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    Nike Training Club Live

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? Nike Training Club Live解锁了使用Instagram作为媒体平台的全新方式。 我们创建了一个内容生态系统,将人们的Instagram变成了世界级的私人教练,并鼓励他们锻炼身体,而不是被动地消费内容,就在那时和那里。 Facebook表示,这是 “不可思议的”,“就像我们在Instagram上从未见过的一样”。 背景 耐克向我们做了简报,让欧洲各地的年轻人迷上了训练。 训练变得两极分化。一方面,你让人们每天锻炼几个小时,只是为了获得完美的Instagram bod。另一方面,有些人被训练吓倒,认为这不适合他们。 我们的活动旨在重申公司核心的耐克价值观 -- 如果你有身体,你就是运动员。 我们开始揭开训练的神秘面纱,让所有人都能接受和接近训练,不管你的经验水平如何 -- 从精英运动员到绝对的初学者。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 我们在Instagram Live系列中连续三十天每天同时进行锻炼。 我们尽可能简单地进行锻炼-您需要参加的唯一设备就是您的手机。培训师强调了健康、整体的训练方法的重要性,包括正念、休息、恢复和营养。 为了让现场表演不容错过,每次锻炼都有不同的世界级耐克运动员 (包括职业足球运动员、篮球运动员、残奥会运动员、摔跤运动员、舞蹈演员、拳击手等) 与Nike Master Trainer一起训练。这些运动员都鼓励他们自己的Instagram追随者参加,这意味着我们每次广播都会有新的观众。 除了liveshows之外,我们还创建了多个活动资产,包括促销的Instagram故事,GIPHY贴纸包,刷卡,民意调查,问答,影响者帖子和IGTV。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们的目标受众在 1月份有足够的精力去健身房,但在 2月及以后没有足够的精力去坚持。 我们进行的研究表明,这些习惯在他们如何使用社交媒体,特别是Instagram中被复制。他们最初的热情意味着他们关注健身账户,比如 @ NikeTraining和我们合作过的许多运动员。但是随着时间的推移,他们的热情下降了。这意味着我们已经接触到了我们理想的观众,我们只需要找到一种激活他们的方法。 我们最大的竞争对手是他们的手机。 我们知道我们永远不会把它们从Instagram上弄下来。 因此,我们没有试图将他们从社交媒体上转移开来,而是接受了它。 我们用Instagram向他们展示了每天以适合他们生活的方式进行快速锻炼是多么容易。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 我们通过以故事和Feed的形式发布的晋升帖子扰乱了人们在Instagram上浪费时间的行为。 这些帖子在 9月23日开始现场锻炼前一周发布。尽管在 6 个国家的 10 个不同地点发生了后勤挑战,但Instagram Live节目仍然每天持续 30 天。 在这 30 天期间,我们支持所有其他活动资产的liveshows-GIPHY贴纸包,锻炼时间表,民意调查,问答,在他们自己的频道上,30 名运动员中的每一位都可以刷卡和发帖。 观众有 24 小时的时间观看Instagram上的每一场直播。 如果您错过了为期 30 天的现场活动,您可以在IGTV上赶上最好的 8 次锻炼-这是来自Instagram的全新长形式平台。 我们总共为该活动创建了 200 多个独特的资产。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 700万参与的消费者。 2.29亿关于GIPHY的gif观点 活跃的耐克培训俱乐部用户增加 15%。 360,000 新耐克培训俱乐部用户

    Nike Training Club Live

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Nike Training Club Live unlocked a completely new way of using Instagram as a media platform. Instead of a passive experience where you just consume content, we created an eco-system of content that transformed people’s Instagram feeds into a world-class personal trainer and encouraged them to work out, right then and there. Facebook said it was “incredible” and “like nothing we have ever seen on Instagram”. Background Nike briefed us to get young people across Europe hooked on training. Training was becoming polarising. On the one hand, you had people working out for several hours every day just to get the perfect Instagram bod. And on the other hand were people who were intimidated by training and thought it was just not for them. Our campaign set out to reaffirm the Nike values at the core of the company - if you’ve got a body, you are an athlete. We set out to demystify training and make it accessible and approachable to all, no matter what level of experience you were - from elite athlete to absolute beginner. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) An Instagram Live series where we live streamed a workout at the same time, every day, for thirty days in a row. We made the workouts as simple as possible - the only equipment you needed to take part was your phone. The trainers stressed the importance of a healthy, holistic approach to training, including mindfulness, rest, recovery and nutrition. To make the live shows unmissable, each workout featured a different world-class Nike athlete (including professional footballers, basketballers, paralympic athletes, wrestlers, dancers, boxers and more) training with a Nike Master Trainer. Each of these athletes encouraged their own Instagram followers to take part, meaning we reached a new audience with every single broadcast. Beyond the liveshows, we created multiple campaign assets including promoted Instagram Stories, GIPHY sticker packs, swipe ups, polls, Q&As, influencer posts and IGTV. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our target audience are engaged enough to go to the gym in January, but not engaged enough to keep going in February and beyond. The research we conducted showed that these habits were replicated in how they used social media, particularly Instagram. Their initial enthusiasm meant they followed fitness accounts like @NikeTraining and many of the athletes we worked with. But as time went on, their enthusiasm decreased. Meaning we already had access to our ideal audience, we just had to find a way of activating them. Our biggest competitor was their phone. We knew we were never going to get them off Instagram. So instead of trying to divert them away from social media, we embraced it. We used Instagram to show them how easy it is to do a quick workout every day in a way that will fit into their lives. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We disrupted people’s time-wasting behaviour on Instagram with promoted posts which ran both as Stories and in Feed. These posts ran one week before the live workouts began on September 23rd. The Instagram Live shows then went out every single day without fail for 30 days, despite the logistical challenge of taking place in 10 different locations in 6 countries. During that 30 day period, we supported the liveshows with all the other campaign assets - the GIPHY sticker pack, workout schedules, polls, Q&As, swipe ups as well as posts from each of the 30 athletes on their own channels. The viewers had a 24-hour window to watch each live show on Instagram. If you missed the live 30-day event, you could catch up with the best 8 workouts on IGTV - the brand new long-form platform from Instagram. In all, we created over 200 unique assets for the campaign. List the results (30% of vote) 7 million engaged consumers. 229 million gif views on GIPHY. 15% increase in active Nike Training Club users. 360,000 new Nike Training Club users

    Nike Training Club Live

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? Nike Training Club Live解锁了使用Instagram作为媒体平台的全新方式。 我们创建了一个内容生态系统,将人们的Instagram变成了世界级的私人教练,并鼓励他们锻炼身体,而不是被动地消费内容,就在那时和那里。 Facebook表示,这是 “不可思议的”,“就像我们在Instagram上从未见过的一样”。 背景 耐克向我们做了简报,让欧洲各地的年轻人迷上了训练。 训练变得两极分化。一方面,你让人们每天锻炼几个小时,只是为了获得完美的Instagram bod。另一方面,有些人被训练吓倒,认为这不适合他们。 我们的活动旨在重申公司核心的耐克价值观 -- 如果你有身体,你就是运动员。 我们开始揭开训练的神秘面纱,让所有人都能接受和接近训练,不管你的经验水平如何 -- 从精英运动员到绝对的初学者。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 我们在Instagram Live系列中连续三十天每天同时进行锻炼。 我们尽可能简单地进行锻炼-您需要参加的唯一设备就是您的手机。培训师强调了健康、整体的训练方法的重要性,包括正念、休息、恢复和营养。 为了让现场表演不容错过,每次锻炼都有不同的世界级耐克运动员 (包括职业足球运动员、篮球运动员、残奥会运动员、摔跤运动员、舞蹈演员、拳击手等) 与Nike Master Trainer一起训练。这些运动员都鼓励他们自己的Instagram追随者参加,这意味着我们每次广播都会有新的观众。 除了liveshows之外,我们还创建了多个活动资产,包括促销的Instagram故事,GIPHY贴纸包,刷卡,民意调查,问答,影响者帖子和IGTV。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们的目标受众在 1月份有足够的精力去健身房,但在 2月及以后没有足够的精力去坚持。 我们进行的研究表明,这些习惯在他们如何使用社交媒体,特别是Instagram中被复制。他们最初的热情意味着他们关注健身账户,比如 @ NikeTraining和我们合作过的许多运动员。但是随着时间的推移,他们的热情下降了。这意味着我们已经接触到了我们理想的观众,我们只需要找到一种激活他们的方法。 我们最大的竞争对手是他们的手机。 我们知道我们永远不会把它们从Instagram上弄下来。 因此,我们没有试图将他们从社交媒体上转移开来,而是接受了它。 我们用Instagram向他们展示了每天以适合他们生活的方式进行快速锻炼是多么容易。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 我们通过以故事和Feed的形式发布的晋升帖子扰乱了人们在Instagram上浪费时间的行为。 这些帖子在 9月23日开始现场锻炼前一周发布。尽管在 6 个国家的 10 个不同地点发生了后勤挑战,但Instagram Live节目仍然每天持续 30 天。 在这 30 天期间,我们支持所有其他活动资产的liveshows-GIPHY贴纸包,锻炼时间表,民意调查,问答,在他们自己的频道上,30 名运动员中的每一位都可以刷卡和发帖。 观众有 24 小时的时间观看Instagram上的每一场直播。 如果您错过了为期 30 天的现场活动,您可以在IGTV上赶上最好的 8 次锻炼-这是来自Instagram的全新长形式平台。 我们总共为该活动创建了 200 多个独特的资产。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 700万参与的消费者。 2.29亿关于GIPHY的gif观点 活跃的耐克培训俱乐部用户增加 15%。 360,000 新耐克培训俱乐部用户

    Nike Training Club Live

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Nike Training Club Live unlocked a completely new way of using Instagram as a media platform. Instead of a passive experience where you just consume content, we created an eco-system of content that transformed people’s Instagram feeds into a world-class personal trainer and encouraged them to work out, right then and there. Facebook said it was “incredible” and “like nothing we have ever seen on Instagram”. Background Nike briefed us to get young people across Europe hooked on training. Training was becoming polarising. On the one hand, you had people working out for several hours every day just to get the perfect Instagram bod. And on the other hand were people who were intimidated by training and thought it was just not for them. Our campaign set out to reaffirm the Nike values at the core of the company - if you’ve got a body, you are an athlete. We set out to demystify training and make it accessible and approachable to all, no matter what level of experience you were - from elite athlete to absolute beginner. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) An Instagram Live series where we live streamed a workout at the same time, every day, for thirty days in a row. We made the workouts as simple as possible - the only equipment you needed to take part was your phone. The trainers stressed the importance of a healthy, holistic approach to training, including mindfulness, rest, recovery and nutrition. To make the live shows unmissable, each workout featured a different world-class Nike athlete (including professional footballers, basketballers, paralympic athletes, wrestlers, dancers, boxers and more) training with a Nike Master Trainer. Each of these athletes encouraged their own Instagram followers to take part, meaning we reached a new audience with every single broadcast. Beyond the liveshows, we created multiple campaign assets including promoted Instagram Stories, GIPHY sticker packs, swipe ups, polls, Q&As, influencer posts and IGTV. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our target audience are engaged enough to go to the gym in January, but not engaged enough to keep going in February and beyond. The research we conducted showed that these habits were replicated in how they used social media, particularly Instagram. Their initial enthusiasm meant they followed fitness accounts like @NikeTraining and many of the athletes we worked with. But as time went on, their enthusiasm decreased. Meaning we already had access to our ideal audience, we just had to find a way of activating them. Our biggest competitor was their phone. We knew we were never going to get them off Instagram. So instead of trying to divert them away from social media, we embraced it. We used Instagram to show them how easy it is to do a quick workout every day in a way that will fit into their lives. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We disrupted people’s time-wasting behaviour on Instagram with promoted posts which ran both as Stories and in Feed. These posts ran one week before the live workouts began on September 23rd. The Instagram Live shows then went out every single day without fail for 30 days, despite the logistical challenge of taking place in 10 different locations in 6 countries. During that 30 day period, we supported the liveshows with all the other campaign assets - the GIPHY sticker pack, workout schedules, polls, Q&As, swipe ups as well as posts from each of the 30 athletes on their own channels. The viewers had a 24-hour window to watch each live show on Instagram. If you missed the live 30-day event, you could catch up with the best 8 workouts on IGTV - the brand new long-form platform from Instagram. In all, we created over 200 unique assets for the campaign. List the results (30% of vote) 7 million engaged consumers. 229 million gif views on GIPHY. 15% increase in active Nike Training Club users. 360,000 new Nike Training Club users

    Nike Training Club Live


    Nike Training Club Live






    广告公司: 韦柯 (英国 伦敦)




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