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    Rent a Finn海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 根据联合国的说法,芬兰是世界上最幸福的国家-由于人们特殊的自然联系,据说对我们产生了积极的影响。与此同时,世界变得越来越繁忙,人们正在寻找他们的平静。芬兰人知道生活方式。但如何教世界的方式? 将人们转化为媒体的想法: 租一个芬兰人。 要变得像芬兰人一样快乐,你可以租一个并学习。我们的想法是让600万芬兰人去工作媒体执行,让旅行者掌握我们的品牌体验。 背景 芬兰旅游局是一个政府组织,致力于不断发展芬兰的旅游形象。旅游营销是一项竞争激烈的业务; 像芬兰这样的小国无法与大目的地的媒体预算竞争以吸引注意力。然而,行业传播在视觉风格和内容上都充满了陈词滥调。打破这些惯例为我们提供了巨大的机会。芬兰是一个非常规的旅游目的地-不是每个人的东西,而是特别的东西。因此,我们的沟通一直旨在将这些与众不同的因素传达给芬兰,以使我们脱颖而出。在2018,过夜的人数正在增加,但北欧国家正在进行的关注之战非常激烈。我们的任务是建立对芬兰的认识和兴趣,并使其成为对寻求独特选择的人们真正有意义的话题。 描述创意 (投票30%) 根据联合国的说法,芬兰是世界上最幸福的国家-这要归功于人与自然之间的特殊联系。研究表明,自然可以对我们的思想产生积极的影响,缓解压力。 与此同时,世界变得越来越繁忙。许多旅行者寻找沉默和宁静的自然。芬兰有很多这样的东西。但是如何向世界传授这种快乐,接近自然的生活方式呢? 想法: 租一个芬兰人。 现在是每个人都有机会向最好的人学习的时候了。要像芬兰人一样快乐,你可以租一个,学习如何。租一名芬兰人不仅因其来自《联合国幸福报告》的理性背景而对芬兰来说是独一无二和可拥有的,更有意义的是它为世界带来更多幸福的更高目标。它不是简单地出售旅游业,而是给整个国家打上品牌。 描述策略 (投票20%) 芬兰的目标群体是价值观与前往芬兰旅行相匹配的人。这个群体被称为 “现代人文主义者”。如何以非常有限的预算吸引他们并吸引他们,因为他们对广告至关重要? 为了吸引全球观众,我们需要动员整个国家: 1.为此,我们发起了一项全国性的倡议,招募芬兰人出租。这是由购买的在线广告支持的。 2.芬兰人出租的内容通过公关和选定的国际知名芬兰发言人提供给全球媒体。可见性得到了在线广告的支持,这些广告主要针对社交媒体,在休息期间可以接触到压力很大的工人。 3.当故事被全球媒体所接受时,我们专注于创建用于公关的内容,监控赢得的媒体发展并在此过程中做出反应。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) Rent a Finn于2019年1月启动,当时围绕招募芬兰人而建立的websit e rentafinn.com启动了。我们选择了一些芬兰人作为我们交流的面孔,介绍了芬兰的生活方式,与自然的联系以及租用芬兰人的想法。 执行不仅取决于网站。目标是创造一种现象,任何人都可以通过使用 # rentafinn在自己的频道中出租自己。-或者只是在遇到旅行者时提供与旅行者共度时光。通过达到149个国家的高公关知名度,世界各地的人们都了解了这个想法。覆盖范围得到了覆盖10个国家的社交媒体上购买的广告的支持。租用芬兰人的想法现在已经开始,并在未来的人与人之间继续成为一种新的旅行习惯。 列出结果 (投票30%) 该活动仅在10个市场上通过付费广告覆盖了149个国家。 竞选活动的影响范围高达1.366万亿-98,5% 来自赚钱的媒体。 该活动的pr值达到175 321 34欧元。 媒体点击次数为3184次。 我们设法建立了我们的社会社区,总共有12个488的新追随者。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? According to the UN, Finland is the happiest country in the world – thanks to people’s special nature connection that is said to have a positive impact on us. At the same time, the world is getting busier and people are searching for their calm. Well, Finns know the lifestyle. But how to teach the world the way? The idea that converts people to media: Rent a Finn. To become as happy as a Finn, you can rent one and learn. Our idea is turning over 6 million Finns to work media executions for travelers to grasp our brand experience. Background Visit Finland is a governmental organization that works continuously to develop Finland’s travel image. Travel marketing is a highly competitive business; small country like Finland can’t afford to compete with the media budgets of big destinations to attract attention. However, the industry communication is full of clichés in both the visual style and content. Breaking these conventions offers us a huge opportunity. Finland is an unconventional travel destination – not something for everyone but something special. Accordingly, our communication has always been designed to convey these distinguishing factors true to Finland to make us stand out. In 2018, the overnight stays were on the rise, but the ongoing battle for attention in the Nordic countries was fierce. Our task was to create awareness and interest towards Finland and make it a talking point in a way that is truly meaningful to people who are seeking unique options. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) According to the UN, Finland is the happiest country in the world – thanks to the special connection between people and nature. Studies have shown that nature can have a positive impact on our minds and alleviate stress. At the same time, the world is getting busier. Many travelers search for silence and serene nature. Well, Finland has those things in abundance. But how to teach the world this happy, close-to-nature lifestyle? The idea: Rent a Finn. Now it’s time everyone had a chance to learn from the best. To become as happy as a Finn, you can rent one and learn how. Rent a Finn is not only unique and ownable to Finland due to its rational background from the UN Happiness Report, but also meaningful because of its higher purpose of bringing more happiness to the world. Instead of simply selling tourism, it’s branding a whole nation. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The target group for Finland is people whose values match travelling to Finland. This group is known as “Modern Humanists”. How to reach them with a very limited budget and appeal to them, as they are extremely critical towards advertising? To reach our global audience, we needed to mobilize the whole nation: 1. To do this, we launched a nationwide initiative that recruited Finns up for rent. This was supported with bought online advertising. 2. The content of Finns that were up for rent was fed to global media with PR and selected internationally known Finnish spokespersons. The visibility was supported with online advertising mostly directed to social media, where stressed workers were reachable during their breaks. 3. When the story got picked up by the global media, we focused on creating content for PR use, monitoring earned media developments and reacting along the way. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Rent a Finn kicked off in January 2019, when the website rentafinn.com built around recruiting Finns was launched. We selected a few Finns to work with, as the faces of our communication, introducing the Finnish way of life, the connection to nature and the idea of renting a Finn. The execution didn’t only depend on the website. The goal was to create a phenomenon where anybody could put themselves up for rent in their own channels by using a #rentafinn. – Or just offer to spend some time with a traveler when encountering one. People around the world got introduced to the idea through high PR visibility reaching 149 countries. The reach was supported with bought advertising in social media covering 10 countries. The idea of renting a Finn is now launched and continues as a new travel habit in the future between people. List the results (30% of vote) The campaign reached 149 countries with paid advertising in only 10 markets. The campaign reach raised as high as 1,366 billion – 98,5% coming from earned media. The PR value of the campaign reached € 34 175 321. The number of media hits was 3184. We managed to build our social community with 12 488 new followers in total.

    Rent a Finn

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 根据联合国的说法,芬兰是世界上最幸福的国家-由于人们特殊的自然联系,据说对我们产生了积极的影响。与此同时,世界变得越来越繁忙,人们正在寻找他们的平静。芬兰人知道生活方式。但如何教世界的方式? 将人们转化为媒体的想法: 租一个芬兰人。 要变得像芬兰人一样快乐,你可以租一个并学习。我们的想法是让600万芬兰人去工作媒体执行,让旅行者掌握我们的品牌体验。 背景 芬兰旅游局是一个政府组织,致力于不断发展芬兰的旅游形象。旅游营销是一项竞争激烈的业务; 像芬兰这样的小国无法与大目的地的媒体预算竞争以吸引注意力。然而,行业传播在视觉风格和内容上都充满了陈词滥调。打破这些惯例为我们提供了巨大的机会。芬兰是一个非常规的旅游目的地-不是每个人的东西,而是特别的东西。因此,我们的沟通一直旨在将这些与众不同的因素传达给芬兰,以使我们脱颖而出。在2018,过夜的人数正在增加,但北欧国家正在进行的关注之战非常激烈。我们的任务是建立对芬兰的认识和兴趣,并使其成为对寻求独特选择的人们真正有意义的话题。 描述创意 (投票30%) 根据联合国的说法,芬兰是世界上最幸福的国家-这要归功于人与自然之间的特殊联系。研究表明,自然可以对我们的思想产生积极的影响,缓解压力。 与此同时,世界变得越来越繁忙。许多旅行者寻找沉默和宁静的自然。芬兰有很多这样的东西。但是如何向世界传授这种快乐,接近自然的生活方式呢? 想法: 租一个芬兰人。 现在是每个人都有机会向最好的人学习的时候了。要像芬兰人一样快乐,你可以租一个,学习如何。租一名芬兰人不仅因其来自《联合国幸福报告》的理性背景而对芬兰来说是独一无二和可拥有的,更有意义的是它为世界带来更多幸福的更高目标。它不是简单地出售旅游业,而是给整个国家打上品牌。 描述策略 (投票20%) 芬兰的目标群体是价值观与前往芬兰旅行相匹配的人。这个群体被称为 “现代人文主义者”。如何以非常有限的预算吸引他们并吸引他们,因为他们对广告至关重要? 为了吸引全球观众,我们需要动员整个国家: 1.为此,我们发起了一项全国性的倡议,招募芬兰人出租。这是由购买的在线广告支持的。 2.芬兰人出租的内容通过公关和选定的国际知名芬兰发言人提供给全球媒体。可见性得到了在线广告的支持,这些广告主要针对社交媒体,在休息期间可以接触到压力很大的工人。 3.当故事被全球媒体所接受时,我们专注于创建用于公关的内容,监控赢得的媒体发展并在此过程中做出反应。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) Rent a Finn于2019年1月启动,当时围绕招募芬兰人而建立的websit e rentafinn.com启动了。我们选择了一些芬兰人作为我们交流的面孔,介绍了芬兰的生活方式,与自然的联系以及租用芬兰人的想法。 执行不仅取决于网站。目标是创造一种现象,任何人都可以通过使用 # rentafinn在自己的频道中出租自己。-或者只是在遇到旅行者时提供与旅行者共度时光。通过达到149个国家的高公关知名度,世界各地的人们都了解了这个想法。覆盖范围得到了覆盖10个国家的社交媒体上购买的广告的支持。租用芬兰人的想法现在已经开始,并在未来的人与人之间继续成为一种新的旅行习惯。 列出结果 (投票30%) 该活动仅在10个市场上通过付费广告覆盖了149个国家。 竞选活动的影响范围高达1.366万亿-98,5% 来自赚钱的媒体。 该活动的pr值达到175 321 34欧元。 媒体点击次数为3184次。 我们设法建立了我们的社会社区,总共有12个488的新追随者。

    Rent a Finn

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? According to the UN, Finland is the happiest country in the world – thanks to people’s special nature connection that is said to have a positive impact on us. At the same time, the world is getting busier and people are searching for their calm. Well, Finns know the lifestyle. But how to teach the world the way? The idea that converts people to media: Rent a Finn. To become as happy as a Finn, you can rent one and learn. Our idea is turning over 6 million Finns to work media executions for travelers to grasp our brand experience. Background Visit Finland is a governmental organization that works continuously to develop Finland’s travel image. Travel marketing is a highly competitive business; small country like Finland can’t afford to compete with the media budgets of big destinations to attract attention. However, the industry communication is full of clichés in both the visual style and content. Breaking these conventions offers us a huge opportunity. Finland is an unconventional travel destination – not something for everyone but something special. Accordingly, our communication has always been designed to convey these distinguishing factors true to Finland to make us stand out. In 2018, the overnight stays were on the rise, but the ongoing battle for attention in the Nordic countries was fierce. Our task was to create awareness and interest towards Finland and make it a talking point in a way that is truly meaningful to people who are seeking unique options. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) According to the UN, Finland is the happiest country in the world – thanks to the special connection between people and nature. Studies have shown that nature can have a positive impact on our minds and alleviate stress. At the same time, the world is getting busier. Many travelers search for silence and serene nature. Well, Finland has those things in abundance. But how to teach the world this happy, close-to-nature lifestyle? The idea: Rent a Finn. Now it’s time everyone had a chance to learn from the best. To become as happy as a Finn, you can rent one and learn how. Rent a Finn is not only unique and ownable to Finland due to its rational background from the UN Happiness Report, but also meaningful because of its higher purpose of bringing more happiness to the world. Instead of simply selling tourism, it’s branding a whole nation. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The target group for Finland is people whose values match travelling to Finland. This group is known as “Modern Humanists”. How to reach them with a very limited budget and appeal to them, as they are extremely critical towards advertising? To reach our global audience, we needed to mobilize the whole nation: 1. To do this, we launched a nationwide initiative that recruited Finns up for rent. This was supported with bought online advertising. 2. The content of Finns that were up for rent was fed to global media with PR and selected internationally known Finnish spokespersons. The visibility was supported with online advertising mostly directed to social media, where stressed workers were reachable during their breaks. 3. When the story got picked up by the global media, we focused on creating content for PR use, monitoring earned media developments and reacting along the way. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Rent a Finn kicked off in January 2019, when the website rentafinn.com built around recruiting Finns was launched. We selected a few Finns to work with, as the faces of our communication, introducing the Finnish way of life, the connection to nature and the idea of renting a Finn. The execution didn’t only depend on the website. The goal was to create a phenomenon where anybody could put themselves up for rent in their own channels by using a #rentafinn. – Or just offer to spend some time with a traveler when encountering one. People around the world got introduced to the idea through high PR visibility reaching 149 countries. The reach was supported with bought advertising in social media covering 10 countries. The idea of renting a Finn is now launched and continues as a new travel habit in the future between people. List the results (30% of vote) The campaign reached 149 countries with paid advertising in only 10 markets. The campaign reach raised as high as 1,366 billion – 98,5% coming from earned media. The PR value of the campaign reached € 34 175 321. The number of media hits was 3184. We managed to build our social community with 12 488 new followers in total.



    Rent a Finn










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