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    案例简介:概要 荷兰皇家荷兰航空公司的雄心是保持最以客户为中心的欧洲航空公司,他们的品牌宗旨是: “通过创造难忘的体验来改变你的世界”。在他们的品牌传播中,他们强调了一个事实,即他们的船员真正关心他们的乘客和整个人。荷兰皇家航空的工作人员付出了额外的努力。荷航要求该机构以相当适度的预算创建一个品牌信息,该信息将触及世界各地的人们,为品牌创造更多的同情,并为荷航的品牌目标做出贡献。人们想分享的信息,因此会产生 “赚来的媒体” 效应。这一信息将吸引荷航乘客 (加强关系并加强他们的品牌偏好),最好也会吸引他们 (创造品牌同情,从而建立品牌偏好)。 战略 主要目标受众是荷兰航空公司的乘客。次要: 潜在客户 (一年多次飞行旅行的人)。没有比创造一种真正的服务来证明他们是这样的更好的方式来传达荷兰皇家航空公司员工关心乘客并为他们提供额外服务的品牌信息。为了接触和吸引尽可能多的人,我们的目标是开发一个具有谈话价值的 “故事”,人们希望分享这个故事,并吸引媒体的关注。我们将技术 (智能设备) 与个人注意力 (荷兰皇家航空公司船员的帮助) 联系起来,以创建荷兰皇家航空公司的护理标签。护理标签与一个备受关注的热门话题联系在一起: 不断增长的人口给阿姆斯特丹带来的压力。KLM Care 标签可以让乘客和居民免受不必要的滋扰 (例如在繁忙的路口)。 结果 Care 标签在全球范围内产生了新闻报道,并被旅游网站和新闻媒体广泛分享,包括 Lonely Planet 和 Fast Company (前 5 个广告),媒体价值为 1600 万英镑这项运动惠及 34 万人。社会情绪为 + 97% 积极。护理标签用户的询问证实,该标签增强了他们的访客体验,他们使用了许多提示,从而实现了行为改变。所有的标签都分发出去了,更多的标签正在生产中。品牌声明 “荷兰皇家航空为其客户付出了额外的努力” 上的品牌声誉提高了 + 50% (暴露与非暴露)。创建该视频是为了激活我们的观众 (订单标签) 并生成公关,点击超过 6.5 次,并生成 33K 以上的回复 (分享、喜欢、评论)。通过这项活动和服务,荷航被证明是世界上最以客户为中心的航空公司。 执行 我们与阿姆斯特丹旅游局一起创建了阿姆斯特丹的热图,收集了游客需要更多帮助的所有城市数据。荷兰皇家航空公司的乘务员记录了成千上万条信息,比如什么时候当心扒手,如何锁上自行车,以及出租车要花多少钱,这样你就不会被骗。荷兰皇家航空乘务员记录了成千上万条信息,比如什么时候注意扒手,如何锁自行车,还有出租车要花多少钱,这样你就不会被骗。还有其他信息,比如如何在城市找到自己的路。当人们经过坐标时,Care 标签会自动播放这些信息。用 6 种不同的语言 (英语、汉语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、德语和俄语) 制作了 10,000 多个护理标签。护理标签被分发给那些用荷兰皇家航空公司买了一张去阿姆斯特丹的票的人。我们还围绕该设备创建了一个引人入胜的在线视频,通过荷航的电子邮件 (与选择这些邮件的乘客) 和社交媒体 (部分通过赞助帖子) 分享了这个视频并将其发送到选定的媒体。 活动描述 在过去的几年里,阿姆斯特丹的人口大幅增长,已经变成了一个混乱的地方,有很多隐患。这导致涉及游客的事故增加。为了在乘客停留期间帮助他们,我们创建了一个移动设备,将荷航机组人员的 “关怀” 扩展到飞机之外。Care Tag 是一款配有全球定位系统的音频行李标签,根据您的位置自动提供掌握阿姆斯特丹的提示和技巧。游客可以简单地将标签贴在他们的包上。荷航空乘人员在护理标签上填写了数千条护理提示。这些信息是通过在游客需要更多帮助的地方的坐标放在城市地图上的。像危险的十字路口、有扒手的不安全区域、毒品滋扰和其他旅游陷阱。我们和阿姆斯特丹旅游局一起收集了这些景点的数据,并在护理标签中使用。


    案例简介:Synopsis KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has the ambition to stay the most customer-centric European airline and their brand purpose reads: ‘Moving Your World by creating memorable experiences’. In their brand communications they highlight the fact that their crew genuinely cares for their passengers and people in general. KLM staff goes the extra mile. KLM asked agency to create, with a fairly modest budget, a brand message that would touch people worldwide, create sympathy for the brand that goes the extra mile, and contribute to KLM’s brand purpose. A message that people would like to share and thus would generate ‘earned media’ effects. A message that would engage KLM passengers (to strengthen the relationship and reinforce their brand preference) and preferably also prospects (to create brand sympathy and, as a result, build brand preference). Strategy The primary target audience were KLM passengers. Secondary: prospects (people who take more than one flight trip in a year). No better way to bring across the brand message that KLM staff care for their passengers and go the extra mile to service them, than to create a genuine service that proves they do. To reach and engage as many people as possible, we aimed to develop a ‘story’ with talk value, which people would like to share and that would draw the attention from media. We connected tech (a smart device) with personal attention (assistance from KLM crew) to create the KLM Care Tag. The Care Tag tied in to a hot topic that received a lot of attention: the pressure that the growing population puts on the city of Amsterdam. The KLM Care Tag saves both passengers and residents from unnecessary nuisances (for example at busy junctions). Outcome The Care Tag generated worldwide press coverage and was widely shared by travel sites and news media, including Lonely Planet and Fast Company (top 5 ads) for a media value of €1.6M. The campaign reached +34M people. Social sentiment was +97% positive. An enquiry amongst Care Tag users confirmed the tag enhanced their visitor experience and they used many of the tips, which accomplished the behaviour change. All tags were handed out and more tags are in production at this moment. Brand reputation on the brand statement ‘KLM goes the extra mile for its customers’ was raised by +50% (exposed versus non-exposed). The video created to activate our audience (order tag) and generate PR hit over 6.5M views and generated 33K+ responses (Shares, Likes, Comments). With the campaign and service KLM proved to be the most customer-centric airline in the world. Execution Together with the Amsterdam tourist office, we created a heat map of Amsterdam, collecting all city data of spots where visitors need more assistance. KLM flight attendants recorded thousands of messages like when to watch out for pickpockets, how to lock your bike, and how much a taxi cost so you don’t get ripped off.KLM flight attendants recorded thousands of messages, like when to watch out for pickpockets, how to lock your bike, and how much a taxi costs so you don’t get ripped off. But also other messages like how to find your way in the city. The Care Tag played these messages automatically when people passed by the coordinates. Over 10,000 Care Tags were produced in 6 different languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Russian). The Care Tags were handed out to people who bought a ticket with KLM to Amsterdam. We also created an engaging online video around the device, shared this via KLM’s emails (with passengers who opted in for these mails) and social media (partially through sponsored posts) and sent it to selected media. CampaignDescription Over the last years Amsterdam has seen a large growth in population and has turned into a chaotic place with lots of hidden dangers. This has caused an increase in accidents involving tourists. To help passengers during their stay, we created a mobile device that expands the ‘care’ of KLM’s crew beyond the plane. The Care Tag is an audio luggage tag equipped with GPS that automatically gives tips and tricks to master Amsterdam, based on your location. A visitor can simply attach the tag to their bag. KLM flight attendants filled the Care Tag with thousands of caring tips. These messages were placed on the city map by coordinates at spots where visitors need more assistance. Like dangerous intersections, unsafe areas with pickpockets, drug nuisance and other tourist traps. Together with the Amsterdam tourist office we collected data of these spots and used it within the Care Tag.

    Care Tag

    案例简介:概要 荷兰皇家荷兰航空公司的雄心是保持最以客户为中心的欧洲航空公司,他们的品牌宗旨是: “通过创造难忘的体验来改变你的世界”。在他们的品牌传播中,他们强调了一个事实,即他们的船员真正关心他们的乘客和整个人。荷兰皇家航空的工作人员付出了额外的努力。荷航要求该机构以相当适度的预算创建一个品牌信息,该信息将触及世界各地的人们,为品牌创造更多的同情,并为荷航的品牌目标做出贡献。人们想分享的信息,因此会产生 “赚来的媒体” 效应。这一信息将吸引荷航乘客 (加强关系并加强他们的品牌偏好),最好也会吸引他们 (创造品牌同情,从而建立品牌偏好)。 战略 主要目标受众是荷兰航空公司的乘客。次要: 潜在客户 (一年多次飞行旅行的人)。没有比创造一种真正的服务来证明他们是这样的更好的方式来传达荷兰皇家航空公司员工关心乘客并为他们提供额外服务的品牌信息。为了接触和吸引尽可能多的人,我们的目标是开发一个具有谈话价值的 “故事”,人们希望分享这个故事,并吸引媒体的关注。我们将技术 (智能设备) 与个人注意力 (荷兰皇家航空公司船员的帮助) 联系起来,以创建荷兰皇家航空公司的护理标签。护理标签与一个备受关注的热门话题联系在一起: 不断增长的人口给阿姆斯特丹带来的压力。KLM Care 标签可以让乘客和居民免受不必要的滋扰 (例如在繁忙的路口)。 结果 Care 标签在全球范围内产生了新闻报道,并被旅游网站和新闻媒体广泛分享,包括 Lonely Planet 和 Fast Company (前 5 个广告),媒体价值为 1600 万英镑这项运动惠及 34 万人。社会情绪为 + 97% 积极。护理标签用户的询问证实,该标签增强了他们的访客体验,他们使用了许多提示,从而实现了行为改变。所有的标签都分发出去了,更多的标签正在生产中。品牌声明 “荷兰皇家航空为其客户付出了额外的努力” 上的品牌声誉提高了 + 50% (暴露与非暴露)。创建该视频是为了激活我们的观众 (订单标签) 并生成公关,点击超过 6.5 次,并生成 33K 以上的回复 (分享、喜欢、评论)。通过这项活动和服务,荷航被证明是世界上最以客户为中心的航空公司。 执行 我们与阿姆斯特丹旅游局一起创建了阿姆斯特丹的热图,收集了游客需要更多帮助的所有城市数据。荷兰皇家航空公司的乘务员记录了成千上万条信息,比如什么时候当心扒手,如何锁上自行车,以及出租车要花多少钱,这样你就不会被骗。荷兰皇家航空乘务员记录了成千上万条信息,比如什么时候注意扒手,如何锁自行车,还有出租车要花多少钱,这样你就不会被骗。还有其他信息,比如如何在城市找到自己的路。当人们经过坐标时,Care 标签会自动播放这些信息。用 6 种不同的语言 (英语、汉语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、德语和俄语) 制作了 10,000 多个护理标签。护理标签被分发给那些用荷兰皇家航空公司买了一张去阿姆斯特丹的票的人。我们还围绕该设备创建了一个引人入胜的在线视频,通过荷航的电子邮件 (与选择这些邮件的乘客) 和社交媒体 (部分通过赞助帖子) 分享了这个视频并将其发送到选定的媒体。 活动描述 在过去的几年里,阿姆斯特丹的人口大幅增长,已经变成了一个混乱的地方,有很多隐患。这导致涉及游客的事故增加。为了在乘客停留期间帮助他们,我们创建了一个移动设备,将荷航机组人员的 “关怀” 扩展到飞机之外。Care Tag 是一款配有全球定位系统的音频行李标签,根据您的位置自动提供掌握阿姆斯特丹的提示和技巧。游客可以简单地将标签贴在他们的包上。荷航空乘人员在护理标签上填写了数千条护理提示。这些信息是通过在游客需要更多帮助的地方的坐标放在城市地图上的。像危险的十字路口、有扒手的不安全区域、毒品滋扰和其他旅游陷阱。我们和阿姆斯特丹旅游局一起收集了这些景点的数据,并在护理标签中使用。

    Care Tag

    案例简介:Synopsis KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has the ambition to stay the most customer-centric European airline and their brand purpose reads: ‘Moving Your World by creating memorable experiences’. In their brand communications they highlight the fact that their crew genuinely cares for their passengers and people in general. KLM staff goes the extra mile. KLM asked agency to create, with a fairly modest budget, a brand message that would touch people worldwide, create sympathy for the brand that goes the extra mile, and contribute to KLM’s brand purpose. A message that people would like to share and thus would generate ‘earned media’ effects. A message that would engage KLM passengers (to strengthen the relationship and reinforce their brand preference) and preferably also prospects (to create brand sympathy and, as a result, build brand preference). Strategy The primary target audience were KLM passengers. Secondary: prospects (people who take more than one flight trip in a year). No better way to bring across the brand message that KLM staff care for their passengers and go the extra mile to service them, than to create a genuine service that proves they do. To reach and engage as many people as possible, we aimed to develop a ‘story’ with talk value, which people would like to share and that would draw the attention from media. We connected tech (a smart device) with personal attention (assistance from KLM crew) to create the KLM Care Tag. The Care Tag tied in to a hot topic that received a lot of attention: the pressure that the growing population puts on the city of Amsterdam. The KLM Care Tag saves both passengers and residents from unnecessary nuisances (for example at busy junctions). Outcome The Care Tag generated worldwide press coverage and was widely shared by travel sites and news media, including Lonely Planet and Fast Company (top 5 ads) for a media value of €1.6M. The campaign reached +34M people. Social sentiment was +97% positive. An enquiry amongst Care Tag users confirmed the tag enhanced their visitor experience and they used many of the tips, which accomplished the behaviour change. All tags were handed out and more tags are in production at this moment. Brand reputation on the brand statement ‘KLM goes the extra mile for its customers’ was raised by +50% (exposed versus non-exposed). The video created to activate our audience (order tag) and generate PR hit over 6.5M views and generated 33K+ responses (Shares, Likes, Comments). With the campaign and service KLM proved to be the most customer-centric airline in the world. Execution Together with the Amsterdam tourist office, we created a heat map of Amsterdam, collecting all city data of spots where visitors need more assistance. KLM flight attendants recorded thousands of messages like when to watch out for pickpockets, how to lock your bike, and how much a taxi cost so you don’t get ripped off.KLM flight attendants recorded thousands of messages, like when to watch out for pickpockets, how to lock your bike, and how much a taxi costs so you don’t get ripped off. But also other messages like how to find your way in the city. The Care Tag played these messages automatically when people passed by the coordinates. Over 10,000 Care Tags were produced in 6 different languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Russian). The Care Tags were handed out to people who bought a ticket with KLM to Amsterdam. We also created an engaging online video around the device, shared this via KLM’s emails (with passengers who opted in for these mails) and social media (partially through sponsored posts) and sent it to selected media. CampaignDescription Over the last years Amsterdam has seen a large growth in population and has turned into a chaotic place with lots of hidden dangers. This has caused an increase in accidents involving tourists. To help passengers during their stay, we created a mobile device that expands the ‘care’ of KLM’s crew beyond the plane. The Care Tag is an audio luggage tag equipped with GPS that automatically gives tips and tricks to master Amsterdam, based on your location. A visitor can simply attach the tag to their bag. KLM flight attendants filled the Care Tag with thousands of caring tips. These messages were placed on the city map by coordinates at spots where visitors need more assistance. Like dangerous intersections, unsafe areas with pickpockets, drug nuisance and other tourist traps. Together with the Amsterdam tourist office we collected data of these spots and used it within the Care Tag.



    Care Tag










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