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    Dragibus Black Fortune

    案例简介:背景 Haribo是小熊软糖的发明者,几十年来一直受到孩子们和成年人的喜爱。 其多种口味的糖果品牌Dragibus,迅猎兽的主要对手,代表了其在法国15% 的业务。但是,自1973年以来,销售额首次下降。 因此,在2018年,Dragibus决定通过发布其标志性的多味糖果品牌的限量版重新激活客户对该品牌的喜爱,该品牌仅由black Dragibus制成。 简报是 “在1万美元的预算内找到一个简单有效的激活,让人们意识到并对这些新的黑色德拉吉布斯感兴趣” (引用德拉吉布斯营销总监的话)。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 这个想法是: “Dragibus Black Fortune”,这是推特上的一个简单激活,可以赢得一整年的黑色Dragibus。 用 # DragibusBlackFortune发推,但有一个转折: 没有人应该在接下来的15分钟内发同样的标签。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们观察到人们在Twitter上的对话中提到了Dragibus。他们与kindyless主要谈论什么颜色和味道对他们来说是最好的,我们可以感受到爱,甚至对品牌的上瘾。然后我们发现了少数黑人支持社区。对他们来说,毫无疑问,黑衣裤是所有人的国王! 所以,我们决定去100% 社交,在有影响力的人的帮助下,把所有这些转换的力量变成我们激活黑色财富的燃料,最终找到一种方式来庆祝球迷中的黑龙迷。 我们打赌它会像病毒一样传播… 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 为了坚持产品的DNA,我们为广告选择了黑色处理。 我们决定稍微扭转一下这个品牌通常的声音 -- 甜美友好 -- 并以一种更具斗志的方式适应我们的观众。 我们首先在Dragibus France Twitter的帐户上发布了一段视频,以解释即将发生的事情。 我们的目标是影响我们糖果的粉丝与大型社区。 第二天,我们发布了我们的直播视频,人们可以通过发推特来赢得比赛。 黑色财富激活立即成为一个热门话题,持续了15个小时。 我们与Twitter合作改善了该活动的广告及其成就。 我们让一个社区经理团队负责,很快,第二个团队帮助应对这场运动的成功。 最后,这次行动取得了巨大成功,并有助于招募新的追随者。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 推特历史上最长的真人活动: 35天、18小时、19分钟和41秒 7分钟有机TT,持续了15个小时 35天内每47秒1条推文 65 822推文 3.5百万印象,只有1万美元的预算

    Dragibus Black Fortune

    案例简介:Background Haribo, inventor of the gummy bear, is loved by kids and grown-ups since decades. Its multiflavored candy brand Dragibus, the main opponent to Skittles, represents 15% of its business in France. But, for the first time since 1973, the sales are decreasing. So, in 2018, Dragibus decided to reactivate customer’s love to the brand, by releasing a limited edition of its iconic multiflavored candy brand, made exclusively of black Dragibus. The brief was “to find a simple and efficient activation, within a $10K budget to make people aware and interested in these new packs of black Dragibus” (quoting Dragibus Marketing Director). Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The idea : “Dragibus Black Fortune”, a simple activation on Twitter to win a whole year’s worth of black Dragibuses. Tweet with the #DragibusBlackFortune, but there is a twist : no one else should tweet the same hashtag within the next 15 minutes. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We observed that people mentioned Dragibus in their conversations on Twitter. They talked with kindless mainly about what color and taste was the best to them, and we could feel the love, and even addiction to the brand. We then spotted a small number of black Dragibus supporting communities. They were no doubt to them that the black Dragibus was king of all! So, we decided to go 100% social and, with help of influencers, to turn all this conversional power into the fuel for our Dragibus Black Fortune activation, to finally find a way to celebrate The black Dragibuses fan among the fans. And we bet it would go viral… Describe the execution (20% of vote) To stick to the product’s DNA, we chose a black treatment for the AD. We decided to twist a little the usual tone of voice of the brand - sweet and friendly – and to adapt it to our audience, in a more fighting spirit way. We first launched a video on Dragibus France Twitter’s account to explain what was coming up. We targeted influencers fans of our candies with large communities. The day after, we released our live video where people could try to win by tweeting with the #DragibusBlackFortune. The BlackFortune activation went immediately a Trending Topic, for 15hours. We worked with Twitter to improve the campaign’s AD and its achievements. We put a team of Community Managers in charge, and soon, a second one to help facing the success of the campaign. Finally, the operation was a huge success and contributed to recruit new followers. List the results (30% of vote) The longest live action campaign in Twitter’s history : 35days, 18hours, 19min, and 41s Organic TT in 7 minutes, that lasted for 15 hours 1 tweet every 47 seconds during 35 days 65 822 tweets 3.5 Millions impressions with only a $10K budget

    Dragibus Black Fortune

    案例简介:背景 Haribo是小熊软糖的发明者,几十年来一直受到孩子们和成年人的喜爱。 其多种口味的糖果品牌Dragibus,迅猎兽的主要对手,代表了其在法国15% 的业务。但是,自1973年以来,销售额首次下降。 因此,在2018年,Dragibus决定通过发布其标志性的多味糖果品牌的限量版重新激活客户对该品牌的喜爱,该品牌仅由black Dragibus制成。 简报是 “在1万美元的预算内找到一个简单有效的激活,让人们意识到并对这些新的黑色德拉吉布斯感兴趣” (引用德拉吉布斯营销总监的话)。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 这个想法是: “Dragibus Black Fortune”,这是推特上的一个简单激活,可以赢得一整年的黑色Dragibus。 用 # DragibusBlackFortune发推,但有一个转折: 没有人应该在接下来的15分钟内发同样的标签。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们观察到人们在Twitter上的对话中提到了Dragibus。他们与kindyless主要谈论什么颜色和味道对他们来说是最好的,我们可以感受到爱,甚至对品牌的上瘾。然后我们发现了少数黑人支持社区。对他们来说,毫无疑问,黑衣裤是所有人的国王! 所以,我们决定去100% 社交,在有影响力的人的帮助下,把所有这些转换的力量变成我们激活黑色财富的燃料,最终找到一种方式来庆祝球迷中的黑龙迷。 我们打赌它会像病毒一样传播… 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 为了坚持产品的DNA,我们为广告选择了黑色处理。 我们决定稍微扭转一下这个品牌通常的声音 -- 甜美友好 -- 并以一种更具斗志的方式适应我们的观众。 我们首先在Dragibus France Twitter的帐户上发布了一段视频,以解释即将发生的事情。 我们的目标是影响我们糖果的粉丝与大型社区。 第二天,我们发布了我们的直播视频,人们可以通过发推特来赢得比赛。 黑色财富激活立即成为一个热门话题,持续了15个小时。 我们与Twitter合作改善了该活动的广告及其成就。 我们让一个社区经理团队负责,很快,第二个团队帮助应对这场运动的成功。 最后,这次行动取得了巨大成功,并有助于招募新的追随者。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 推特历史上最长的真人活动: 35天、18小时、19分钟和41秒 7分钟有机TT,持续了15个小时 35天内每47秒1条推文 65 822推文 3.5百万印象,只有1万美元的预算

    Dragibus Black Fortune

    案例简介:Background Haribo, inventor of the gummy bear, is loved by kids and grown-ups since decades. Its multiflavored candy brand Dragibus, the main opponent to Skittles, represents 15% of its business in France. But, for the first time since 1973, the sales are decreasing. So, in 2018, Dragibus decided to reactivate customer’s love to the brand, by releasing a limited edition of its iconic multiflavored candy brand, made exclusively of black Dragibus. The brief was “to find a simple and efficient activation, within a $10K budget to make people aware and interested in these new packs of black Dragibus” (quoting Dragibus Marketing Director). Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The idea : “Dragibus Black Fortune”, a simple activation on Twitter to win a whole year’s worth of black Dragibuses. Tweet with the #DragibusBlackFortune, but there is a twist : no one else should tweet the same hashtag within the next 15 minutes. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We observed that people mentioned Dragibus in their conversations on Twitter. They talked with kindless mainly about what color and taste was the best to them, and we could feel the love, and even addiction to the brand. We then spotted a small number of black Dragibus supporting communities. They were no doubt to them that the black Dragibus was king of all! So, we decided to go 100% social and, with help of influencers, to turn all this conversional power into the fuel for our Dragibus Black Fortune activation, to finally find a way to celebrate The black Dragibuses fan among the fans. And we bet it would go viral… Describe the execution (20% of vote) To stick to the product’s DNA, we chose a black treatment for the AD. We decided to twist a little the usual tone of voice of the brand - sweet and friendly – and to adapt it to our audience, in a more fighting spirit way. We first launched a video on Dragibus France Twitter’s account to explain what was coming up. We targeted influencers fans of our candies with large communities. The day after, we released our live video where people could try to win by tweeting with the #DragibusBlackFortune. The BlackFortune activation went immediately a Trending Topic, for 15hours. We worked with Twitter to improve the campaign’s AD and its achievements. We put a team of Community Managers in charge, and soon, a second one to help facing the success of the campaign. Finally, the operation was a huge success and contributed to recruit new followers. List the results (30% of vote) The longest live action campaign in Twitter’s history : 35days, 18hours, 19min, and 41s Organic TT in 7 minutes, that lasted for 15 hours 1 tweet every 47 seconds during 35 days 65 822 tweets 3.5 Millions impressions with only a $10K budget

    Dragibus Black Fortune


    Dragibus Black Fortune






    广告公司: Marcel (法国 巴黎)




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