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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 这场运动让俄罗斯最大的色情艺术博物馆 Tochka G 与其核心目标建立并保持了牢固的联系。研究和焦点小组表明,俄罗斯人 -- 不同于许多其他文化 -- 不将色情与艺术联系在一起,这是主要的弱点。色情的普遍语言被证明是一种可能的力量 (如果使用得当,以感性而非粗俗的方式),是所有成年人中非常相关的共同线索。为了建立色情和艺术之间的这种关系,为了增加游客的数量,我们决定向已经对艺术着迷的人: 成人博物馆观众。 我们选择了普希金博物馆作为我们的公关活动。我们在永久收藏中挑选了一件艺术品,并将其无聊的音频指南描述改为更感性的描述。 然后,从 12月星期六 2012 开始,我们向成人博物馆观众发放了为期一周的免费音频指南。所有画的描述都是一样的,除了一幅,非常性感和有趣。在描述的最后,参观者被告知他们正在观看的展览很棒,但是如果他们想要更激动人心的东西,他们应该去参观 Tochka G 色情博物馆。 在活动结束后的第一个月,游客开始蜂拥而至 (+ 460%),Tochka G 成为线上和线下访问量和讨论最多的景点之一。 描述客户的简报 这项运动的主要目标是吸引新游客参观博物馆。第二个目标是引起轰动,并围绕色情作为一种艺术形式进行辩论。这将开始改变人们的心态,并给博物馆带来更一致的长期结果。 我们关注成人博物馆观众,因为他们已经习惯了参观博物馆,所以他们比其他目标更有可能对我们的活动做出回应。此外,他们已经享受了艺术世界,所以我们只需要找到一种方法来有效地将色情带入这个等式。 结果 在活动结束后的第一个月,游客开始蜂拥而至 (+ 460%),Tochka G 成为该地区访问量和讨论最多的景点之一。 口碑非常成功,人们在多个博客和当地社交网络上谈论我们的公关活动。在活动进行后的头两天,博物馆的 Facebook 页面获得了 2500 多个赞 ( http://www.facebook.com/tochkaG?ref=ts&fref=ts ) 该活动的片段在发布后的头三天内在 Youtube 上被看到了 30.000 多次。 关于色情是否是一种艺术,有很多争论。 以下是一些报道此事的俄罗斯新闻门户网站的链接: ( http://www.advertology.ru/article113913.htm http://presuha.ru/news/economy/1808-muzey-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g-provel-akciyu-v-pushkinskom-muzee.html http://www.solovei.info/raznoe/6684-v-gmii-im-a-s-pushkina-proshla-aktsiya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://www.fontanka.ru/2013/03/25/015/ http://pravdevglaza.ru/interesting_world/another_news/1831-v-pushkinskom-muzee-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g.html http://moi-goda.ru/moskva-v-kurse-sobitiy/ob-erotike--v-muzee http://wlna.info/obshestvo/48105-v-pushkinskom-muzee-proshla-akciya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://polit-gramota.ru/articles/posetiteli-pushkinskogo-muzeya-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g http://www.ruskur.ru/item/news/3024.html ) 执行 作为我们公关活动的场地,我们选择了著名的普希金博物馆。我们在永久收藏中挑选了一件艺术品,并将其无聊的音频指南描述改为更感性的描述。 然后,从 12月星期六 2012 开始,我们向成人博物馆观众发放了为期一周的免费音频指南。所有画的描述都是一样的,除了一幅,非常性感和有趣。在描述的最后,参观者被告知他们正在观看的展览很棒,但是如果他们想要更激动人心的东西,他们应该去参观 Tochka G 色情博物馆。 创造性的执行是成功的,因为它通过非常创新的媒体 -- 音频指南 -- 确定了选定的目标。在人们高度关注的情况下,信息直接通过耳机以一种非常有影响力和意想不到的方式传递。 形势 Tochka G 是俄罗斯最大的色情艺术博物馆。它位于莫斯科市中心,在著名的 Novi Arbat 街。它的永久收藏包括从古代到现在的 3000 多件各种色情艺术作品。 主要问题是俄罗斯及其历史导致了一种普遍的色情态度,这种态度仍然非常保守。换句话说,在俄罗斯人的心目中,色情仍然是一种非常亲密的东西,远离艺术世界。一个庆祝色情历史的博物馆怎么能成为现实俄罗斯人的思想? 战略 该运动的策略是通过公关活动吸引成人博物馆观众,这将产生轰动效应并获得免费媒体空间。事实上, 这场运动的预算非常低,所以我们必须找到一种方法来直接参与核心目标,同时通过传播关于色情的辩论和对话来产生口碑一种艺术形式, 打开和离线。 我们想展示色情不是什么值得害怕或羞愧的事情,相反,这是一种有权作为艺术来庆祝的事情, 因为它从一开始就和我们在一起,毫无疑问,它代表了人类历史上最吸引和最迷人的主题之一。 我们采用的语气非常轻松愉快。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry This campaign allowed Tochka G –the biggest Museum of Erotic art in Russia- to build and preserve a strong bond with its core target. Researches and focus groups showed that Russian people –unlike many other cultures- do not associate eroticism with Art and this was the main weak point. The universal language of eroticism turned out to be a possible strength (if used properly, in a sensual and not vulgar fashion), a very relevant common thread among all adults. In order to establish this relationship between eroticism and art and, in order to raise the number of visitors, we decided to address people who are already fascinated by art: adult Museum goers. We chose the Pushkin Museum for our PR event. We picked a work of art in the permanent collection and changed its boring audio-guide description into a much more sensual one. We then gave out free audio-guides to adult Museum goers for one week, starting on Saturday December, 15th 2012. All the descriptions of the paintings were the same except for one, which was very sexy and fun. At the end of the description, visitors where told that the exhibition they were watching was great but if they wanted something even more exciting, they should visit Tochka G Erotic Museum. In the first month after the campaign, visitors started flocking (+460%) and Tochka G became one of the most visited and discussed attractions on and offline. Describe the brief from the client The primary goal of the campaign was to attract new visitors to the Museum. The second goal was to generate buzz and to create debates around eroticism as a form of art. This would start changing people’s mentality and bringing to the Museum more consistent long term results. We focused on adult Museum goers because they are already used to visit Museums and so they are more likely than other targets to respond to our campaign. Moreover, they already enjoy the world of art so we just needed to find a way to bring eroticism effectively into the equation. Results In the first month after the campaign, visitors started flocking (+460%) and Tochka G became one of the most visited and discussed attractions in the area. Word of mouth was very successful and people talked about our PR campaign on multiple blogs and local social networks. The Facebook page of the Museum gained more than 2500 likes in the first 2 days after the campaign was performed (http://www.facebook.com/tochkaG?ref=ts&fref=ts) and the clip of the event was seen on Youtube more than 30.000 times in the first 3 days after it was posted. There were lots of debates on whether eroticism is an art or not. Here are the links of some of the Russian news portals which wrote about it: (http://www.advertology.ru/article113913.htm http://presuha.ru/news/economy/1808-muzey-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g-provel-akciyu-v-pushkinskom-muzee.html http://www.solovei.info/raznoe/6684-v-gmii-im-a-s-pushkina-proshla-aktsiya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://www.fontanka.ru/2013/03/25/015/ http://pravdevglaza.ru/interesting_world/another_news/1831-v-pushkinskom-muzee-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g.html http://moi-goda.ru/moskva-v-kurse-sobitiy/ob-erotike--v-muzee http://wlna.info/obshestvo/48105-v-pushkinskom-muzee-proshla-akciya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://polit-gramota.ru/articles/posetiteli-pushkinskogo-muzeya-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g http://www.ruskur.ru/item/news/3024.html ) Execution As a venue for our PR event, we chose the famous Pushkin Museum. We picked a work of art in the permanent collection and changed its boring audio-guide description into a much more sensual one. We then gave out free audio-guides to adult Museum goers for one week, starting on Saturday December, 15th 2012. All the descriptions of the paintings were the same except for one, which was very sexy and fun. At the end of the description,visitors where told that the exhibition they were watching was great but if they wanted something even more exciting, they should visit Tochka G Erotic Museum. The creative execution was successful because it pinpointed the selected target through a very innovative media, the audio-guides. The message was delivered in a very impacted and unexpected way directly through the earphones, in a circumstance in which the attention of the people was very high. The Situation Tochka G is the biggest Erotic Art Museum in Russia. It is situated in the center of Moscow, on the famous Novi Arbat street. Its permanent collection consists of more than 3000 pieces of erotic art of all kinds, dating from the ancient times to nowadays. The main issue was that Russia and its history led to a general approach to eroticism which is still very conservative. In other words, in Russian people’s minds eroticism was still something very intimate and far from the world of art. How could a Museum which celebrates eroticism history become relevant in Russian people’s minds? The Strategy The strategy of the campaign was to engage adult Museum goers through a PR event that would generate buzz and gain free Media space. In fact, the budget for this campaign was very low so we had to find a way to both engage the core target directly but at the same time to generate word of mouth by spreading debates and conversations about eroticism being a form of art, on and offline. We wanted to show how eroticism is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of but on the contrary something that has all the right to be celebrated as an art, because it’s been with us since the beginning of time and it undoubtedly represents one of most attracting and fascinating subjects for men throughout history. The tone of voice we adopted was very lighthearted and joyful.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 这场运动让俄罗斯最大的色情艺术博物馆 Tochka G 与其核心目标建立并保持了牢固的联系。研究和焦点小组表明,俄罗斯人 -- 不同于许多其他文化 -- 不将色情与艺术联系在一起,这是主要的弱点。色情的普遍语言被证明是一种可能的力量 (如果使用得当,以感性而非粗俗的方式),是所有成年人中非常相关的共同线索。为了建立色情和艺术之间的这种关系,为了增加游客的数量,我们决定向已经对艺术着迷的人: 成人博物馆观众。 我们选择了普希金博物馆作为我们的公关活动。我们在永久收藏中挑选了一件艺术品,并将其无聊的音频指南描述改为更感性的描述。 然后,从 12月星期六 2012 开始,我们向成人博物馆观众发放了为期一周的免费音频指南。所有画的描述都是一样的,除了一幅,非常性感和有趣。在描述的最后,参观者被告知他们正在观看的展览很棒,但是如果他们想要更激动人心的东西,他们应该去参观 Tochka G 色情博物馆。 在活动结束后的第一个月,游客开始蜂拥而至 (+ 460%),Tochka G 成为线上和线下访问量和讨论最多的景点之一。 描述客户的简报 这项运动的主要目标是吸引新游客参观博物馆。第二个目标是引起轰动,并围绕色情作为一种艺术形式进行辩论。这将开始改变人们的心态,并给博物馆带来更一致的长期结果。 我们关注成人博物馆观众,因为他们已经习惯了参观博物馆,所以他们比其他目标更有可能对我们的活动做出回应。此外,他们已经享受了艺术世界,所以我们只需要找到一种方法来有效地将色情带入这个等式。 结果 在活动结束后的第一个月,游客开始蜂拥而至 (+ 460%),Tochka G 成为该地区访问量和讨论最多的景点之一。 口碑非常成功,人们在多个博客和当地社交网络上谈论我们的公关活动。在活动进行后的头两天,博物馆的 Facebook 页面获得了 2500 多个赞 ( http://www.facebook.com/tochkaG?ref=ts&fref=ts ) 该活动的片段在发布后的头三天内在 Youtube 上被看到了 30.000 多次。 关于色情是否是一种艺术,有很多争论。 以下是一些报道此事的俄罗斯新闻门户网站的链接: ( http://www.advertology.ru/article113913.htm http://presuha.ru/news/economy/1808-muzey-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g-provel-akciyu-v-pushkinskom-muzee.html http://www.solovei.info/raznoe/6684-v-gmii-im-a-s-pushkina-proshla-aktsiya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://www.fontanka.ru/2013/03/25/015/ http://pravdevglaza.ru/interesting_world/another_news/1831-v-pushkinskom-muzee-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g.html http://moi-goda.ru/moskva-v-kurse-sobitiy/ob-erotike--v-muzee http://wlna.info/obshestvo/48105-v-pushkinskom-muzee-proshla-akciya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://polit-gramota.ru/articles/posetiteli-pushkinskogo-muzeya-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g http://www.ruskur.ru/item/news/3024.html ) 执行 作为我们公关活动的场地,我们选择了著名的普希金博物馆。我们在永久收藏中挑选了一件艺术品,并将其无聊的音频指南描述改为更感性的描述。 然后,从 12月星期六 2012 开始,我们向成人博物馆观众发放了为期一周的免费音频指南。所有画的描述都是一样的,除了一幅,非常性感和有趣。在描述的最后,参观者被告知他们正在观看的展览很棒,但是如果他们想要更激动人心的东西,他们应该去参观 Tochka G 色情博物馆。 创造性的执行是成功的,因为它通过非常创新的媒体 -- 音频指南 -- 确定了选定的目标。在人们高度关注的情况下,信息直接通过耳机以一种非常有影响力和意想不到的方式传递。 形势 Tochka G 是俄罗斯最大的色情艺术博物馆。它位于莫斯科市中心,在著名的 Novi Arbat 街。它的永久收藏包括从古代到现在的 3000 多件各种色情艺术作品。 主要问题是俄罗斯及其历史导致了一种普遍的色情态度,这种态度仍然非常保守。换句话说,在俄罗斯人的心目中,色情仍然是一种非常亲密的东西,远离艺术世界。一个庆祝色情历史的博物馆怎么能成为现实俄罗斯人的思想? 战略 该运动的策略是通过公关活动吸引成人博物馆观众,这将产生轰动效应并获得免费媒体空间。事实上, 这场运动的预算非常低,所以我们必须找到一种方法来直接参与核心目标,同时通过传播关于色情的辩论和对话来产生口碑一种艺术形式, 打开和离线。 我们想展示色情不是什么值得害怕或羞愧的事情,相反,这是一种有权作为艺术来庆祝的事情, 因为它从一开始就和我们在一起,毫无疑问,它代表了人类历史上最吸引和最迷人的主题之一。 我们采用的语气非常轻松愉快。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry This campaign allowed Tochka G –the biggest Museum of Erotic art in Russia- to build and preserve a strong bond with its core target. Researches and focus groups showed that Russian people –unlike many other cultures- do not associate eroticism with Art and this was the main weak point. The universal language of eroticism turned out to be a possible strength (if used properly, in a sensual and not vulgar fashion), a very relevant common thread among all adults. In order to establish this relationship between eroticism and art and, in order to raise the number of visitors, we decided to address people who are already fascinated by art: adult Museum goers. We chose the Pushkin Museum for our PR event. We picked a work of art in the permanent collection and changed its boring audio-guide description into a much more sensual one. We then gave out free audio-guides to adult Museum goers for one week, starting on Saturday December, 15th 2012. All the descriptions of the paintings were the same except for one, which was very sexy and fun. At the end of the description, visitors where told that the exhibition they were watching was great but if they wanted something even more exciting, they should visit Tochka G Erotic Museum. In the first month after the campaign, visitors started flocking (+460%) and Tochka G became one of the most visited and discussed attractions on and offline. Describe the brief from the client The primary goal of the campaign was to attract new visitors to the Museum. The second goal was to generate buzz and to create debates around eroticism as a form of art. This would start changing people’s mentality and bringing to the Museum more consistent long term results. We focused on adult Museum goers because they are already used to visit Museums and so they are more likely than other targets to respond to our campaign. Moreover, they already enjoy the world of art so we just needed to find a way to bring eroticism effectively into the equation. Results In the first month after the campaign, visitors started flocking (+460%) and Tochka G became one of the most visited and discussed attractions in the area. Word of mouth was very successful and people talked about our PR campaign on multiple blogs and local social networks. The Facebook page of the Museum gained more than 2500 likes in the first 2 days after the campaign was performed (http://www.facebook.com/tochkaG?ref=ts&fref=ts) and the clip of the event was seen on Youtube more than 30.000 times in the first 3 days after it was posted. There were lots of debates on whether eroticism is an art or not. Here are the links of some of the Russian news portals which wrote about it: (http://www.advertology.ru/article113913.htm http://presuha.ru/news/economy/1808-muzey-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g-provel-akciyu-v-pushkinskom-muzee.html http://www.solovei.info/raznoe/6684-v-gmii-im-a-s-pushkina-proshla-aktsiya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://www.fontanka.ru/2013/03/25/015/ http://pravdevglaza.ru/interesting_world/another_news/1831-v-pushkinskom-muzee-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g.html http://moi-goda.ru/moskva-v-kurse-sobitiy/ob-erotike--v-muzee http://wlna.info/obshestvo/48105-v-pushkinskom-muzee-proshla-akciya-muzeya-eroticheskogo-iskusstva-tochka-g.html http://polit-gramota.ru/articles/posetiteli-pushkinskogo-muzeya-pytalis-nayti-tochku-g http://www.ruskur.ru/item/news/3024.html ) Execution As a venue for our PR event, we chose the famous Pushkin Museum. We picked a work of art in the permanent collection and changed its boring audio-guide description into a much more sensual one. We then gave out free audio-guides to adult Museum goers for one week, starting on Saturday December, 15th 2012. All the descriptions of the paintings were the same except for one, which was very sexy and fun. At the end of the description,visitors where told that the exhibition they were watching was great but if they wanted something even more exciting, they should visit Tochka G Erotic Museum. The creative execution was successful because it pinpointed the selected target through a very innovative media, the audio-guides. The message was delivered in a very impacted and unexpected way directly through the earphones, in a circumstance in which the attention of the people was very high. The Situation Tochka G is the biggest Erotic Art Museum in Russia. It is situated in the center of Moscow, on the famous Novi Arbat street. Its permanent collection consists of more than 3000 pieces of erotic art of all kinds, dating from the ancient times to nowadays. The main issue was that Russia and its history led to a general approach to eroticism which is still very conservative. In other words, in Russian people’s minds eroticism was still something very intimate and far from the world of art. How could a Museum which celebrates eroticism history become relevant in Russian people’s minds? The Strategy The strategy of the campaign was to engage adult Museum goers through a PR event that would generate buzz and gain free Media space. In fact, the budget for this campaign was very low so we had to find a way to both engage the core target directly but at the same time to generate word of mouth by spreading debates and conversations about eroticism being a form of art, on and offline. We wanted to show how eroticism is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of but on the contrary something that has all the right to be celebrated as an art, because it’s been with us since the beginning of time and it undoubtedly represents one of most attracting and fascinating subjects for men throughout history. The tone of voice we adopted was very lighthearted and joyful.













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