# 不幸的生日
案例简介:不幸的巧合。 2021年10月7日将纪念记者安娜·波利特科夫斯卡被暗杀15周年,也是俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京 (Vladimir Putin) 诞辰69周年。如果有可能问自己这两个日期之间的奇怪巧合,可以肯定的是,安娜的战斗仍在继续: 自苏联解体以来的过去几个月里,新闻自由在俄罗斯从未受到如此攻击。因此,今年,我们要求国际社会不要祝普京先生生日快乐,而要祝他 # UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin。为了纪念安娜的记忆,要求在10月7日的处方时间即将到来之际,所有关于她被暗杀的信息都要曝光,要找到褒义词,并向俄罗斯总统施加压力,以便停止对俄罗斯记者的虐待和威胁。 今天10月7日,无国界记者组织 (RSF) 在媒体和社交媒体上开展了一项伟大的行动。RSF将在俄罗斯驻巴黎,伦敦,柏林的大使馆和莫斯科的nova ï agazeta前发起行动,以释放1000个黑色气球 # UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin。法国BETC为无国界记者创建的综合广告,类别为: 公共利益,非政府组织。
# 不幸的生日
案例简介:Unhappy coincidence. 7th October 2021 will mark the 15th anniversary of the journalist Anna Politkovskaïa assassination and the 69th birthday of the Russian president Vladimir Putin’s.If it’s possible to ask oneself about the strange coincidence between these 2 dates, what is sure is that Anna’s fight still continue: the free press has never been so attacked in Russia that in the past few months since the end of the USSR.So this year, we ask the international community not to wish Mr Putin an happy birthday, but rather an #UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin.To commemorate Anna’s memory, to demand that all light is shed on her assassination as the prescription time s coming on the 7th October, that the commendatory are found and that pressure is put on the Russian president so that abuses and threats against journalists in Russia cease. This 7th October, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) launch a great operation in the press and on social media. RSF will be launching an action in front of Russian embassies in Paris, London, Berlin and in front of Novaïa Gazeta in Moscow to release 1000 black balloons #UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin. Integrated advertisement created by BETC, France for Reporters Without Borders, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
案例简介:不幸的巧合。 2021年10月7日将纪念记者安娜·波利特科夫斯卡被暗杀15周年,也是俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京 (Vladimir Putin) 诞辰69周年。如果有可能问自己这两个日期之间的奇怪巧合,可以肯定的是,安娜的战斗仍在继续: 自苏联解体以来的过去几个月里,新闻自由在俄罗斯从未受到如此攻击。因此,今年,我们要求国际社会不要祝普京先生生日快乐,而要祝他 # UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin。为了纪念安娜的记忆,要求在10月7日的处方时间即将到来之际,所有关于她被暗杀的信息都要曝光,要找到褒义词,并向俄罗斯总统施加压力,以便停止对俄罗斯记者的虐待和威胁。 今天10月7日,无国界记者组织 (RSF) 在媒体和社交媒体上开展了一项伟大的行动。RSF将在俄罗斯驻巴黎,伦敦,柏林的大使馆和莫斯科的nova ï agazeta前发起行动,以释放1000个黑色气球 # UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin。法国BETC为无国界记者创建的综合广告,类别为: 公共利益,非政府组织。
案例简介:Unhappy coincidence. 7th October 2021 will mark the 15th anniversary of the journalist Anna Politkovskaïa assassination and the 69th birthday of the Russian president Vladimir Putin’s.If it’s possible to ask oneself about the strange coincidence between these 2 dates, what is sure is that Anna’s fight still continue: the free press has never been so attacked in Russia that in the past few months since the end of the USSR.So this year, we ask the international community not to wish Mr Putin an happy birthday, but rather an #UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin.To commemorate Anna’s memory, to demand that all light is shed on her assassination as the prescription time s coming on the 7th October, that the commendatory are found and that pressure is put on the Russian president so that abuses and threats against journalists in Russia cease. This 7th October, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) launch a great operation in the press and on social media. RSF will be launching an action in front of Russian embassies in Paris, London, Berlin and in front of Novaïa Gazeta in Moscow to release 1000 black balloons #UnhappyBirthdayMrPutin. Integrated advertisement created by BETC, France for Reporters Without Borders, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
# 不幸的生日
- 广告品牌: Reporters Without Borders
- 发布日期: 2021-10
- 行业领域: 公益慈善 , 公共事业
- 媒体类别: 短视频 , APP , 图文
- 广告语言: 英语
- 媒介平台: 网络