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    KLM Bonding Buffet短视频广告营销案例



    KLM 邦定自助餐

    案例简介:活动描述 机场可能是孤独的地方。尤其是当你在圣诞节旅行的时候,一个分享、团结和团结的时候。荷航致力于将世界各地的人们聚集在一起。如果它已经能让人们在途中聚在一起呢?我们在史基浦机场安装了一张 20 人的桌子,但是它有 4.5米高,所以人们无法到达上面提供的圣诞晚餐。桌子周围的 20 个凳子都装有压力传感器。每个坐在凳子上的旅行者都把桌子放了一点。旅行者们很兴奋,开始一起努力放下桌子。来自世界各地 (20 个不同的国家) 的人们把手机或书放在一边,一起享受一顿非常特别的圣诞晚餐。我们拍摄了活动,并在圣诞节前在线分享了视频 -- 所有关于分享、团结和团结的视频。 结果 在短短几天内,荷航的 Bonding Buffet 视频成为有史以来最受欢迎的荷航在线视频。几周内,它就达到了全球 10000万多人,收集了 7200万多个视图,分享了近 500,000 次。超过 200万人给了它一个喜欢或 “伟大” (大喜欢),评论几乎完全是非常积极的。几乎 80% 的结果是通过有机接触/赢得媒体实现的。许多国内和国际博客都选择了这段视频,最著名的是《国际商业时报》和《 9 gag 》。每一篇社论都对荷航的倡议持积极态度; 媒体称这是本赛季最好的圣诞活动。 执行 在欧洲最大的机场之一最繁忙的地方,我们建造了一张不容错过的桌子。圣诞节期间,它就在那里,给了那天的每个旅行者使用它的机会,从而与其他旅行者建立了联系。桌子顶上有一顿圣诞晚餐,高 4.5米,周围有 20 张凳子。每当一个人坐在凳子上,桌子就会稍微降低一点,邀请陌生人一起工作。当桌子放下后,20 个陌生人聚在一起吃圣诞晚餐。参与的人是真正的旅行者, 他们中的许多人甚至排队等候座位,就在圣诞节前,通过荷兰皇家航空公司的社交渠道分享了一天中最美好的时刻。 战略 荷航希望在圣诞节期间传递团结、团结和分享的信息。基于机场总是挤满了人的洞察力,其中许多人可能会在那里感到孤独 (尤其是在圣诞节旅行时), 我们决定建立一个关于陌生人相互开放并在这个繁忙的地方走到一起的故事。因为荷兰皇家航空公司的雄心是在世界范围内接触尽可能多的人,我们决定去创造人们喜欢分享的社交内容。我们在史基浦机场制作了一个惊喜圣诞自助餐的社交视频。关于团结和人们分享的信息,与圣诞精神和荷兰皇家航空的品牌宗旨联系在一起。在充满动荡的一年结束时,世界上几乎任何人都希望参与其中,因此许多人希望分享这一信息。 概要 荷兰皇家航空公司致力于将人们聚集在一起: 它将世界各地的家人、朋友和其他关系团结在一起。在这个世界充满动荡的一年结束时,荷航希望利用圣诞节前后的日子传达团结、团结和分享的信息。这一信息会触动人们,对品牌产生同情,并有助于荷兰皇家航空的品牌宗旨 “通过创造难忘的体验来移动你的世界”。荷兰皇家航空公司要求该机构创建此消息。一如既往,它要求我们发展一个围绕真实人物而不是演员的故事。由于圣诞节是航空公司一年中最繁忙的时间之一,这个概念的实现对他们来说不会有太多的后勤影响。荷兰皇家航空公司将需要所有的人手来确保他们在一年中的这个时候顺利运营。 相关性 直接狮子庆祝响应驱动和建立关系的创造力。带着一个温暖人心的团结和团结的品牌信息,以及一个非常温和的行动号召, 我们能够激励我们的目标受众与我们的品牌互动,并通过社交媒体大量分享我们的信息。这产生了惊人的结果 (可衡量的和有意义的)。我们接触到的 80% 以上的观众是通过与朋友分享品牌故事或通过传播我们信息的编辑接触到的。基于这一事实和对我们信息的许多积极评论,我们相信这项工作与 Direct Lions 相关。

    KLM 邦定自助餐

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Airports can be lonely places. Especially when you are travelling at Christmastime, a time for sharing, unity and togetherness. KLM is in the business of bringing people together all around the world. What if it could already bring people together while they were still en route? We installed a table for 20 at Schiphol airport, but it was 4.5 meters high, so people could not reach the Christmas dinner served on it. 20 stools surrounding the table were equipped with pressure sensors. With every traveller who sat down on a stool, the table was lowered a little. Travellers were excited and started to work together to lower the table. People from all over the world (20 different nationalities) put their phones or books aside and enjoyed a very special Christmas dinner together. We filmed the event and shared the video –all about sharing, unity and togetherness– online right before Christmas. Outcome In just a couple of days KLM’s Bonding Buffet video grew to be the most popular KLM online video ever. Within weeks it reached over 100 million (!) people worldwide, collected over 72 million views and was shared almost 500,000 times. Over 2 million people gave it a Like or a ‘Great’ (Big Like) and comments were almost exclusively very positive. Almost 80% of these results were accomplished via organic reach / earned media. Many national and international blogs picked up the video, most notably the International Business Times and 9GAG. Each and every editorial piece was positive about KLM’s initiative; media called it the very best Christmas campaign of the season. Execution In the busiest part of one of Europe’s biggest airports, we built a table you couldn’t miss. It was there during Christmas, giving every traveller that day the opportunity to use it and thus bond with fellow travellers. The table had a Christmas dinner on top of it, towered 4.5 meters high, and was surrounded by 20 stools. Every time a person sat down on a stool, the table was lowered a little bit, inviting strangers to work together. When the table had been lowered, 20 strangers bonded over a Christmas dinner together. The people participating were real travellers, many of whom had even stood in line to wait for their seat at the table A compilation of the day’s best moments was shared via KLM’s social channels just before Christmas. Strategy KLM wanted to bring across a message of unity, togetherness and sharing during the Christmas season. Based on the insight that airports are always crowded with people, many of whom may feel lonely there (especially when travelling at Christmastime), we decided to build a story about strangers opening up to each other and coming together in this hectic place.Because of KLM’s big ambition to reach as many people as possible worldwide, we decided to go for the creation of social content people would love to share. We created a heart-warming social video around a surprise Christmas buffet at Schiphol airport. A message about unity and people sharing, which tied in with the Christmas spirit and KLM’s brand purpose. A message that just about anyone in the world would like to engage with, and therefore very many would like to share, at the end of a year full of turmoil. Synopsis KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is in the business of bringing people together: it unites families, friends and other relations all over the world. At the end of a year with much turbulence in this world, KLM wanted to use the days around Christmas to communicate a message of unity, togetherness and sharing. A message that would touch people, create sympathy for the brand and contribute to KLM’s brand purpose “Moving your world by creating memorable experiences”. KLM asked agency to create this message. As always it asked us to develop a story that would revolve around real people, not actors. Since Christmastime is one of the busiest times of year for the airline, the realisation of the concept could not have too many logistical implications for them. KLM would need all hands to secure smooth running of their operations at this time of year. Relevancy The Direct Lions celebrate response-driven and relationship-building creativity. With a heart-warming brand message of unity and togetherness, and just a very soft call-to-action, we were able to motivate our target audience to engage with our brand and massively share our message via social media. This produced astonishing results (measurable and meaningful). Over 80% of the audience we reached was reached via people sharing the brand’s story with their friends or through editors spreading our message. Based on this fact and the very many positive comments to our message, we believe this work is relevant for Direct Lions.

    KLM Bonding Buffet

    案例简介:活动描述 机场可能是孤独的地方。尤其是当你在圣诞节旅行的时候,一个分享、团结和团结的时候。荷航致力于将世界各地的人们聚集在一起。如果它已经能让人们在途中聚在一起呢?我们在史基浦机场安装了一张 20 人的桌子,但是它有 4.5米高,所以人们无法到达上面提供的圣诞晚餐。桌子周围的 20 个凳子都装有压力传感器。每个坐在凳子上的旅行者都把桌子放了一点。旅行者们很兴奋,开始一起努力放下桌子。来自世界各地 (20 个不同的国家) 的人们把手机或书放在一边,一起享受一顿非常特别的圣诞晚餐。我们拍摄了活动,并在圣诞节前在线分享了视频 -- 所有关于分享、团结和团结的视频。 结果 在短短几天内,荷航的 Bonding Buffet 视频成为有史以来最受欢迎的荷航在线视频。几周内,它就达到了全球 10000万多人,收集了 7200万多个视图,分享了近 500,000 次。超过 200万人给了它一个喜欢或 “伟大” (大喜欢),评论几乎完全是非常积极的。几乎 80% 的结果是通过有机接触/赢得媒体实现的。许多国内和国际博客都选择了这段视频,最著名的是《国际商业时报》和《 9 gag 》。每一篇社论都对荷航的倡议持积极态度; 媒体称这是本赛季最好的圣诞活动。 执行 在欧洲最大的机场之一最繁忙的地方,我们建造了一张不容错过的桌子。圣诞节期间,它就在那里,给了那天的每个旅行者使用它的机会,从而与其他旅行者建立了联系。桌子顶上有一顿圣诞晚餐,高 4.5米,周围有 20 张凳子。每当一个人坐在凳子上,桌子就会稍微降低一点,邀请陌生人一起工作。当桌子放下后,20 个陌生人聚在一起吃圣诞晚餐。参与的人是真正的旅行者, 他们中的许多人甚至排队等候座位,就在圣诞节前,通过荷兰皇家航空公司的社交渠道分享了一天中最美好的时刻。 战略 荷航希望在圣诞节期间传递团结、团结和分享的信息。基于机场总是挤满了人的洞察力,其中许多人可能会在那里感到孤独 (尤其是在圣诞节旅行时), 我们决定建立一个关于陌生人相互开放并在这个繁忙的地方走到一起的故事。因为荷兰皇家航空公司的雄心是在世界范围内接触尽可能多的人,我们决定去创造人们喜欢分享的社交内容。我们在史基浦机场制作了一个惊喜圣诞自助餐的社交视频。关于团结和人们分享的信息,与圣诞精神和荷兰皇家航空的品牌宗旨联系在一起。在充满动荡的一年结束时,世界上几乎任何人都希望参与其中,因此许多人希望分享这一信息。 概要 荷兰皇家航空公司致力于将人们聚集在一起: 它将世界各地的家人、朋友和其他关系团结在一起。在这个世界充满动荡的一年结束时,荷航希望利用圣诞节前后的日子传达团结、团结和分享的信息。这一信息会触动人们,对品牌产生同情,并有助于荷兰皇家航空的品牌宗旨 “通过创造难忘的体验来移动你的世界”。荷兰皇家航空公司要求该机构创建此消息。一如既往,它要求我们发展一个围绕真实人物而不是演员的故事。由于圣诞节是航空公司一年中最繁忙的时间之一,这个概念的实现对他们来说不会有太多的后勤影响。荷兰皇家航空公司将需要所有的人手来确保他们在一年中的这个时候顺利运营。 相关性 直接狮子庆祝响应驱动和建立关系的创造力。带着一个温暖人心的团结和团结的品牌信息,以及一个非常温和的行动号召, 我们能够激励我们的目标受众与我们的品牌互动,并通过社交媒体大量分享我们的信息。这产生了惊人的结果 (可衡量的和有意义的)。我们接触到的 80% 以上的观众是通过与朋友分享品牌故事或通过传播我们信息的编辑接触到的。基于这一事实和对我们信息的许多积极评论,我们相信这项工作与 Direct Lions 相关。

    KLM Bonding Buffet

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Airports can be lonely places. Especially when you are travelling at Christmastime, a time for sharing, unity and togetherness. KLM is in the business of bringing people together all around the world. What if it could already bring people together while they were still en route? We installed a table for 20 at Schiphol airport, but it was 4.5 meters high, so people could not reach the Christmas dinner served on it. 20 stools surrounding the table were equipped with pressure sensors. With every traveller who sat down on a stool, the table was lowered a little. Travellers were excited and started to work together to lower the table. People from all over the world (20 different nationalities) put their phones or books aside and enjoyed a very special Christmas dinner together. We filmed the event and shared the video –all about sharing, unity and togetherness– online right before Christmas. Outcome In just a couple of days KLM’s Bonding Buffet video grew to be the most popular KLM online video ever. Within weeks it reached over 100 million (!) people worldwide, collected over 72 million views and was shared almost 500,000 times. Over 2 million people gave it a Like or a ‘Great’ (Big Like) and comments were almost exclusively very positive. Almost 80% of these results were accomplished via organic reach / earned media. Many national and international blogs picked up the video, most notably the International Business Times and 9GAG. Each and every editorial piece was positive about KLM’s initiative; media called it the very best Christmas campaign of the season. Execution In the busiest part of one of Europe’s biggest airports, we built a table you couldn’t miss. It was there during Christmas, giving every traveller that day the opportunity to use it and thus bond with fellow travellers. The table had a Christmas dinner on top of it, towered 4.5 meters high, and was surrounded by 20 stools. Every time a person sat down on a stool, the table was lowered a little bit, inviting strangers to work together. When the table had been lowered, 20 strangers bonded over a Christmas dinner together. The people participating were real travellers, many of whom had even stood in line to wait for their seat at the table A compilation of the day’s best moments was shared via KLM’s social channels just before Christmas. Strategy KLM wanted to bring across a message of unity, togetherness and sharing during the Christmas season. Based on the insight that airports are always crowded with people, many of whom may feel lonely there (especially when travelling at Christmastime), we decided to build a story about strangers opening up to each other and coming together in this hectic place.Because of KLM’s big ambition to reach as many people as possible worldwide, we decided to go for the creation of social content people would love to share. We created a heart-warming social video around a surprise Christmas buffet at Schiphol airport. A message about unity and people sharing, which tied in with the Christmas spirit and KLM’s brand purpose. A message that just about anyone in the world would like to engage with, and therefore very many would like to share, at the end of a year full of turmoil. Synopsis KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is in the business of bringing people together: it unites families, friends and other relations all over the world. At the end of a year with much turbulence in this world, KLM wanted to use the days around Christmas to communicate a message of unity, togetherness and sharing. A message that would touch people, create sympathy for the brand and contribute to KLM’s brand purpose “Moving your world by creating memorable experiences”. KLM asked agency to create this message. As always it asked us to develop a story that would revolve around real people, not actors. Since Christmastime is one of the busiest times of year for the airline, the realisation of the concept could not have too many logistical implications for them. KLM would need all hands to secure smooth running of their operations at this time of year. Relevancy The Direct Lions celebrate response-driven and relationship-building creativity. With a heart-warming brand message of unity and togetherness, and just a very soft call-to-action, we were able to motivate our target audience to engage with our brand and massively share our message via social media. This produced astonishing results (measurable and meaningful). Over 80% of the audience we reached was reached via people sharing the brand’s story with their friends or through editors spreading our message. Based on this fact and the very many positive comments to our message, we believe this work is relevant for Direct Lions.

    KLM 邦定自助餐


    KLM Bonding Buffet






    广告公司: 恒美 (荷兰 阿姆斯特丹) 制作公司: WeFilm




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