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    The Fairest Night of All短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 我们分享了一个非常强大的见解,那就是男人在俱乐部里很难找到女人。部分是因为他们自己的身体限制,部分是因为所有漂亮的男人 -- 只有一个微笑就能引起所有女孩的注意的男人。所以,我们在周六晚上下午10点组装了一个假铸件,将门多萨所有最大的鞋钉聚集在一起,并向他们承诺一件事:成为门多萨历史上最伟大的商业活动的一部分。在选角过程中,我们还举办了一个大型的秘密派对,给凡人一个独特的机会: 享受一个没有竞争的夜晚。这两个事件都被记录下来,我们用这个镜头制作了一个讲述这个故事的视频,后来在社交网络和 YouTube 上疯传。 相关性 通过这次活动,我们能够接触到我们的整个目标受众,他们喜欢这种体验,并在网上对品牌发表了积极的评论。 战略 该策略是继续代表安第斯作为一个年轻的品牌,同时为我们的目标受众,18 至 24 岁的年轻人创造相关内容。我们想在那些对他们来说真实的地方给他们惊喜,并在那里开始对话。为了做到这一点,我们给了他们两个有吸引力的机会 -- 在俱乐部举行聚会,参加啤酒广告的机会以及随之而来的所有名声。 概要 该项目的目标是加强安第斯山脉是一个年轻而真实的品牌的想法,专门针对 18-24 岁的年轻人。我们还想重新想象我们交流的语气,展示领导力,并在信息和我们与目标受众的联系方式上与竞争对手区分开来。 结果 该品牌在许多类别中显著增加。“年轻品牌” 品类增加 12 分,“正品品牌” 品类增加 8 分。就社交网络上生成的内容而言,社交媒体内容大大超过了平均参与度,达到了 80% 的目标受众。100% 的观点是有机的,这个想法甚至被各种新闻媒体、报纸和网站接受,导致全球曝光,而不仅仅是区域性的。 # lanochemasjusta 是该地区的热门话题。成千上万来自世界各地的年轻人也要求他们自己最公平的夜晚。超过 370 个螺柱参加了选角,给了普通人 370 倍的几率 (那天晚上)。 执行 我们发布了一个电台、副总裁和社交网络活动预告,为门多萨最性感的人打公开电话。我们向伙计们保证,他们会参加有史以来最不可思议的啤酒广告,并在门多萨的喜来登酒店组织了一次假选角,那里有 370 多名年轻人出现。同一天晚上,我们在这个城市最受欢迎的俱乐部,黑雅格俱乐部举行了一个聚会,派对结束后,我们立即在社交网络上上传了 “最公平的夜晚” 的证据。人们立即意识到发生了什么,并开始评论和直接与品牌互动。


    案例简介:Campaign Description We shared a very powerful insight, which is that it’s often difficult for men to pick women up at the club. Partly because of their own physical limitations and partly because of all the good-looking guys out there – guys who, with just one smile, get all the girls’ attention.So, we put together a fake casting on a Saturday night at 10pm, bringing together all the biggest studs in Mendoza and promising them one thing: to be part of the greatest commercial in the history of Mendoza. While the casting was taking place, we also threw a massive secret party, giving mortal men a unique opportunity: enjoy a night out without the competition. Both events were documented and we used this footage to create a video telling the story, which later went viral on social networks and YouTube. Relevancy Through this campaign we were able to reach our entire target audience, who had enjoyed the experience and expressed it with positive comments about the brand online. Strategy The strategy was to continue to represent Andes as a young brand while generating relevant content for our target audience, young people ages 18 to 24. We wanted to surprise them in those places that are authentic to them and start a conversation there. To do that, we gave them two attractive opportunities – a party at a club and the chance to participate in a beer ad and all the fame that comes with it. Synopsis The goal of the project was to reinforce the idea that Andes is a young and authentic brand, specifically targeting young people ages 18-24. We also wanted to reimagine the tone with which we communicated, showing leadership and setting ourselves apart from the competition in both message and the way we connect with our target audience. Outcome The brand saw a significant increase in many categories. The “Young Brand” category increased by 12 points, while the “Authentic Brand” category increased by 8 points.In terms of content generated on social networks, social media content greatly exceeded average engagement, reaching 80% of our target audience. 100% of the views were organic and the idea was even picked up by various news media, newspapers, and websites, leading to global exposure, rather than simply regional.#lanochemasjusta was a trending topic in the region.Thousands of young people from around the world also requested their own Fairest Night of All. More than 370 studs attended the casting, giving the common man 370 times better odds (that night). Execution We put out a radio, VP, and social networks campaign teaser advertising an open call for the hunkiest guys in Mendoza. We promised guys they’d be participating in the most incredible beer ad ever and organized a fake casting in the Sheraton Hotel in Mendoza where more than 370 young men showed up.On the same night, we put on a party at the most popular club in the city, The Black Jager Club, which none of the studs in the city attended.Once the party was over, we immediately uploaded evidence of “The Fairest Night of all” on social networks. People immediately realized what had happened and began commenting and interacting directly with the brand.

    The Fairest Night of All

    案例简介:活动描述 我们分享了一个非常强大的见解,那就是男人在俱乐部里很难找到女人。部分是因为他们自己的身体限制,部分是因为所有漂亮的男人 -- 只有一个微笑就能引起所有女孩的注意的男人。所以,我们在周六晚上下午10点组装了一个假铸件,将门多萨所有最大的鞋钉聚集在一起,并向他们承诺一件事:成为门多萨历史上最伟大的商业活动的一部分。在选角过程中,我们还举办了一个大型的秘密派对,给凡人一个独特的机会: 享受一个没有竞争的夜晚。这两个事件都被记录下来,我们用这个镜头制作了一个讲述这个故事的视频,后来在社交网络和 YouTube 上疯传。 相关性 通过这次活动,我们能够接触到我们的整个目标受众,他们喜欢这种体验,并在网上对品牌发表了积极的评论。 战略 该策略是继续代表安第斯作为一个年轻的品牌,同时为我们的目标受众,18 至 24 岁的年轻人创造相关内容。我们想在那些对他们来说真实的地方给他们惊喜,并在那里开始对话。为了做到这一点,我们给了他们两个有吸引力的机会 -- 在俱乐部举行聚会,参加啤酒广告的机会以及随之而来的所有名声。 概要 该项目的目标是加强安第斯山脉是一个年轻而真实的品牌的想法,专门针对 18-24 岁的年轻人。我们还想重新想象我们交流的语气,展示领导力,并在信息和我们与目标受众的联系方式上与竞争对手区分开来。 结果 该品牌在许多类别中显著增加。“年轻品牌” 品类增加 12 分,“正品品牌” 品类增加 8 分。就社交网络上生成的内容而言,社交媒体内容大大超过了平均参与度,达到了 80% 的目标受众。100% 的观点是有机的,这个想法甚至被各种新闻媒体、报纸和网站接受,导致全球曝光,而不仅仅是区域性的。 # lanochemasjusta 是该地区的热门话题。成千上万来自世界各地的年轻人也要求他们自己最公平的夜晚。超过 370 个螺柱参加了选角,给了普通人 370 倍的几率 (那天晚上)。 执行 我们发布了一个电台、副总裁和社交网络活动预告,为门多萨最性感的人打公开电话。我们向伙计们保证,他们会参加有史以来最不可思议的啤酒广告,并在门多萨的喜来登酒店组织了一次假选角,那里有 370 多名年轻人出现。同一天晚上,我们在这个城市最受欢迎的俱乐部,黑雅格俱乐部举行了一个聚会,派对结束后,我们立即在社交网络上上传了 “最公平的夜晚” 的证据。人们立即意识到发生了什么,并开始评论和直接与品牌互动。

    The Fairest Night of All

    案例简介:Campaign Description We shared a very powerful insight, which is that it’s often difficult for men to pick women up at the club. Partly because of their own physical limitations and partly because of all the good-looking guys out there – guys who, with just one smile, get all the girls’ attention.So, we put together a fake casting on a Saturday night at 10pm, bringing together all the biggest studs in Mendoza and promising them one thing: to be part of the greatest commercial in the history of Mendoza. While the casting was taking place, we also threw a massive secret party, giving mortal men a unique opportunity: enjoy a night out without the competition. Both events were documented and we used this footage to create a video telling the story, which later went viral on social networks and YouTube. Relevancy Through this campaign we were able to reach our entire target audience, who had enjoyed the experience and expressed it with positive comments about the brand online. Strategy The strategy was to continue to represent Andes as a young brand while generating relevant content for our target audience, young people ages 18 to 24. We wanted to surprise them in those places that are authentic to them and start a conversation there. To do that, we gave them two attractive opportunities – a party at a club and the chance to participate in a beer ad and all the fame that comes with it. Synopsis The goal of the project was to reinforce the idea that Andes is a young and authentic brand, specifically targeting young people ages 18-24. We also wanted to reimagine the tone with which we communicated, showing leadership and setting ourselves apart from the competition in both message and the way we connect with our target audience. Outcome The brand saw a significant increase in many categories. The “Young Brand” category increased by 12 points, while the “Authentic Brand” category increased by 8 points.In terms of content generated on social networks, social media content greatly exceeded average engagement, reaching 80% of our target audience. 100% of the views were organic and the idea was even picked up by various news media, newspapers, and websites, leading to global exposure, rather than simply regional.#lanochemasjusta was a trending topic in the region.Thousands of young people from around the world also requested their own Fairest Night of All. More than 370 studs attended the casting, giving the common man 370 times better odds (that night). Execution We put out a radio, VP, and social networks campaign teaser advertising an open call for the hunkiest guys in Mendoza. We promised guys they’d be participating in the most incredible beer ad ever and organized a fake casting in the Sheraton Hotel in Mendoza where more than 370 young men showed up.On the same night, we put on a party at the most popular club in the city, The Black Jager Club, which none of the studs in the city attended.Once the party was over, we immediately uploaded evidence of “The Fairest Night of all” on social networks. People immediately realized what had happened and began commenting and interacting directly with the brand.



    The Fairest Night of All










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