’t take itself too seriously,” Littlejohn notes. As he begins his plea to brand managers, he then tells how Humanaut is bringing honesty to a whole new level. “The comedy roast once reserved for celebrities is now available for your brand.” But it is no joke—it’s an actual service designed as a win-win for brands seeking brutally honest consumer insights and comedians who are suffering greatly as live venues have closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Humanaut is working with a pool of NYC standup comics who will mercilessly roast each brand. The agency will then create a sizzle video of the best material to share with the client and turn the comedians’ sick burns and insults into actionable marketing insights. The cost is $15,000. “These days, it doesn’t seem there’s very much we can all laugh about,” the video reminds brand managers, as it goes for the jugular. “Maybe your brand is something we can all laugh about.” The program launched on Oct. 14 with 10 slots available for any brand that would like to reserve time to hear their marketing strategy and public image privately mocked and humiliated in an effort to make them stronger and bully-proof. The roasts will not be public. They will be delivered to the client in the form of a private video. But Humanaut will encourage brands to let it post an approved cut. More information can be found on Humanaut’s website. “In a world full of BS, honesty is a powerful way for a brand to break through,” Littlejohn said. “Not many brands have the stomach to go there, but the ones that do almost always win, and we have the track record to prove it.” Jon Borromeo, Chief of Staff of Stand Up NY, an Upper West Side comedy club impacted by NYC’s COVID closures commented “Stand Up NY has played host to many of the comics taking part in these Brand Roasts. We’re happy to see this is giving them and other comics a platform and a paycheck.” Humanaut has roasted the fast-food industry in the documentary “Super Size Me 2,” asked America to “Save the Bros” in appeals for Organic Fuel, and informed people that stevia is a plant in “The Sweetest Thing You Could Grow” for Splenda® Stevia. The program is being managed by Jeff Greenspan, a veteran of the ad world and former CCO of BuzzFeed. Four years ago, Jeff pivoted from marketing to focus on becoming a standup comedian. When the NYC comedy scene was put on hold, Jeff moved from Brooklyn to The Bode hotel in downtown Chattanooga to run a bi-weekly (socially distanced) show in their lobby. He's recruiting other NYC comics for the Brand Roast program, as well as his Chattanooga shows. Jeff joked, “I worked at BuzzFeed, Facebook, and dozens of ad agencies. My entire living was made off of lies. Now I’m doing standup and trying to tell the truth, and I can’t make a dime.” On a more serious note, he continued “I’m excited the Brand Roasts will give talented comics a much needed opportunity and financial boost during these tough times.”



    Humanaut Brand Roast






    广告公司: Humanaut (美国 Chattanooga) 制作公司: Humanaut




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