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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与创意数据相关? 我的照顾者是从阿尔茨海默氏症协会数百小时的研究中收集的数据的结果。我们从焦点和测试小组开始,只涉及痴呆症患者,以便为他们的实际需求提供真正的解决方案,帮助他们过上更好、独立的生活。 我的照顾者不仅直接帮助那些患有痴呆症的人,而且还为那些现在可以花更少时间照顾他们的亲戚提供了安心。此外,这项技能使阿尔茨海默氏症协会能够直接从患者那里收集数据,这些数据将用于支持进一步的研究。 背景 在英国,有850,000人患有痴呆症,上升到100万2025年。 对于那些处于疾病早期阶段的人来说,保持独立至关重要。他们努力通过写便利贴、日记和清单来提醒他们该做什么来管理他们的日常生活。然而,提醒是不够的。他们可能会忘记完成一项任务所需的所有步骤,比如服药或如何准备午餐。亲戚偶尔可以养活他们,但他们也有自己的生活。全职护理人员可能是一种解决方案,但对于大多数人来说,这是负担不起的。 描述想法/数据解决方案 (投票20%) 我的照顾者,一项Alexa技能,可帮助患有早期痴呆症的人遵循日常生活并保持独立性。它的功能不仅提醒他们该做什么,还一步一步地指导他们,直到他们完成日常任务。从提醒他们如何服药,到如何准备午餐。这项技能询问他们是否完成了任务,如果没有,它会提醒他们在15分钟后一次又一次地完成任务,直到任务完成。如果患者未回复该技能,则会向亲戚发送通知。 还收集了使用数据,这将使技能能够根据每个患者的需求进行定制,但也有助于阿尔茨海默氏症协会识别和研究以前看不见的行为模式,并预测痴呆症的阶段。 描述数据驱动策略 (投票30%) 通过查看阿尔茨海默氏症协会先前的研究并采访了许多患有痴呆症的人,我们发现那些生活在痴呆症早期阶段的人希望保持独立。 “因为阿尔茨海默氏病和其他类型的痴呆症会使学习新事物变得困难; 对于痴呆症患者和她周围的人来说,使用既定的、一致的常规可以让人平静和放心” *。 这就是我们决定将常规放在技能核心的原因。在开发过程中,我们一直与痴呆症患者紧密合作,并进行了多轮焦点和测试小组,以根据他们的需求调整我们的产品。该技能已变得足够灵活,可以在不同情况下帮助不同的患者满足自己的个人需求。 * https://www.verywellhealth.com/使用-痴呆症常规-97625 描述数据的创造性使用,或者数据如何增强创造性输出 (投票30%) 通过应用程序/网站,护理人员甚至患有痴呆症的人都可以逐步使用说明自定义整个程序。 在预定的时间,Alexa发送语音通知,让患者知道有新任务要做。该技能通过交互式指导来支持该人,并验证每个步骤是否完成,直到完成任务为止。 使用Echo Show时,用户甚至可以添加项目和位置的图像,以使步骤更加清晰。 如果患者没有回复技能或完成任务,我的照顾者会向亲戚或照顾者发送通知,让他们采取行动。 该技能支持可定制的任务,例如何时服药,指导如何准备饭菜,收集物品以准备约会,音乐治疗课程以及向亲人发起呼叫。 列出数据驱动结果 (投票20%) 在接受测试小组超过85% 后,我的照顾者准备帮助英国各地的痴呆症患者。 对于患有痴呆症的人来说,它也是最实惠的数字工具,因为除了需要拥有Amazon Alexa设备之外,我的照顾者对每个人都是完全免费的。 但是,技能的发展和为进一步研究收集的数据将有助于阿尔茨海默氏症协会获得更多的资金,增加捐款以支持它。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Creative Data? My Carer is the result of data collected from hundreds of hours of research with the Alzheimer’s Society. We started with focus and testing groups, involving only people living with dementia in order to provide a genuine solution for their real needs, to help them live a better, independent life. My Carer is not only directly helping those who live with dementia, but it also provides peace of mind to relatives who can now spend less time caring for them. Moreover, the skill enables Alzheimer’s Society to collect data from patients directly, that will be used to support further research. Background There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK, rising to 1 million by 2025. For those in the early stages of the disease, staying independent is paramount. They struggle to manage their daily routine by writing post-it notes, diaries and lists to remind them what to do. However, reminders are not enough. They can forget all the steps required to complete a task like taking their medication or how to prepare their lunch. Relatives can support them occasionally, but they also have their own life. A full-time carer could be a solution, but it’s not affordable for the majority of people. Describe the idea/data solution (20% of vote) My Carer, an Alexa skill that helps people living with early stage dementia to follow their daily routine and retain their independence. Its function not only reminds them what to do but also guides them, step-by-step, until they’ve accomplished their daily tasks. From reminding them on how to take the medication, to how to prepare their lunch. The skill asks them if they’ve completed their task, and if not, it will remind them to do it once and again 15 minutes later, until the task is finished. If a patient doesn’t reply to the skill, a notification will be sent to a relative. Usage data is also collected which will enable the skill to be tailored according to the needs of each patient, but also helps Alzheimer’s Society to identify and study previously unseen patterns in behavior and predict the stages of dementia. Describe the data driven strategy (30% of vote) By looking at previous research by Alzheimer’s Society and interviewing many people living with dementia, we discovered that those who are living in the early stages of dementia want to stay independent. “Because Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia can make it difficult to learn new things; using established, consistent routines can be calming and reassuring, for both the person with dementia and those around her” *. This is the reason we decided to put routines at the heart of our skill. During the development process, we’ve been working closely with people living with dementia and had many rounds of focus and test groups to adjust our product specific to their needs. The skill has become flexible enough to help different patients, in different situations, with their own personal needs. * https://www.verywellhealth.com/using-routines-in-dementia-97625 Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output (30% of vote) Through the app/website, the carer or even the person living with dementia can customize a whole routine with instructions step by step. At the time scheduled, Alexa sends a voice notification to let the patient know there’s a new task to do. The skill supports the person with interactive guidance and verifies that each step is done until the task is completed. When using an Echo Show, the user can even add images of items and locations to make the steps even clearer. In case the patient hasn’t replied to the skill or finished the task, My Carer will send a notification to a relative or a caregiver to let them take action about. The skill supports customizable tasks such as when to take medication, guiding on how to prepare meals, gathering items in preparation for appointments, music therapy sessions and initiating calls to loved ones. List the data driven results (20% of vote) After getting over 85% of acceptance in a testing group, My Carer is ready to help people living with dementia around the UK. It is also the most affordable digital tool for people living with dementia because, besides the need of having an Amazon Alexa device, My Carer is completely free for everyone. However, the development of the skill and the data collected for further research will help Alzheimer’s Society to get more funding increase donations to support it.

    My Carer

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与创意数据相关? 我的照顾者是从阿尔茨海默氏症协会数百小时的研究中收集的数据的结果。我们从焦点和测试小组开始,只涉及痴呆症患者,以便为他们的实际需求提供真正的解决方案,帮助他们过上更好、独立的生活。 我的照顾者不仅直接帮助那些患有痴呆症的人,而且还为那些现在可以花更少时间照顾他们的亲戚提供了安心。此外,这项技能使阿尔茨海默氏症协会能够直接从患者那里收集数据,这些数据将用于支持进一步的研究。 背景 在英国,有850,000人患有痴呆症,上升到100万2025年。 对于那些处于疾病早期阶段的人来说,保持独立至关重要。他们努力通过写便利贴、日记和清单来提醒他们该做什么来管理他们的日常生活。然而,提醒是不够的。他们可能会忘记完成一项任务所需的所有步骤,比如服药或如何准备午餐。亲戚偶尔可以养活他们,但他们也有自己的生活。全职护理人员可能是一种解决方案,但对于大多数人来说,这是负担不起的。 描述想法/数据解决方案 (投票20%) 我的照顾者,一项Alexa技能,可帮助患有早期痴呆症的人遵循日常生活并保持独立性。它的功能不仅提醒他们该做什么,还一步一步地指导他们,直到他们完成日常任务。从提醒他们如何服药,到如何准备午餐。这项技能询问他们是否完成了任务,如果没有,它会提醒他们在15分钟后一次又一次地完成任务,直到任务完成。如果患者未回复该技能,则会向亲戚发送通知。 还收集了使用数据,这将使技能能够根据每个患者的需求进行定制,但也有助于阿尔茨海默氏症协会识别和研究以前看不见的行为模式,并预测痴呆症的阶段。 描述数据驱动策略 (投票30%) 通过查看阿尔茨海默氏症协会先前的研究并采访了许多患有痴呆症的人,我们发现那些生活在痴呆症早期阶段的人希望保持独立。 “因为阿尔茨海默氏病和其他类型的痴呆症会使学习新事物变得困难; 对于痴呆症患者和她周围的人来说,使用既定的、一致的常规可以让人平静和放心” *。 这就是我们决定将常规放在技能核心的原因。在开发过程中,我们一直与痴呆症患者紧密合作,并进行了多轮焦点和测试小组,以根据他们的需求调整我们的产品。该技能已变得足够灵活,可以在不同情况下帮助不同的患者满足自己的个人需求。 * https://www.verywellhealth.com/使用-痴呆症常规-97625 描述数据的创造性使用,或者数据如何增强创造性输出 (投票30%) 通过应用程序/网站,护理人员甚至患有痴呆症的人都可以逐步使用说明自定义整个程序。 在预定的时间,Alexa发送语音通知,让患者知道有新任务要做。该技能通过交互式指导来支持该人,并验证每个步骤是否完成,直到完成任务为止。 使用Echo Show时,用户甚至可以添加项目和位置的图像,以使步骤更加清晰。 如果患者没有回复技能或完成任务,我的照顾者会向亲戚或照顾者发送通知,让他们采取行动。 该技能支持可定制的任务,例如何时服药,指导如何准备饭菜,收集物品以准备约会,音乐治疗课程以及向亲人发起呼叫。 列出数据驱动结果 (投票20%) 在接受测试小组超过85% 后,我的照顾者准备帮助英国各地的痴呆症患者。 对于患有痴呆症的人来说,它也是最实惠的数字工具,因为除了需要拥有Amazon Alexa设备之外,我的照顾者对每个人都是完全免费的。 但是,技能的发展和为进一步研究收集的数据将有助于阿尔茨海默氏症协会获得更多的资金,增加捐款以支持它。

    My Carer

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Creative Data? My Carer is the result of data collected from hundreds of hours of research with the Alzheimer’s Society. We started with focus and testing groups, involving only people living with dementia in order to provide a genuine solution for their real needs, to help them live a better, independent life. My Carer is not only directly helping those who live with dementia, but it also provides peace of mind to relatives who can now spend less time caring for them. Moreover, the skill enables Alzheimer’s Society to collect data from patients directly, that will be used to support further research. Background There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK, rising to 1 million by 2025. For those in the early stages of the disease, staying independent is paramount. They struggle to manage their daily routine by writing post-it notes, diaries and lists to remind them what to do. However, reminders are not enough. They can forget all the steps required to complete a task like taking their medication or how to prepare their lunch. Relatives can support them occasionally, but they also have their own life. A full-time carer could be a solution, but it’s not affordable for the majority of people. Describe the idea/data solution (20% of vote) My Carer, an Alexa skill that helps people living with early stage dementia to follow their daily routine and retain their independence. Its function not only reminds them what to do but also guides them, step-by-step, until they’ve accomplished their daily tasks. From reminding them on how to take the medication, to how to prepare their lunch. The skill asks them if they’ve completed their task, and if not, it will remind them to do it once and again 15 minutes later, until the task is finished. If a patient doesn’t reply to the skill, a notification will be sent to a relative. Usage data is also collected which will enable the skill to be tailored according to the needs of each patient, but also helps Alzheimer’s Society to identify and study previously unseen patterns in behavior and predict the stages of dementia. Describe the data driven strategy (30% of vote) By looking at previous research by Alzheimer’s Society and interviewing many people living with dementia, we discovered that those who are living in the early stages of dementia want to stay independent. “Because Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia can make it difficult to learn new things; using established, consistent routines can be calming and reassuring, for both the person with dementia and those around her” *. This is the reason we decided to put routines at the heart of our skill. During the development process, we’ve been working closely with people living with dementia and had many rounds of focus and test groups to adjust our product specific to their needs. The skill has become flexible enough to help different patients, in different situations, with their own personal needs. * https://www.verywellhealth.com/using-routines-in-dementia-97625 Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output (30% of vote) Through the app/website, the carer or even the person living with dementia can customize a whole routine with instructions step by step. At the time scheduled, Alexa sends a voice notification to let the patient know there’s a new task to do. The skill supports the person with interactive guidance and verifies that each step is done until the task is completed. When using an Echo Show, the user can even add images of items and locations to make the steps even clearer. In case the patient hasn’t replied to the skill or finished the task, My Carer will send a notification to a relative or a caregiver to let them take action about. The skill supports customizable tasks such as when to take medication, guiding on how to prepare meals, gathering items in preparation for appointments, music therapy sessions and initiating calls to loved ones. List the data driven results (20% of vote) After getting over 85% of acceptance in a testing group, My Carer is ready to help people living with dementia around the UK. It is also the most affordable digital tool for people living with dementia because, besides the need of having an Amazon Alexa device, My Carer is completely free for everyone. However, the development of the skill and the data collected for further research will help Alzheimer’s Society to get more funding increase donations to support it.



    My Carer






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