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    Shark Week Brand Integration短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:当你和一个领先的口腔健康品牌一起参加今年夏天最大的电视活动时,你会得到什么?对于佳洁士和探索频道来说,答案是一次不寻常的牙医之旅,鲨鱼周风格。在这个聪明的,新的品牌整合礼貌的长期合作机构 2C 创意 (“2C”), 一条大白鲨坐在牙医的椅子上,进行一次难忘的 CG 燃料牙齿清洁。2C 在生产创新品牌整合方面有着丰富的历史,被 Discovery 挖掘出来,让副总裁迈克尔 · 艾森鲍姆 (Michael Eisenbaum) 撰写和构思的概念变得生动起来。探索频道和科学频道的品牌娱乐。这个想法包括将鲨鱼周和顶峰放在一起,形成一个幽默、独特和引人注目的定制小插曲。该机构的回应是,将鲨鱼运送到一个非常 “人性化” 的场景中,我们都可以与之联系起来。Eisenbaum 说: “推销疯狂的想法总是很有趣的,当客户实际上给他们一个绿灯时,你会得到一个惊人的机会,让他们被执行。”。“我们知道,如果我们转向 2C,他们会尽一切努力在波峰和探索频道所需的水平上实现这一概念。而且,孩子,他们把它带来了吗?“从一开始,一个关键的考虑是鲨鱼会是什么样子。至关重要的是,这看起来尽可能现实 (即使这种情况在现实中是不可能的)。由于这个项目需要如此高水平的 CG 和现实生活中的集成,很难将成品可视化,所以每个人都需要信任这个艰难的过程,看着它慢慢走到一起。这需要一个重大的信念飞跃,2C 团队最终会到达那里。“我喜欢这个项目的原因是我们能够梦想更大一点, 利用我们可以使用的每一种工具,扩大这个空间中典型的想象力极限…… 通过一鸣惊人的感觉和促销预算和时间表,给生活带来一些幻想, 2C 真人/创意总监布莱恩 · 埃洛说。“为这个网络和这种具有这种完成程度的赞助商创建一个定制点是非常令人惊讶的。 “密集的效果驱动的努力包括使用穿着绿色西装和鲨鱼头盔的鲨鱼替身仔细拍摄牙医办公室场景,为清洁工提供参考。“真人拍摄必须对我们的渲染密集型 Cinema 4D 进行建模、动画、纹理和照明敏感, 2C 设计总监路易斯 · 马丁内斯说,他和 3D 艺术家安迪 · 费尔南德斯和德米特里 · 扎维亚兹一起指导了设计过程(谁也处理达芬奇色彩校正)。克里斯 · 沃尔兹担任该项目的高级编辑。“将鲨鱼融入场景是一个缓慢、深思熟虑的过程,一个月来,需要为最后的 10 个合成镜头渲染大约 40 个小时,但结果是非常值得的。 “电视上最长的跑步必看电视活动充满了鲨鱼!鲨鱼周 2018 -- 年度特许经营权的第 30 期 -- 于 7月22日星期日开始,为期八天的以鲨鱼为中心的特价活动。


    案例简介:What do you get when you cross a leading oral health brand with the biggest TV event of the summer? For Crest and Discovery Channel, the answer is one rather unusual trip to the dentist, Shark Week style. In this clever, new brand integration courtesy of long-time collaborating agency 2C Creative (“2C”), a great white shark gets a seat in the dentist’s chair for an unforgettable CG-fueled teeth cleaning. 2C, which has a rich history of producing innovative brand integrations, was tapped by Discovery to give life to a concept written and conceived by Michael Eisenbaum, Vice President, Branded Entertainment at Discovery Channel and Science Channel. The idea involved putting Shark Week and Crest together in a humorous, unique and attention grabbing custom vignette. The agency responded by leaning into a powerful combo of live action and CG to transport a shark into a very “human” scenario to which we all can relate. “It’s always fun to pitch crazy ideas and when the client actually gives the greenlight to one them, you get that amazing opportunity to blow them away with execution,” said Eisenbaum. “We knew if we turned to 2C, they would do everything within their power to bring this concept to life at the level we needed for both Crest and Discovery Channel. And, boy, did they bring it!” From the beginning, a key consideration was what the shark would look like. It was essential that this appear as realistic as possible (even though the scenario is impossible in reality). With the project requiring such a high level of CG and real-life integration, it was hard to visualize the finished product, so everyone needed to trust the arduous process and watch it slowly come together. That required a significant leap of faith that the 2C team would eventually get there. “What I love about this project is that we were able to dream a little bigger, utilize every tool at our disposal and expand the typical limits of imagination in this space …bringing something fantastical to life with a blockbuster feel and yet a promo budget and timeline,” said 2C Live-Action/Creative Director Brian Eloe. “It’s pretty amazing getting to create a custom spot for this network and this type of sponsor that has this level of finish to it.” The intensive, effects-driven effort involved carefully shooting the dentist office scenes using a shark stand-in wearing a green suit and shark helmet, providing reference for the hygienist giving the cleaning. “The live-action shoot had to be sensitive to our render-intensive Cinema 4D for modeling, animating, texturing and lighting, as well as the roto and composite work that would happen later in post,” said 2C Design Director Luis Martinez, who shepherded the design process alongside 3D Artists/Compositors Andy Fernandez and Dmitri Zavyazkin (who also handled the DaVinci color correction). Chris Volz served as the project’s Senior Editor. “The integration of the shark into the scene was a slow, deliberate process over a month involving some 40 hours of rendering for the final composited 10 shots, but the result was well worth it.” Television’s longest running must-see TV event is filled with all things sharks! Shark Week 2018 – the 30th installment of the annual franchise – kicked off Sunday, July 22, with eight days of shark-centric specials.

    Shark Week Brand Integration

    案例简介:当你和一个领先的口腔健康品牌一起参加今年夏天最大的电视活动时,你会得到什么?对于佳洁士和探索频道来说,答案是一次不寻常的牙医之旅,鲨鱼周风格。在这个聪明的,新的品牌整合礼貌的长期合作机构 2C 创意 (“2C”), 一条大白鲨坐在牙医的椅子上,进行一次难忘的 CG 燃料牙齿清洁。2C 在生产创新品牌整合方面有着丰富的历史,被 Discovery 挖掘出来,让副总裁迈克尔 · 艾森鲍姆 (Michael Eisenbaum) 撰写和构思的概念变得生动起来。探索频道和科学频道的品牌娱乐。这个想法包括将鲨鱼周和顶峰放在一起,形成一个幽默、独特和引人注目的定制小插曲。该机构的回应是,将鲨鱼运送到一个非常 “人性化” 的场景中,我们都可以与之联系起来。Eisenbaum 说: “推销疯狂的想法总是很有趣的,当客户实际上给他们一个绿灯时,你会得到一个惊人的机会,让他们被执行。”。“我们知道,如果我们转向 2C,他们会尽一切努力在波峰和探索频道所需的水平上实现这一概念。而且,孩子,他们把它带来了吗?“从一开始,一个关键的考虑是鲨鱼会是什么样子。至关重要的是,这看起来尽可能现实 (即使这种情况在现实中是不可能的)。由于这个项目需要如此高水平的 CG 和现实生活中的集成,很难将成品可视化,所以每个人都需要信任这个艰难的过程,看着它慢慢走到一起。这需要一个重大的信念飞跃,2C 团队最终会到达那里。“我喜欢这个项目的原因是我们能够梦想更大一点, 利用我们可以使用的每一种工具,扩大这个空间中典型的想象力极限…… 通过一鸣惊人的感觉和促销预算和时间表,给生活带来一些幻想, 2C 真人/创意总监布莱恩 · 埃洛说。“为这个网络和这种具有这种完成程度的赞助商创建一个定制点是非常令人惊讶的。 “密集的效果驱动的努力包括使用穿着绿色西装和鲨鱼头盔的鲨鱼替身仔细拍摄牙医办公室场景,为清洁工提供参考。“真人拍摄必须对我们的渲染密集型 Cinema 4D 进行建模、动画、纹理和照明敏感, 2C 设计总监路易斯 · 马丁内斯说,他和 3D 艺术家安迪 · 费尔南德斯和德米特里 · 扎维亚兹一起指导了设计过程(谁也处理达芬奇色彩校正)。克里斯 · 沃尔兹担任该项目的高级编辑。“将鲨鱼融入场景是一个缓慢、深思熟虑的过程,一个月来,需要为最后的 10 个合成镜头渲染大约 40 个小时,但结果是非常值得的。 “电视上最长的跑步必看电视活动充满了鲨鱼!鲨鱼周 2018 -- 年度特许经营权的第 30 期 -- 于 7月22日星期日开始,为期八天的以鲨鱼为中心的特价活动。

    Shark Week Brand Integration

    案例简介:What do you get when you cross a leading oral health brand with the biggest TV event of the summer? For Crest and Discovery Channel, the answer is one rather unusual trip to the dentist, Shark Week style. In this clever, new brand integration courtesy of long-time collaborating agency 2C Creative (“2C”), a great white shark gets a seat in the dentist’s chair for an unforgettable CG-fueled teeth cleaning. 2C, which has a rich history of producing innovative brand integrations, was tapped by Discovery to give life to a concept written and conceived by Michael Eisenbaum, Vice President, Branded Entertainment at Discovery Channel and Science Channel. The idea involved putting Shark Week and Crest together in a humorous, unique and attention grabbing custom vignette. The agency responded by leaning into a powerful combo of live action and CG to transport a shark into a very “human” scenario to which we all can relate. “It’s always fun to pitch crazy ideas and when the client actually gives the greenlight to one them, you get that amazing opportunity to blow them away with execution,” said Eisenbaum. “We knew if we turned to 2C, they would do everything within their power to bring this concept to life at the level we needed for both Crest and Discovery Channel. And, boy, did they bring it!” From the beginning, a key consideration was what the shark would look like. It was essential that this appear as realistic as possible (even though the scenario is impossible in reality). With the project requiring such a high level of CG and real-life integration, it was hard to visualize the finished product, so everyone needed to trust the arduous process and watch it slowly come together. That required a significant leap of faith that the 2C team would eventually get there. “What I love about this project is that we were able to dream a little bigger, utilize every tool at our disposal and expand the typical limits of imagination in this space …bringing something fantastical to life with a blockbuster feel and yet a promo budget and timeline,” said 2C Live-Action/Creative Director Brian Eloe. “It’s pretty amazing getting to create a custom spot for this network and this type of sponsor that has this level of finish to it.” The intensive, effects-driven effort involved carefully shooting the dentist office scenes using a shark stand-in wearing a green suit and shark helmet, providing reference for the hygienist giving the cleaning. “The live-action shoot had to be sensitive to our render-intensive Cinema 4D for modeling, animating, texturing and lighting, as well as the roto and composite work that would happen later in post,” said 2C Design Director Luis Martinez, who shepherded the design process alongside 3D Artists/Compositors Andy Fernandez and Dmitri Zavyazkin (who also handled the DaVinci color correction). Chris Volz served as the project’s Senior Editor. “The integration of the shark into the scene was a slow, deliberate process over a month involving some 40 hours of rendering for the final composited 10 shots, but the result was well worth it.” Television’s longest running must-see TV event is filled with all things sharks! Shark Week 2018 – the 30th installment of the annual franchise – kicked off Sunday, July 22, with eight days of shark-centric specials.



    Shark Week Brand Integration










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