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    Give Me Strength短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:我们都去过那里: 目睹一名愤怒的司机在拥挤的停车场占据了两个空间, 有一个去健身房的同事不尊重我们在更衣室的个人空间,或者因为反复 “寻求帮助” 而想抹去超市里的一台闪烁的自助服务机器。这些普遍恼人的生活状况让我们心怀不满的内部独白在特雷伯最新的创意作品《给我 strength》中得到了回答。七点战役由奥美设计,由摇摇晃晃的安迪 · 麦克劳德执导,后期制作由 Big Buoy 制作,CG 由阿姆斯特丹烟雾镜子制作。每个场景中的主角都由具有喜剧情感的演员代表,他们犯了令人讨厌的失礼。幸运的是,对于愤怒的画外音来说,他们很快就成为了一个又一个比特雷伯最初标志性的结实柔软的薄荷包装更大的生命版本的目标,因为我们注意到标语 “给我 strength”。无论是像猛击公羊一样摇摆,从起重机上摇摆,还是从高处掉落,每个包都被漂亮地执行,令人意想不到,在这个过程中增加了一点枯燥的幽默。虽然大部分破坏在片场完成,但后期制作是增强镜头内特技的关键,这导致了整个完成的活动持续完美的执行。大浮标首席火焰艺术家兼现场主管吉姆 · 艾伦评论道,“我们在拍摄停车场现场时必须克服的挑战之一是天气。这个位置只有在天气阴天的时候才有效,但是前一天晚上的预报显示出晴朗的天空和阳光。我们知道起重机会产生的阴影会给我们带来问题,所以另一种选择是向相反的方向射击。这个新的角度缓解了阴影问题,但带来了非常混乱的背景,这需要在帖子中替换。令人恼火的是,第二天天空完全是灰色的,乌云密布。它也在下雪和-14 °。极端的寒冷使得工作变得非常困难: 改变相机设置和做笔记有点像使用冷冻香肠而不是手指。我用来为 CGI 团队拍摄 HDR 图像的理光 Theta 开始运行非常缓慢,我的 IPad 和手写笔完全停止了响应。我不得不在两次拍摄之间的电火前给他们取暖,以保持他们的工作!一旦主要行动被枪杀,船员和装备从停车场被清除, 我留在后面,拍了一些首选背景的高分辨率静止图像和一些汽车的照片。邮政流程本身进行得非常顺利,该机构非常适合与安迪合作,与安迪合作总是一种乐趣。 “除了在生产阶段砸碎一辆真正的汽车,盘子里的食物、收银台和许多特技演员都受到了身体上的打击,VFX 用来重现或增强标志性的包装,并通过烟雾、灰尘、火花或弹片提供一些额外的戏剧,自然加剧了产生的混乱。《烟与镜》阿姆斯特丹医学博士肯恩 · 麦克雷说,特雷伯的新广告是,“一个大人物并不总是一件坏事的美丽证据”, 他补充说,该团队 “喜欢将一些 CG Trebor 摆动到这个非常单一的、舞台精美的宝石中。有一件事是肯定的: '给我 Strength' 肯定是一场有影响力的运动。


    案例简介:We’ve all been there: witnessed an infuriating driver take up two spaces in a cramped car park, had a fellow gym goer disrespect our personal space in the locker room or wanted to obliterate a bleeping self-service machine in the supermarket for repeatedly ‘seeking assistance’. These universally annoying life situations have allowed our disgruntled internal monologues to be answered in Trebor’s latest creative offering, ‘Give me Strength’. The seven spot campaign, devised by Ogilvy, was directed by Rattling Stick’s Andy Mcleod, featuring post-production by Big Buoy with CG by Smoke & Mirrors Amsterdam. The leading protagonists within each scene are represented by actors with comedic sensibilities who commit cringingly annoying faux pas. Luckily enough for the resentful voiceover, they are quickly targeted one by one by larger than life versions of Trebor’s original iconic strong and soft mint packaging, as we heed the tagline, ‘Give me Strength’. Whether swung as a battering ram, swung from a crane or dropped from a great height, each pack is beautifully executed and brilliantly unexpected, adding a touch of dry humour in the process. Whilst much of the destruction was completed on set, post-production held the key to enhancing the in-camera stunts which resulted in the consistently flawless execution across the completed campaign. Big Buoy Lead Flame Artist and on-set Supervisor, Jim Allen, comments, ‘One of the challenges we had to overcome on the shoot for the car park spot was the weather. The location only worked if the weather was overcast, but the forecast the night before was showing clear skies and sun. We knew the shadows the cranes would create would cause us a problem, so the alternative was to shoot in the opposite direction. This new angle mitigated the shadow issue, but brought about a very messy background, which would need to be replaced in post. Annoyingly, the next day the sky was completely grey and overcast. It was also snowing and -14º. The extreme cold made it very difficult to work: changing camera settings and making notes was a bit like using frozen sausages rather than fingers. The Ricoh Theta which I use to shoot HDR images for the CGI team started operating very slowly and my IPad and stylus stopped responding completely. I had to warm them in front of an electric fire between takes to keep them working! Once the main action had been shot and the crew and gear cleared from the car park, I stayed behind and took some high res still images of the preferred background and some cars to strip into the shot background. The post process itself went very smoothly, the Agency were great to work with and working with Andy is always a pleasure.” Alongside smashing a real car in the production phase, plates of food, checkout tills and numerous stunt-men took a physical blow, with VFX used to recreate or enhance the iconic packaging and supply some extra drama by way of smoke, dust, sparks or shrapnel, naturally accentuating the produced chaos. Smoke & Mirrors Amsterdam MD, Kenn MacRae, states that Trebor’s new ad is, ‘beautiful proof that a big pack shot ain’t always a bad thing”, adding that the team “loved swinging some CG Trebor into this wonderfully single-minded and beautifully-staged gem.” One thing’s for sure: ‘Give Me Strength’ is certainly a campaign with impact.

    Give Me Strength

    案例简介:我们都去过那里: 目睹一名愤怒的司机在拥挤的停车场占据了两个空间, 有一个去健身房的同事不尊重我们在更衣室的个人空间,或者因为反复 “寻求帮助” 而想抹去超市里的一台闪烁的自助服务机器。这些普遍恼人的生活状况让我们心怀不满的内部独白在特雷伯最新的创意作品《给我 strength》中得到了回答。七点战役由奥美设计,由摇摇晃晃的安迪 · 麦克劳德执导,后期制作由 Big Buoy 制作,CG 由阿姆斯特丹烟雾镜子制作。每个场景中的主角都由具有喜剧情感的演员代表,他们犯了令人讨厌的失礼。幸运的是,对于愤怒的画外音来说,他们很快就成为了一个又一个比特雷伯最初标志性的结实柔软的薄荷包装更大的生命版本的目标,因为我们注意到标语 “给我 strength”。无论是像猛击公羊一样摇摆,从起重机上摇摆,还是从高处掉落,每个包都被漂亮地执行,令人意想不到,在这个过程中增加了一点枯燥的幽默。虽然大部分破坏在片场完成,但后期制作是增强镜头内特技的关键,这导致了整个完成的活动持续完美的执行。大浮标首席火焰艺术家兼现场主管吉姆 · 艾伦评论道,“我们在拍摄停车场现场时必须克服的挑战之一是天气。这个位置只有在天气阴天的时候才有效,但是前一天晚上的预报显示出晴朗的天空和阳光。我们知道起重机会产生的阴影会给我们带来问题,所以另一种选择是向相反的方向射击。这个新的角度缓解了阴影问题,但带来了非常混乱的背景,这需要在帖子中替换。令人恼火的是,第二天天空完全是灰色的,乌云密布。它也在下雪和-14 °。极端的寒冷使得工作变得非常困难: 改变相机设置和做笔记有点像使用冷冻香肠而不是手指。我用来为 CGI 团队拍摄 HDR 图像的理光 Theta 开始运行非常缓慢,我的 IPad 和手写笔完全停止了响应。我不得不在两次拍摄之间的电火前给他们取暖,以保持他们的工作!一旦主要行动被枪杀,船员和装备从停车场被清除, 我留在后面,拍了一些首选背景的高分辨率静止图像和一些汽车的照片。邮政流程本身进行得非常顺利,该机构非常适合与安迪合作,与安迪合作总是一种乐趣。 “除了在生产阶段砸碎一辆真正的汽车,盘子里的食物、收银台和许多特技演员都受到了身体上的打击,VFX 用来重现或增强标志性的包装,并通过烟雾、灰尘、火花或弹片提供一些额外的戏剧,自然加剧了产生的混乱。《烟与镜》阿姆斯特丹医学博士肯恩 · 麦克雷说,特雷伯的新广告是,“一个大人物并不总是一件坏事的美丽证据”, 他补充说,该团队 “喜欢将一些 CG Trebor 摆动到这个非常单一的、舞台精美的宝石中。有一件事是肯定的: '给我 Strength' 肯定是一场有影响力的运动。

    Give Me Strength

    案例简介:We’ve all been there: witnessed an infuriating driver take up two spaces in a cramped car park, had a fellow gym goer disrespect our personal space in the locker room or wanted to obliterate a bleeping self-service machine in the supermarket for repeatedly ‘seeking assistance’. These universally annoying life situations have allowed our disgruntled internal monologues to be answered in Trebor’s latest creative offering, ‘Give me Strength’. The seven spot campaign, devised by Ogilvy, was directed by Rattling Stick’s Andy Mcleod, featuring post-production by Big Buoy with CG by Smoke & Mirrors Amsterdam. The leading protagonists within each scene are represented by actors with comedic sensibilities who commit cringingly annoying faux pas. Luckily enough for the resentful voiceover, they are quickly targeted one by one by larger than life versions of Trebor’s original iconic strong and soft mint packaging, as we heed the tagline, ‘Give me Strength’. Whether swung as a battering ram, swung from a crane or dropped from a great height, each pack is beautifully executed and brilliantly unexpected, adding a touch of dry humour in the process. Whilst much of the destruction was completed on set, post-production held the key to enhancing the in-camera stunts which resulted in the consistently flawless execution across the completed campaign. Big Buoy Lead Flame Artist and on-set Supervisor, Jim Allen, comments, ‘One of the challenges we had to overcome on the shoot for the car park spot was the weather. The location only worked if the weather was overcast, but the forecast the night before was showing clear skies and sun. We knew the shadows the cranes would create would cause us a problem, so the alternative was to shoot in the opposite direction. This new angle mitigated the shadow issue, but brought about a very messy background, which would need to be replaced in post. Annoyingly, the next day the sky was completely grey and overcast. It was also snowing and -14º. The extreme cold made it very difficult to work: changing camera settings and making notes was a bit like using frozen sausages rather than fingers. The Ricoh Theta which I use to shoot HDR images for the CGI team started operating very slowly and my IPad and stylus stopped responding completely. I had to warm them in front of an electric fire between takes to keep them working! Once the main action had been shot and the crew and gear cleared from the car park, I stayed behind and took some high res still images of the preferred background and some cars to strip into the shot background. The post process itself went very smoothly, the Agency were great to work with and working with Andy is always a pleasure.” Alongside smashing a real car in the production phase, plates of food, checkout tills and numerous stunt-men took a physical blow, with VFX used to recreate or enhance the iconic packaging and supply some extra drama by way of smoke, dust, sparks or shrapnel, naturally accentuating the produced chaos. Smoke & Mirrors Amsterdam MD, Kenn MacRae, states that Trebor’s new ad is, ‘beautiful proof that a big pack shot ain’t always a bad thing”, adding that the team “loved swinging some CG Trebor into this wonderfully single-minded and beautifully-staged gem.” One thing’s for sure: ‘Give Me Strength’ is certainly a campaign with impact.



    Give Me Strength










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