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    案例简介:概要 亨利·福特的目的是 “向全人类开放高速公路”。福特想帮助人们在生活中前进。该公司一直坚持用自己的方式应对文化挑战。2003 年,福特是欧洲第一家引入 “残疾经理” 和残疾人力资源团队的公司。欧洲福特目前雇佣了 4200 名残疾人。然而,对残疾人的误解无处不在。即使在像荷兰这样的国家,为自己的思想开放而自豪,惊人的 55% 的残疾人正在努力寻找工作。福特的目标是向荷兰人表明,他们应该重视能力有障碍的人,而不是关注他们的局限性。 战略 像所有伟大的特技一样,残疾人不是关于乘客的数量,而是关于学习激活的人数。因此,我们的公关和社交活动非常关注影响力: 广播、电视、报纸、博客和社交平台。特技有三个阶段。1) 发布前为我们的视频生成内容,给媒体和影响者一个难忘的旅程,开始我们的故事。2) 发布活动: 通过参加此次活动的国家媒体分发社交视频和放大。最后 3) 发布后的活动,在国庆节为残疾人带来额外的宣传。 相关性 福特手工业是一个弹出式活动: 世界上第一个只有残疾司机的出租车服务。我们不仅仅是让公众参与进来,而是巧妙地询问有影响力的人、名人、媒体工作人员和最著名的荷兰电台 DJ (数百万听众和社交追随者) 和我们的残疾人出租车司机一起去兜风。这给了我们关注这些名人的媒体以及影响者和名人自己的渠道的杠杆作用。所有到达都是有机生成的。 结果 福特手工业迅速成为社交媒体上的热门话题,达到 460万人 (超过荷兰人口的 25%)。我们在最大的国家广播电台 3FM 和 radio 1 的发射活动的报道达到 430万人。在全国残疾人日,在地方和国家电视节目中采访我们的司机的人数超过 850.000。地区和国家报纸的采访增加了 500.000 人。总到达: 1010万 = 60% 的荷兰人。参与分析显示,60% 的观众表示残疾人士改变了他们对残疾人的偏见。 执行 福特手推车的司机是蒂姆、黛比和塞巴斯蒂安。三位伟大的汉迪大使。在我们的弹出式出租车站,我们要求公众把他们的生命交给有残疾的人。不是每个人都愿意接受这个想法。但是,那些亲身经历的人,有残疾的人是完全有能力的。在发布会前,我们邀请名人 (包括全国最著名的电台 DJ) 和跟随他们的媒体参加残疾人之旅。我们将这些镜头用于我们的社交视频。在实际发布会上,我们发布了关于我们弹出式活动的视频和国家广播、电视、影响者报告,这是 2017 夏天镇上的话题。我们在 12月4日全国残疾人日重新启动残疾人协会。专注于区域英雄 (司机蒂姆),我们激活区域广播、电视和新闻。 活动描述 福特残疾人是世界上第一个只有残疾人司机的出租车服务。在荷兰主要城市的弹出式出租车站,福特手工业向公众提供乘车服务。荷兰人会只关注失踪的肢体,还是能看到一个有能力的出租车司机?他们会进来兜风吗?残疾人特技首先让乘客面对他们对残疾人的有限看法,然后立即用改变生活的旅程和与我们非常有能力的出租车司机的对话来说服他们。除了寻找出租车的普通人之外,我们还邀请当地和国家媒体、有影响力的人和名人来搭车,他们会立即与观众分享。此外,我们创建了一个有影响力的社交视频,让观众体验到与残疾中犹豫不决的乘客完全相同的过程: 与他们的偏见对抗,并在旅途中克服它。


    案例简介:Synopsis Henry Ford’s purpose was to “open the highways to all mankind”. Ford wants to help people forward in life. The company has always been persistent in tackling cultural challenges with their own means. In 2003, Ford was the first company in Europe to introduce a ‘disability manager’ and a disability HR team. Ford of Europe currently employs 4200 people with a disability. Still, misperceptions of people with a disability are everywhere. Even in a country like the Netherlands, so proud of their open-mindedness, a stunning 55% of people with a handicap are struggling to find a job. Ford’s objective is to show the Dutch they should value people with a handicap for their capabilities, instead of focusing on their limitations. Strategy Like all great stunts, Handicab isn’t about the number of passengers, it’s all about the number of people learning about the activation. So our PR and social campaign has a strong focus on reach: Radio, TV, newspapers, blogs and social platforms. The stunt has three stages. 1) A pre-launch to generate content for our video and give media and influencers an unforgettable ride, kick starting our story. 2) The launch event: distributing the social video and amplification via national media that attend this event. And finally 3) a post-launch event, generating extra publicity on the National Day for the handicapped. Relevancy Ford Handicab is a pop-up event: the world’s first taxi service with handicapped drivers only. We don’t just involve the general public, but cleverly ask influencers, celebrities, media crews and the most famous Dutch radio DJ (millions of listeners and social followers) to take a ride with our handicapped taxi drivers as well. This gives us the leverage of both the media that follow these celebrities and the channels of the influencers and celebs themselves. All reach is generated organically. Outcome Ford Handicab quickly becomes trending topic on social media, reaching 4.6 million people (>25% of Dutch population). Coverage of our launch event on the biggest national radio stations, Radio 3FM and Radio 1, reaches 4.3 million people. On the National day for the handicapped, interviews with our drivers on local and national TV shows reach more than 850.000. Interviews in regional and national newspapers reach an additional 500.000 people. Total reach: 10.1 million = 60% of the Dutch. Engagement analysis shows that 60% of our audience indicate that Handicab has changed their prejudice about people with a disability. Execution Drivers of the Ford Handicabs are Tim, Debbie and Sebastiaan. Three great handi-capable ambassadors. At our pop-up cab station, we ask the public to put their lives in the hands of people with a handicap. Not everyone is open to the idea. But the ones that are, experience firsthand that people with a handicap are perfectly capable. At the pre-launch we invite celebrities (including the nation’s most famous radio DJ), and the media that follow them, to take a Handicab ride. We use the footage for our social video. On the actual launch, we distribute the video and national radio, TV, influencers report about our pop-up event, which is the talk of the town in Summer 2017. We relaunch Handicab on December 4th, National Day for the handicapped. Focusing on a regional hero (driver Tim) we activate regional radio, TV and press. CampaignDescription Ford Handicab is the world’s first taxi service with handicapped drivers only. At pop-up cab stations in major Dutch cities Ford Handicab offers rides to the public. Will the Dutch focus on the missing limb only, or are they able to see a capable cab driver? Will they step in for a ride? The Handicab stunt first confronts passengers with their limited view of people with a disability, then immediately convinces them with a life-changing ride and conversation with our very capable cabbies. Next to regular people looking for a cab, we invite local and national media, influencers and celebrities to hop in and take a ride, which they immediately share with their audiences. In addition, we create an impactful social video, so viewers experience the exact same process of the hesitant passengers in the Handicab: confrontation with their prejudice and overcoming it during the ride.


    案例简介:概要 亨利·福特的目的是 “向全人类开放高速公路”。福特想帮助人们在生活中前进。该公司一直坚持用自己的方式应对文化挑战。2003 年,福特是欧洲第一家引入 “残疾经理” 和残疾人力资源团队的公司。欧洲福特目前雇佣了 4200 名残疾人。然而,对残疾人的误解无处不在。即使在像荷兰这样的国家,为自己的思想开放而自豪,惊人的 55% 的残疾人正在努力寻找工作。福特的目标是向荷兰人表明,他们应该重视能力有障碍的人,而不是关注他们的局限性。 战略 像所有伟大的特技一样,残疾人不是关于乘客的数量,而是关于学习激活的人数。因此,我们的公关和社交活动非常关注影响力: 广播、电视、报纸、博客和社交平台。特技有三个阶段。1) 发布前为我们的视频生成内容,给媒体和影响者一个难忘的旅程,开始我们的故事。2) 发布活动: 通过参加此次活动的国家媒体分发社交视频和放大。最后 3) 发布后的活动,在国庆节为残疾人带来额外的宣传。 相关性 福特手工业是一个弹出式活动: 世界上第一个只有残疾司机的出租车服务。我们不仅仅是让公众参与进来,而是巧妙地询问有影响力的人、名人、媒体工作人员和最著名的荷兰电台 DJ (数百万听众和社交追随者) 和我们的残疾人出租车司机一起去兜风。这给了我们关注这些名人的媒体以及影响者和名人自己的渠道的杠杆作用。所有到达都是有机生成的。 结果 福特手工业迅速成为社交媒体上的热门话题,达到 460万人 (超过荷兰人口的 25%)。我们在最大的国家广播电台 3FM 和 radio 1 的发射活动的报道达到 430万人。在全国残疾人日,在地方和国家电视节目中采访我们的司机的人数超过 850.000。地区和国家报纸的采访增加了 500.000 人。总到达: 1010万 = 60% 的荷兰人。参与分析显示,60% 的观众表示残疾人士改变了他们对残疾人的偏见。 执行 福特手推车的司机是蒂姆、黛比和塞巴斯蒂安。三位伟大的汉迪大使。在我们的弹出式出租车站,我们要求公众把他们的生命交给有残疾的人。不是每个人都愿意接受这个想法。但是,那些亲身经历的人,有残疾的人是完全有能力的。在发布会前,我们邀请名人 (包括全国最著名的电台 DJ) 和跟随他们的媒体参加残疾人之旅。我们将这些镜头用于我们的社交视频。在实际发布会上,我们发布了关于我们弹出式活动的视频和国家广播、电视、影响者报告,这是 2017 夏天镇上的话题。我们在 12月4日全国残疾人日重新启动残疾人协会。专注于区域英雄 (司机蒂姆),我们激活区域广播、电视和新闻。 活动描述 福特残疾人是世界上第一个只有残疾人司机的出租车服务。在荷兰主要城市的弹出式出租车站,福特手工业向公众提供乘车服务。荷兰人会只关注失踪的肢体,还是能看到一个有能力的出租车司机?他们会进来兜风吗?残疾人特技首先让乘客面对他们对残疾人的有限看法,然后立即用改变生活的旅程和与我们非常有能力的出租车司机的对话来说服他们。除了寻找出租车的普通人之外,我们还邀请当地和国家媒体、有影响力的人和名人来搭车,他们会立即与观众分享。此外,我们创建了一个有影响力的社交视频,让观众体验到与残疾中犹豫不决的乘客完全相同的过程: 与他们的偏见对抗,并在旅途中克服它。


    案例简介:Synopsis Henry Ford’s purpose was to “open the highways to all mankind”. Ford wants to help people forward in life. The company has always been persistent in tackling cultural challenges with their own means. In 2003, Ford was the first company in Europe to introduce a ‘disability manager’ and a disability HR team. Ford of Europe currently employs 4200 people with a disability. Still, misperceptions of people with a disability are everywhere. Even in a country like the Netherlands, so proud of their open-mindedness, a stunning 55% of people with a handicap are struggling to find a job. Ford’s objective is to show the Dutch they should value people with a handicap for their capabilities, instead of focusing on their limitations. Strategy Like all great stunts, Handicab isn’t about the number of passengers, it’s all about the number of people learning about the activation. So our PR and social campaign has a strong focus on reach: Radio, TV, newspapers, blogs and social platforms. The stunt has three stages. 1) A pre-launch to generate content for our video and give media and influencers an unforgettable ride, kick starting our story. 2) The launch event: distributing the social video and amplification via national media that attend this event. And finally 3) a post-launch event, generating extra publicity on the National Day for the handicapped. Relevancy Ford Handicab is a pop-up event: the world’s first taxi service with handicapped drivers only. We don’t just involve the general public, but cleverly ask influencers, celebrities, media crews and the most famous Dutch radio DJ (millions of listeners and social followers) to take a ride with our handicapped taxi drivers as well. This gives us the leverage of both the media that follow these celebrities and the channels of the influencers and celebs themselves. All reach is generated organically. Outcome Ford Handicab quickly becomes trending topic on social media, reaching 4.6 million people (>25% of Dutch population). Coverage of our launch event on the biggest national radio stations, Radio 3FM and Radio 1, reaches 4.3 million people. On the National day for the handicapped, interviews with our drivers on local and national TV shows reach more than 850.000. Interviews in regional and national newspapers reach an additional 500.000 people. Total reach: 10.1 million = 60% of the Dutch. Engagement analysis shows that 60% of our audience indicate that Handicab has changed their prejudice about people with a disability. Execution Drivers of the Ford Handicabs are Tim, Debbie and Sebastiaan. Three great handi-capable ambassadors. At our pop-up cab station, we ask the public to put their lives in the hands of people with a handicap. Not everyone is open to the idea. But the ones that are, experience firsthand that people with a handicap are perfectly capable. At the pre-launch we invite celebrities (including the nation’s most famous radio DJ), and the media that follow them, to take a Handicab ride. We use the footage for our social video. On the actual launch, we distribute the video and national radio, TV, influencers report about our pop-up event, which is the talk of the town in Summer 2017. We relaunch Handicab on December 4th, National Day for the handicapped. Focusing on a regional hero (driver Tim) we activate regional radio, TV and press. CampaignDescription Ford Handicab is the world’s first taxi service with handicapped drivers only. At pop-up cab stations in major Dutch cities Ford Handicab offers rides to the public. Will the Dutch focus on the missing limb only, or are they able to see a capable cab driver? Will they step in for a ride? The Handicab stunt first confronts passengers with their limited view of people with a disability, then immediately convinces them with a life-changing ride and conversation with our very capable cabbies. Next to regular people looking for a cab, we invite local and national media, influencers and celebrities to hop in and take a ride, which they immediately share with their audiences. In addition, we create an impactful social video, so viewers experience the exact same process of the hesitant passengers in the Handicab: confrontation with their prejudice and overcoming it during the ride.













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