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    睁开你的眼 | Open your eyes短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:概要 TERRES DES FEMMES 是一个非营利的妇女权利组织。他们努力与其他妇女权利组织建立国际联系,支持妇女咨询,并支持妇女为海外妇女开展的项目、组织和倡议。“睁开眼睛” 运动显然加强了该组织打击女性外阴残割的斗争,帮助受到威胁的妇女和女孩提供建议,并向支持者展示如何提供帮助。在我们的印刷和户外运动启动后,我们被要求在网上提高对这种可怕的侵犯人权行为的认识。简报是为了在社交媒体上发出强有力的声音,发起一场吸引注意力的多渠道运动,教育公众这一事业,并为打击女性生殖器切割筹集资金。目标目标是让公众 “睁大眼睛” 看待这一残酷的仪式,让人们意识到这个问题,并筹集资金来教育变革推动者。 战略 数据收集 -- 目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织) 所有年龄的男性和女性,他们愿意捐款并通过发布图片来表示支持。方法我们开发了通过其令人惊讶的外观创造意识的视觉效果。这两个形象的想法在一个强大的方式传达了信息。 结果 60% 提高公众意识 120% 在我们的目标受众中增加 106% 在运动期间捐赠的增加专业协会和妇科医生支持这项运动 执行 实施印刷,哦,数字时间轴: 27.4。-正在进行的放置: 德国多特蒙德的广告牌/杂志日期、德国、 Facebook 、 Instagram Scale-广告牌-A4 打印广告 gif 活动描述 太多的人忽视了这样一个事实,即 FGM 仍在发生,欧洲和美国的受害者人数正在上升。所以我们想创造一个视觉上很强的想法,要求人们对这个事业睁开眼睛。但是我们大多数人都厌倦了面对令人震惊的照片。更不用说,受影响的妇女不想再被描绘成受害者了。所以我们必须找到一个更强有力的解决方案。想法: 我们拍摄了受 FGM 影响的女性眯着眼睛的特写照片。通过将图片倾斜 90 度,斜视的眼睛和中间的睫毛看起来像女性生殖器。这样,观众需要再看一眼,才能意识到他们在看什么。关键视觉也用于电影和 gif,几秒钟后眼睛睁开,分辨率清晰。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 切割女性生殖器官仍在发生。研究称,世界各地有 2亿受影响的女孩和妇女,而且这个数字还在增加。即使在像德国这样的发达国家,也有 50 万妇女和女孩受到切割女性生殖器官的威胁。不幸的是,公众对这个问题知之甚少。TERRES DES FEMMES 是一个非营利的妇女权利组织。他们努力与其他妇女权利组织建立国际联系,支持妇女咨询和支持海外妇女的项目、组织和倡议。他们反对切割女性生殖器官、婴儿割礼、以名誉为名的暴力、贩卖妇女、强迫卖淫和家庭暴力。

    案例简介:Synopsis TERRES DES FEMMES is a non-profit women's rights organization. They strive for international networking with other women's rights organizations, support women in consulting, and they support projects, organizations and initiatives by women for women from abroad. The campaign “Open Your Eyes” clearly strengthens the organization in its fight against FGM, helps threatened women and girls with advice, and shows supporters how to help. Brief After the launch of our campaign in Print and OOH, we were asked to raise awareness for this terrible abuse of human rights also online . The brief was to create an attention-grabbing multichannel campaign with a strong voice in social media to educate the public about this cause and raise money for the fight against FGM. Objectives The objectives were to “open the eyes” of the public to this cruel ritual, make people aware of the problem and to raise money to educate change agents. Strategy Data gathering - Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/organisations) Men and women of all ages who are willing to donate money and to show support by posting the images. Approach We developed visuals that created awareness through its surprising looks. The two image ideas in one brought the message across in a powerful way. Outcome 60 % increase in public awareness 120 % increase within our target audience 106 % increase in donations during the campaign period Professional associations and gynecologists supported the campaign Execution Implementation Print, OOH, digital Timeline: 27.4. - ongoing Placement: Billboards in Dortmund, Germany / Magazine DATEs, Germany, Facebook, Instagram Scale - Billboards - A4 Print Ad gifs CampaignDescription Too many people ignore the fact that FGM is still happening, and that the number of victims in Europe and the US is rising. So we wanted to create a visually strong idea, asking people to open their eyes to this cause. But most of us are tired of being confronted with shocking pictures. Not to mention, the affected women don’t want to be portrayed as victims anymore. So we had to find a stronger solution. The idea: We took close-up photos of the squinted eyes of women affected by FGM. By tilting the picture by 90 degrees the squinted eye with intermeshed eyelashes looks like a cut female genital. In this way, the viewer needs to take a second look to realize what they are looking at. The key visual was also used in films and gifs, where the eyes opened after a few seconds for a clear resolution. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes FGM – Female genital mutilation is still happening. Studies talk about 200 million affected girls and women everywhere in the world – and the number is increasing. Even in developed countries like Germany 50’000 women and girls are threatened by FGM. Unfortunately, there is very little public awareness of the issue. TERRES DES FEMMES is a non-profit women's rights organization. They strive for international networking with other women's rights organizations, support women in consulting and support projects, organizations and initiatives by women for women from abroad. They fight against female genital mutilation, circumcision of infants, violence in the name of honor, trafficking in women, forced prostitution and domestic violence.

    睁开你的眼 | Open your eyes

    案例简介:概要 TERRES DES FEMMES 是一个非营利的妇女权利组织。他们努力与其他妇女权利组织建立国际联系,支持妇女咨询,并支持妇女为海外妇女开展的项目、组织和倡议。“睁开眼睛” 运动显然加强了该组织打击女性外阴残割的斗争,帮助受到威胁的妇女和女孩提供建议,并向支持者展示如何提供帮助。在我们的印刷和户外运动启动后,我们被要求在网上提高对这种可怕的侵犯人权行为的认识。简报是为了在社交媒体上发出强有力的声音,发起一场吸引注意力的多渠道运动,教育公众这一事业,并为打击女性生殖器切割筹集资金。目标目标是让公众 “睁大眼睛” 看待这一残酷的仪式,让人们意识到这个问题,并筹集资金来教育变革推动者。 战略 数据收集 -- 目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织) 所有年龄的男性和女性,他们愿意捐款并通过发布图片来表示支持。方法我们开发了通过其令人惊讶的外观创造意识的视觉效果。这两个形象的想法在一个强大的方式传达了信息。 结果 60% 提高公众意识 120% 在我们的目标受众中增加 106% 在运动期间捐赠的增加专业协会和妇科医生支持这项运动 执行 实施印刷,哦,数字时间轴: 27.4。-正在进行的放置: 德国多特蒙德的广告牌/杂志日期、德国、 Facebook 、 Instagram Scale-广告牌-A4 打印广告 gif 活动描述 太多的人忽视了这样一个事实,即 FGM 仍在发生,欧洲和美国的受害者人数正在上升。所以我们想创造一个视觉上很强的想法,要求人们对这个事业睁开眼睛。但是我们大多数人都厌倦了面对令人震惊的照片。更不用说,受影响的妇女不想再被描绘成受害者了。所以我们必须找到一个更强有力的解决方案。想法: 我们拍摄了受 FGM 影响的女性眯着眼睛的特写照片。通过将图片倾斜 90 度,斜视的眼睛和中间的睫毛看起来像女性生殖器。这样,观众需要再看一眼,才能意识到他们在看什么。关键视觉也用于电影和 gif,几秒钟后眼睛睁开,分辨率清晰。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 切割女性生殖器官仍在发生。研究称,世界各地有 2亿受影响的女孩和妇女,而且这个数字还在增加。即使在像德国这样的发达国家,也有 50 万妇女和女孩受到切割女性生殖器官的威胁。不幸的是,公众对这个问题知之甚少。TERRES DES FEMMES 是一个非营利的妇女权利组织。他们努力与其他妇女权利组织建立国际联系,支持妇女咨询和支持海外妇女的项目、组织和倡议。他们反对切割女性生殖器官、婴儿割礼、以名誉为名的暴力、贩卖妇女、强迫卖淫和家庭暴力。

    睁开你的眼 | Open your eyes

    案例简介:Synopsis TERRES DES FEMMES is a non-profit women's rights organization. They strive for international networking with other women's rights organizations, support women in consulting, and they support projects, organizations and initiatives by women for women from abroad. The campaign “Open Your Eyes” clearly strengthens the organization in its fight against FGM, helps threatened women and girls with advice, and shows supporters how to help. Brief After the launch of our campaign in Print and OOH, we were asked to raise awareness for this terrible abuse of human rights also online . The brief was to create an attention-grabbing multichannel campaign with a strong voice in social media to educate the public about this cause and raise money for the fight against FGM. Objectives The objectives were to “open the eyes” of the public to this cruel ritual, make people aware of the problem and to raise money to educate change agents. Strategy Data gathering - Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/organisations) Men and women of all ages who are willing to donate money and to show support by posting the images. Approach We developed visuals that created awareness through its surprising looks. The two image ideas in one brought the message across in a powerful way. Outcome 60 % increase in public awareness 120 % increase within our target audience 106 % increase in donations during the campaign period Professional associations and gynecologists supported the campaign Execution Implementation Print, OOH, digital Timeline: 27.4. - ongoing Placement: Billboards in Dortmund, Germany / Magazine DATEs, Germany, Facebook, Instagram Scale - Billboards - A4 Print Ad gifs CampaignDescription Too many people ignore the fact that FGM is still happening, and that the number of victims in Europe and the US is rising. So we wanted to create a visually strong idea, asking people to open their eyes to this cause. But most of us are tired of being confronted with shocking pictures. Not to mention, the affected women don’t want to be portrayed as victims anymore. So we had to find a stronger solution. The idea: We took close-up photos of the squinted eyes of women affected by FGM. By tilting the picture by 90 degrees the squinted eye with intermeshed eyelashes looks like a cut female genital. In this way, the viewer needs to take a second look to realize what they are looking at. The key visual was also used in films and gifs, where the eyes opened after a few seconds for a clear resolution. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes FGM – Female genital mutilation is still happening. Studies talk about 200 million affected girls and women everywhere in the world – and the number is increasing. Even in developed countries like Germany 50’000 women and girls are threatened by FGM. Unfortunately, there is very little public awareness of the issue. TERRES DES FEMMES is a non-profit women's rights organization. They strive for international networking with other women's rights organizations, support women in consulting and support projects, organizations and initiatives by women for women from abroad. They fight against female genital mutilation, circumcision of infants, violence in the name of honor, trafficking in women, forced prostitution and domestic violence.


    睁开你的眼 | Open your eyes










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