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    The Game That Never Was海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 评论: Chapecoense 国立和零的比分为零的。教练看非常关注今后的任务。· 鲁埃达和 Caiao 少年的处理压力的比赛在没有空间的即兴表演,因为有错误就意味着失败。为人才从这点上受到考验。没有空间的错误在这场比赛中,两队的心一起跳动。和球滚动!Chapecoense 来自巴西和哥伦比亚代表国家。阿吉移动马特乌斯紧随其后。桑塔纳中奋勇向前,但是乌里韦隐藏的球。建立了主队的陪同下再次袭击的桑塔纳,谁都不会放过的球。这是一个越位,有利于国家。乌里韦桑塔纳的阴影已经过去,谁踢的球的中心。马特乌斯做桑托斯截击球,裁判判罚犯规。Henríquez 获得任意球和改变方向,有利于国家与 Ibarguen。这里说到 Macnelly,回到 Ibarguen 寻求类似的领域中,和为了找到!但他是独自一人,Chapeco 的任意球。好搭配!令人难以置信的比赛。Macnelly 之间的协作和 Ibarguen 突破防守的巴西队,这很难买到。国家正逐渐接近但还没有打进。我们正经历着巨大的冰 Atanasio Girardot 体育场。这是球迷的足球盛宴。感谢上帝的足球!这是一个短路过的达尼洛卡内拉所收稿。改变方向的蒂亚戈,又一本通适用于桑塔纳。Josimar Canela 和截获的长传球的 d í az,球在 posesión 国立竞技的又一次。Henríquez 去一个深达通,Macnelly 托雷斯是在控制。恩威来了!并恢复了球。拦截被旦脱逃的透出左,运行,运行和运行,肯佩斯在他身旁,旦冒险,把球的核心领域, 但 Henríquez 设法停止攻击,出色的防守 Atlético 的国家。Chapecoense 设法分裂的保卫国家。回收的马蒂亚斯 · 非常出色,他藏匿了细旦猝不及防。注意!又来了 Chapeco 通过中场有旦得到 Biteco,亚拿尼亚和吉尔都等着他们,亚拿尼亚的球。Thiaguiño 预示着玩和捕捉通行证,他希望得到整个迪亚,他通过了,亚拿尼亚人站在球,射门!阿玛尼,什么一个门将!阿玛尼是一个英雄,勿庸置疑,Chapecoense,汇集在这个南美杯是创造更多的机会成为冠军的强硬的对手一样 Atlético 全国, 它有一个超级明星: 法国阿玛尼。很吃惊地发现,巴西队能够得到第三节则绿队被分心。国家必须保持自己一起保护守门员和避免见面谈即将过去的情况下这个游戏。我认为,这是上参加比赛。目前全国有球,Ibarguen,Henríquez Henríquez 深过的,要拍!没半交叉传和评分。这个游戏还是零零和 Chapeco 运气好。正如预期的那样,经过客队的辩护的机会,成功地把国家靠在墙上,但这会使它们很容易受到拦截。Alexis Henríquez 利用 Chapecoense 出乎意料的长传球,只是碰巧在几分钟前在玩 Macnelly 和 Ibarguen 策划。这就是所谓的足球,票都是值得的,Atanasio 球场上的游戏我的朋友。我能看到一个目标来的这个伟大的球队。这里谈到的巴西队与高通,Josimar 让球,桑塔纳,谁是在事业上获得成功的好通马特乌斯 Biteco,他在外地找队友,他把球传给亚拿尼亚,但国家得到球,从后面。Ibarguen 来了,现在 Macnelly,他停下来,现在把球传到 Berrio 创造一个墙与迪亚斯。Berrio 来了,来了 berrio,他把.攻击目标后。球落在脚马特乌斯谁踢那遥不可及的目标。这是一个清晰的选项得分可能变成了国家的洲际冠军。什么令人兴奋的比赛我们生活在现在,两队都利用的全部领域。现在的达尼与这个伟大的时刻来拍到他的目标,要通过 Chapecoense 的辩护。85 分钟的南美杯赛决赛!两队将在所有的。Chapecoense 和国家在最后值得一提的。这是零零的 Atanasio Girardot 体育场。尽管还没有固定的目标这个游戏已经远超出了我们的预期。今晚这两队在比赛的游戏 t恤生命的继承人。很多人选择从两侧。· 鲁埃达和 Caiao 大三了南美的惊喜。这里谈到的球,用 Ibarguen,传到法里德 · 迪亚斯,现在 Macnelly 托雷斯。他,他希望,这一次角球的国家。他们是真正的威胁 Chapecoense 现在已收紧其辩护而不留下任何空间,全国的 Macnelly 托雷斯,安德烈 Ibarguen 和 Farid, 谁是创建一个坚实的三角创造伟大的戏剧。这里谈到的角球,他们必须保持警觉,Borja 变中的一个目标。Goooooooooal!Atlético 国家这是令人难以置信的,这是令人难以置信!国家牵头的一个进球!从全国月、月日 Chapecoense。这一挑战的达尼,谁是一个伟大的守门员,但他几乎无法对这个伟大的枪弹从角落里的职位。一个真正的艺术作品在晚上做的球迷。再次 Chapeco,不要失去希望的旅游团队。我们还有时间,任何事情都可能发生。球的中心领域,桑塔纳发出长通卡内拉驻足,精美的胸口。托雷斯在追捕他,吃了一通,Josimar 得到球,然后把它交给 Macnelly 托雷斯。蒂亚戈挺身而出,他们正在和他赢了球,我们已接近最后几分钟的科伦坡-巴西的比赛。长传球 Josimar,肯佩斯谁去管它。他出手阿玛尼!并在到达后再次把球远。但这次对决还没有结束。国家仍是由一个目标和神经被接管的看台。零的 Chapecoense!但显然这是一个团队,也不会放弃,经过很艰难才来到这里,所以毫无疑问他们会付出一切,他们已经超越。一个值得尊敬的对手。和国家不会止步于此。我们正目睹一场梦幻决赛在南美足球。一个危险的任意球的国家,裁判所说的 “前进”。这里说到 Macnelly 托雷斯,射门而变得非常接近丹尼洛的门柱。这种平静的守门员和一大颗的冠军。看看那个,Caiao 初级指挥班子把球和保持国家的攻击 Coque 在场地中央,迭戈,现在 Biteco,Berrio 印刷机上。我们正在进入最后几分钟的比赛。国立竞技变得更加保守。通过为马特乌斯 Biteco,现为旦脱逃的左胸。润肯佩斯,快跑!丹尼尔陪在他身边的新闻,但是乌里韦拿到球后的国家。目前恐怖主义转移至 Macnelly,大球缓刑,袭击的激进,通过向博尔哈 Josimar 有难,丹尼尔,现在 Thiaguiño,撞倒了他但没有犯规。继续玩!说的裁判。走,走,走,走!旦使得长传为 Thiaguiño,现为旦的中心通行证的布鲁诺、灵动的亚拿尼亚,他转过头来,亚拿尼亚!亚拿尼亚!目标,Goooooooooal!由 Chapeco。目的通过 chapeco,风扇不能相信它。伟大的目标亚拿尼亚,门上的最后一场比赛的场馆都疯了!随着整个巴西大家的目标!数的执行情况。一个国家,一个用于 Chapecoence。女士们先生们这里的平局的南美洲杯决赛。我们可以看到这个目标来比赛,使我们的情绪。A genius 播放开始 Chapecoense 上侧和最后转变发挥的亚拿尼亚,即设法拿到球,适合的球门柱像手套,以法国阿玛尼的惊喜。但是这个游戏是不多的话就没问题门球 Atlético 国家企图利用其过去的资源的明智。他们把骑兵的附加分去开足了马力。格拉运行通过激进的敌对目标后,他把球传给 Macnelly,改变方向,Borja 进入,通过向格拉 · 格拉, 但他实在太难了门柱和丢失。这是一个经典的取舍的两支球队获得它们的爪子,geth 的这个时刻的高压力。接下来 Chapecoense 再次。南美足球历史上就在这里在 Atanasio Girardot 体育场。Thiaguiño 抢到美丽的隧道通亚拿尼亚的目标,现在布鲁诺。这里有桑塔纳、阿玛尼拍摄和保存的好!再次组织全国很幸运,在最后一分钟,球越过后明显的危险。大玩 Thiaguiño 使他的突破--国家的国防,让聪明的桑塔纳的有利位置。他是一个自然的力量。时钟仍在继续,这可能是最后的一场比赛由 Chapecoense,那一队,是一个值得尊敬的对手!这两个队站在门柱,来这里的角球,桑塔纳后拍摄的口哨和阿玛尼点击率很难避免任何危险再次。现在该是在吉那,他出手了!和…… 去皮带圈!去皮带圈! EntrySummary Chapecoense 是当地巴西利亚N 队,从打乙级到资格赛进入南美杯决赛。不幸的是,在去哥伦比亚玩他们历史上最重要的游戏的路上,他们的飞机坠毁了。队里的每个人都死了,他们最重要的比赛从未进行过。一年后,布鲁广播电台,哥伦比亚最重要的体育广播公司之一,预定报道这场比赛, 决定通过重建比赛并帮助他们参加从未发生的决赛来向他们致以衷心的敬意。 简要解释 2016 届南美杯决赛从未发生过,因为一场不幸的事故,来自查佩科恩斯足球队的所有球员都丧生。这是一个完整的音频重建游戏可能是什么。它是使用 Chapecoense 在过去 10 年里播放的最令人难忘的匹配音频片段 800 多个创建的,这些片段与 Nacional (竞争对手团队) 的互动一起编辑创建一个无缝游戏。从来没有的游戏。90 分钟的比赛可以在 https://www.bluradio.com/deportes/nacional-vs-chapecoense-homenaje-de-el-camerino-al-partido-que-nunca-se-jugo-161968


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish COMMENTATOR: The score is zero for Nacional and zero for Chapecoense. Coaches looking very focused on the task ahead. Reinaldo Rueda and Caiao Junior are handling the pressure in a match where there´s no space for improvisation, because any mistake can mean defeat. Their talent is being put to the test from this point on. No space for mistakes in this game, the hearts of both teams beat together. And the ball is rolling! Chapecoense representing Brazil and Nacional representing Colombia. Aguilar moving fast followed by Matheus. Santana presses forward, but Uribe hides the ball. Building up the attack from the local team accompanied once again by Santana, who won´t let go of the ball. It´s an offside which will benefit Nacional. Uribe´s shadow is now over Santana, who kicks the ball to the center of the field. Matheus Do Santos intercepting the ball, and the referee calls for a foul. Henríquez gets the free kick and changes the direction of the game in favor of Nacional with Ibarguen. Here comes Macnelly, back to Ibarguen who looks for the mid field and gets so close to the goal! But he was alone and it´s a free kick from Chapeco. What a match! Incredible match. The collaboration between Macnelly and Ibarguen is breaking through the defense of the Brazilian team, which is having a hard time getting back. Nacional is getting close but still hasn´t scored. We are witnessing a great encounter at the Atanasio Girardot stadium. This is a football feast for football fans. Thank god for football! It’s a short pass by from Danilo, recieved by Canela. Change of direction by Thiago, again a pass for Santana. Josimar for Canela and a long pass that´s intercepted by Díaz and the ball is in the posesión of Atletico Nacional once again. Henríquez goes for a deep pass, Macnelly Torres is in control. Here comes Mathias! and recovers the ball. Interception by Denier who escapes through the left field, he runs, runs and runs, Kempes by his side, Denier takes a risk and sends the ball to the heart of the field, but Henríquez manages to stop the attack, good job by the defense of Atlético Nacional. Chapecoense managed to split the defense of Nacional. The recovery by Mathias Da silva was outstanding, and he cached Denier off guard. Attention! here comes again Chapeco, through the center field comes Denier assisted by Biteco, Ananias and Gil are waiting for them, Ananias has the ball. Thiaguiño anticipates the play and catches the pass, he´s looking to get across Diaz, he passes again to Ananias who stops the ball, and he shoots! Armani, what a goal keeper! Armani is a hero, no doubt about it, and Chapecoense, the revelation of this South American Cup is creating more and more opportunities to become champion against a tough rival like Atlético Nacional, which has a superstar player: Franco Armani. It’s surprising to see how the Brazilian team manages to get through the defense then the green team is distracted. Nacional has to keep itself together to protect its goalie and avoid this face to face as we approach the last instances of this game. I agree, this as a give and take game. Now Nacional has the ball, Ibarguen, Henríquez a deep pass for Henríquez and takes a shot! No one to meet that crossed pass and score. The game is still zero to zero and Chapeco got lucky this time. As expected, after a number of chances for the visiting team their defense has managed to put Nacional against the wall, but this causes them to become vulnerable to interceptions. Alexis Henríquez taking advantage to surprise Chapecoense with long passes, just as it happened a few minutes ago in the play orchestrated by Macnelly and Ibarguen. This is what I call football, the ticket is worth it, what a game my Friends at the Atanasio Stadium. I can see a goal coming for any of this great teams. Here comes the Brazilian team with a high pass, Josimar gives the ball to Santana, who is getting ahead through the right field. Pass to Matheus Biteco, he looks over the field looking for a teammate he passes to Ananias but Nacional gets the ball and runs from behind. Here comes Ibarguen, now Macnelly, he stops, now passes the ball to Berrio who creates a wall with Díaz. Here comes Berrio, here comes berrio, he shoots and… strikes on the goal post. The ball falls on the feet of Matheus who kicks it far away from the goal. That was a clear option to score which could have turned Nacional into continental champions. What an exciting match we are living right now, both teams are taking advantage of the whole field. Now the moment of truth came for Danilo with this great shot to his goal that got through Chapecoense´s defense. 85th minute in this South American Cup Final! And both teams are going all in. Chapecoense and Nacional in a final worth remembering. This is still zero to zero at the Atanasio Girardot stadium. Even if there are still no goals this game has gone far and beyond our expectations. Tonight these two teams are playing the game of their lives. Many options coming from both sides. Reinaldo Rueda and Caiao Junior have taken South America by surprise. Here comes the ball, out with Ibarguen, pass to Farid Díaz, now to Macnelly Torres. He runs, he anticipates, and it’s a corner kick for Nacional. They are a real threat to Chapecoense right now which has to tighten its defense and not leave any space to Nacional´s Macnelly Torres, Andres Ibarguen and Farid, who are creating a solid triangle to create great plays. Here comes the corner kick, they have to stay alert, Borja gets in and its a goal. Goooooooooal! by Atlético Nacional this is incredible, this is incredible! Nacional takes the lead and what a goal! 1 from Nacional, 0 from Chapecoense. That was a challenge for Danilo, who is a great goal keeper but there was little he could do against this great shot which came in through the corner of the post. A true piece of art on a night made for the fans. Once again Chapeco, not losing their hope as the visitor team. There´s still time and anything can happen. Ball in the center field, Santana sends a long pass to Canela who stops it beautifully with his chest. Torres is chasing him, here goes a pass and Josimar gets the ball, and gives it to Macnelly Torres. Thiago comes forward, they are fighting hard and he wins the ball as we get closer to the last minutes of this Colombo-Brazilian game. Long pass from Josimar to Kempes who goes for it alone. He shoots, Armani! and it hits the post once again sending the ball far away. But this duel is not over yet. Nacional is still up by one goal and nerves are taking over the stands. Zero for Chapecoense! But clearly this is a team that won´t give up, that has gone through very tough times to get here, so no doubt they will give it all they have and beyond. A worthy adversary. And Nacional won´t stop there either. We are watching a dream final game in South American football. A dangerous free kick for Nacional, the referee says “keep going”. Here comes Macnelly Torres, he shoots and gets really close to Danilo´s goal post. Such a calm goal keeper and one of the big stars of this championship. Look at that, Caiao Junior directing his team to keep the ball and hold Nacional´s attack Coque in the middle of the field, to Diego, now to Biteco, Berrio presses on. We are entering the last minutes of the match. Atletico nacional has to be more conservative. Pass for Matheus Biteco, now for Denier who escapes through the left field. Run Kempes, run! Denier by his side to press on, but Uribe gets that ball back for Nacional. Now Arias passes to Macnelly, great ball possesion, attacking on left field, pass to Borja Josimar comes in hard, now Denier, now Thiaguiño and knocks him down but there is no foul. Keep playing! says the referee. Go, go, go, go! Denier makes a long pass for Thiaguiño, now for Denier and a center pass for Bruno, smart play by Ananias, he turns around, Ananias! Ananias! Goal, Goooooooooal! by Chapeco. Goal by chapeco, fans can´t believe it. Goal by great Ananias on the door of the final game and the stadium goes crazy! along with the whole of Brazil that shouts goal! Number 11. One for Nacional, one for Chapecoence. Its a draw ladies and gentleman here in the South American Cup Finals. We could see that goal coming in a match that fills us with emotion. A genius play that begins on the Chapecoense side and ends with a turnaround play by Ananias, that manages to get that ball to fit the goalpost like a glove taking Franco Armani by surprise. But this game is not over till it’s over. Goal kick by Atlético Nacional trying to use their last resources wisely. They´re bringing the cavalry in this additional minutes and going full throttle. Guerra running through left field towards the opposing goal post, he passes to Macnelly, changes direction, Borja gets in, passes to Guerra, Guerra, Guerra, but he shoots way over the goal post and the ball is lost. This is a classic give and take with both teams getting their claws out to geth through this moments of high pressure. And here comes Chapecoense once again. South American Football history is being made right here at the Atanasio Girardot Stadium. Thiaguiño gets it, beautiful tunnel pass to Ananias the author of the goal, now to Bruno. Here comes Santana, what a shot and what a save by Armani! Once again Nacional got really lucky there in the last minute and the ball goes over the post clear of any danger. Great play by Thiaguiño which enabled him to break through Nacional´s defense, leaving Clever Santana in an advantage position. He is a force of nature. The clock is still going, this could be the last play of the game by Chapecoense, What a team, what a worthy adversary! Both teams standing by the goalpost, here comes the corner kick, Santana shoots after the whistle and Armani hits it hard and avoids any danger once again. The ball is now in Gil´s possession, he shoots again! And… Go Chape! Go Chape! EntrySummary Chapecoense is a local Brazilian team that went from playing in second division to qualifying to the South American Cup Finals. Sadly on their way to Colombia to play the most important game in their history their plane crashed. Everyone on the team died, and their most important game was never played. One year later Blu Radio, one of the most important sports broadcasters in Colombia which was scheduled to cover the game, decided to pay them a heartfelt tribute by reconstructing the game and helping them play the finals that never happened. BriefExplanation The 2016 South American Cup Finals never took place due to an unfortunate accident where all players from Chapecoense football team lost their lives. This is a full audio reconstruction of what the game could have been. It was created using over 800 audio fragments from the most memorable matched played by Chapecoense in the past 10 years, which were edited together along with interactions from Nacional (rival team) to create one seamless game. The game that never was. The 90 minutes match can be heard in https://www.bluradio.com/deportes/nacional-vs-chapecoense-homenaje-de-el-camerino-al-partido-que-nunca-se-jugo-161968

    The Game That Never Was

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 评论: Chapecoense 国立和零的比分为零的。教练看非常关注今后的任务。· 鲁埃达和 Caiao 少年的处理压力的比赛在没有空间的即兴表演,因为有错误就意味着失败。为人才从这点上受到考验。没有空间的错误在这场比赛中,两队的心一起跳动。和球滚动!Chapecoense 来自巴西和哥伦比亚代表国家。阿吉移动马特乌斯紧随其后。桑塔纳中奋勇向前,但是乌里韦隐藏的球。建立了主队的陪同下再次袭击的桑塔纳,谁都不会放过的球。这是一个越位,有利于国家。乌里韦桑塔纳的阴影已经过去,谁踢的球的中心。马特乌斯做桑托斯截击球,裁判判罚犯规。Henríquez 获得任意球和改变方向,有利于国家与 Ibarguen。这里说到 Macnelly,回到 Ibarguen 寻求类似的领域中,和为了找到!但他是独自一人,Chapeco 的任意球。好搭配!令人难以置信的比赛。Macnelly 之间的协作和 Ibarguen 突破防守的巴西队,这很难买到。国家正逐渐接近但还没有打进。我们正经历着巨大的冰 Atanasio Girardot 体育场。这是球迷的足球盛宴。感谢上帝的足球!这是一个短路过的达尼洛卡内拉所收稿。改变方向的蒂亚戈,又一本通适用于桑塔纳。Josimar Canela 和截获的长传球的 d í az,球在 posesión 国立竞技的又一次。Henríquez 去一个深达通,Macnelly 托雷斯是在控制。恩威来了!并恢复了球。拦截被旦脱逃的透出左,运行,运行和运行,肯佩斯在他身旁,旦冒险,把球的核心领域, 但 Henríquez 设法停止攻击,出色的防守 Atlético 的国家。Chapecoense 设法分裂的保卫国家。回收的马蒂亚斯 · 非常出色,他藏匿了细旦猝不及防。注意!又来了 Chapeco 通过中场有旦得到 Biteco,亚拿尼亚和吉尔都等着他们,亚拿尼亚的球。Thiaguiño 预示着玩和捕捉通行证,他希望得到整个迪亚,他通过了,亚拿尼亚人站在球,射门!阿玛尼,什么一个门将!阿玛尼是一个英雄,勿庸置疑,Chapecoense,汇集在这个南美杯是创造更多的机会成为冠军的强硬的对手一样 Atlético 全国, 它有一个超级明星: 法国阿玛尼。很吃惊地发现,巴西队能够得到第三节则绿队被分心。国家必须保持自己一起保护守门员和避免见面谈即将过去的情况下这个游戏。我认为,这是上参加比赛。目前全国有球,Ibarguen,Henríquez Henríquez 深过的,要拍!没半交叉传和评分。这个游戏还是零零和 Chapeco 运气好。正如预期的那样,经过客队的辩护的机会,成功地把国家靠在墙上,但这会使它们很容易受到拦截。Alexis Henríquez 利用 Chapecoense 出乎意料的长传球,只是碰巧在几分钟前在玩 Macnelly 和 Ibarguen 策划。这就是所谓的足球,票都是值得的,Atanasio 球场上的游戏我的朋友。我能看到一个目标来的这个伟大的球队。这里谈到的巴西队与高通,Josimar 让球,桑塔纳,谁是在事业上获得成功的好通马特乌斯 Biteco,他在外地找队友,他把球传给亚拿尼亚,但国家得到球,从后面。Ibarguen 来了,现在 Macnelly,他停下来,现在把球传到 Berrio 创造一个墙与迪亚斯。Berrio 来了,来了 berrio,他把.攻击目标后。球落在脚马特乌斯谁踢那遥不可及的目标。这是一个清晰的选项得分可能变成了国家的洲际冠军。什么令人兴奋的比赛我们生活在现在,两队都利用的全部领域。现在的达尼与这个伟大的时刻来拍到他的目标,要通过 Chapecoense 的辩护。85 分钟的南美杯赛决赛!两队将在所有的。Chapecoense 和国家在最后值得一提的。这是零零的 Atanasio Girardot 体育场。尽管还没有固定的目标这个游戏已经远超出了我们的预期。今晚这两队在比赛的游戏 t恤生命的继承人。很多人选择从两侧。· 鲁埃达和 Caiao 大三了南美的惊喜。这里谈到的球,用 Ibarguen,传到法里德 · 迪亚斯,现在 Macnelly 托雷斯。他,他希望,这一次角球的国家。他们是真正的威胁 Chapecoense 现在已收紧其辩护而不留下任何空间,全国的 Macnelly 托雷斯,安德烈 Ibarguen 和 Farid, 谁是创建一个坚实的三角创造伟大的戏剧。这里谈到的角球,他们必须保持警觉,Borja 变中的一个目标。Goooooooooal!Atlético 国家这是令人难以置信的,这是令人难以置信!国家牵头的一个进球!从全国月、月日 Chapecoense。这一挑战的达尼,谁是一个伟大的守门员,但他几乎无法对这个伟大的枪弹从角落里的职位。一个真正的艺术作品在晚上做的球迷。再次 Chapeco,不要失去希望的旅游团队。我们还有时间,任何事情都可能发生。球的中心领域,桑塔纳发出长通卡内拉驻足,精美的胸口。托雷斯在追捕他,吃了一通,Josimar 得到球,然后把它交给 Macnelly 托雷斯。蒂亚戈挺身而出,他们正在和他赢了球,我们已接近最后几分钟的科伦坡-巴西的比赛。长传球 Josimar,肯佩斯谁去管它。他出手阿玛尼!并在到达后再次把球远。但这次对决还没有结束。国家仍是由一个目标和神经被接管的看台。零的 Chapecoense!但显然这是一个团队,也不会放弃,经过很艰难才来到这里,所以毫无疑问他们会付出一切,他们已经超越。一个值得尊敬的对手。和国家不会止步于此。我们正目睹一场梦幻决赛在南美足球。一个危险的任意球的国家,裁判所说的 “前进”。这里说到 Macnelly 托雷斯,射门而变得非常接近丹尼洛的门柱。这种平静的守门员和一大颗的冠军。看看那个,Caiao 初级指挥班子把球和保持国家的攻击 Coque 在场地中央,迭戈,现在 Biteco,Berrio 印刷机上。我们正在进入最后几分钟的比赛。国立竞技变得更加保守。通过为马特乌斯 Biteco,现为旦脱逃的左胸。润肯佩斯,快跑!丹尼尔陪在他身边的新闻,但是乌里韦拿到球后的国家。目前恐怖主义转移至 Macnelly,大球缓刑,袭击的激进,通过向博尔哈 Josimar 有难,丹尼尔,现在 Thiaguiño,撞倒了他但没有犯规。继续玩!说的裁判。走,走,走,走!旦使得长传为 Thiaguiño,现为旦的中心通行证的布鲁诺、灵动的亚拿尼亚,他转过头来,亚拿尼亚!亚拿尼亚!目标,Goooooooooal!由 Chapeco。目的通过 chapeco,风扇不能相信它。伟大的目标亚拿尼亚,门上的最后一场比赛的场馆都疯了!随着整个巴西大家的目标!数的执行情况。一个国家,一个用于 Chapecoence。女士们先生们这里的平局的南美洲杯决赛。我们可以看到这个目标来比赛,使我们的情绪。A genius 播放开始 Chapecoense 上侧和最后转变发挥的亚拿尼亚,即设法拿到球,适合的球门柱像手套,以法国阿玛尼的惊喜。但是这个游戏是不多的话就没问题门球 Atlético 国家企图利用其过去的资源的明智。他们把骑兵的附加分去开足了马力。格拉运行通过激进的敌对目标后,他把球传给 Macnelly,改变方向,Borja 进入,通过向格拉 · 格拉, 但他实在太难了门柱和丢失。这是一个经典的取舍的两支球队获得它们的爪子,geth 的这个时刻的高压力。接下来 Chapecoense 再次。南美足球历史上就在这里在 Atanasio Girardot 体育场。Thiaguiño 抢到美丽的隧道通亚拿尼亚的目标,现在布鲁诺。这里有桑塔纳、阿玛尼拍摄和保存的好!再次组织全国很幸运,在最后一分钟,球越过后明显的危险。大玩 Thiaguiño 使他的突破--国家的国防,让聪明的桑塔纳的有利位置。他是一个自然的力量。时钟仍在继续,这可能是最后的一场比赛由 Chapecoense,那一队,是一个值得尊敬的对手!这两个队站在门柱,来这里的角球,桑塔纳后拍摄的口哨和阿玛尼点击率很难避免任何危险再次。现在该是在吉那,他出手了!和…… 去皮带圈!去皮带圈! EntrySummary Chapecoense 是当地巴西利亚N 队,从打乙级到资格赛进入南美杯决赛。不幸的是,在去哥伦比亚玩他们历史上最重要的游戏的路上,他们的飞机坠毁了。队里的每个人都死了,他们最重要的比赛从未进行过。一年后,布鲁广播电台,哥伦比亚最重要的体育广播公司之一,预定报道这场比赛, 决定通过重建比赛并帮助他们参加从未发生的决赛来向他们致以衷心的敬意。 简要解释 2016 届南美杯决赛从未发生过,因为一场不幸的事故,来自查佩科恩斯足球队的所有球员都丧生。这是一个完整的音频重建游戏可能是什么。它是使用 Chapecoense 在过去 10 年里播放的最令人难忘的匹配音频片段 800 多个创建的,这些片段与 Nacional (竞争对手团队) 的互动一起编辑创建一个无缝游戏。从来没有的游戏。90 分钟的比赛可以在 https://www.bluradio.com/deportes/nacional-vs-chapecoense-homenaje-de-el-camerino-al-partido-que-nunca-se-jugo-161968

    The Game That Never Was

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish COMMENTATOR: The score is zero for Nacional and zero for Chapecoense. Coaches looking very focused on the task ahead. Reinaldo Rueda and Caiao Junior are handling the pressure in a match where there´s no space for improvisation, because any mistake can mean defeat. Their talent is being put to the test from this point on. No space for mistakes in this game, the hearts of both teams beat together. And the ball is rolling! Chapecoense representing Brazil and Nacional representing Colombia. Aguilar moving fast followed by Matheus. Santana presses forward, but Uribe hides the ball. Building up the attack from the local team accompanied once again by Santana, who won´t let go of the ball. It´s an offside which will benefit Nacional. Uribe´s shadow is now over Santana, who kicks the ball to the center of the field. Matheus Do Santos intercepting the ball, and the referee calls for a foul. Henríquez gets the free kick and changes the direction of the game in favor of Nacional with Ibarguen. Here comes Macnelly, back to Ibarguen who looks for the mid field and gets so close to the goal! But he was alone and it´s a free kick from Chapeco. What a match! Incredible match. The collaboration between Macnelly and Ibarguen is breaking through the defense of the Brazilian team, which is having a hard time getting back. Nacional is getting close but still hasn´t scored. We are witnessing a great encounter at the Atanasio Girardot stadium. This is a football feast for football fans. Thank god for football! It’s a short pass by from Danilo, recieved by Canela. Change of direction by Thiago, again a pass for Santana. Josimar for Canela and a long pass that´s intercepted by Díaz and the ball is in the posesión of Atletico Nacional once again. Henríquez goes for a deep pass, Macnelly Torres is in control. Here comes Mathias! and recovers the ball. Interception by Denier who escapes through the left field, he runs, runs and runs, Kempes by his side, Denier takes a risk and sends the ball to the heart of the field, but Henríquez manages to stop the attack, good job by the defense of Atlético Nacional. Chapecoense managed to split the defense of Nacional. The recovery by Mathias Da silva was outstanding, and he cached Denier off guard. Attention! here comes again Chapeco, through the center field comes Denier assisted by Biteco, Ananias and Gil are waiting for them, Ananias has the ball. Thiaguiño anticipates the play and catches the pass, he´s looking to get across Diaz, he passes again to Ananias who stops the ball, and he shoots! Armani, what a goal keeper! Armani is a hero, no doubt about it, and Chapecoense, the revelation of this South American Cup is creating more and more opportunities to become champion against a tough rival like Atlético Nacional, which has a superstar player: Franco Armani. It’s surprising to see how the Brazilian team manages to get through the defense then the green team is distracted. Nacional has to keep itself together to protect its goalie and avoid this face to face as we approach the last instances of this game. I agree, this as a give and take game. Now Nacional has the ball, Ibarguen, Henríquez a deep pass for Henríquez and takes a shot! No one to meet that crossed pass and score. The game is still zero to zero and Chapeco got lucky this time. As expected, after a number of chances for the visiting team their defense has managed to put Nacional against the wall, but this causes them to become vulnerable to interceptions. Alexis Henríquez taking advantage to surprise Chapecoense with long passes, just as it happened a few minutes ago in the play orchestrated by Macnelly and Ibarguen. This is what I call football, the ticket is worth it, what a game my Friends at the Atanasio Stadium. I can see a goal coming for any of this great teams. Here comes the Brazilian team with a high pass, Josimar gives the ball to Santana, who is getting ahead through the right field. Pass to Matheus Biteco, he looks over the field looking for a teammate he passes to Ananias but Nacional gets the ball and runs from behind. Here comes Ibarguen, now Macnelly, he stops, now passes the ball to Berrio who creates a wall with Díaz. Here comes Berrio, here comes berrio, he shoots and… strikes on the goal post. The ball falls on the feet of Matheus who kicks it far away from the goal. That was a clear option to score which could have turned Nacional into continental champions. What an exciting match we are living right now, both teams are taking advantage of the whole field. Now the moment of truth came for Danilo with this great shot to his goal that got through Chapecoense´s defense. 85th minute in this South American Cup Final! And both teams are going all in. Chapecoense and Nacional in a final worth remembering. This is still zero to zero at the Atanasio Girardot stadium. Even if there are still no goals this game has gone far and beyond our expectations. Tonight these two teams are playing the game of their lives. Many options coming from both sides. Reinaldo Rueda and Caiao Junior have taken South America by surprise. Here comes the ball, out with Ibarguen, pass to Farid Díaz, now to Macnelly Torres. He runs, he anticipates, and it’s a corner kick for Nacional. They are a real threat to Chapecoense right now which has to tighten its defense and not leave any space to Nacional´s Macnelly Torres, Andres Ibarguen and Farid, who are creating a solid triangle to create great plays. Here comes the corner kick, they have to stay alert, Borja gets in and its a goal. Goooooooooal! by Atlético Nacional this is incredible, this is incredible! Nacional takes the lead and what a goal! 1 from Nacional, 0 from Chapecoense. That was a challenge for Danilo, who is a great goal keeper but there was little he could do against this great shot which came in through the corner of the post. A true piece of art on a night made for the fans. Once again Chapeco, not losing their hope as the visitor team. There´s still time and anything can happen. Ball in the center field, Santana sends a long pass to Canela who stops it beautifully with his chest. Torres is chasing him, here goes a pass and Josimar gets the ball, and gives it to Macnelly Torres. Thiago comes forward, they are fighting hard and he wins the ball as we get closer to the last minutes of this Colombo-Brazilian game. Long pass from Josimar to Kempes who goes for it alone. He shoots, Armani! and it hits the post once again sending the ball far away. But this duel is not over yet. Nacional is still up by one goal and nerves are taking over the stands. Zero for Chapecoense! But clearly this is a team that won´t give up, that has gone through very tough times to get here, so no doubt they will give it all they have and beyond. A worthy adversary. And Nacional won´t stop there either. We are watching a dream final game in South American football. A dangerous free kick for Nacional, the referee says “keep going”. Here comes Macnelly Torres, he shoots and gets really close to Danilo´s goal post. Such a calm goal keeper and one of the big stars of this championship. Look at that, Caiao Junior directing his team to keep the ball and hold Nacional´s attack Coque in the middle of the field, to Diego, now to Biteco, Berrio presses on. We are entering the last minutes of the match. Atletico nacional has to be more conservative. Pass for Matheus Biteco, now for Denier who escapes through the left field. Run Kempes, run! Denier by his side to press on, but Uribe gets that ball back for Nacional. Now Arias passes to Macnelly, great ball possesion, attacking on left field, pass to Borja Josimar comes in hard, now Denier, now Thiaguiño and knocks him down but there is no foul. Keep playing! says the referee. Go, go, go, go! Denier makes a long pass for Thiaguiño, now for Denier and a center pass for Bruno, smart play by Ananias, he turns around, Ananias! Ananias! Goal, Goooooooooal! by Chapeco. Goal by chapeco, fans can´t believe it. Goal by great Ananias on the door of the final game and the stadium goes crazy! along with the whole of Brazil that shouts goal! Number 11. One for Nacional, one for Chapecoence. Its a draw ladies and gentleman here in the South American Cup Finals. We could see that goal coming in a match that fills us with emotion. A genius play that begins on the Chapecoense side and ends with a turnaround play by Ananias, that manages to get that ball to fit the goalpost like a glove taking Franco Armani by surprise. But this game is not over till it’s over. Goal kick by Atlético Nacional trying to use their last resources wisely. They´re bringing the cavalry in this additional minutes and going full throttle. Guerra running through left field towards the opposing goal post, he passes to Macnelly, changes direction, Borja gets in, passes to Guerra, Guerra, Guerra, but he shoots way over the goal post and the ball is lost. This is a classic give and take with both teams getting their claws out to geth through this moments of high pressure. And here comes Chapecoense once again. South American Football history is being made right here at the Atanasio Girardot Stadium. Thiaguiño gets it, beautiful tunnel pass to Ananias the author of the goal, now to Bruno. Here comes Santana, what a shot and what a save by Armani! Once again Nacional got really lucky there in the last minute and the ball goes over the post clear of any danger. Great play by Thiaguiño which enabled him to break through Nacional´s defense, leaving Clever Santana in an advantage position. He is a force of nature. The clock is still going, this could be the last play of the game by Chapecoense, What a team, what a worthy adversary! Both teams standing by the goalpost, here comes the corner kick, Santana shoots after the whistle and Armani hits it hard and avoids any danger once again. The ball is now in Gil´s possession, he shoots again! And… Go Chape! Go Chape! EntrySummary Chapecoense is a local Brazilian team that went from playing in second division to qualifying to the South American Cup Finals. Sadly on their way to Colombia to play the most important game in their history their plane crashed. Everyone on the team died, and their most important game was never played. One year later Blu Radio, one of the most important sports broadcasters in Colombia which was scheduled to cover the game, decided to pay them a heartfelt tribute by reconstructing the game and helping them play the finals that never happened. BriefExplanation The 2016 South American Cup Finals never took place due to an unfortunate accident where all players from Chapecoense football team lost their lives. This is a full audio reconstruction of what the game could have been. It was created using over 800 audio fragments from the most memorable matched played by Chapecoense in the past 10 years, which were edited together along with interactions from Nacional (rival team) to create one seamless game. The game that never was. The 90 minutes match can be heard in https://www.bluradio.com/deportes/nacional-vs-chapecoense-homenaje-de-el-camerino-al-partido-que-nunca-se-jugo-161968



    The Game That Never Was










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