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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关,因为它使用品牌激活为丰田客户提供了一个很好的体验,解决了他们日常生活中的一个大问题。 背景 在利马,几乎不可能找到停车的地方。 那是因为这座城市是在汽车很少的时候设计的,现在汽车非常过剩,在大多数地区的少数停车场都没有空间。 另一方面,很多人都把自己的车库出租了. 这项行动的目的是利用这种背景,为品牌做广告,给我们的客户一个非常酷的品牌体验。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 停车位广告牌是世界上第一个可以停车的广告牌。 这个想法是将城市中不同房屋的车库改造成丰田广告牌。 丰田车主可以停在这些广告牌上。 他们只需要从丰田经销商处订购他们的个人限量版钥匙圈。 然后,看看丰田手机地图上的停车位广告牌。 最后在里面停车。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 观众是丰田的车主,他们经常在城市里停车的最关键的地方。 作为我们客户的人,以及我们拥有所有数据以确保房屋安全的人。 真正热爱品牌并重视品牌为他们所做的事情的人。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 在城市最关键的区域实施了20多个车库。 这项活动始于Facebook的一篇帖子,人们被问及他们是否想要这样的想法。 然后,丰田车主被邀请从丰田经销商处订购他们的限量版kechains。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 丰田车主喜欢这场运动。 在竞选期间,丰田新车型的销量增长了5%。 我们调查了我们的客户,98% 的人告诉我们,这项活动似乎是解决城市停车问题的好办法。 请告诉我们您是如何为其播出的单个国家/地区/市场设计/调整您的活动的。 这项运动是专门为利马市设计的。 一个城市人口统计复杂,因为这个城市的居民过多,人口减少了三倍。 在城市最重要的地区几乎不可能停车,这个想法是这个问题的真正解决方案。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? This work is relevant to Brand Experience & Activation because it uses a brand activation to provide Toyota customers a great experience that solves a big problem in their daily lives. Background In Lima it is almost impossible to find places to park your car. That's because the city was designed when there were very few cars and now with tremendous excess of cars there is no room in the few parking areas of most districts. On the other hand, many people are putting their garages up for rent. The objective of this action was to take advantage of this context, advertising for the brand and giving our customers a very cool brand experience. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) The Parking Spot Billboards are the first billboards in the world where you can park your car. The idea was to transform the garages of different houses in the city into Toyota Billboards. Toyota owners could park on these billboards. They just needed to order their personal limited edition keyrings from the Toyota dealers. Then, look in the Parking Spot Billboards on the Toyota mobile map. And finally parking in them literally. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The audience were the owners of Toyota who frequent the most critical areas to park in the city. People who are our clients and from whom we have all the data to ensure the security of the houses. People who really love the brand and who value what the brand does for them. Describe the execution (30% of vote) More than 20 garages were implemented in the most critical areas of the city. Tha campaign started with a Facebook post where people were asked if they would like an idea like this one. Then, Toyota owners were invited to order their limited edition kechains from Toyota dealers. List the results (30% of vote) Toyota owners loved the campaign. The sales of the new models of Toyota increased by 5% during the time of the campaign. We surveyed our customers and 98% told us that the campaign seemed like a great solution for parking problems in the city. Please tell us how you designed/adapted your campaign for the single country / region / market where it aired. This campaign was designed specifically for the city of Lima. A city demographically complicated by an excess of inhabitants in a city that was designed for three times less people. In the most important districts of the city it is almost impossible to park and this idea is a real solution for this problem.

    The Parking Spot Billboards

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关,因为它使用品牌激活为丰田客户提供了一个很好的体验,解决了他们日常生活中的一个大问题。 背景 在利马,几乎不可能找到停车的地方。 那是因为这座城市是在汽车很少的时候设计的,现在汽车非常过剩,在大多数地区的少数停车场都没有空间。 另一方面,很多人都把自己的车库出租了. 这项行动的目的是利用这种背景,为品牌做广告,给我们的客户一个非常酷的品牌体验。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 停车位广告牌是世界上第一个可以停车的广告牌。 这个想法是将城市中不同房屋的车库改造成丰田广告牌。 丰田车主可以停在这些广告牌上。 他们只需要从丰田经销商处订购他们的个人限量版钥匙圈。 然后,看看丰田手机地图上的停车位广告牌。 最后在里面停车。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 观众是丰田的车主,他们经常在城市里停车的最关键的地方。 作为我们客户的人,以及我们拥有所有数据以确保房屋安全的人。 真正热爱品牌并重视品牌为他们所做的事情的人。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 在城市最关键的区域实施了20多个车库。 这项活动始于Facebook的一篇帖子,人们被问及他们是否想要这样的想法。 然后,丰田车主被邀请从丰田经销商处订购他们的限量版kechains。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 丰田车主喜欢这场运动。 在竞选期间,丰田新车型的销量增长了5%。 我们调查了我们的客户,98% 的人告诉我们,这项活动似乎是解决城市停车问题的好办法。 请告诉我们您是如何为其播出的单个国家/地区/市场设计/调整您的活动的。 这项运动是专门为利马市设计的。 一个城市人口统计复杂,因为这个城市的居民过多,人口减少了三倍。 在城市最重要的地区几乎不可能停车,这个想法是这个问题的真正解决方案。

    The Parking Spot Billboards

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? This work is relevant to Brand Experience & Activation because it uses a brand activation to provide Toyota customers a great experience that solves a big problem in their daily lives. Background In Lima it is almost impossible to find places to park your car. That's because the city was designed when there were very few cars and now with tremendous excess of cars there is no room in the few parking areas of most districts. On the other hand, many people are putting their garages up for rent. The objective of this action was to take advantage of this context, advertising for the brand and giving our customers a very cool brand experience. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) The Parking Spot Billboards are the first billboards in the world where you can park your car. The idea was to transform the garages of different houses in the city into Toyota Billboards. Toyota owners could park on these billboards. They just needed to order their personal limited edition keyrings from the Toyota dealers. Then, look in the Parking Spot Billboards on the Toyota mobile map. And finally parking in them literally. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The audience were the owners of Toyota who frequent the most critical areas to park in the city. People who are our clients and from whom we have all the data to ensure the security of the houses. People who really love the brand and who value what the brand does for them. Describe the execution (30% of vote) More than 20 garages were implemented in the most critical areas of the city. Tha campaign started with a Facebook post where people were asked if they would like an idea like this one. Then, Toyota owners were invited to order their limited edition kechains from Toyota dealers. List the results (30% of vote) Toyota owners loved the campaign. The sales of the new models of Toyota increased by 5% during the time of the campaign. We surveyed our customers and 98% told us that the campaign seemed like a great solution for parking problems in the city. Please tell us how you designed/adapted your campaign for the single country / region / market where it aired. This campaign was designed specifically for the city of Lima. A city demographically complicated by an excess of inhabitants in a city that was designed for three times less people. In the most important districts of the city it is almost impossible to park and this idea is a real solution for this problem.



    The Parking Spot Billboards










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