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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 仅使用一个社交媒体平台,我们发现Vans的影响者是新的,并创建了以编程方式连接到Instagram上以前从未接触过的受众的定制社交内容,扩展到该品牌典型的动作体育和音乐领域,导致其迄今为止最成功的社交活动。用一个小的预算,我们的目标是使用社会数据提供的独特的受众群体比Vans习惯于达到的规模要小得多,然而,与粉丝的活动平均水平相比,以最有效的速度推动了最大的销售。 背景 Vans需要提高对他们的定制鞋的认识和销售,工作媒体预算只有300,000美元。在由两个主要竞争对手主导的目标是为每个人服务的环境中,你如何在不失去独特品牌身份的情况下增加销售额?那是范的挑战。仅在我们的活动发布月,就有超过75个运动鞋发布,68% 来自耐克和阿迪达斯。 Vans的一个独特之处是它的定制器。竞争对手提供定制鞋子的能力,但只提供有限的,预先确定的颜色和选项。Vans允许人们通过上传自己的作品来创造完全个性化的鞋子,从鞋底到舌头,从而成为鞋类设计师。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 为了发展,Vans需要扩展到超越动作体育和音乐的新领域。我们想接触到 “富有表现力的创造者”,地下文化和传播趋势背后的人。他们和文斯有着相同的基因,因为他们不想和其他人一样。他们年龄在13-34岁之间,尤其是时尚潮流,Instagram是他们选择的社交媒体 (239指数)。对他们来说,创造是最纯粹的表达形式。我们在这个多样化的群体中发现的共同点是他们讨厌被束缚。给他们一套艺术应该遵循的规则?他们会打碎它们的。强加限制?他们会忽略他们。这让我们有了洞察力: 富有表现力的创作者被编程为线条之外的颜色。 我们的想法是设计一个在线之外的活动,有一个影响者和程序化的社会方法,就像每个创造者一样独特。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们确定了插图画家、木工、平面设计师、纹身艺术家、风景艺术家、美食家摄影师、诗人和角色扮演者的观众增长部分。我们发现的是高度相关的创造者,他们有专门的追随者,但是宇宙的大小和规模为1300万,比Vans习惯达到的要少75%。 然后,我们确定了16位创作者,他们是新范创意领域的顶级影响者,包括科里 · 迪万 (纹身艺术) 和克里斯托弗 · 波点德克斯特 (诗歌)。我们根据社会数据将这些变成了16个程序化的观众片段,包括特定艺术兴趣的术语、他们在相同空间跟随的其他艺术家以及围绕主题的行为参与。 我们让影响者使用他们自己的艺术品制作定制货车,并开发关于他们艺术过程的原创内容,他们在Instagram上有机地分享给追随者,指向Vans网站上的海关工具。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 为了扩大规模,我们需要通过推广的付费媒体扩大内容覆盖面。我们找到了一种相关的方法,将富有表现力的创作者和影响者避免商业化的原创艺术内容联系起来。 我们将每个影响者的原始内容作为推广的Instagram帖子从他们的手柄分发到我们开发的16个定制的节目受众部分。总的来说,我们有48个不同的内容来自我们以编程方式推广的影响者的原始帖子。通过不牺牲他们最初的艺术愿景,我们的付费方式避免了商业化。 我们选择了Instagram,因为它是富有表现力的创作者的首选社交平台,参与度是Facebook的两倍,并使用了GIFs和转盘等讲故事单元,为影响者提供了更多的游戏空间。我们保持定期的帖子节奏,以保持注意力,保持内容的新鲜度,并建立势头。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 我们发现影响者Vans以前从未点击过,并创建了以编程方式连接到该品牌以前从未接触过的受众的定制社交内容。我们的预算可能很小,但不到300,000美元,我们成功地在Instagram上获得了关于Vans really custom customizer的消息,销售也开始了。 在整个活动中,认知度上升了22%,口碑曝光率上升了24% (更多的人在谈论Vans),两者都超过了目标。我们的活动以迄今为止所有社交活动货车中最有效的速度产生了最多的销售额。根据Facebook的收入工具,Vans直接从我们的Instagram活动中获得了近100万美元的收入,并具有广告支出回报率在390% 中,表现明显超过了vans的平均竞选基准。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Using only one social media platform, we found influencers new to Vans and created customized social content connected programmatically to audiences the brand never reached before on Instagram, expanding out of the brand’s typical territories of Action Sports and Music, resulting in its most successful social campaign to date. With a small budget, our targeting to unique audience segments using social data offered significantly less scale than Vans was accustomed to reaching, yet drove the most sales at the most efficient rate compared to Vans’ campaign averages. Background Vans needed to grow awareness and sales of their custom shoes with a working media budget of only $300,000 USD. How do you grow sales without losing your unique brand identity in a landscape dominated by two major competitors that aim to be for everyone? That was Vans’ challenge. In our campaign’s month of launch alone, there were over 75 sneaker releases, 68% from Nike and Adidas. A differentiator for Vans is its customizer. Competitors offer the ability to make custom shoes, but only provide a limited, pre-determined set of colors and options. Vans allows people to become footwear designers by uploading their own artwork to create fully personalized shoes, from sole to tongue. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) To grow, Vans needed to expand into new territories beyond Action Sports and Music. We wanted to reach “Expressive Creators,” the people behind underground culture and trends that spread. They share the same DNA as Vans in that they don’t want to be like everyone else. They are ages 13-34, trendsetters especially with fashion, and Instagram is their social media of choice (239 index). To them, creating is the purest form of expression. What we found in common among this diverse group was that they hated being boxed in. Give them a set of rules their art should follow? They’ll break ‘em. Impose limits? They’ll ignore ‘em. This led us to our insight: Expressive Creators are programmed to color outside the lines. Our idea was to design a campaign outside the lines, with an influencer and programmatic social approach as unique as each creator. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We identified audience growth segments of illustrators, woodworkers, graphic designers, tattoo artists, landscape artists, foodie photographers, poets and cosplayers. What we found were highly relevant creators with dedicated followings, but with a universe size and scale of 13 Million, 75% less than what Vans was accustomed to reaching. Then, we identified 16 creators who were top influencers in the new-to-Vans creative territories, including Corey Divine (tattoo art) and Christopher Pointdexter (poetry). We turned these into 16 programmatic audience segments based on social data, including terms for specific artistic interests, additional artists they follow in those same spaces, and behavioral engagement around the topics. We had the influencers make custom Vans using their own artwork and develop original content about their artistic process, which they shared organically to followers on Instagram, directing to the customs tool on Vans’ site. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To increase scale, we needed to expand our content reach with promoted, paid media. We figured out a relevant way to connect Expressive Creators with the influencers’ original artistic content that avoided being commercial. We distributed each influencer’s original content as promoted Instagram posts from their handles to the 16 bespoke programmatic audience segments we developed. In total, we had 48 different pieces of content from our Influencers’ original posts that we promoted programmatically. By not sacrificing their original artistic visions, our paid approach avoided being commercial. We chose Instagram as it is the social platform of choice for Expressive Creators, with engagement double that of Facebook, and used storytelling units like GIFs and Carousels that gave the influencers more space to play. We maintained a regular cadence of posts to keep attention, maintain freshness of the content, and build momentum. List the results (30% of vote) We found influencers Vans never tapped before and created customized social content connected programmatically to audiences the brand never reached before. Our budget may have been small, but with less than $300,000 USD, we successfully got the word out about Vans truly custom customizer on Instagram and sales took off. Throughout the campaign, Awareness rose 22% and Word-of-Mouth Exposure rose 24% (more people were talking about Vans), both exceeding goal. Our campaign generated the most sales at the most efficient rate of all social campaigns Vans had run to date. Vans garnered nearly $1 Million USD in revenue directly from our Instagram campaign, as measured by Facebook’s revenue tool, with a Return-On-Ad-Spend rate of 390%, significantly outperforming Vans’ average campaign benchmarks.

    Not Just One Creator

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 仅使用一个社交媒体平台,我们发现Vans的影响者是新的,并创建了以编程方式连接到Instagram上以前从未接触过的受众的定制社交内容,扩展到该品牌典型的动作体育和音乐领域,导致其迄今为止最成功的社交活动。用一个小的预算,我们的目标是使用社会数据提供的独特的受众群体比Vans习惯于达到的规模要小得多,然而,与粉丝的活动平均水平相比,以最有效的速度推动了最大的销售。 背景 Vans需要提高对他们的定制鞋的认识和销售,工作媒体预算只有300,000美元。在由两个主要竞争对手主导的目标是为每个人服务的环境中,你如何在不失去独特品牌身份的情况下增加销售额?那是范的挑战。仅在我们的活动发布月,就有超过75个运动鞋发布,68% 来自耐克和阿迪达斯。 Vans的一个独特之处是它的定制器。竞争对手提供定制鞋子的能力,但只提供有限的,预先确定的颜色和选项。Vans允许人们通过上传自己的作品来创造完全个性化的鞋子,从鞋底到舌头,从而成为鞋类设计师。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 为了发展,Vans需要扩展到超越动作体育和音乐的新领域。我们想接触到 “富有表现力的创造者”,地下文化和传播趋势背后的人。他们和文斯有着相同的基因,因为他们不想和其他人一样。他们年龄在13-34岁之间,尤其是时尚潮流,Instagram是他们选择的社交媒体 (239指数)。对他们来说,创造是最纯粹的表达形式。我们在这个多样化的群体中发现的共同点是他们讨厌被束缚。给他们一套艺术应该遵循的规则?他们会打碎它们的。强加限制?他们会忽略他们。这让我们有了洞察力: 富有表现力的创作者被编程为线条之外的颜色。 我们的想法是设计一个在线之外的活动,有一个影响者和程序化的社会方法,就像每个创造者一样独特。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们确定了插图画家、木工、平面设计师、纹身艺术家、风景艺术家、美食家摄影师、诗人和角色扮演者的观众增长部分。我们发现的是高度相关的创造者,他们有专门的追随者,但是宇宙的大小和规模为1300万,比Vans习惯达到的要少75%。 然后,我们确定了16位创作者,他们是新范创意领域的顶级影响者,包括科里 · 迪万 (纹身艺术) 和克里斯托弗 · 波点德克斯特 (诗歌)。我们根据社会数据将这些变成了16个程序化的观众片段,包括特定艺术兴趣的术语、他们在相同空间跟随的其他艺术家以及围绕主题的行为参与。 我们让影响者使用他们自己的艺术品制作定制货车,并开发关于他们艺术过程的原创内容,他们在Instagram上有机地分享给追随者,指向Vans网站上的海关工具。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 为了扩大规模,我们需要通过推广的付费媒体扩大内容覆盖面。我们找到了一种相关的方法,将富有表现力的创作者和影响者避免商业化的原创艺术内容联系起来。 我们将每个影响者的原始内容作为推广的Instagram帖子从他们的手柄分发到我们开发的16个定制的节目受众部分。总的来说,我们有48个不同的内容来自我们以编程方式推广的影响者的原始帖子。通过不牺牲他们最初的艺术愿景,我们的付费方式避免了商业化。 我们选择了Instagram,因为它是富有表现力的创作者的首选社交平台,参与度是Facebook的两倍,并使用了GIFs和转盘等讲故事单元,为影响者提供了更多的游戏空间。我们保持定期的帖子节奏,以保持注意力,保持内容的新鲜度,并建立势头。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 我们发现影响者Vans以前从未点击过,并创建了以编程方式连接到该品牌以前从未接触过的受众的定制社交内容。我们的预算可能很小,但不到300,000美元,我们成功地在Instagram上获得了关于Vans really custom customizer的消息,销售也开始了。 在整个活动中,认知度上升了22%,口碑曝光率上升了24% (更多的人在谈论Vans),两者都超过了目标。我们的活动以迄今为止所有社交活动货车中最有效的速度产生了最多的销售额。根据Facebook的收入工具,Vans直接从我们的Instagram活动中获得了近100万美元的收入,并具有广告支出回报率在390% 中,表现明显超过了vans的平均竞选基准。

    Not Just One Creator

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Using only one social media platform, we found influencers new to Vans and created customized social content connected programmatically to audiences the brand never reached before on Instagram, expanding out of the brand’s typical territories of Action Sports and Music, resulting in its most successful social campaign to date. With a small budget, our targeting to unique audience segments using social data offered significantly less scale than Vans was accustomed to reaching, yet drove the most sales at the most efficient rate compared to Vans’ campaign averages. Background Vans needed to grow awareness and sales of their custom shoes with a working media budget of only $300,000 USD. How do you grow sales without losing your unique brand identity in a landscape dominated by two major competitors that aim to be for everyone? That was Vans’ challenge. In our campaign’s month of launch alone, there were over 75 sneaker releases, 68% from Nike and Adidas. A differentiator for Vans is its customizer. Competitors offer the ability to make custom shoes, but only provide a limited, pre-determined set of colors and options. Vans allows people to become footwear designers by uploading their own artwork to create fully personalized shoes, from sole to tongue. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) To grow, Vans needed to expand into new territories beyond Action Sports and Music. We wanted to reach “Expressive Creators,” the people behind underground culture and trends that spread. They share the same DNA as Vans in that they don’t want to be like everyone else. They are ages 13-34, trendsetters especially with fashion, and Instagram is their social media of choice (239 index). To them, creating is the purest form of expression. What we found in common among this diverse group was that they hated being boxed in. Give them a set of rules their art should follow? They’ll break ‘em. Impose limits? They’ll ignore ‘em. This led us to our insight: Expressive Creators are programmed to color outside the lines. Our idea was to design a campaign outside the lines, with an influencer and programmatic social approach as unique as each creator. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We identified audience growth segments of illustrators, woodworkers, graphic designers, tattoo artists, landscape artists, foodie photographers, poets and cosplayers. What we found were highly relevant creators with dedicated followings, but with a universe size and scale of 13 Million, 75% less than what Vans was accustomed to reaching. Then, we identified 16 creators who were top influencers in the new-to-Vans creative territories, including Corey Divine (tattoo art) and Christopher Pointdexter (poetry). We turned these into 16 programmatic audience segments based on social data, including terms for specific artistic interests, additional artists they follow in those same spaces, and behavioral engagement around the topics. We had the influencers make custom Vans using their own artwork and develop original content about their artistic process, which they shared organically to followers on Instagram, directing to the customs tool on Vans’ site. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To increase scale, we needed to expand our content reach with promoted, paid media. We figured out a relevant way to connect Expressive Creators with the influencers’ original artistic content that avoided being commercial. We distributed each influencer’s original content as promoted Instagram posts from their handles to the 16 bespoke programmatic audience segments we developed. In total, we had 48 different pieces of content from our Influencers’ original posts that we promoted programmatically. By not sacrificing their original artistic visions, our paid approach avoided being commercial. We chose Instagram as it is the social platform of choice for Expressive Creators, with engagement double that of Facebook, and used storytelling units like GIFs and Carousels that gave the influencers more space to play. We maintained a regular cadence of posts to keep attention, maintain freshness of the content, and build momentum. List the results (30% of vote) We found influencers Vans never tapped before and created customized social content connected programmatically to audiences the brand never reached before. Our budget may have been small, but with less than $300,000 USD, we successfully got the word out about Vans truly custom customizer on Instagram and sales took off. Throughout the campaign, Awareness rose 22% and Word-of-Mouth Exposure rose 24% (more people were talking about Vans), both exceeding goal. Our campaign generated the most sales at the most efficient rate of all social campaigns Vans had run to date. Vans garnered nearly $1 Million USD in revenue directly from our Instagram campaign, as measured by Facebook’s revenue tool, with a Return-On-Ad-Spend rate of 390%, significantly outperforming Vans’ average campaign benchmarks.



    Not Just One Creator






    广告公司: MRY (美国 纽约) 制作公司: Mry




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