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    # 动力

    案例简介:概要 国际象棋是6世纪在印度发明的,皇后乐队是棋盘上最强大的棋子。然而,今天在21世纪,真正的女王,即绝大多数印度妇女甚至没有足够的力量获得基本的教育权利。实际上,由于印度社会根深蒂固的厌女症,印度每年都有2000万女孩被拒绝接受教育。Nanhi Kali是一个非营利组织,旨在为印度的贫困女孩提供初等教育。他们的核心目标是提高对受过教育的妇女如何帮助社会的认识,并推动捐款用于贫困女孩的教育。 战略 国际象棋是印度受过教育的精英玩的游戏,但有数百万人观看。印度是世界上十大象棋国家之一。作为2017年,印度有超过47位国际象棋大师。80-100万印度观众观看了Viswanathan Anand和Magnus Carlsen之间的2013比赛。通过使用国际象棋,我们希望接触到不仅可以向Nanhi Kali (NGO) 捐款,而且可以影响其他人并吸引更多观众的注意力的观众。因此,为了确保我们吸引了合适的观众,我们引进了印度排名第二的国际象棋棋手,女子特级大师 “塔尼亚·萨赫德夫”。她向人们和其他棋手挑战无能为力的女王挑战赛。一旦他们参加了挑战并输了,他们就被呼吁采取行动,向Nanhi Kali捐款,并导致他们的网站 相关性 国际象棋世界有机地注意到 # PowerlessQueen,全球国际象棋棋手接受挑战并在社交媒体上分享他们的经验。安娜·鲁道夫 (Anna Rudolph) 制作了一段视频,介绍了她接受挑战并输掉了挑战,同时提到了如何成为一项全球倡议。总体而言,该活动通过印刷,数字和电视的报道在赚取的媒体中产生了118万印度卢比。印度的国家电视新闻频道 (如DD新闻和NDTV 247) 有机地报道了该节目,吸引了5亿多名印度人。在印刷版中,它在商业世界中得到了报道,并在网上获得了全球报道。 结果 # PowerlessQueen趋势主题在印度,并覆盖了国内和国际媒体,如,AdAge印度,商业世界 (在线和印刷),快速新闻 (印地语),宣传,世界广告,Mumbrella亚洲,世界广告,广告简介亚洲等等。不仅如此,印度的国家电视频道,DD新闻和NDTV的报道也是如此。# PowerlessQueen是印度Twitter上的热门话题。赢得了价值118万印度卢比的媒体1.1万次广告系列视频7,465推文300万次印象,报道了我52,000 + 网站上的游戏和10,500 + 应用下载国际象棋大师有机地参与了广告系列,并进一步传播了这一消息。这些是:-世界象棋冠军 'Vishwanathan Anand'-匈牙利特级大师 ''Anna Rudolf'-匈牙利特级大师兼国际象棋和教育大使 & UN Planet 50-50冠军 'Judit Polgar'-两届美国女子冠军 'Jennifer Shahade'-四届荷兰国际象棋冠军 'Anish Giri'-五届丹麦国际象棋冠军和现任教练世界排名第一的马格努斯·卡尔森,彼得·海涅·尼尔森 (peter Heine nielsen) 的捐款为贫困女孩提供了40,000小时的教育。无能为力的女王将很快在印度的学校中作为性别平等教学工具推出。法国的一个国际象棋俱乐部在每月的比赛中举办了 # PowerlessQueen主题游戏。 执行 该游戏是在移动友好的campaign websit e www.PowerlessQueen.com上启动的,与女大师Tania Sachev的竞选视频是在社交平台 (Twitter,Facebook和YouTube) 上启动的,她鼓励人们和其他国际象棋棋手在该网站上玩游戏。失去的人可以采取两项行动-他们可以在Twitter和Facebook上分享他们的经验,并向Nanhi Kali的事业捐款,以教育女童。为了将无能为力的女王的概念带入现实世界,印度国际象棋学校和教练团队一起组织了国际象棋比赛,来自各个学校的学生参加了国际象棋比赛。DD新闻地面覆盖按人口49%,按该国面积25%,使其成为该国最大的电视新闻频道,并以该运动为特色。 运动描述 我们通过网站和一个应用程序创建了世界上第一个与无能为力的女王的国际象棋游戏,其中访问者/玩家与无能为力的女王 (不允许移动) 对抗具有强大女王的计算机。这是在印度各地发起的 # PowerlessQueen挑战,挑战人们尝试并赢得胜利。当人们迷路时,我们促使他们分享信息并为事业捐款,以便他们可以使女童获得教育。这个想法展示了在国际象棋中获胜的难度,以及在女王无能为力的情况下在社会中的隐喻。因此证明了社会是如何如果女王 (女性) 没有权力,就不会赢。

    # 动力

    案例简介:Synopsis Chess was invented in India in the 6th Century with Queen being the most powerful piece on the board. However today in the 21st century, the real queens i.e. a vast majority of Indian women are not even powerful enough to get access to basic rights of education. Infact 20 million girls are denied education in India each year due to the deep rooted misogyny in Indian society. Nanhi Kali is a non-for-profit organization with the aim of providing primary education to underprivileged girls in India. Their core objective was to create awareness about how educated women help society and also drive donations towards the education of underprivileged girls. Strategy Chess is a game played by the educated and elite in India but watched by millions. India is among top 10 chess playing countries in the world. As of 2017, India has more than 47 chess grandmasters. 80-100 Million Indian viewers watched the 2013 match between Viswanathan Anand and Magnus Carlsen. Through our use of chess, we wanted to reach out to an audience who could not only donate to Nanhi Kali (NGO) but also influence others and attract attention of a larger audience. So to ensure we reached the right audience, we brought in India's #2 Chess Player, Woman Grandmaster 'Tania Sachdev'. She challenged people and fellow chess players to take the Powerless Queen Challenge. Once they played the challenge and lost, they were prompted by a call to action to donate to Nanhi Kali and led to their website Relevancy #PowerlessQueen was organically noticed by the chess world with global chess players taking the challenge and sharing their experience on social media. Anna Rudolph created a video of her taking the challenge and losing it while mentioning how it needs to be a global initiative. Overall, the campaign generated 118 Million INR in Earned Media via coverage across print, digital and TV. It was covered organically by India's national TV news channels liked DD News and NDTV 247 garnering a reach of over 500 million Indians. In print it was covered in Business world and got global coverage online. Outcome #PowerlessQueen trending topic in India and was covered across national and international media houses like, AdAge India, Business World (Online and Print), Express News (Hindi), Pitch, Campaigns of the World, Mumbrella Asia, Ads of the World, Campaign Brief Asia and so on and so forth. Not only that, but India's national TV channel, DD News and NDTV covered the same. #PowerlessQueen was the trending topic on Twitter, India. Earned Media worth 118 Million INR 1.1 Million Views on campaign video 7,465 Tweets 300 Million Impressions with coverage on I 52,000+ Game Plays on website and 10,500+ App Downloads International Chess Grandmasters organically got involved with the campaign and further spread the word. These were: - World Chess Champion 'Vishwanathan Anand' - Hungarian Grandmaster ''Anna Rudolf' - Hungarian Grandmaster and Ambassador of Chess and Education & UN Planet 50-50 Champion 'Judit Polgar' - Two-time United States Women's Champion 'Jennifer Shahade' - Four-time Dutch Chess Champion 'Anish Giri' - Five-time Danish Chess Champion and current coach to World number one Magnus Carlsen, 'Peter Heine Nielsen' Donations that sponsored 40,000 hours of education for underprivileged girls. Powerless Queen will soon be rolled out as gender-equality teaching tool across schools in India. A chess club in France hosted a #PowerlessQueen themed game at their monthly tournament. Execution The game was launched on the mobile-friendly campaign website www.PowerlessQueen.com and the campaign video with Woman Grandmaster Tania Sachev was launched on social platforms (Twitter, Facebook & YouTube) in which she encouraged people and fellow chess players to play the game on the website. People who lost could take two actions - they could share their experince on Twitter & Facebook as well as donate to the cause of Nanhi Kali for the education of the girl child. To take the concept of Powerless Queen into the physical world, The Chess School of India and The Coach Crew came together to organize chess tournaments which was participated in by school students from across schools. DD News terrestrial reach is 49% by population and 25% by area of the country making it the largest reaching TV news channel in the country and it featured the campaign. CampaignDescription We created World's first chess game with a powerless queen via a website and an app wherein the visitor/player played with a powerless queen (no moves allowed) against the computer which had a powerful queen. This was rolled out as a #PowerlessQueen challenge across India challenging people to try and win. As people lost, we prompted them share the message and to donate to the cause so that they can empower a girl child with education. The idea showcased how difficult it is to win in chess and as a metaphor in society as well when the queen is a powerless one. Hence proving how societies cannot win if its queens (women) are not empowered.


    案例简介:概要 国际象棋是6世纪在印度发明的,皇后乐队是棋盘上最强大的棋子。然而,今天在21世纪,真正的女王,即绝大多数印度妇女甚至没有足够的力量获得基本的教育权利。实际上,由于印度社会根深蒂固的厌女症,印度每年都有2000万女孩被拒绝接受教育。Nanhi Kali是一个非营利组织,旨在为印度的贫困女孩提供初等教育。他们的核心目标是提高对受过教育的妇女如何帮助社会的认识,并推动捐款用于贫困女孩的教育。 战略 国际象棋是印度受过教育的精英玩的游戏,但有数百万人观看。印度是世界上十大象棋国家之一。作为2017年,印度有超过47位国际象棋大师。80-100万印度观众观看了Viswanathan Anand和Magnus Carlsen之间的2013比赛。通过使用国际象棋,我们希望接触到不仅可以向Nanhi Kali (NGO) 捐款,而且可以影响其他人并吸引更多观众的注意力的观众。因此,为了确保我们吸引了合适的观众,我们引进了印度排名第二的国际象棋棋手,女子特级大师 “塔尼亚·萨赫德夫”。她向人们和其他棋手挑战无能为力的女王挑战赛。一旦他们参加了挑战并输了,他们就被呼吁采取行动,向Nanhi Kali捐款,并导致他们的网站 相关性 国际象棋世界有机地注意到 # PowerlessQueen,全球国际象棋棋手接受挑战并在社交媒体上分享他们的经验。安娜·鲁道夫 (Anna Rudolph) 制作了一段视频,介绍了她接受挑战并输掉了挑战,同时提到了如何成为一项全球倡议。总体而言,该活动通过印刷,数字和电视的报道在赚取的媒体中产生了118万印度卢比。印度的国家电视新闻频道 (如DD新闻和NDTV 247) 有机地报道了该节目,吸引了5亿多名印度人。在印刷版中,它在商业世界中得到了报道,并在网上获得了全球报道。 结果 # PowerlessQueen趋势主题在印度,并覆盖了国内和国际媒体,如,AdAge印度,商业世界 (在线和印刷),快速新闻 (印地语),宣传,世界广告,Mumbrella亚洲,世界广告,广告简介亚洲等等。不仅如此,印度的国家电视频道,DD新闻和NDTV的报道也是如此。# PowerlessQueen是印度Twitter上的热门话题。赢得了价值118万印度卢比的媒体1.1万次广告系列视频7,465推文300万次印象,报道了我52,000 + 网站上的游戏和10,500 + 应用下载国际象棋大师有机地参与了广告系列,并进一步传播了这一消息。这些是:-世界象棋冠军 'Vishwanathan Anand'-匈牙利特级大师 ''Anna Rudolf'-匈牙利特级大师兼国际象棋和教育大使 & UN Planet 50-50冠军 'Judit Polgar'-两届美国女子冠军 'Jennifer Shahade'-四届荷兰国际象棋冠军 'Anish Giri'-五届丹麦国际象棋冠军和现任教练世界排名第一的马格努斯·卡尔森,彼得·海涅·尼尔森 (peter Heine nielsen) 的捐款为贫困女孩提供了40,000小时的教育。无能为力的女王将很快在印度的学校中作为性别平等教学工具推出。法国的一个国际象棋俱乐部在每月的比赛中举办了 # PowerlessQueen主题游戏。 执行 该游戏是在移动友好的campaign websit e www.PowerlessQueen.com上启动的,与女大师Tania Sachev的竞选视频是在社交平台 (Twitter,Facebook和YouTube) 上启动的,她鼓励人们和其他国际象棋棋手在该网站上玩游戏。失去的人可以采取两项行动-他们可以在Twitter和Facebook上分享他们的经验,并向Nanhi Kali的事业捐款,以教育女童。为了将无能为力的女王的概念带入现实世界,印度国际象棋学校和教练团队一起组织了国际象棋比赛,来自各个学校的学生参加了国际象棋比赛。DD新闻地面覆盖按人口49%,按该国面积25%,使其成为该国最大的电视新闻频道,并以该运动为特色。 运动描述 我们通过网站和一个应用程序创建了世界上第一个与无能为力的女王的国际象棋游戏,其中访问者/玩家与无能为力的女王 (不允许移动) 对抗具有强大女王的计算机。这是在印度各地发起的 # PowerlessQueen挑战,挑战人们尝试并赢得胜利。当人们迷路时,我们促使他们分享信息并为事业捐款,以便他们可以使女童获得教育。这个想法展示了在国际象棋中获胜的难度,以及在女王无能为力的情况下在社会中的隐喻。因此证明了社会是如何如果女王 (女性) 没有权力,就不会赢。


    案例简介:Synopsis Chess was invented in India in the 6th Century with Queen being the most powerful piece on the board. However today in the 21st century, the real queens i.e. a vast majority of Indian women are not even powerful enough to get access to basic rights of education. Infact 20 million girls are denied education in India each year due to the deep rooted misogyny in Indian society. Nanhi Kali is a non-for-profit organization with the aim of providing primary education to underprivileged girls in India. Their core objective was to create awareness about how educated women help society and also drive donations towards the education of underprivileged girls. Strategy Chess is a game played by the educated and elite in India but watched by millions. India is among top 10 chess playing countries in the world. As of 2017, India has more than 47 chess grandmasters. 80-100 Million Indian viewers watched the 2013 match between Viswanathan Anand and Magnus Carlsen. Through our use of chess, we wanted to reach out to an audience who could not only donate to Nanhi Kali (NGO) but also influence others and attract attention of a larger audience. So to ensure we reached the right audience, we brought in India's #2 Chess Player, Woman Grandmaster 'Tania Sachdev'. She challenged people and fellow chess players to take the Powerless Queen Challenge. Once they played the challenge and lost, they were prompted by a call to action to donate to Nanhi Kali and led to their website Relevancy #PowerlessQueen was organically noticed by the chess world with global chess players taking the challenge and sharing their experience on social media. Anna Rudolph created a video of her taking the challenge and losing it while mentioning how it needs to be a global initiative. Overall, the campaign generated 118 Million INR in Earned Media via coverage across print, digital and TV. It was covered organically by India's national TV news channels liked DD News and NDTV 247 garnering a reach of over 500 million Indians. In print it was covered in Business world and got global coverage online. Outcome #PowerlessQueen trending topic in India and was covered across national and international media houses like, AdAge India, Business World (Online and Print), Express News (Hindi), Pitch, Campaigns of the World, Mumbrella Asia, Ads of the World, Campaign Brief Asia and so on and so forth. Not only that, but India's national TV channel, DD News and NDTV covered the same. #PowerlessQueen was the trending topic on Twitter, India. Earned Media worth 118 Million INR 1.1 Million Views on campaign video 7,465 Tweets 300 Million Impressions with coverage on I 52,000+ Game Plays on website and 10,500+ App Downloads International Chess Grandmasters organically got involved with the campaign and further spread the word. These were: - World Chess Champion 'Vishwanathan Anand' - Hungarian Grandmaster ''Anna Rudolf' - Hungarian Grandmaster and Ambassador of Chess and Education & UN Planet 50-50 Champion 'Judit Polgar' - Two-time United States Women's Champion 'Jennifer Shahade' - Four-time Dutch Chess Champion 'Anish Giri' - Five-time Danish Chess Champion and current coach to World number one Magnus Carlsen, 'Peter Heine Nielsen' Donations that sponsored 40,000 hours of education for underprivileged girls. Powerless Queen will soon be rolled out as gender-equality teaching tool across schools in India. A chess club in France hosted a #PowerlessQueen themed game at their monthly tournament. Execution The game was launched on the mobile-friendly campaign website www.PowerlessQueen.com and the campaign video with Woman Grandmaster Tania Sachev was launched on social platforms (Twitter, Facebook & YouTube) in which she encouraged people and fellow chess players to play the game on the website. People who lost could take two actions - they could share their experince on Twitter & Facebook as well as donate to the cause of Nanhi Kali for the education of the girl child. To take the concept of Powerless Queen into the physical world, The Chess School of India and The Coach Crew came together to organize chess tournaments which was participated in by school students from across schools. DD News terrestrial reach is 49% by population and 25% by area of the country making it the largest reaching TV news channel in the country and it featured the campaign. CampaignDescription We created World's first chess game with a powerless queen via a website and an app wherein the visitor/player played with a powerless queen (no moves allowed) against the computer which had a powerful queen. This was rolled out as a #PowerlessQueen challenge across India challenging people to try and win. As people lost, we prompted them share the message and to donate to the cause so that they can empower a girl child with education. The idea showcased how difficult it is to win in chess and as a metaphor in society as well when the queen is a powerless one. Hence proving how societies cannot win if its queens (women) are not empowered.

    # 动力








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