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    The Slow Down GPS短视频广告营销案例



    慢下来的 GPS

    案例简介:为了让司机在最重要的地方减速,我们开发了 sat nav 应用程序 “减速 gps”。这就像任何其他语音导航应用程序一样,除了一个幼稚的功能: 当在更有可能是孩子的地方开车时,导航声音会自动切换到孩子的声音。我们认为它是一个微妙的 “音频符号”,上面写着 “玩耍的孩子”。 活动描述 为了让司机放慢速度,我们使用移动技术来影响人类行为。主要的见解是,人类被编程来对孩子的声音做出反应 (它在我们的 DNA 中)。因此,我们开发了一个 sat 导航应用程序,当在儿童密集的地区开车时,普通成人导航语音会自动切换到儿童的语音, 一些对司机周围环境有直接影响的事情。在第一个版本中,增加了瑞典、挪威和芬兰所有学校和日托中心的位置(+ 30000 独特的长/纬度位置)。通过众包,人们能够提出更多的位置,在那里声音应该切换到孩子的声音。 执行 这次发射是在暑假后学校开始的时候精心挑选的。它于 2015年6月在瑞典、挪威和芬兰发布,供免费下载,并可在应用商店和谷歌 play 上使用。特点:-转弯导航和语音导航驾驶。 -在儿童可能出现的地区,语音导航会改变儿童的声音 (在瑞典,芬兰和挪威)。-最短和最快的路线选项。-基于 OpenStreetMap (OSM) 和 Scout API & SDK 的高质量地图数据 结果 -这个故事传播到 164 个国家,并赢得了 8750万人的潜在影响。 -发布后,慢速 GPS 成为斯堪的纳维亚第二大下载导航应用。 -20.000 人在头两周参与并贡献了对儿童密集地区的当地知识。 -品牌喜好: 超过目标 46%。目标是在 50% 的目标受众中产生高品牌喜好 (即通常通过表现良好的 If 活动来实现)。结果是,73% 的人报告说,作为活动的影响,他们对品牌的喜好很高。If 的历史新高。-它被选为瑞典国家道路和运输研究所关于交通安全的研究项目,这可能会进一步传播应用程序和信息。 概要 保险是人们能想到的最无聊的事情之一。然而,机会在于谈论人们确实觉得有趣的事情,并找到一种方法让我们的保险品牌在这种背景下成为自然英雄。因此,我们寻找的东西比广告更广泛的关注。人们可以识别和参与的东西。保险公司如果想找到解决办法,一个日益严重的问题是,压力大的司机不会坚持学校和幼儿园附近的速度限制,这显然会导致更多涉及儿童的车祸。 战略 如果保险的目标受众主要是 30 到 55 岁之间的人,孩子们住在家里。此外,绝大多数目标受众拥有一辆汽车。该活动的目标是现有和潜在客户。虽然你是现有的客户,但你很少和你的保险公司有密切的关系 (除非你发生了什么事)。因此,我们的解决方案是相关的,因为它在目标受众和品牌之间建立了更强的联系, 它与目标受众相关,原因显而易见 -- 为他们的孩子和周围的孩子提供一个更安全的环境。

    慢下来的 GPS

    案例简介:In an effort to get drivers to slow down where it matters the most, we’ve developed the sat nav app 'Slow Down GPS'. It’s like any other voice navigation app, except for one childish feature: when driving in areas where it's more likely to be children around, the navigation voice automatically switches to a child’s voice. We think of it as a subtle 'audio sign' that says 'Children at play'. Campaign Description In an effort to get drivers to slow down we used mobile technology to affect human behavior. The main insight is that humans are programmed to react to a child’s voice (it’s in our DNA). Therefore, we developed a sat nav app where the ordinary adult navigation voice automatically switches to a child’s voice when driving in child-dense areas, something that will have an immediate effect on the drivers about their surroundings.In the first version, locations for all schools and daycare centers in Sweden, Norway and Finland had been added (+30000 unique long/lat positions). And through crowdsourcing people were able to suggest more locations where the voice should switch to a child’s voice. Execution The launch was carefully chosen to the time of school start after summer holidays. It was released in Sweden, Norway & Finland for free download in June 2015 and was available in both App Store and Google play.Features:– Turn-by-turn navigation and voice navigation for driving.– Voice navigation changes to child’s voice in areas where children are likely to be (available in Sweden, Finland and Norway).– Shortest and Fastest route options.– Quality Map data, based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Scout API & SDK Outcome - The story spread to 164 countries and earned a potential reach of 87.5 million people.– After launch Slow Down GPS became the second most downloaded navigation app in Scandinavia.– 20.000 people got engaged and contributed during the first two weeks with local knowledge of child-dense areas.– Brand liking: +46% over target. The goal was to generate a high brand liking among 50% of the target audience (i.e. normally achieved by well-performing campaigns for If). The outcome was that 73% reported a high brand liking as an effect of the campaign. An all time high for If.– It’s been selected for a research program regarding traffic safety at The Swedish National Road and Transport Institute, creating possible further spread of the app and of the message. Synopsis Insurance is one of the most boring things people can think of. The opportunity, however, lies within talking about something that people do find interesting and find a way to make our insurance brand become a natural hero within that context. Accordingly, we searched for something of broader concern than advertising. Something that people could identify and engage with.An increasing problem that insurance company If wanted to find a solution to is that stressed drivers don’t adhere to speed limitations near schools and kindergartens, which consequently leads to more car accidents involving children. Strategy If Insurances target audience are mainly people between 30 and 55, with children living at home. Also, a vast majority of the target audience owns a car. The campaign was targeted towards both existing and potential clients. Although being an existing customer, you seldom have a close relationship to your insurance company (unless something has happened to you). Therefore, our solution was relevant since it creates a stronger bond between the target audience and the brand, and it was relevant to the target audience for obvious reasons – a safer environment for their kids and kids around them.

    The Slow Down GPS

    案例简介:为了让司机在最重要的地方减速,我们开发了 sat nav 应用程序 “减速 gps”。这就像任何其他语音导航应用程序一样,除了一个幼稚的功能: 当在更有可能是孩子的地方开车时,导航声音会自动切换到孩子的声音。我们认为它是一个微妙的 “音频符号”,上面写着 “玩耍的孩子”。 活动描述 为了让司机放慢速度,我们使用移动技术来影响人类行为。主要的见解是,人类被编程来对孩子的声音做出反应 (它在我们的 DNA 中)。因此,我们开发了一个 sat 导航应用程序,当在儿童密集的地区开车时,普通成人导航语音会自动切换到儿童的语音, 一些对司机周围环境有直接影响的事情。在第一个版本中,增加了瑞典、挪威和芬兰所有学校和日托中心的位置(+ 30000 独特的长/纬度位置)。通过众包,人们能够提出更多的位置,在那里声音应该切换到孩子的声音。 执行 这次发射是在暑假后学校开始的时候精心挑选的。它于 2015年6月在瑞典、挪威和芬兰发布,供免费下载,并可在应用商店和谷歌 play 上使用。特点:-转弯导航和语音导航驾驶。 -在儿童可能出现的地区,语音导航会改变儿童的声音 (在瑞典,芬兰和挪威)。-最短和最快的路线选项。-基于 OpenStreetMap (OSM) 和 Scout API & SDK 的高质量地图数据 结果 -这个故事传播到 164 个国家,并赢得了 8750万人的潜在影响。 -发布后,慢速 GPS 成为斯堪的纳维亚第二大下载导航应用。 -20.000 人在头两周参与并贡献了对儿童密集地区的当地知识。 -品牌喜好: 超过目标 46%。目标是在 50% 的目标受众中产生高品牌喜好 (即通常通过表现良好的 If 活动来实现)。结果是,73% 的人报告说,作为活动的影响,他们对品牌的喜好很高。If 的历史新高。-它被选为瑞典国家道路和运输研究所关于交通安全的研究项目,这可能会进一步传播应用程序和信息。 概要 保险是人们能想到的最无聊的事情之一。然而,机会在于谈论人们确实觉得有趣的事情,并找到一种方法让我们的保险品牌在这种背景下成为自然英雄。因此,我们寻找的东西比广告更广泛的关注。人们可以识别和参与的东西。保险公司如果想找到解决办法,一个日益严重的问题是,压力大的司机不会坚持学校和幼儿园附近的速度限制,这显然会导致更多涉及儿童的车祸。 战略 如果保险的目标受众主要是 30 到 55 岁之间的人,孩子们住在家里。此外,绝大多数目标受众拥有一辆汽车。该活动的目标是现有和潜在客户。虽然你是现有的客户,但你很少和你的保险公司有密切的关系 (除非你发生了什么事)。因此,我们的解决方案是相关的,因为它在目标受众和品牌之间建立了更强的联系, 它与目标受众相关,原因显而易见 -- 为他们的孩子和周围的孩子提供一个更安全的环境。

    The Slow Down GPS

    案例简介:In an effort to get drivers to slow down where it matters the most, we’ve developed the sat nav app 'Slow Down GPS'. It’s like any other voice navigation app, except for one childish feature: when driving in areas where it's more likely to be children around, the navigation voice automatically switches to a child’s voice. We think of it as a subtle 'audio sign' that says 'Children at play'. Campaign Description In an effort to get drivers to slow down we used mobile technology to affect human behavior. The main insight is that humans are programmed to react to a child’s voice (it’s in our DNA). Therefore, we developed a sat nav app where the ordinary adult navigation voice automatically switches to a child’s voice when driving in child-dense areas, something that will have an immediate effect on the drivers about their surroundings.In the first version, locations for all schools and daycare centers in Sweden, Norway and Finland had been added (+30000 unique long/lat positions). And through crowdsourcing people were able to suggest more locations where the voice should switch to a child’s voice. Execution The launch was carefully chosen to the time of school start after summer holidays. It was released in Sweden, Norway & Finland for free download in June 2015 and was available in both App Store and Google play.Features:– Turn-by-turn navigation and voice navigation for driving.– Voice navigation changes to child’s voice in areas where children are likely to be (available in Sweden, Finland and Norway).– Shortest and Fastest route options.– Quality Map data, based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Scout API & SDK Outcome - The story spread to 164 countries and earned a potential reach of 87.5 million people.– After launch Slow Down GPS became the second most downloaded navigation app in Scandinavia.– 20.000 people got engaged and contributed during the first two weeks with local knowledge of child-dense areas.– Brand liking: +46% over target. The goal was to generate a high brand liking among 50% of the target audience (i.e. normally achieved by well-performing campaigns for If). The outcome was that 73% reported a high brand liking as an effect of the campaign. An all time high for If.– It’s been selected for a research program regarding traffic safety at The Swedish National Road and Transport Institute, creating possible further spread of the app and of the message. Synopsis Insurance is one of the most boring things people can think of. The opportunity, however, lies within talking about something that people do find interesting and find a way to make our insurance brand become a natural hero within that context. Accordingly, we searched for something of broader concern than advertising. Something that people could identify and engage with.An increasing problem that insurance company If wanted to find a solution to is that stressed drivers don’t adhere to speed limitations near schools and kindergartens, which consequently leads to more car accidents involving children. Strategy If Insurances target audience are mainly people between 30 and 55, with children living at home. Also, a vast majority of the target audience owns a car. The campaign was targeted towards both existing and potential clients. Although being an existing customer, you seldom have a close relationship to your insurance company (unless something has happened to you). Therefore, our solution was relevant since it creates a stronger bond between the target audience and the brand, and it was relevant to the target audience for obvious reasons – a safer environment for their kids and kids around them.

    慢下来的 GPS


    The Slow Down GPS










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