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    # Myfamilycan

    案例简介:我们重新设计了 SPC 品牌系列的标签,创建了一个名为 # MyFamilyCan 的新系列罐头。以澳大利亚农民为特色,他们在里面种植产品,这个想法让我们能够对全国范围的对话做出回应,并引导它走向正确的方向。 除了发自内心的电影内容和大量的公关之外,# MyFamilyCan 还通过高度战术性的社交媒体在农民和消费者之间建立了情感联系。SPC rekinned 其社交媒体给农民一个声音,并继续在每个罐子里围绕家庭构建故事。 简要解释 由于一批受污染的进口产品,澳大利亚正在经历一次肝炎爆发,在原产国食品标签上引发了全国范围的恐慌。丑闻发生后,SPC 竭尽全力表达其产品的澳大利亚血统。从问题的核心 -- 产品标签 -- 我们彻底改革了 SPC 标志性的品牌套件 (SPC 、古尔本谷和阿德莫纳),以名为 # MyFamilyCan 的倡议激励全国。我们将 SPC 最有价值的房地产 -- 它的包装 -- 奉献给农业家庭,将 400万罐转化为每个澳大利亚大型超市的 400万个对话启动器。消费者不再需要仔细检查他们可以信任的食物; 他们本能地买了熟悉的面孔。我们深思熟虑的策略是让罐头推动内容; 对于每个罐头的真实家庭故事来说,这促使人们围绕支持农业家庭和食品标签的重要性展开热情的讨论。为了刺激对话,为推出新罐头创造势头,我们制作了一部感人的品牌电影,并在澳新军团日澳大利亚足球联赛比赛 (澳大利亚重大体育赛事) 上放映随后在线。为了巩固 # MyFamilyCan 的遗产,我们向竞选的在线支持者 (及其家人) 致敬通过在农民的果园里奉献真正的树木 -- 他们自己的 “家庭树” 来为后代种植 SPC 水果。最初打算做水果促销,# MyFamilyCan 很快就在社会上留下了印记。由于压倒性的反应,在两天内重新订购,重新设计的标签现在已经成为整个 SPC 范围内的永久固定装置。可以说,我们打破了 8% 的销售提升目标,没有打折。仅第一个月就售出了 100万个 SPC 家庭罐头,这对销售目标来说是 17% 的提升。该倡议还引起了社交媒体的共鸣,SPC 的帖子产生了 120万的直接社交互动 -- 比我们最初的目标高出 1100%。SPC 在该季度的类别中排名前三,发布帖子每 915 名粉丝有 1000 次互动。下一个最接近的竞争对手 (百事) 有 72 个。这将 SPC 提升到澳大利亚快速消费品品牌参与的第一名。# MyFamilyCan 的成功展示了真实性与消费者共鸣的力量。有了这个情感包装平台,# MyFamilyCan 给了澳大利亚家庭一个他们从未与农业家庭有过的联系,以及与 SPC 品牌更深层次的联系。竞选结束 12 周后, 总理公布了新的标签立法,以影响澳大利亚生产的所有产品 -- 对无数表示支持的澳大利亚人来说,这是一个巨大的胜利 -- 无论是在超市货架上还是在网上。

    # Myfamilycan

    案例简介:We redesigned the labels on SPC’s family of brands to create a new series of cans called #MyFamilyCan. Featuring the Australian farmers who grow the product inside, this idea allowed us to respond to a nation-wide conversation and to steer it in the right direction. Along with heartfelt film content and substantial PR, #MyFamilyCan forged an emotional connection between farmers and consumers with highly tactical Social Media. SPC reskinned its social media to give the farmers a voice and continued building stories around the families on each can. Brief Explanation Due to a batch of contaminated imports, Australia was experiencing a Hepatitis outbreak, fuelling nationwide alarm around country of origin food labelling. In the wake of the scandal, SPC went to extraordinary lengths to express the Australian origin of its products. Starting at the heart of the issue – product labelling – we overhauled SPC’s iconic suite of brands (SPC, Goulburn Valley and Ardmona) to galvanise the nation with an initiative called #MyFamilyCan. We dedicated SPC’s most valuable real estate – its packaging – to farming families, converting four million cans into four million conversation starters in every major Australian supermarket. Consumers no longer needed to scour the fine print for food they could trust; they instinctively bought familiar faces. Our deliberate strategy was to have the cans driving the content; for the real family stories on each can to prompt a passionate discussion around supporting farming families and the importance of food labelling. To stimulate the conversation and build momentum for the launch of the new cans, we created a deeply moving branded film and screened it at the ANZAC Day Australian Football League match (a major Australian sporting event) and subsequently online. To cement the #MyFamilyCan legacy, we honoured online supporters of the campaign (and their families) by dedicating real trees in the farmers’ orchards – their very own ‘family tree’ to grow SPC fruit for generations to come. Initially intended to be a fruit promotion, #MyFamilyCan quickly left its mark on society. Due to an overwhelming response, a rerun was ordered within two days, and the redesigned labels have now become a permanent fixture across the entire SPC range. Suffice to say, we smashed our sales uplift objective of 8% without discounting a cent. One million SPC Family Cans were sold in first month alone - a 17% uplift on the sales target. The initiative also struck a chord on social media, where SPC’s posts generated 1.2 million direct social interactions - 1100% greater than our initial target. SPC had the top three performing posts in the category that quarter, and the launch post had 915 interactions for every 1000 fans. The next closest competitor (Pepsi) had 72. This elevated SPC to the number one spot for engagement by an Australian FMCG brand.The success of #MyFamilyCan demonstrates the power of authenticity to resonate with consumers. With this emotional packaging platform, #MyFamilyCan gave Australian families a connection they’d never had with farming families, and an even deeper connection with the SPC brand. Twelve weeks on from the campaign, the Prime Minister unveiled new labelling legislation to affect all products manufactured in Australia – a massive win for the countless Australians who showed their support – both at the supermarket shelf and online.


    案例简介:我们重新设计了 SPC 品牌系列的标签,创建了一个名为 # MyFamilyCan 的新系列罐头。以澳大利亚农民为特色,他们在里面种植产品,这个想法让我们能够对全国范围的对话做出回应,并引导它走向正确的方向。 除了发自内心的电影内容和大量的公关之外,# MyFamilyCan 还通过高度战术性的社交媒体在农民和消费者之间建立了情感联系。SPC rekinned 其社交媒体给农民一个声音,并继续在每个罐子里围绕家庭构建故事。 简要解释 由于一批受污染的进口产品,澳大利亚正在经历一次肝炎爆发,在原产国食品标签上引发了全国范围的恐慌。丑闻发生后,SPC 竭尽全力表达其产品的澳大利亚血统。从问题的核心 -- 产品标签 -- 我们彻底改革了 SPC 标志性的品牌套件 (SPC 、古尔本谷和阿德莫纳),以名为 # MyFamilyCan 的倡议激励全国。我们将 SPC 最有价值的房地产 -- 它的包装 -- 奉献给农业家庭,将 400万罐转化为每个澳大利亚大型超市的 400万个对话启动器。消费者不再需要仔细检查他们可以信任的食物; 他们本能地买了熟悉的面孔。我们深思熟虑的策略是让罐头推动内容; 对于每个罐头的真实家庭故事来说,这促使人们围绕支持农业家庭和食品标签的重要性展开热情的讨论。为了刺激对话,为推出新罐头创造势头,我们制作了一部感人的品牌电影,并在澳新军团日澳大利亚足球联赛比赛 (澳大利亚重大体育赛事) 上放映随后在线。为了巩固 # MyFamilyCan 的遗产,我们向竞选的在线支持者 (及其家人) 致敬通过在农民的果园里奉献真正的树木 -- 他们自己的 “家庭树” 来为后代种植 SPC 水果。最初打算做水果促销,# MyFamilyCan 很快就在社会上留下了印记。由于压倒性的反应,在两天内重新订购,重新设计的标签现在已经成为整个 SPC 范围内的永久固定装置。可以说,我们打破了 8% 的销售提升目标,没有打折。仅第一个月就售出了 100万个 SPC 家庭罐头,这对销售目标来说是 17% 的提升。该倡议还引起了社交媒体的共鸣,SPC 的帖子产生了 120万的直接社交互动 -- 比我们最初的目标高出 1100%。SPC 在该季度的类别中排名前三,发布帖子每 915 名粉丝有 1000 次互动。下一个最接近的竞争对手 (百事) 有 72 个。这将 SPC 提升到澳大利亚快速消费品品牌参与的第一名。# MyFamilyCan 的成功展示了真实性与消费者共鸣的力量。有了这个情感包装平台,# MyFamilyCan 给了澳大利亚家庭一个他们从未与农业家庭有过的联系,以及与 SPC 品牌更深层次的联系。竞选结束 12 周后, 总理公布了新的标签立法,以影响澳大利亚生产的所有产品 -- 对无数表示支持的澳大利亚人来说,这是一个巨大的胜利 -- 无论是在超市货架上还是在网上。


    案例简介:We redesigned the labels on SPC’s family of brands to create a new series of cans called #MyFamilyCan. Featuring the Australian farmers who grow the product inside, this idea allowed us to respond to a nation-wide conversation and to steer it in the right direction. Along with heartfelt film content and substantial PR, #MyFamilyCan forged an emotional connection between farmers and consumers with highly tactical Social Media. SPC reskinned its social media to give the farmers a voice and continued building stories around the families on each can. Brief Explanation Due to a batch of contaminated imports, Australia was experiencing a Hepatitis outbreak, fuelling nationwide alarm around country of origin food labelling. In the wake of the scandal, SPC went to extraordinary lengths to express the Australian origin of its products. Starting at the heart of the issue – product labelling – we overhauled SPC’s iconic suite of brands (SPC, Goulburn Valley and Ardmona) to galvanise the nation with an initiative called #MyFamilyCan. We dedicated SPC’s most valuable real estate – its packaging – to farming families, converting four million cans into four million conversation starters in every major Australian supermarket. Consumers no longer needed to scour the fine print for food they could trust; they instinctively bought familiar faces. Our deliberate strategy was to have the cans driving the content; for the real family stories on each can to prompt a passionate discussion around supporting farming families and the importance of food labelling. To stimulate the conversation and build momentum for the launch of the new cans, we created a deeply moving branded film and screened it at the ANZAC Day Australian Football League match (a major Australian sporting event) and subsequently online. To cement the #MyFamilyCan legacy, we honoured online supporters of the campaign (and their families) by dedicating real trees in the farmers’ orchards – their very own ‘family tree’ to grow SPC fruit for generations to come. Initially intended to be a fruit promotion, #MyFamilyCan quickly left its mark on society. Due to an overwhelming response, a rerun was ordered within two days, and the redesigned labels have now become a permanent fixture across the entire SPC range. Suffice to say, we smashed our sales uplift objective of 8% without discounting a cent. One million SPC Family Cans were sold in first month alone - a 17% uplift on the sales target. The initiative also struck a chord on social media, where SPC’s posts generated 1.2 million direct social interactions - 1100% greater than our initial target. SPC had the top three performing posts in the category that quarter, and the launch post had 915 interactions for every 1000 fans. The next closest competitor (Pepsi) had 72. This elevated SPC to the number one spot for engagement by an Australian FMCG brand.The success of #MyFamilyCan demonstrates the power of authenticity to resonate with consumers. With this emotional packaging platform, #MyFamilyCan gave Australian families a connection they’d never had with farming families, and an even deeper connection with the SPC brand. Twelve weeks on from the campaign, the Prime Minister unveiled new labelling legislation to affect all products manufactured in Australia – a massive win for the countless Australians who showed their support – both at the supermarket shelf and online.

    # Myfamilycan







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