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    Fountain: 30短视频广告营销案例



    喷泉: 30

    案例简介:洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州。2011年11月2日: 洛杉矶 Wondros,导演马克 · 佩林顿开车回家,一条五秒钟的短信的干扰会以多快的速度变成新的灾难: 30 “喷泉” 为纽约概念农场的广告委员会。这个地方有类似的教训,警告开车时发短信的危险,一个结局是一个男人轻松地直接走进商场的喷泉, 而另一端是一个十几岁的男孩和一个父亲和他的孩子站在他们的小型货车外面的灾难性车祸。该活动还包括一个: 15 版本的现场以及: 15 和: 30 版本的 “驾驶盲” 和 “楼梯”。 “喷泉” 以一张安全摄像头的照片打开,摄像头俯瞰购物中心法院的一个大喷泉,一名男子在手机上分心时走近喷泉。当他靠近水时,他的眼睛仍然盯着他的细胞装置,他的脸首先落在喷泉里,引发了附近孩子的窃笑。我们直截了当地说,“不是每个人都应该发短信和走路。接下来,我们拍摄了一个十几岁的男孩在他的车里驾驶他的几个朋友的照片,他在手机上收到一条新的短信。他漫不经心地拿起他的电话,开始快速回答信息,而我们切到了一个男人和两个穿着棒球制服的孩子在一辆小型货车的后面准备下午的比赛。我们从后面切入一个快速前进的镜头,然后切入车上的青少年,他们现在意识到眼前即将到来的影响。我们用刺耳的刹车切入汽车接近汽车外面的人和孩子的镜头,我们切入超级,“没有人应该发短信和开车。停止短信。停止沉船。你将如何停止发短信和开车?告诉我们: stoptextsstopwrecks.org。” 关于 Wondros Wondros 是一家战略咨询和媒体制作公司。通过引导电影制作人、制片人和人才联盟的技能组合,Wondros 创造了为改变文化的想法服务的内容

    喷泉: 30

    案例简介:Los Angeles, CA. November 2, 2011: Wondros, Los Angeles, director Mark Pellington drives home how quickly the distraction of a five second text message can turn into catastrophe in the jolting new :30 “Fountain” for the Ad Council out of The Concept Farm, New York. The spot features parallel lessons warning the dangers of texting while driving, one ending in a man light-heartedly walking directly into a mall court fountain, while the other ends in the disastrous crash of a teenage boy with a father and his young children standing outside their minivan. The campaign also features a :15 version of the spot as well as :15 and :30 versions of “Driving Blind” and “Stairs”. “Fountain” opens with a shot of a security camera overlooking a large water fountain in the center court of a shopping mall, with a man approaching the fountain while distracted on his cell phone. His eyes remain fixed on his cellular device as he nears the water and he lands face first into the fountain, sparking the snickers of children nearby. We cut to the super, “Not everyone should text and walk.” Next, we cut to a shot of a teenage boy driving a few of his friends in his car as he receives a new text message on his phone. He casually picks up his phone and begins to quickly answer the message while we cut to a shot of a man with two children in baseball uniforms loading up the back of a minivan for an afternoon game. We cut to a quickly advancing shot of the man and children from behind before cutting to the teenagers in the car who have now realized the imminent impact before them. We cut to a shot of the car approaching the man and children outside the car with screeching brakes we cut to the super, “No one should text and drive. Stop the texts. Stop the wrecks. How will you stop texting and driving? Tell us at: stoptextsstopwrecks.org.” About Wondros Wondros is a strategic consultancy and media production company. By channeling the skill sets of a coalition of filmmakers, producers and talent, Wondros creates content in the service of ideas that change culture

    Fountain: 30

    案例简介:洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州。2011年11月2日: 洛杉矶 Wondros,导演马克 · 佩林顿开车回家,一条五秒钟的短信的干扰会以多快的速度变成新的灾难: 30 “喷泉” 为纽约概念农场的广告委员会。这个地方有类似的教训,警告开车时发短信的危险,一个结局是一个男人轻松地直接走进商场的喷泉, 而另一端是一个十几岁的男孩和一个父亲和他的孩子站在他们的小型货车外面的灾难性车祸。该活动还包括一个: 15 版本的现场以及: 15 和: 30 版本的 “驾驶盲” 和 “楼梯”。 “喷泉” 以一张安全摄像头的照片打开,摄像头俯瞰购物中心法院的一个大喷泉,一名男子在手机上分心时走近喷泉。当他靠近水时,他的眼睛仍然盯着他的细胞装置,他的脸首先落在喷泉里,引发了附近孩子的窃笑。我们直截了当地说,“不是每个人都应该发短信和走路。接下来,我们拍摄了一个十几岁的男孩在他的车里驾驶他的几个朋友的照片,他在手机上收到一条新的短信。他漫不经心地拿起他的电话,开始快速回答信息,而我们切到了一个男人和两个穿着棒球制服的孩子在一辆小型货车的后面准备下午的比赛。我们从后面切入一个快速前进的镜头,然后切入车上的青少年,他们现在意识到眼前即将到来的影响。我们用刺耳的刹车切入汽车接近汽车外面的人和孩子的镜头,我们切入超级,“没有人应该发短信和开车。停止短信。停止沉船。你将如何停止发短信和开车?告诉我们: stoptextsstopwrecks.org。” 关于 Wondros Wondros 是一家战略咨询和媒体制作公司。通过引导电影制作人、制片人和人才联盟的技能组合,Wondros 创造了为改变文化的想法服务的内容

    Fountain: 30

    案例简介:Los Angeles, CA. November 2, 2011: Wondros, Los Angeles, director Mark Pellington drives home how quickly the distraction of a five second text message can turn into catastrophe in the jolting new :30 “Fountain” for the Ad Council out of The Concept Farm, New York. The spot features parallel lessons warning the dangers of texting while driving, one ending in a man light-heartedly walking directly into a mall court fountain, while the other ends in the disastrous crash of a teenage boy with a father and his young children standing outside their minivan. The campaign also features a :15 version of the spot as well as :15 and :30 versions of “Driving Blind” and “Stairs”. “Fountain” opens with a shot of a security camera overlooking a large water fountain in the center court of a shopping mall, with a man approaching the fountain while distracted on his cell phone. His eyes remain fixed on his cellular device as he nears the water and he lands face first into the fountain, sparking the snickers of children nearby. We cut to the super, “Not everyone should text and walk.” Next, we cut to a shot of a teenage boy driving a few of his friends in his car as he receives a new text message on his phone. He casually picks up his phone and begins to quickly answer the message while we cut to a shot of a man with two children in baseball uniforms loading up the back of a minivan for an afternoon game. We cut to a quickly advancing shot of the man and children from behind before cutting to the teenagers in the car who have now realized the imminent impact before them. We cut to a shot of the car approaching the man and children outside the car with screeching brakes we cut to the super, “No one should text and drive. Stop the texts. Stop the wrecks. How will you stop texting and driving? Tell us at: stoptextsstopwrecks.org.” About Wondros Wondros is a strategic consultancy and media production company. By channeling the skill sets of a coalition of filmmakers, producers and talent, Wondros creates content in the service of ideas that change culture

    喷泉: 30


    Fountain: 30










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