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    More Than A Sign短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:简要解释 非营利组织 Dislife 发起的 “不止一个标志” 项目旨在改变非残疾司机的行为,这些司机占用了为残疾人保留的停车位, 忽略地面上的标志。在莫斯科购物中心和商业中心的地下停车位上,我们把平面标志变成了真实残疾人的全息图投影。如果一名非残疾司机试图乘坐残疾人停车场,投影就出现了。之后,反应并不长。这个动画标志已经成为司机寻找另一个合适停车地方的令人信服的理由。 客户简报或目标 俄罗斯超过 30% 的非残疾司机不关心识别标志,并占用为残疾人保留的停车位,给他们带来了很多问题。事实是地面上的标志对司机来说毫无意义。他们总是忘记这些标志背后的人。这就是为什么代表俄罗斯残疾人权利的非营利组织 Dislife 设定了让残疾人受到关注的目标。 结果 全世界都在社交媒体、印刷、在线新闻和电视上谈论这个项目,包括俄罗斯最受欢迎的频道第一频道。这也激发了一份请愿书,要求增加对不正确停车的惩罚,该请愿书被提交给俄罗斯政府。令人难以置信的是,在激活期间,没有司机违反停车规则。鉴于该项目的积极影响,其他商业中心和购物中心都有兴趣加入这项事业。 相关性 创意的力量在于人性化的无菌标志。使用创新和有见地的解决方案 Dislife 设法唤醒了即使在最不礼貌的司机的敏感性。安装在残疾人停车位上的设备能够立即将全息图像投射到一个充满水分散体的薄空气屏幕上,人眼是看不见的。隐藏的摄像头验证了一辆接近的汽车挡风玻璃上存在一个禁用标签。如果没有发现贴纸,一个真正的残疾人的投影会出现在不尊重停车法的司机面前。通过实时对话,投影说服司机找到另一个停车的地方。司机和全息图的互动交流是在隐藏的摄像头上拍摄的,已经成为在线视频的一部分。


    案例简介:Brief Explanation “More than a sign” project launched by the non-profit organization Dislife was aimed to change non-disabled drivers’ behaviors who take parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities, ignoring the signs on the ground. On underground parking spaces of shopping malls and business centers in Moscow, we turned the flat signs into hologram projections of real disabled people. If a non-disabled driver tried to take the disabled parking lot, the projection appeared. After what the reaction was not long in coming. The animated sign had become a convincing argument for the drivers to look for another proper place to park. Client Brief Or Objective More than 30% of non-disabled drivers in Russia don’t care about identification signs and take parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities, creating lots of problems for them. The truth is that the signs on the ground mean nothing for the drivers. They always forget about the people behind these signs. That’s why the non-profit organization Dislife which stands for rights of the disabled in Russia set the goal to make disabled people noticed. Outcome The whole world talked about the project, in social media, print, online press and on TV, including the Channel One, the most popular channel in Russia. It also inspired a petition to increase punishment for incorrect parking, which was sent to the Russian Government. Incredibly, during the period of the activation no driver broke the parking rules. Given the positive impact of the project, other business centers and shopping malls are interested in joining the cause. Relevancy The strength of the creative idea is about humanizing an aseptic sign. Using both innovative and insightful solution Dislife managed to awake the sensitivity even in the most impolite drivers. The equipment installed on disabled parking spaces was able to instantly project a holographic image on a thin air screen saturated with water dispersion, invisible to human eyes. Hidden cams verified the presence of a disabled sticker on windshields of an approaching car. If the sticker wasn’t detected the projection of a real disabled person appeared in front of the driver who didn’t respect the parking law. Through a real-time dialogue the projection persuaded drivers to find another place to park. The interactive communication of drivers and the holograms was filmed on hidden cams and had become a part of an online-video.

    More Than A Sign

    案例简介:简要解释 非营利组织 Dislife 发起的 “不止一个标志” 项目旨在改变非残疾司机的行为,这些司机占用了为残疾人保留的停车位, 忽略地面上的标志。在莫斯科购物中心和商业中心的地下停车位上,我们把平面标志变成了真实残疾人的全息图投影。如果一名非残疾司机试图乘坐残疾人停车场,投影就出现了。之后,反应并不长。这个动画标志已经成为司机寻找另一个合适停车地方的令人信服的理由。 客户简报或目标 俄罗斯超过 30% 的非残疾司机不关心识别标志,并占用为残疾人保留的停车位,给他们带来了很多问题。事实是地面上的标志对司机来说毫无意义。他们总是忘记这些标志背后的人。这就是为什么代表俄罗斯残疾人权利的非营利组织 Dislife 设定了让残疾人受到关注的目标。 结果 全世界都在社交媒体、印刷、在线新闻和电视上谈论这个项目,包括俄罗斯最受欢迎的频道第一频道。这也激发了一份请愿书,要求增加对不正确停车的惩罚,该请愿书被提交给俄罗斯政府。令人难以置信的是,在激活期间,没有司机违反停车规则。鉴于该项目的积极影响,其他商业中心和购物中心都有兴趣加入这项事业。 相关性 创意的力量在于人性化的无菌标志。使用创新和有见地的解决方案 Dislife 设法唤醒了即使在最不礼貌的司机的敏感性。安装在残疾人停车位上的设备能够立即将全息图像投射到一个充满水分散体的薄空气屏幕上,人眼是看不见的。隐藏的摄像头验证了一辆接近的汽车挡风玻璃上存在一个禁用标签。如果没有发现贴纸,一个真正的残疾人的投影会出现在不尊重停车法的司机面前。通过实时对话,投影说服司机找到另一个停车的地方。司机和全息图的互动交流是在隐藏的摄像头上拍摄的,已经成为在线视频的一部分。

    More Than A Sign

    案例简介:Brief Explanation “More than a sign” project launched by the non-profit organization Dislife was aimed to change non-disabled drivers’ behaviors who take parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities, ignoring the signs on the ground. On underground parking spaces of shopping malls and business centers in Moscow, we turned the flat signs into hologram projections of real disabled people. If a non-disabled driver tried to take the disabled parking lot, the projection appeared. After what the reaction was not long in coming. The animated sign had become a convincing argument for the drivers to look for another proper place to park. Client Brief Or Objective More than 30% of non-disabled drivers in Russia don’t care about identification signs and take parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities, creating lots of problems for them. The truth is that the signs on the ground mean nothing for the drivers. They always forget about the people behind these signs. That’s why the non-profit organization Dislife which stands for rights of the disabled in Russia set the goal to make disabled people noticed. Outcome The whole world talked about the project, in social media, print, online press and on TV, including the Channel One, the most popular channel in Russia. It also inspired a petition to increase punishment for incorrect parking, which was sent to the Russian Government. Incredibly, during the period of the activation no driver broke the parking rules. Given the positive impact of the project, other business centers and shopping malls are interested in joining the cause. Relevancy The strength of the creative idea is about humanizing an aseptic sign. Using both innovative and insightful solution Dislife managed to awake the sensitivity even in the most impolite drivers. The equipment installed on disabled parking spaces was able to instantly project a holographic image on a thin air screen saturated with water dispersion, invisible to human eyes. Hidden cams verified the presence of a disabled sticker on windshields of an approaching car. If the sticker wasn’t detected the projection of a real disabled person appeared in front of the driver who didn’t respect the parking law. Through a real-time dialogue the projection persuaded drivers to find another place to park. The interactive communication of drivers and the holograms was filmed on hidden cams and had become a part of an online-video.



    More Than A Sign










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