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    案例简介:大纲 圣路易斯儿童医院想提高人们对该医院一个致力于儿童癌症的新部门的认识,该部门名为 “Siteman Kids”。有孩子的父母在圣路易斯地区的癌症护理方面有很多选择,所以医院面临着来自竞争对手医院的激烈竞争。然而,圣路易斯只是医院希望到达的更大的中西部市场的一部分。因此,他们需要一个想法,在离医院不远的地方提高周围各州新儿童癌症中心的认识。 策略 我们开始在足够大的范围内复制铃声仪式,让整个圣路易斯市都能听到。要这样做,我们需要与当地一家媒体公司和市政府合作,批准制作一个广告牌,该广告牌的噪音水平可以让通勤者听到圣路易斯地区的多条高速公路。它还需要制造和安装12英尺高的钟,而是防风雨扬声器,旨在放大铃声,让来自世界各地的通勤者都能听到。 相关性 这项工作展示了对患者体验的深刻理解,以及将我们的品牌信息整合到康复过程中的能力。这样做创造了一个品牌的物理象征,在导致对医院的亲和力增加之前,它并不存在于医院的墙壁之外,它的从业者和患者的健康。 结果 这个公告牌产生了国际新闻报道,最终从美国全国广播公司、美国广播公司、哥伦比亚广播公司、纽约时报、华盛顿邮报获得了价值超过3.9亿美元的300万次印象,旧金山纪事报和圣路易斯邮报。但更重要的是,广告牌成了一个聚会场所,家人、朋友甚至同学都可以在指定的钟声响起的时间聚会,为病人加油。从某种意义上说,它成了第二家医院,大到足以容纳所有想表达对这些勇敢孩子支持的人。 执行 缓解铃的超大复制品安装了隐藏在广告牌中的无线设备,可以与我们定制的移动应用程序通信,允许我们在医院里的孩子们敲响化疗结束的同时触发广告牌上的铃声。医院里的护士得到了密码保护的应用程序,所以只有他们才能按广告牌上的门铃。 活动描述 作为医院提供的儿童第一护理的一部分,当癌症幸存者完成化疗治疗并被医生批准回家时,会出现一种特殊的仪式。这是一个钟声响起的仪式,家人、护士和医生都在看着这些勇敢的孩子敲响金钟。这是一个家庭期待的仪式,因为它象征着治疗的结束和病人生活中困难时期的结束。然而,这个仪式只发生在医院的墙壁内,这是一种耻辱,因为它是拯救生命的象征。所以我们放大了铃声,这样每当孩子战胜癌症时,整个城市都能听到。


    案例简介:Synopsis St. Louis Children’s Hospital wanted to raise awareness of a new wing of the hospital dedicated to childhood cancer called “Siteman Kids”. Parents with kids fighting cancer have a lot of options when it comes to care in the St. Louis area so the hospital faced stiff competition from rival hospitals. However, St. Louis is only one part of a larger mid-west market the hospital was hoping to reach. So, they needed an idea that would raise awareness of the new child cancer center in surrounding states within driving distance of their hospital. Strategy We set out to replicate the bell ringing ceremony on a scale large enough for the entire city of St. Louis to hear. To do so, we needed to work with a local media company and municipal government to approve the production of a billboard that would ring at a noise level that could be heard by commuters driving by one of the busiest intersections of multiple freeways in the St. Louis area. It also required the fabrication and installation of not only the 12-foot tall bell, but of weather-proof speakers designed to amplify the sound of the bell so it could be heard by commuters from far and wide. Relevancy This work demonstrates a deep understanding of the patient experience and the ability to integrate our brand message into the healing process. And in doing so has created a physical symbol of the brand that has not existed outside of the walls of the hospital before resulting in increased affinity for the hospital, its practitioners and the health of its patients. Outcome The billboard generated international news coverage culminating in a total of 390 million earned impressions worth over 3 million dollars from NBC, ABC, CBS, The New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and St. Louis Post-Dispatch. But more importantly the billboard became a meeting place where family, friends and even classmates would meet at the designated time of the bell ringing to cheer on patients. It became a second hospital in a matter of speaking, large enough to accommodate everyone who wanted to show their support for these brave kids. Execution The oversized replica of the remission bell was fitted with a wireless device hidden in the billboard that could communicate with our custom-built mobile application, allowing us to trigger the ringing of the bell on the billboard at the very same time the kids in the hospital were ringing the bell marking the end of their chemotherapy treatments. Nurses in the hospital were given the password protected application so only they could ring the bell on the billboard. CampaignDescription As part of the child first care the hospital provides, there is a special ritual that occurs when a cancer survivor is done their chemotherapy treatment and has been cleared to go home by their doctors. It’s a bell ringing ceremony where the family, nurses, and doctors attend to watch these brave kids ring a golden bell. This is a ceremony that the family looks forward to as it is symbolic of the end of treatment and the end of a difficult time in the patient’s life. However, this ceremony only happens within the walls of the hospital which is a shame as it’s a symbol of a life saved. So we amplified the bell ringing so the whole city could hear every time a child beat cancer.

    Remission Bell

    案例简介:大纲 圣路易斯儿童医院想提高人们对该医院一个致力于儿童癌症的新部门的认识,该部门名为 “Siteman Kids”。有孩子的父母在圣路易斯地区的癌症护理方面有很多选择,所以医院面临着来自竞争对手医院的激烈竞争。然而,圣路易斯只是医院希望到达的更大的中西部市场的一部分。因此,他们需要一个想法,在离医院不远的地方提高周围各州新儿童癌症中心的认识。 策略 我们开始在足够大的范围内复制铃声仪式,让整个圣路易斯市都能听到。要这样做,我们需要与当地一家媒体公司和市政府合作,批准制作一个广告牌,该广告牌的噪音水平可以让通勤者听到圣路易斯地区的多条高速公路。它还需要制造和安装12英尺高的钟,而是防风雨扬声器,旨在放大铃声,让来自世界各地的通勤者都能听到。 相关性 这项工作展示了对患者体验的深刻理解,以及将我们的品牌信息整合到康复过程中的能力。这样做创造了一个品牌的物理象征,在导致对医院的亲和力增加之前,它并不存在于医院的墙壁之外,它的从业者和患者的健康。 结果 这个公告牌产生了国际新闻报道,最终从美国全国广播公司、美国广播公司、哥伦比亚广播公司、纽约时报、华盛顿邮报获得了价值超过3.9亿美元的300万次印象,旧金山纪事报和圣路易斯邮报。但更重要的是,广告牌成了一个聚会场所,家人、朋友甚至同学都可以在指定的钟声响起的时间聚会,为病人加油。从某种意义上说,它成了第二家医院,大到足以容纳所有想表达对这些勇敢孩子支持的人。 执行 缓解铃的超大复制品安装了隐藏在广告牌中的无线设备,可以与我们定制的移动应用程序通信,允许我们在医院里的孩子们敲响化疗结束的同时触发广告牌上的铃声。医院里的护士得到了密码保护的应用程序,所以只有他们才能按广告牌上的门铃。 活动描述 作为医院提供的儿童第一护理的一部分,当癌症幸存者完成化疗治疗并被医生批准回家时,会出现一种特殊的仪式。这是一个钟声响起的仪式,家人、护士和医生都在看着这些勇敢的孩子敲响金钟。这是一个家庭期待的仪式,因为它象征着治疗的结束和病人生活中困难时期的结束。然而,这个仪式只发生在医院的墙壁内,这是一种耻辱,因为它是拯救生命的象征。所以我们放大了铃声,这样每当孩子战胜癌症时,整个城市都能听到。

    Remission Bell

    案例简介:Synopsis St. Louis Children’s Hospital wanted to raise awareness of a new wing of the hospital dedicated to childhood cancer called “Siteman Kids”. Parents with kids fighting cancer have a lot of options when it comes to care in the St. Louis area so the hospital faced stiff competition from rival hospitals. However, St. Louis is only one part of a larger mid-west market the hospital was hoping to reach. So, they needed an idea that would raise awareness of the new child cancer center in surrounding states within driving distance of their hospital. Strategy We set out to replicate the bell ringing ceremony on a scale large enough for the entire city of St. Louis to hear. To do so, we needed to work with a local media company and municipal government to approve the production of a billboard that would ring at a noise level that could be heard by commuters driving by one of the busiest intersections of multiple freeways in the St. Louis area. It also required the fabrication and installation of not only the 12-foot tall bell, but of weather-proof speakers designed to amplify the sound of the bell so it could be heard by commuters from far and wide. Relevancy This work demonstrates a deep understanding of the patient experience and the ability to integrate our brand message into the healing process. And in doing so has created a physical symbol of the brand that has not existed outside of the walls of the hospital before resulting in increased affinity for the hospital, its practitioners and the health of its patients. Outcome The billboard generated international news coverage culminating in a total of 390 million earned impressions worth over 3 million dollars from NBC, ABC, CBS, The New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and St. Louis Post-Dispatch. But more importantly the billboard became a meeting place where family, friends and even classmates would meet at the designated time of the bell ringing to cheer on patients. It became a second hospital in a matter of speaking, large enough to accommodate everyone who wanted to show their support for these brave kids. Execution The oversized replica of the remission bell was fitted with a wireless device hidden in the billboard that could communicate with our custom-built mobile application, allowing us to trigger the ringing of the bell on the billboard at the very same time the kids in the hospital were ringing the bell marking the end of their chemotherapy treatments. Nurses in the hospital were given the password protected application so only they could ring the bell on the billboard. CampaignDescription As part of the child first care the hospital provides, there is a special ritual that occurs when a cancer survivor is done their chemotherapy treatment and has been cleared to go home by their doctors. It’s a bell ringing ceremony where the family, nurses, and doctors attend to watch these brave kids ring a golden bell. This is a ceremony that the family looks forward to as it is symbolic of the end of treatment and the end of a difficult time in the patient’s life. However, this ceremony only happens within the walls of the hospital which is a shame as it’s a symbol of a life saved. So we amplified the bell ringing so the whole city could hear every time a child beat cancer.



    Remission Bell










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