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    案例简介:概要 “如果我们要养活今天 8.15亿的饥饿人口,以及预计到 2050年将增加 20亿人,全球粮食和农业体系就需要发生深刻的变化。”联合国可持续发展目标从联合国到有意识的消费者,每个人都知道食品行业需要加快步伐。人类需要更可持续的蛋白质来源。事实上,大自然母亲已经给了我们答案: 昆虫食物。唯一的问题是,发达国家的人们觉得这很恶心。Fazer 作为一家前瞻性的食品公司,在其使命 * 有目的的食品 * 的驱动下,希望以具体行动应对这一挑战。目的是提高对昆虫食品的讨论,增强法泽作为一家创新食品公司的形象。 战略 首先,我们需要围绕昆虫食品展开讨论,因为芬兰的立法还不允许出售昆虫食品。我们知道昆虫食物会分裂公众舆论。这就是我们希望它是为了提出这个问题的方式。我们发表了一个大胆的声明: “Fazer 认为昆虫是未来的食物,并希望推出一种用昆虫面粉烘焙的面包。"这是在一个社交媒体视频中发布的,这引发了讨论。为了获得最大的公关影响,我们知道首先向大众市场推出昆虫食品是至关重要的。这场竞赛首次开始于芬兰政府决定在欧盟立法之前允许出售昆虫食品。板球面包将引发一场美味的食物革命。对人类来说是无价的。对一家旨在被视为更具创新性的食品公司有利。 结果 从芬兰赫尔辛基的新闻发布会开始,我们得到了惊人的结果: 在 17 个 Fazer 市场,媒体总数达到 137亿个新闻项目和社交媒体报道 3300 + pr值 1.1 百万 € 来源: 米迪乌斯国际 2017 最重要的是,人们喜欢面包,并把昆虫作为他们未来饮食的一部分。蟋蟀面包让我们所有人大吃一惊。我们认为芬兰会改变游戏规则,这成为一种全球现象,鼓励人类采用更可持续的饮食。 执行 首先,我们通过宣布 Fazer 将生产基于昆虫的食物来获得这个话题的所有权,以引起公众的讨论。它使谈话升温。在这种不断上升的现象中,芬兰政府决定允许出售昆虫作为食物。法泽随后决定第一个将昆虫食品从他们的测试厨房带到大众市场。介绍板球面包。在社交媒体和店内被蟋蟀的声音取笑。在赫尔辛基的一次早间新闻发布会上发布 -- 在 Fazer 的一家店内面包店设置了直播。板球面包和新闻的公关照片迅速在世界各地传播。一天之内,整个世界醒来,讨论从欧洲到美洲,从亚洲到澳大利亚的昆虫食物。人们着迷并渴望品尝它。他们觉得它尝起来就像美味的面包应该尝起来一样。 活动描述 我们选择了我们饮食中最古老、最受欢迎的主食之一,并将其烘焙成最面向未来的食物,其中含有蟋蟀面粉。就在那里,在你当地的食品店,美味的未来。一个简单的手工烘烤的美味面包,里面有蟋蟀面粉,这让媒体和人们谈论昆虫食品,以及一家创新的芬兰食品公司,该公司的使命是与联合国的 to 进行检查做列表的世界。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 2017年秋季,在昆虫食物现象中,农业和林业部改变了对欧盟立法的解释, 芬兰允许生产和销售昆虫食品。这意味着昆虫面包可以在破纪录的时间内推出。随着这次发射,人们被激活来考虑他们是否可以将基于昆虫的食物纳入他们的饮食。


    案例简介:Synopsis "A profound change of the global food and agriculture system is needed if we are to nourish the 815 million hungry today and the additional 2 billion people expected by 2050." UN Sustainable Development Goals Everyone from the UN to conscious consumers know that the food industry needs to step up. Mankind needs more sustainable sources of protein. In fact, Mother Nature has already given us the answer: insect food. The only problem is, people in developed countries find it disgusting. Fazer, as a forward-looking food company and driven by its mission, *Food with a purpose*, wanted to take on this challenge with concrete action. The objectives were to raise the discussion about insect food and enhance the image of Fazer as an innovative food company. Strategy First we needed to create a discussion around insect food, because legislation in Finland didn't allow the selling of insect food yet. We knew that insect food would divide public opinion. And that's the way we wanted it to be in order to raise the issue. We came out with a bold statement: "Fazer sees insects as the food of the future and is looking to launch a bread baked with insect flour." This was launched in a social media video which heated up the discussion. To get maximum PR impact we knew that being first to launch insect-based food to the mass market would be critical. The race to be first started when the Finnish Government decided to allow the selling of insect food before EU legislation. Cricket Bread would start a delicious food revolution. Priceless for mankind. Beneficial for a food company aiming to be seen more innovative. Outcome Starting from the press event in Helsinki Finland we got staggering results: Total media reach 13.7 billion News items and pieces of social media coverage 3300+ PR value in 17 Fazer markets 1.1 M€ Source: Meedius International 2017 Most importantly, people loved the bread – and embraced insects as a part of their future diets. Cricket Bread surprised us all. Something we thought would be game-changing in Finland, became a global phenomenon encouraging mankind to adopt a more sustainable diet. Execution First, we took ownership of the topic by announcing that Fazer would make insect-based food, to raise public discussion. It heated up the conversation. And in the midst of this rising phenomenon, the Finnish Government decided to allow the selling of insects as food. Fazer then decided to be the first to bring insect-based food from their test kitchen to the mass market. Introducing Cricket Bread. Teased in social media and in-store with sounds of crickets. Launched in a morning press event in Helsinki - set up in one of Fazer's in-store bakeries with live-streaming. PR photos of Cricket Bread and news rapidly spread around the world. In one day the whole world woke up to discuss insect food from Europe to America, Asia to Australia. People were fascinated and eager to taste it. They felt it tasted just like delicious bread should taste. CampaignDescription We took one of the oldest and most loved staples of our diet, and baked it into the most future facing food with cricket flour in it. And there you have it, a delicious bite of the future at your local food store. A simple hand baked loaf of delicious bread with cricket flour in it got the media and people talking about insect food – and about an innovative Finnish food company with a mission that checks with UN’s to-do-list for the world. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes In the fall of 2017, in the midst of the insect-based food phenomenon, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry changed its interpretation of the EU legislation, and the production and selling of insect foods was allowed in Finland. This meant that the insect bread could be launched in record-breaking time. With this launch people were activated to consider whether they could take insect-based food into their diet.

    Cricket Bread

    案例简介:概要 “如果我们要养活今天 8.15亿的饥饿人口,以及预计到 2050年将增加 20亿人,全球粮食和农业体系就需要发生深刻的变化。”联合国可持续发展目标从联合国到有意识的消费者,每个人都知道食品行业需要加快步伐。人类需要更可持续的蛋白质来源。事实上,大自然母亲已经给了我们答案: 昆虫食物。唯一的问题是,发达国家的人们觉得这很恶心。Fazer 作为一家前瞻性的食品公司,在其使命 * 有目的的食品 * 的驱动下,希望以具体行动应对这一挑战。目的是提高对昆虫食品的讨论,增强法泽作为一家创新食品公司的形象。 战略 首先,我们需要围绕昆虫食品展开讨论,因为芬兰的立法还不允许出售昆虫食品。我们知道昆虫食物会分裂公众舆论。这就是我们希望它是为了提出这个问题的方式。我们发表了一个大胆的声明: “Fazer 认为昆虫是未来的食物,并希望推出一种用昆虫面粉烘焙的面包。"这是在一个社交媒体视频中发布的,这引发了讨论。为了获得最大的公关影响,我们知道首先向大众市场推出昆虫食品是至关重要的。这场竞赛首次开始于芬兰政府决定在欧盟立法之前允许出售昆虫食品。板球面包将引发一场美味的食物革命。对人类来说是无价的。对一家旨在被视为更具创新性的食品公司有利。 结果 从芬兰赫尔辛基的新闻发布会开始,我们得到了惊人的结果: 在 17 个 Fazer 市场,媒体总数达到 137亿个新闻项目和社交媒体报道 3300 + pr值 1.1 百万 € 来源: 米迪乌斯国际 2017 最重要的是,人们喜欢面包,并把昆虫作为他们未来饮食的一部分。蟋蟀面包让我们所有人大吃一惊。我们认为芬兰会改变游戏规则,这成为一种全球现象,鼓励人类采用更可持续的饮食。 执行 首先,我们通过宣布 Fazer 将生产基于昆虫的食物来获得这个话题的所有权,以引起公众的讨论。它使谈话升温。在这种不断上升的现象中,芬兰政府决定允许出售昆虫作为食物。法泽随后决定第一个将昆虫食品从他们的测试厨房带到大众市场。介绍板球面包。在社交媒体和店内被蟋蟀的声音取笑。在赫尔辛基的一次早间新闻发布会上发布 -- 在 Fazer 的一家店内面包店设置了直播。板球面包和新闻的公关照片迅速在世界各地传播。一天之内,整个世界醒来,讨论从欧洲到美洲,从亚洲到澳大利亚的昆虫食物。人们着迷并渴望品尝它。他们觉得它尝起来就像美味的面包应该尝起来一样。 活动描述 我们选择了我们饮食中最古老、最受欢迎的主食之一,并将其烘焙成最面向未来的食物,其中含有蟋蟀面粉。就在那里,在你当地的食品店,美味的未来。一个简单的手工烘烤的美味面包,里面有蟋蟀面粉,这让媒体和人们谈论昆虫食品,以及一家创新的芬兰食品公司,该公司的使命是与联合国的 to 进行检查做列表的世界。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 2017年秋季,在昆虫食物现象中,农业和林业部改变了对欧盟立法的解释, 芬兰允许生产和销售昆虫食品。这意味着昆虫面包可以在破纪录的时间内推出。随着这次发射,人们被激活来考虑他们是否可以将基于昆虫的食物纳入他们的饮食。

    Cricket Bread

    案例简介:Synopsis "A profound change of the global food and agriculture system is needed if we are to nourish the 815 million hungry today and the additional 2 billion people expected by 2050." UN Sustainable Development Goals Everyone from the UN to conscious consumers know that the food industry needs to step up. Mankind needs more sustainable sources of protein. In fact, Mother Nature has already given us the answer: insect food. The only problem is, people in developed countries find it disgusting. Fazer, as a forward-looking food company and driven by its mission, *Food with a purpose*, wanted to take on this challenge with concrete action. The objectives were to raise the discussion about insect food and enhance the image of Fazer as an innovative food company. Strategy First we needed to create a discussion around insect food, because legislation in Finland didn't allow the selling of insect food yet. We knew that insect food would divide public opinion. And that's the way we wanted it to be in order to raise the issue. We came out with a bold statement: "Fazer sees insects as the food of the future and is looking to launch a bread baked with insect flour." This was launched in a social media video which heated up the discussion. To get maximum PR impact we knew that being first to launch insect-based food to the mass market would be critical. The race to be first started when the Finnish Government decided to allow the selling of insect food before EU legislation. Cricket Bread would start a delicious food revolution. Priceless for mankind. Beneficial for a food company aiming to be seen more innovative. Outcome Starting from the press event in Helsinki Finland we got staggering results: Total media reach 13.7 billion News items and pieces of social media coverage 3300+ PR value in 17 Fazer markets 1.1 M€ Source: Meedius International 2017 Most importantly, people loved the bread – and embraced insects as a part of their future diets. Cricket Bread surprised us all. Something we thought would be game-changing in Finland, became a global phenomenon encouraging mankind to adopt a more sustainable diet. Execution First, we took ownership of the topic by announcing that Fazer would make insect-based food, to raise public discussion. It heated up the conversation. And in the midst of this rising phenomenon, the Finnish Government decided to allow the selling of insects as food. Fazer then decided to be the first to bring insect-based food from their test kitchen to the mass market. Introducing Cricket Bread. Teased in social media and in-store with sounds of crickets. Launched in a morning press event in Helsinki - set up in one of Fazer's in-store bakeries with live-streaming. PR photos of Cricket Bread and news rapidly spread around the world. In one day the whole world woke up to discuss insect food from Europe to America, Asia to Australia. People were fascinated and eager to taste it. They felt it tasted just like delicious bread should taste. CampaignDescription We took one of the oldest and most loved staples of our diet, and baked it into the most future facing food with cricket flour in it. And there you have it, a delicious bite of the future at your local food store. A simple hand baked loaf of delicious bread with cricket flour in it got the media and people talking about insect food – and about an innovative Finnish food company with a mission that checks with UN’s to-do-list for the world. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes In the fall of 2017, in the midst of the insect-based food phenomenon, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry changed its interpretation of the EU legislation, and the production and selling of insect foods was allowed in Finland. This meant that the insect bread could be launched in record-breaking time. With this launch people were activated to consider whether they could take insect-based food into their diet.



    Cricket Bread






    广告公司: SEK (芬兰 赫尔辛基) 制作公司: SEK




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